
Pliggy #dunning-kruger fldsview.blogspot.com

[From 2009, "Elissa Wall, Victim of who?"]

Elissa Wall was 14 when she was betrothed to a young man, a man who is hard working, dedicated, and very kind. Yet Elissa would have you believe that she was forced to marry him against her will. That is not true. Of course a jury of his "peers" riled up by the fabricated evidence, biased media, and bitter former members lies, agreed, with the help of a prejudiced judge, and put an innocent man behind bars. The man was convicted of rape. Convicted not for touching her in any way, not by requiring anything of her against her will, but for asking her the "typical" accomplice's words: "Do you take this man to be your husband of your own free will and choice?" Amazing

Of course the "official story" says that she was crying etc before the wedding. Do you think it might have been due to the fact that she was nervous, and anxious? You mean like every other girl gets before her wedding?[…]
These pictures are not of the man convicted, no, they are of the man that Elissa herself calls a "victim" as well. I certainly cannot argue that he was NOT a victim (of her). This man here has not even gone to trial yet

Here they were taking pictures after the ceremony. Certainly she was very much against all this, having such a young man who is as new to this as she is[…]
Here is the trip they went on together shortly after, can't you see it? She must have been suffering immensely!

Finally she had enough (abuse?), so she began partying without him, and met a really cool party dude named Lamont Barlow. But of course she did not want her victim and family to notice, so she would go home to her victim after sleeping with another man[…]
I hold no judgment as to Elissa Wall, or her Lamont, except to discern. I hope only that she has the happiness of her own choosing as I would anyone else[…]I have told the truth here, despite the lies that she has spread, including her fictional account written in her book

Pliggy #racist #fundie fldsview.blogspot.com

[From "The Racist"]

I want to tell you the audio that you hear Warren Jeffs talking about the black race, almost all of it was him reading quotes from 19th century Mormon prophets. The bitter people who put out the snipped recording took all of the neutral and positive comments out and only have the worst sounding quotes they could find. He explained the teachings about the black culture and the truth about the black race as the FLDS believe it. Warren Jeffs is no more a bigot than I am. But the term racist can fit us, because we do believe races are different, and are treated differently in the gospel[…]
I had an email conversation with a black Mormon man who was looking to the FLDS so he could live polygyny in a religiously sanctioned way, as his wife was unable to have children. We parted on good terms[…]I, like those in the black community, understand and accept racial identity and I am glad for my heritage

The FLDS people believe that we are LITERALLY descendants of Ephraim, the son of Joseph who was sold into Egypt. As a Israelite, you cannot mix with other races[…]It is Biblical to marry within your heritage. In the Old Testament only the sons of Levi could be Priests, and since the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ, Only Ephraimites can be priests[…]
We believe that the dark skin is a "curse" upon a certain family, but we believe that all people since the time of Adam have "curses" placed upon them. A curse is an obstacle that must be overcome[…]The black man was cursed as a community because of what their ancient forefathers did. They must live with the curse throughout this life, and can overcome the uncivilized nature of their curse[…]
According to some historians Elijah Abel was a black man who was ordained to the priesthood by Joseph Smith. I believe that there were two Elijah Abel's and one was black while the other was not. They were both members of the church

Pliggy #fundie #psycho fldsview.blogspot.com

[From "Blood Atonement"]

No doctrine of Mormon theology is more misunderstood, and feared, than that of blood atonement. This is mostly due to the apostate, murderous, John D Lee. Who masterminded an attack on a group of people in the southern Utah hilltop called "Mountain Meadow"[…]
Blood atonement is in essence capital punishment. It is an answer to justice. It is a law that is to punish a guilty person for a very serious crime, as capital punishment is in the justice system now. If a man is a murderer, he cannot be forgiven in this life at all, no matter what else he does. He must give his life in an effort, on his part, to atone for his sin. He needs to have his blood actually shed upon the ground as an act of atonement, in an effort of repentance
Blood atonement was also taught by Brigham Young to be necessary for the sin of adultery[…]Once a man is ordained as an elder, and is sealed to his wife or wives by the Priesthood, and then commits adultery, his sin necessitates blood atonement. He cannot become baptized again after that sin, so he must either find his way somewhere else, or atone by giving his life. The same for a woman. This is what “destroyed” is referring to in Section 132 of the Doctrine and Covenants

This is a law of God that the people of ancient Israel lived when there was no other government over them. Achan was the first documented case. Some say that it was observed in the Utah territory during the days when Brigham Young was the Prophet. But when there is another government over the people which govern these things, they are subject to them. So those who want to atone by blood for adultery CANNOT at this time unless the civil government passes the law and administers it

Yea, yea, I bet some of you are saying. Why cant you perform blood atonement that is against the law, if you allow polygny which is against the law? Simple. One administers life, the other takes it

Pliggy #fundie #dunning-kruger fldsview.blogspot.com

[From "Religious Religion", in 2008]

There is a reason the FLDS have the most bitter apostates of all other religions. The reason is simple; it is the very most religious[…]Everything about life in the FLDS is part of the religious faith, starting with how life begins and families are formed, to daily habits and interactions, to everything even beyond death. The greater the importance anything is in life, the greater faith and religiously strict it is

But when faith disappears, and is replaced by fear and justification for disobedience to the faith, it is like a light switch being turned off, everything sacred becomes everything hated. We are each light bulbs, and when someone explains most everything as dark, it is pretty obvious that the light bulb of faith is off

Most people are rather indifferent about how other groups of people believe and live. Even though they do have prejudices against them[…]they usually don’t become crusaders without the help of information and leadership from ex members who paint everything possible with the dark colors of bitterness. The worse they make it look, the more support and celebrity they get, and the less likely anyone asks for a second opinion[…]
The apostates and their cult following call them: “forced assigned marriage”, “brainwashed sex slaves”, and “abusive Nazi dictator controlling their lives through fear”. The devil himself couldn’t twist the religion worse, and yet that is not the worst. They include “racial hatred”, and “blood atonement” as some central theme for the FLDS against those who apostatize. Only filthy and murderous hearts would spread such things[…]
It is because of me and my love, and the love others have for these wonderful doctrines and great men, that the apostates and their followers, with the media and government officials who love their dark hearted stories, hate the FLDS; most especially the leader. And it doesn't matter what his name is

Pliggy #fundie #dunning-kruger fldsview.blogspot.com

[From "Top Ten Signs You Are A Victim of Religious Persecution"]

10. When people talk about where THEY live it is a four-plex, apartment building or ranch. When they talk about the four-plex, apartment or ranch YOU live at, it is a compound
9. Your religion is constantly referred to as a cult, or a sect
8. The state decides how your children are to worship by taking away their religious documents and scriptures
7. When you move to a state, laws are changed specifically to target your religion
6. The only adults in your state NOT allowed to MARRY at 14 or 16 years old are the members of your congregation
5. Based on looks given to someone in a courtroom, you are now religious fanatics and are prone to violence
4. The state accepts birth certificates as proof of age for everyone, except those practicing your religion
3. You can't have your children back unless you denounce your religion, and take classes learning how to think like them
2. Your leader is put on the top ten most wanted list, and hunted like a terrrorist; for performing a wedding ceremony
1. The children of your religion are hauled away in buses displaying the name of another church