
Alison D #transphobia #homophobia grahamlinehan.substack.com

There’s a very well followed Twitter account dedicated to The Muppets that I used to enjoy, as an adult who likes a bit of nostalgia. Just recently, the guy who runs it has started tweeting more about his own life/beliefs and all sorts of bizarre, sexualised interpretations of these characters, which are FOR CHILDREN, eg:

- The Fraggles are asexual/nonbinary (clip of one scene where a character is referred to as “they”).
- A puppet cow who has a posh/camp voice is secret code for drag queens.
- How he and his wife are both bi and queer and how all their other genderqueer pals are their “tribe”.
- Photos of him and said wife getting married in their kiddie cartoon clobber/visiting Disneyland etc. I hardly need to add that they don’t have any children themselves.

I’ve unfollowed it because it is setting off all my alarm bells.

Anonymous #transphobia grahamlinehan.substack.com

Easy Mode
That if-then logical fallacy is not good for women, who lose legal protection and representation when biological sex is a category open to personal interpretation informed by trans Reddit mods. Under gender self-ID, there is one kind of woman, born female, protected and regulated for her reproductive biology, and born male, whether he keeps his penis or has it removed, though the chances of that are between 5 and 13 percent. Woman and self-ID transwoman are one, impossible to differentiate by any criteria, and equal in women’s rights and protections, including single-sex spaces.

Single-sex spaces exist because even a casual glance at arrest and conviction records shows that allowing men to share public facilities with women is dangerous to women, especially women prisoners. Nicola Sturgeon might admit, after a bottle of wine, that self-ID is unpopular when it rapes women and puts on a wig to dodge getting locked up with other men. Scotland thought so when it asked her if a double rapist, self-IDing after he got caught, was a woman or a fraud opting into Easy Mode jail, where the women can’t get away.

The shortly thereafter ex-First Minister was backed into a corner by the question of a double rapist’s womanhood. It was hard going, as ‘woman’ is now an undefinable and exclusionary term in trans ideology, except of course for transwomen, who are women because they are women.
The my-way-or-the-highway branding “Transwomen are Women” does not work for women. It is high fantasy that any man who cares to enter a single-sex space with women and girls can do so without diminishing the privacy, dignity and safety of those women and girls.

The idea that any man deserves access to any female space is pure misogynistic resentment. To the aggrieved male, women have shot right past equality and on into privilege over him, attacking his status with diversity hiring, assembling without men, and failing to defer.

The men who use self-ID access to publicly flaunt a fetish or opportunistically harm women and girls far outnumber the tiny population of genuinely dysphoric men for whom medical transition is a legitimate treatment. It is not feasible, however, for women to attempt to separate them at the changing room door.

Various TERFs #moonbat #sexist #transphobia grahamlinehan.substack.com

(Graham Linehan)
Stop with the 'both sides' bullshit

'Terfs' are ordinary women defending their rights; trans rights activists are abusive monsters

It is profoundly ignorant to talk about “both sides” needing to tone down the rhetoric in this debate. There is only one side that sends death and rape threats, only one side that tries to destroy livelihoods, only one side motivated so transparently by misogyny, envy and spite. If you see someone taking the ‘both sides’ trope out for a trot, ask them to produce anything by me, Jess De Wahls, JK Rowling or Maya Forstater, or any other gender critical person, that even comes close to the poisonous filth produced by the men above.

I get so annoyed when the media says we are as bad as the other.

I heard LBC saying the subject is so divisive. No, it doesn't have to be. The only reason they say we are as bad as them is because they know they'd have a bunch of manic, sobbing, emotionally wounded men in makeup crying of the trauma the media caused them, if they don't.

What is anger inducing is if there was a group of men all dressing up in some kind of uniforms from the second world war and spewing this kind of bile at a specific religion and its people, they would be shut down instantly.

Yet Men dressing in Women's clothes (and usually a caricature of what they *want* women to be wearing) can spew threats and bile with abandon and are applauded and supported by the media. The Women being threatened and attacked and losing their livelihood are dismissed as being "mean".


If you reject the penis you're a TERF.

Funny how the TW don't want to date other TW. Almost like they have a preference. How terfy and bigoted of them!!

Tess of the Terfervilles #sexist #transphobia grahamlinehan.substack.com

Predators - paedos and pervs - must be unable to believe their luck! Not only can they get away with this shit, they have a load of WOMEN who are helping them! Effectively pinning the entire female sex, and children, down for men to rape! Forgive them mother for they know not what they do? They numb their own minds with the cultish chanting so as to prevent that suppressed realisation from taking hold. Kind of like Susie Green. The realisation of what they have done, if acknowledged, would surely kill them.

Cassiopeia & Mower #crackpot #transphobia grahamlinehan.substack.com

When you think about it, it's so creepy. What makes a heterosexual man want to wake up and speak out on the needs of male-bodied people to access female spaces? Liberals want equality for all. Yes, we believe everyone should have the same rights as they stand in law. But when your main passion is access for cross-dressers (because that's all most trans people are these days) to identify into women's spaces, there's something wrong with you. Your wife needs to lock away her underwear. Your daughters need to watch out. That's not normal advocating for equality, that's campaigning for kinks and paraphilias.

I firmly believe there is a link between paedophilia and the current form of trans rights activism. Of course not all gender identity ideologists are paedophiles but I do see the link working the other way. I can see why paedophiles would be attracted to gender identity ideology. I know someone (a gay man in his 50s) who has an unhealthy interest in young boys. I stopped communicating with him a while ago, but, from his social media postings, it was clear he’s a strong ‘trans rights activist’. This seems to be connected with the ‘transgressive’, ‘I’m more on your side than your parents are’ vibe that comes with gender identity ideology. I was also speaking on Clubhouse a few days ago with a couple of women who have detransitioned. Despite being lesbian, both said that when they first identified and presented as “non-binary”, they had an unexpected and very uncomfortable amount of sexual attention from older gay men. One said it felt it it was all about their “young androgynous appearance”.

Kate Harris #moonbat #sexist #transphobia grahamlinehan.substack.com

My life has been ruined, ruined because of what you and various people did, directly contravening agreements that you would not add the T to a charity that was promoting LGB rights.

It's not important that my life has been ruined because I'm old and big enough and ugly enough to manage it. Can you explain to me why Stonewall is not supporting Keira Bell and every single transitioner whose life has been ruined because of your adoption of gender identity theory and queer theory? How do you feel about the fact that in the US today, there are 36,000 girls who are on a waiting list to have top surgery? Is that something that you can sleep with at night? Because I can't.

So LGB alliance is focused on telling the truth. Having fact-based dialogue, telling the truth to girls, but it's great to be a girl. It's great to be a lesbian. You do not have to cut off your breasts and pretend you're a boy because you’re gender nonconforming. Stonewall, you are responsible for this. And I blame you for not supporting Keira Bell and every other detransitioner. I blame you for supporting men's involvement in (women’s) rugby. How can you do that!? That's clearly dangerous! And I blame you fundamentally for lying. Gender Identity ideology is based on a pack of lies. And everyone on this call who actually considers the background of gender identity theory and queer theory, knows that.

I would finally like to say the LGB Alliance, and I suspect everyone on this call, fully supports the rights of transsexuals to every equality under the law. We don't want them discriminated against at work. We don't want them discriminated against in housing, or in health, and the fastest growing demographic that supports LGB Alliance are transexuals.