I have been reading about and researching vaccinations for about 20 years, and based on what I've read, I have never vaccinated my children nor would I ever. No vaccine is safe. Every vaccine--and I mean EVERY--causes damage. But here is some background on the two most "successful" of the vaccines....
Vaccination is not based on real science. The first small pox vaccine was developed using cow pox pus--and was claimed a success. How is that possible? How could exposure to cow pox give you immunity to small pox? Sounds like Jewish voodoo to me. Small pox was eradicated only after they cleaned up the public sanitation, water, and food supplies.
The polio vaccine was another Jewish disaster. The initial Jewish-Salk vaccine was causing so many problems in vaccinated children that they had to withdraw it. For years it had SV40 (Simian Virus 40) in it--and SV40 was turning up in brain tumors 20 years later.
Medical researchers have never been able to isolate the "polio virus" in supposedly infected tissue of victims. What does that tell you? What it tells me is that the supposed polio virus may not, in fact, be the real cause of paralytic polio symptoms.
The first polio outbreaks in this country occurred in rural areas in New England, which is unusual for infectious diseases--which tend to concentrate in densely populated urban areas with poor hygiene. And the appearance of polio coincided with the initial use of a new generation of pesticides like DDT, which kill insects by causing paralysis.
There were doctors in New England at the time who voiced their belief that these paralytic symptoms could be caused by these new pesticides, but they were ignored.
And then it started showing up in cities, but why? Mothers became terrified of polio and would fumigate their homes with these paralytic-causing insecticides and their children would start showing symptoms depending on the severity of the exposure. They used airplanes to spray entire communities with these paralytic agents.
Polio was "eradicated" not by the bogus vaccine but rather by quietly removing those insecticides from the household markets--but even more by re-defining the symptoms of polio out of existence by diagnosing it as something else. The CDC no longer allows family doctors to diagnose polio--it must be done by submitting a stool sample to the CDC, and they will never diagnose any new cases of polio so as to keep up the illusion that the polio vaccine actually worked.