“I’m a straight white suburban woman in my fifties.”
I’m a straight white male in my sixties. I don’t understand why you had to add ‘suburban,’ there?
“And Pride month can fuck right off.”
Oh, goodie. You’re a hater, but honest. Not even pretending you’d be a ‘live and let live’ person if they let you.
“You can call me Karen but my tattoos would disagree.”
So, YOU get to define ‘Karen.’ It’s all about you, is it? Oh, wait, you’re on PWITAT. You is all that matters.
“You can call me a bigot too.”
You’re the one on PWITAT.
“You already have. And a Terf—that pathetic made-up term.”
Do you not understand how acronyms work?
“I’m not radical.”
Oh, you do. So, again, YOU get to define ‘radical,’ i see.
“And only feminist as far as equal pay. The right to vote. To have a bank account and a credit card. You know, basic civil rights.”
So….. A feminist.
“The same things gay and lesbian people wanted—and received. But now… Pride is… Pride is corporations and children and paraphilias and corruption…”
And no corporations ever targeted ads at married het couples, i take it?
No child was ever forced to refer to a teacher as ‘Mrs.’
And you get to decide what personalities are ‘paraphilias,’ rather than simply self-identity.
:And in the basement of my once harmonious home, my seventeen year old daughter is decorating her jean jacket with patches and little paintings, so she can wear it to the parade in our city tomorrow.”
Tell me, was your home harmony free when he came out, or when you said, ‘no you’re not.’??
"It showcases her pronouns: “HE/THEY””
Gee, i wonder why he made that a distinct point.
“and basically screams: I am a straight white girl who bought the bullshit that straight white girls are evil devil oppressors and I refuse to be that in the name of KINDNESS, y’all.”
REALY curious if this is something he yelled or something you project. I’m guessing the latter.
"So allow me into your glittery sanctum,”
That’s kinda the point of pride, innit? Sanctums for those who need it.
Next time i attend a pride event, I’ll be wearing a t-shirt that offers dad hugs because clearly it’s a necessary commodity. You’re going to die alone.