supersport #fundie
What happened to the happy-go-lucky, peace-loving athiest? The reality is atheists are dreadfully miserable, foul-mouthed individuals....Truly the pond scum of society.
What happened to the happy-go-lucky, peace-loving athiest? The reality is atheists are dreadfully miserable, foul-mouthed individuals....Truly the pond scum of society.
Even when you show people videos, science lectures, eyewitness accounts from many angles, they still just can't believe the government (and the media) would lie. And that's just how the globalists want it. One of the conditions in the Tribulation is that God "will send them a powerful delusion" for rejecting the Truth.
There were two unprecedented events to cover the diversion of the real planes: the massive exercises being done by the Air Force that day, and the blackout of air traffic control for 45 minutes on the plane that supposedly hit the Pentagon.
One theory is that there is a silent coup going on in our military, but I really think part of the reason for it all is to weed out the government workers who might not go along with the program. If they'll put up with this, they can be trusted to put up with anything-- even the eventual concentration camps already built in the desert.
Subject: Zionists stage "dry run" in Boston
World jewry is priming the pump of America's collective consciousness with their feint in Boston Mass. The real attack will come later, probably in some mid-America small city with a negligibly small jewish population. Jewry's "dry run" in Boston was done quite deliberately, to plant the idea of a terrorist attack in the minds of Americans. And, just like happened on the afternoon of 9-11, broken-English jews will be on the jewish electronic toilet broadcasting in everyone's living room, saying "God bless America!" while their Mossad bombers try to avoid detection by local police. Zionists paralyze Boston
461, we know from theology that God is never the author of confusion. By definition, He is perfect and He cannot lie. So anytime you run across a seeming contradiction, you need to back up one or two steps, and re-examine your premises. You will find that at least one of them is wrong. Now, what does that have to do with "dinosaur absurdities"? This: Isaac Newton was the culprit. Newton worked before the time of the atomic theory, and more importantly, HE WAS AN ALCHEMIST. Because of his alleged proficiency in alchemy -- it was rumored that he could turn lead or other base metal into gold or silver -- the jews made him "master of the mint," because they feared a run on the Bank of England, not long after they instituted their "fractional reserve" fraud. And the trick unfortunately worked; not enough people demanded coin for their paper notes, and the Bank of England survived. Because of his prestige, Newton also became leader of the Royal Society, and his pre-atomic idea, namely that gravity was a property of matter, and not the effect of its cooling rate, became (un)scientific "dogma" in physics. In point of fact, it still misleads us, today. Dinosaurs walked like modern crocodiles do -- not upright. Peter Bros is quite correct to point out Newton's error. Like that other scientific fraud, Albert Einstein, the insidious machinations of world jewry are behind the corruption of our scientific knowledge.
Subject: Re: Claim: Haeckel's Frauds Proved Darwin's Theory, and a New Godless Philosophy was Born That Would Rapidly Carry Nazism To Stagering Heights.
Haeckel was certainly a complete fraud, but you need to look at the larger picture. Naziism, like communism or jewish Zionism, is a "master race" doctrine. It's all the same crap, just change the flags and emblems, and the underlying doctrine is identical. Zionist jews don't want their dirty little secrets exposed, especially to gentiles, but one such secret was the Transfer Agreement between Nazi Germany and the world Zionists. The mess we have today in occupied Palestine ("Israhell") is a direct result of jewry's secret back-door deals with their supposed "adversaries." Did you know that Mussolini had a training camp for jewish terrorists (Irgun) on Italian soil, Mr. McCabe? Or that only two flags could legally be flown in Germany, after Hitler rose to power? (The swastika, and the Zionist flag.) Read Hitler's Jewish Soldiers, by Zionist author Bryan Rigg, to start seeing how much of supposed history is "agreed upon lies." And then take a look at the Dept. of Agriculture building in Washington, D.C., which is in plain sight of world jewry's "holocaust" museum. You will see swastikas adorning the frieze. The big picture is not just about Haeckel, or Darwin's nonsense; it's about who will rule the world, God's Christian old world order, or sinful (Zionist) man's "new world order."
The medical industry will never admit this, but being gay is just a symptom of the declining health of our species. Humans are indeed dying genetically. Mutations are occuring at warp speed because of our diets and because of the diets of our parents. This is why cancer, diabetes, MS, and an assortment of other degenerative diseases are rampant nowdays....because they are being passed down by our parents via epigenetics (non-DNA-related inheritance). But guess what.....being gay is just another one of these "diseases." For anyone who thinks being gay is not a may be right....check it out. The following is a decades-old experiment that you will never see repeated nowdays....not only does it contradict neo-darwinism, but it exposes that there is a reason for today's high rates of cancer, diabetes, Depression, homosexuality and other so-called "diseases."
Subject: Conspiracies
Probably the most overshadowing conspiracy issue facing the world today is The New World Order. I have an outline of the book "En Route to Global Occupation" at This Link. Under the "freemasonry" heading you can see that the ultimate roots of global government go back to ancient Babylon. Many believe that the Tower of Babel was an attempt at this very global government, which God did not permit. You can also see that many world religions have been infiltrated by this.
Satan, who wanted to rule the world from the moment sin was found in him, has been the architect of it all. Without this fact it would be difficult indeed to believe that any group would keep to a goal for millenia. Only a supernatural explanation makes sense of it. And we must never forget how Satan loathes the Jews and Christians more than everyone else, so we should expect to see these two groups as the most common scapegoats for all the world's evil. We do in fact observe this.
A nuclear radiation "hot spot" on Manhattan Island turns out to be the Israeli embassy. (Surprise! .... roight.) Are the Zionists planning on setting off a a nuclear device, somewhere on the American mainland? And why aren't our Pavlovian trained-dog reporters putting this vital "homeland security" information on the front page of every newspaper in America?
what's wrong with that statement? You don't think evolutionists scientists have tried to make a human/chimp baby? These people wish to their dirt god that they were chimps -- if they could have a baby with a female chimp they would in a heartbeat.
Ironic, isn't it? Atheists have the idea that only the theistic religions necessarily stifle independent thought, while they themselves are completely blind to the narrow-mindedness in their own religion.
It is the evos who want to silence all other interpretations of scientific observation. People like Gould and Dawkins are actively and openly pulling every dirty trick in the book to force all public thought into their tiny, intolerant, biased box. They do this because they cannot stand scrutiny. Science welcomes examination, but evo runs from it like roaches from the light. They fear creationism because it exposes the religious intolerance and anti-science of evo for all the world to see.
As I've said, if we're all just pond scum with eyeballs, then nothing anybody believes matters. So by ranting and screaming about religious belief, they prove that there really is more to life than accidents. They cannot answer the question of where matter came from and whine if anybody tries to make them think about it. But instead of going all over CZ to spew ignorance like they do, I just post the truth here. Anybody who is truly open and not afraid to examine all evidence can find it here. Even if I never quoted the evos, it would take a lifetime to bring balance to the discussion due to their ownership of all the media and schools.
Rabbi (and "dual citizen") Chertoff's face looks somewhat like Lenin's. Lenin was the reptilian mattoid who inflicted communism on mother Russia in 1917 (using money he got from Wall Street's Schiff family), and Lenin later had Christian Tsar Nicholas II and his family murdered.
Life was created one of two ways: either the material created the spiritual or the spiritual created the material.
Science is based on the flawed premise that the material created the spiritual. The whole platform of darwinist materialism is based on "things." Materialists only acknowledge life as an accumulation of physical "things." That's why they'd love nothing more than to be able to explain life by the things they can see. For 50 years these "things" were genes. But thanks to the Human Genome Project, they are realizing -- or at least some of them are -- that the culmination of our genes are not what makes us who we are. Yet, that hasn't stopped them from spending billions of hours in the past decades categorizing species, analyzing molecules, labeling all the shades and colors and trivial physical characteristics of animals and much more. Little do they know that it's the intrinsic properties that explain life. Life is not and will never be explained by looking at the physical. When an animal adapts to its environment, the first step is not an accidental change in a single structure, it's a wholistic phenomenon that begins with an intelligent "idea" or "sensation." Neither of these two can be scientifically measured -- thus materialists ignore them as if they don't exist.
Re: liberals are angry tahts all they know
Yes, it's sad. We keep trying to tell them that we speak out because we don't want anyone to go to hell, but they just don't understand. If we didn't care we wouldn't try to warn them. And I'll never understand why it's always only the God of the Bible they hate, even though the gods of other religions are vile and never offer their followers any real, guaranteed hope.
But of course the explanation is that Satan fills them with this hatred.
Man's sin caused his demise....eating improperly just brings it on quicker.
[Excerpts from a post titled "God vs. the Flying Spaghetti Monster"]
"If evolution/naturalism is true, then who cares about anything at all? We're all just pond scum with eyeballs anyway, so why spend so much time fighting against religious faith?"
"In atheism, there is no truth, no right and wrong, nothing at all beyond our senses, but they scream if anybody disagrees with them. . . . Not a religion? Actions speak louder than words. Just look at the juvenile mockery, the straw men, the hatred they show for all who do not belong to the religion called Atheism. Those sites are filled with this crap, yet they think themselves to be rational and intelligent."
"You might also try reminding them that much of their belief system relies on hypothetical entities in physics (which means blind faith in theories that can't be proved). For example, the Big Bang theory is coming under increasing criticism by a growing number of scientists, most of whom are atheists. Atheists were not there to see the BB yet they have absolute blind faith in it, even when many of their own 'high priests' have abandoned it."
"If all life evolved, and living things are dependent upon each other, then how did they all evolve in perfect balance? This takes more blind faith that anything most other religions ask for."
"Another tool in the atheists' bag is to make up rules for debate that tilt the game in their favor. They'll insist that you can't use the Bible in any of your arguments, yet they'll use their own religious writings which assert that naturalism is true. . . . They get to operate on the basis of their biased world view while banning yours."
homosexuals should be thrown in jail like in the good ole days....maybe we could let them pick up trash on the side of the road while they're all linked together with chains. At least that way Aids would be confined to prisons as opposed to infecting the rest of society and dragging everyone else down with them.
His phony reputation and his "Nobel prize" came about because one of his fellow Zionist slimeballs photographed light supposingly "bending" as Mercury moved past the sun. But years later, we found out that this jew-accomplice of Mr. Fraud himself, low IQ Einstein, fudged the data -- he only approved the publication of the photos that seemed to support Einstein's "relativity" claptrap, and he disallowed and discarded the photos showing NO bending. In plain English, "The fix was in." One Christkilling jew, conspiring to help another one -- what a surprise! It reminds one of Rabbi Chertoff letting the 5 laughing Israelis go back to Israel after 9-11, instead of shipping those murderers down to Guantanomo for torture. Here's a 1200 page book on what a slimeball Einstein was, "Corinthian" : the manufacture and sale of saint einstein. Do you have the guts to even READ it? Because I know already that you'll never refute it -- it happens to be the truth, and the truth has the same effect on anti-Christian Zionist rabid dogs as a silver bullet has, on vampires ..... 54423.