
Julie Burchill #transphobia #conspiracy spectator.co.uk

What do Munroe Bergdorf and Andrew Tate have in common?

For inadequate men scared by self-willed women, by the start of the 21st century, things were getting dangerously out of hand. The old right-wing ‘Kinder, Küche, Kirche’ method of corralling and controlling us had been woefully discredited with the second world war. (Like the old brand of anti-Semitism, coincidentally, which was also looking for a new angle – and found it in the fresh’n’funky Islamist kind.)

A ‘caring’ and ‘progressive’ way to thwart uppity women was needed, but repeated and risible attempts at ‘men’s rights’ movements were rightfully mocked. So how could men abuse women while not being accused of sexism? Simple, say: ‘We’re women too. How can we be misogynists?’ And so the shock-frock-troops of transvestism formed a pincer movement with the aggressive masculinists embodied by Andrew Tate to assault the gains made by women in the 20th century.

Gains which took decades to achieve were wiped away in a few strokes of a pen: separate public toilets to uphold privacy and safety; sports to celebrate female bodies in a rare way that isn’t sexual (Sebastian Coe verified this week that sportswomen will never win Olympic gold medals again if they have to compete against men pretending to be women); opportunities at work to recompense for all the centuries of not being allowed to pursue careers – now given over to men in drag.
You can’t ban women from the workplace in the West as some Middle Eastern countries effectively do, but what you can do, since the onset of mass transophilia in the foremost institutions and corporations of this country, is frustrate female progress by taking many of the most well-paid, high-profile jobs created for women. It would be no surprise to me if the first ‘female’ leader of the Labour Party had a penis.
Another way to degrade and destroy female achievement is to question the very femaleness of prominent women in history, as was done last year with Joan of Arc, now mooted as ‘non-binary’. [...]

Melanie Phillips #fundie spectator.co.uk

For me, by contrast, although the nature of [Sarah Palin's] faith and the churches with which she has been associated certainly make me uneasy, they do not alarm me. That’s because I regard evangelicals as allies in the fight to defend authentic liberal, and thus moral, values which I believe are rooted in Judeo-Christian thinking. I’m sure that, had I been around during the Victorian era, I would not have cared either for the evangelicals then trying to convert everyone to Christianity – but the fact remains that it was through their faith that they campaigned against slavery and for just about every social reform that we now think of as enlightened and progressive. For me, ‘anti-intellectualism, insularity, social intolerance and anti-rationalism’ have indeed been unleashed upon our society – not by Christian evangelicals but by the forces of secular fundamentalism and bigotry through such phenomena as scientism, political correctness and post-modernism.

Charles Moore #fundie spectator.co.uk

The EU’s hard-border bluff will soon collapse – and then it can get serious about Brexit

The House of Commons does work better than it seems to, I promise you. When a big subject comes up, it spends weeks, months, even years, posturing and sparring, but it has a way of working out when a choice is truly important. Brexit has taken years, and is truly important. We saw the first signs of this realisation dawning on Parliament when it rejected Mrs May’s original deal so decisively. We saw the second signs on Tuesday night. As that series of covert Remain amendments — most notably Cooper-Boles — fell, a pattern became apparent. Enough MPs now understand that if the institution of parliament is ever to command respect again, Brexit must happen, and the minimally acceptable way in which it must happen is that the permanent Irish backstop goes. The only blot was the vote for the Spelman amendment objecting to ‘no deal’. But this does not bind, and the rest of the dynamic of the evening makes clear for slow learners what has been apparent to sensible people ‘out of doors’ from the beginning — the only way for Britain to win any decent deal is to make no deal a real possibility. When Juncker, Varadkar and co understand that without a deal, their ‘hard border’ bluff collapses, they too might get serious.

What to do about the coming shortage of green groceries of which several supermarkets warned yet again this week if there is a no-deal Brexit on 29 March? I am just old enough to remember when fresh fruit and veg were in short supply at this time of year. People used to know how to store things to mitigate the problem: apples would be carefully laid out on straw-strewn shelves. We ate lots of root vegetables and not much greenery. If ever you saw a strawberry out of season it came, for some reason, from Israel. Perhaps it is time for a Brexit recipe book, like those comforting wartime rationing ones full of bright ideas for dull things. In our part of the south coast we have racier ideas. We have a centuries-old tradition of smuggling (‘brandy for the parson, baccy for the clerk’), and are ready to set out in our little ships to Dunkirk or wherever and bring back luscious black-market lettuces and French beans, oranges and lemons. Our Sussex and Kent smugglers used to be known as ‘free traders’, which is interesting and — if we have to sneak over an EU tariff wall — entirely appropriate for today.


Such a sad sight at Davos last week. A 16-year-old Swedish schoolgirl called Greta Thunberg gave an eloquent little speech about the perils of global warming. Only 12 years left before it’s too late, she said, invoking the IPCC’s estimate. ‘I don’t want you to be hopeful,’ she went on, ‘I want you to panic.’ Poor girl, that she should have been persuaded by grown-ups of such imminent catastrophe, that this should be blighting her young life, and that she sees the solution as ‘panic’. The people who have inculcated in her these life-destroying thoughts have much to answer for.

Jonathan Sacks #fundie spectator.co.uk

Future intellectual historians will look back with wonder at the strange phenomenon of seemingly intelligent secularists in the 21st century believing that if they could show that the first chapters of Genesis are not literally true, that the universe is more than 6,000 years old and there might be other explanations for rainbows than as a sign of God’s covenant after the flood, the whole of humanity’s religious beliefs would come tumbling down like a house of cards and we would be left with a serene world of rational non-believers getting on famously with one another...

...A significant area of intellectual discourse — the human condition sub specie aeternitatis — has been dumbed down to the level of a school debating society. Does it matter? Should we not simply accept that just as there are some people who are tone deaf and others who have no sense of humour, so there are some who simply do not understand what is going on in the Book of Psalms, who lack a sense of transcendence or the miracle of being, who fail to understand what it might be to see human life as a drama of love and forgiveness or be moved to pray in penitence or thanksgiving? Some people get religion; others don’t. Why not leave it at that?...

...Fair enough, perhaps. But not, I submit, for readers of The Spectator, because religion has social, cultural and political consequences, and you cannot expect the foundations of western civilisation to crumble and leave the rest of the building intact. That is what the greatest of all atheists, Nietzsche, understood with terrifying clarity and what his -latter-day successors fail to grasp at all.

Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, Archbishop of Westminster #fundie spectator.co.uk

‘I remember having a conversation with Pope John Paul at lunch,’ he says, ‘and we were talking about the situation in Europe, and a colleague was saying that things were quite good in Britain and it was very tolerant, very happy, etc., and I said to John Paul: "Holy Father, I don’t agree. What we Christians need in Britain is a little more persecution." Yes! The point being that Christianity is always going to be swimming against the tide.’

Andy (and many others) #fundie spectator.co.uk

to those slagging off creationism as if it wasn't scientific, the theory of evolution is not science but a religion devised with one purpose- to do away with the God of the bible, because if the genesis account is inaccurate you may as well forget about the whole text.

just as well then that the genesis account can easily be proved to be scientific, if you look at the evidence ie fossil record with a different set of glasses

Melanie Phillips #fundie spectator.co.uk

(In regards to a retired Bishop's remarks calling for the return of bible based curriculum in British public schools, and why he would make a better leader for the Church of England)

Such remarks illustrate once again why Nazir-Ali is the lost leader of the Church of England. At this critical juncture for the west, with its bedrock ethical values under such threat from both within and without, Nazir-Ali would have made a fitting Archbishop of Canterbury. Instead, he was effectively hounded out of Britain by the craven liberal Church establishment. Let’s not forget that the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has actually apologised for Christian involvement in the slave trade and for exporting Christianity to primitive societies.

John Thomas #fundie spectator.co.uk

Remember that schools (media, society, etc.) currently DO teach that one religion is the one ultimate truth, namely secular materialism, so remember to realise how hypocritical it is for people (like several posters here) to say "No religion should be taught in schools". What they really mean is "No religion other than my own" - it's just that they are not honest enough to say it openly.

Mme. Marion Marechal Merseault #racist spectator.co.uk

Or let's talk about Imam Hussein's crowning achievement: Even mainstream publications are admitting Obamacare is worse than cancer. Premiums have skyrocketed and more and more insurers are having buyer's remorse. Not to mention the Helter Skelter madness he stoked the flames of with his irresponsible race-baiting, initially on behalf of an arrogant punk in Florida who went around casing the place in a gated community and got what was coming to him.

Not a single one of the crackheads who committed suicide by cop didn't deserve it. Now his "beloved" Chicago has turned into a Rwanda genocide, because the P.D. isn't stupid enough to intervene lest they end up the next Candid Camera subject of a reverse lynch mob stirred up by the hashtag cult on World Star Hip-Hop. The force is on an undeclared general strike doing nothing but providing security at the World Series. Meanwhile, gun control has worked out so well in Rahm Emanuel's paradise, hasn't it? There's more bullets flying back and forth than the Al Capone era!

Jeff #fundie spectator.co.uk

The United British Emirates is a concept for how Britain could be governed, that is, for Britain to be governed along the lines of the United Arab Emirates. The United Arab made up of seven self-governing principalities, and the national government is elected by the rulers of these principalities. Similarly, Britain could be divided into 96 principalities following the traditional county boundaries, and each of these counties could be governed by hereditary Christian rulers.

In theory, once a country becomes democratic, it cannot revert back to its feudal origins, as the public will not give up their power. That's a theory, but it's wrong, because the public do not have any effective power. Democracy is like the element sodium, and does not exist in nature. It instantly turns into oligarchy or monarchy. Britain is effectively ruled not by the British public, but by Catholic clerics.

When for example did the British public decide to allow in millions of Africans and Asians? This was decided by politicians who were selected by entryist Labour Party members, who in turn were acting in obedience to Catholic clerics, who decreed that Britain should become a multicultural society. Britain already is an oligarchy, and the only question is whether it should be an oligarchy of Catholic priests, or an oligarchy of the Windsor family and other popular families that serves the interests of ordinary people.

In the United British Emirates, there would still be a House of Commons and a House of Lords. The House of Lords would be made up of principality rulers and their heirs. An heir would not necessarily be the eldest son, but the son whom the House of Lords considers the most worthy. A government would need to retain the confidence of the Lords, and the Commons would be there for consultative purposes.

It has been suggested that being a lottery winner would be preferable to being the Duke of Westminster. But how about being the ruler of a Christian principality? Or how about being the ruler of Dubai? Can anyone imagine a better job than being the ruler of an English county?

A formal oligarchy is historically the most stable form of government. The oligarchy in Venice lasted 1100 years without any regime changes. Throughout this period of 1100 years, Venice was the most desirable place in the world for ordinary people to live. In contrast, the current regime in Britain has only existed for about 50 years, and has not delivered good government.

Mme. Marion Marechal Merseault #fundie spectator.co.uk

It's not so much Clinton as the untermenschen casting a master lever for the party platform, a platform set in stone in 1965 when Ted Kennedy exploited the shock and grief of his brother's death to advance his own standing by latching onto an immigration bill that would prove disastrous for the country.

Combine that with LBJ's cynical but extremely accurate assertion that his welfare policies would effectively buy up black voters en masse for the Democrats in perpetuity, and you've got yourself a recipe for a one-party pseudo-Soviet state in the making. They'd vote for a ticket of Adolf you-know-who and Charlie Manson if there was a (D) after their names and they promised to keep the gravy train flowing. (Heck, Obama has already begun Helter Skelter by emboldening the black militant pyromaniacs, but that's a discussion for another day.)

The g 4 y s and feminists served as useful idiots for awhile until they struck a gold mine in the displaced M u s l i m population. Now the Democrats are willing to throw them under the bus to score points with an extremely fecund population that pretty much epitomizes the lowest of low-info voters. Many of them can't even read in their own language and know nothing of the world but what their religious leaders have taught them from a book of ramblings by a 7th-century madman. They marry in multiples and produce enormous quantities of offspring (Bin Laden himself was one of 127 children).

Feminist cat hoarders "liberate" themselves from motherhood and die barren, while the LGBT alphabet soup cohort cannot reproduce naturally, and most do not opt for surrogate parenting. So relying on feminists and fairies to fill out your ranks is a dead end.

Enter the blacks and the Hispanics, who themselves fight like cats and dogs but are nonetheless a very reliable population when it comes to depending on welfare benefits and responding to fearsome caricatures of the "conservative N 4 z i" boogeyman, who supposedly wants to enslave/deport/kill/microaggress and bring about some kind of dreadful, dystopian, white majoritarian Reich.

Even still, when it comes to producing generation fodder for votes, the blacks and Latins pale in comparison to the polygamous M u s l i m s. So what you're seeing here is the party that once, ironically, worshiped at the altar of Marx, who was famous for saying religion is the opiate of the people, taking a page out of religion's play book itself. Keep them breeding en masse so you can fill out the rosters and fleece the sheep.

The acceleration of third-world importation of "refugees" as a result of perpetual war in the sandbox countries (not to mention FDR's drug war going back 80 years creating chaos in Latin America, and Bill and Hillary's excrement adventure in the Balkans) has been compared to a modern-day slave trade. Even when automation makes the majority of human jobs obsolete, the Democrats will still be emptying the third world into the first one to "level the playing field," aka keep 'em coming onto the Potemkin plantation to receive benefits that will have effectively dried up.

Notice that none of their other cohorts in the aristocracy -- their coke-snorting, brain-deficient Hollywood pals, Wall Street paymasters, establishment RINO colleagues, or globalist puppeteers like Soros and... well, Soros -- ever have to write the kind of "privilege checks" in the direction of the lumpenproles that these modern-day apparatchiks expect from the middle-class/working-class "bourgeoisie." Their J'Accuse leveled at Putin is the very definition of projection. Churchill said it best: Socialists distribute an equal level of misery for everyone but themselves.

Melanie Phillips #fundie spectator.co.uk

I see this financial breakdown, moreover, as being not merely a moral crisis but the monetary expression of the broader degradation of our values - the erosion of duty and responsibility to others in favour of instant gratification, unlimited demands repackaged as 'rights' and the loss of self-discipline. And the root cause of that erosion is 'militant atheism' which, in junking religion, has destroyed our sense of anything beyond our material selves and the here and now and, through such hyper-individualism, paved the way for the onslaught on bedrock moral values expressed through such things as family breakdown and mass fatherlessness, educational collapse, widespread incivility, unprecedented levels of near psychopathic violent crime, epidemic drunkenness and drug abuse, the repudiation of all authority, the moral inversion of victim culture, the destruction of truth and objectivity and a corresponding rise in credulousness in the face of lies and propaganda -- and intimidation and bullying to drive this agenda into public policy.

jDean #fundie spectator.co.uk

[In response to a comment about sending liberals to Guantanamo]

That's fine with me - Guantanamo I mean! The Liberal, Progressive Socialists are indeed terrorists as far as I am concerned. They should be able to relate well to the jihadists already there. Perhaps they will convert and no longer be infidels like many or most of us.

the Smoking Man #conspiracy spectator.co.uk

Indeed, and the wild card is the rogue posing as POTUS - Barry Soetaro-Davis , the biggest fraud in American history. Instead of a lame duck wallowing in the DC ponds, he is most dangerous - RIGHT NOW. His legacy with forever be : Master of the tactical false flag , to promote a national gun grab, and agitation on divisive social issues such as "racism",gender, religion and such. Whether he signed off on the Sandy Hook movie production, or the MK Ultra operatives going "hot" like the Batman shooter - who knows? Probably not, he's an actor without a soul, and most probably in the final analysis, a President without a library. Now is the time to watch what a cornered "Choom Gang" does when it's literally all slipping away. Will he let his mission fail, and disappoint the ancient dinosaurs of HW Bush,Kissinger, Brzezinski , and the entire Bilderburg entourage? How can they postpone their demise? Perhaps one more great stunt, BIG enough to kick in COG rule , nullify the Trump landslide, and stick around indefinitely.
Every minute the son of communist Frank Marshall Davis sticks around until the January inauguration, is a minute of an America in peril.
Honk if you'd support a November 9th swearing in - no need for a transition team - just take his badge, his golf clubs, get'm out of Pennsylvania Ave.

Byron in Wahroonga #fundie spectator.co.uk

Ha! Now that's funny. Is there anything more pathetic and contradictory than those in the professional atheist industry? They cannot even give credit to the Christians who built the successful Western democracies which gave them the right to vent their spleen. Like the spoilt children of a millionaire they think they personally earned their ease. Of course, they're teenagers, with a lifetime of maturing ahead. A 67-year old man like Dawkins can't be excused.

John White #conspiracy spectator.co.uk

[On a thread about the British EU referendum: Hope not Hate is an anti-racist organization like the Southern Poverty Law Center

Hope not Hate is an extremist organisation whose purpose is to fool the emotionally gullible and manipulate them in support of the EU plutocracy. They are as anti-democratic and ideologically totalitarian as the EU commission. Their crimes are manifold and I am optimistic they will be exposed along with other tentacles of the Bilderberg octopus. I know this will not register with you Mary Ann: I say it for those with eyes to see. Truth will out and manipulators will not defeat Free society