
Robert F Kennedy jr #ableist #quack themarysue.com

“I want to apologize to all whom I offended by my use of the word ‘holocaust’ to describe the autism epidemic,” he has now said in a statement about those remarks. “I employed the term during an impromptu speech as I struggled to find an expression to convey the catastrophic tragedy of autism, which has now destroyed the lives of over 20 million children and shattered their families. I am acutely aware of the profound power attached to that word, and I will find other terms to describe the autism crisis in the future.”

Donald Trump #god-complex #wingnut themarysue.com

Statement by Donald J. Trump 45th President of the United States

WOW! On Sunday night, while I was with my family, having just arrived from the Turning Point event in Florida, where I won the Straw Poll against all other Republican candidates with 85.7%, with all polls showing me leading in the Republican Primary by very substantial numbers, almost everyone predicting that I will be the Republican Nominee for President, and as I am leading Democrat Joe Biden in the polls by a lot, HORRIFYING NEWS for our country was given to me by my attorneys.

Deranged Jack Smith, the prosecutor with Joe Biden’s DOJ, sent a letter (again, it was Sunday night!) stating that I am a TARGET of the January 6th Grand Jury investigation, and giving me a very short 4 days to report to the Grand Jury, which almost always means an Arrest and Indictment.

Pope Francis #fundie themarysue.com

Pope Francis is continuing his streak of relative Pope radness by sending out missionaries in honor of the Catholic Church’s Holy Year of Mercy to pardon women who have had abortions and doctors who have performed them.

Although the notion that a woman needs to be pardoned simply for making a decision about her own body (and that issuing said pardon requires a landmark act of mercy on the behalf of a man) carries with it a lot of insulting and problematic implications, Pope Francis’ decision is unprecedented, and surprising considering he’s condemned the procedure in the past as “frightful” and “a horror.” UPI points out that despite Francis’ new mission of mercy, abortion is still considered a mortal sin in the Catholic Church and punishable by excommunication. Sigh.

In addition to pardoning women for having the gall to make decisions about their own lives, the church will also be doling out mercy to anyone who “either perpetrate or participate in corruption,” with Pope Francis warning in the Bull of Indiction document that “this festering wound is a grave sin that cries out to heaven for vengeance, because it threatens the very foundations of personal and social life.”

Some Art-Hating MAGA Yokels #conspiracy #fundie #ufo #wingnut themarysue.com

First, a mysterious metal monolith appeared in the Utah desert. Then, it disappeared (we’ll get to how in a bit). And then another popped up in Romania. And now, a third one showed up near a hiking trail in California! But it was torn down by racist fanatic Christians because, well, that’s still the world we’re stuck with in 2020. There’s nothing that the racists can’t ruin.

Let’s back up a bit. The California monolith showed up yesterday, and unlike the others, was in a pretty accessible location, which means: lots of attention and pictures getting taken for people who apparently have no fear of being sucked into a wormhole or whatever.

[Some Twitter caps showing the California Monolith]

But of course, people are terrible. So last night, a bunch of neanderthals shouting “Christ is King!” decided to tear down what they, I guess, assumed was a Satanic monument or something? Please, no one tell them about Stonehenge. These jerks posted their vandalism in a live-streamed video to the blockchain streaming site DLive. (And no, I don’t technically know what a blockchain streaming site is, and I don’t want to find out).

Of course, they were also shouting “America First”-type slogans and wearing MAGA hats. They toppled the 200-pound statue all the while spewing racism and put up a cross in its place before dragging the monolith down the mountain. Honestly, I can’t blame the aliens if they change their mind and decide not to establish contact now. Or if this is the reason they blow up the planet. Either is fair.

[Cap by someone claiming to spot a few guys dismantling the original, perhaps the folks who put it up to begin with]

So, these monoliths seem easy enough to break or take, so does that mean they are manmade? That would be a bit disappointing but it still doesn’t solve the mystery of why they’ve shown up or what purpose they were created for. Art? Brand promotion? We only know that if the jerks that tore down the one in California turn into glowing purple goop, they won’t have anyone to blame but themselves.

Donald Trump (The Trump Relection Campaign) #wingnut #dunning-kreuger #god-complex themarysue.com



Remember at the end of Avengers: Endgame when Thanos said, “I am inevitable” and snapped his fingers before realizing that he didn’t have the Infinity Stones, but rather, Tony Stark did? Well, someone on Trump’s campaign decided that it would be a great idea to … put Trump’s face over Thanos in the scene in which he is losing.

To be quite honest, I’m 90% sure that whoever made this video has absolutely no idea what they’re doing and was just trying to be relevant, and that makes this infinitely funnier to me. Basically, whoever made this video for Team Trump decided that none of the footage of the brief moment of victory for Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War was worth it and, instead, decided that Avengers: Endgame—a movie where Thanos loses not once, but twice—was a better use of their time. Not only that, but they specifically picked this scene where, in the next shot, Thanos realizes that it is, in fact, Tony Stark who is wielding the power of the Infinity Stones, and he snaps away Thanos and his entire army.

Tony Stark did not die for Republicans to think that Thanos won.

The video in question was posted by the Trump War Room, and they very clearly took Thanos’s threat of his inevitability in the completely wrong way and made this awful video.

Trump War Room (Text TRUMP to 88022)
House Democrats can push their sham impeachment all they want.
President Trump's re-election is 𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲.
[Video of Endgame scene with Thanos with Trump’s head superimposed.
He snaps his fingers and The Democrats (standing at the podium, announcing
Impeachment) turn to dust.

Now, hear me out: Who willingly wants to be Thanos? Sure, not considering the rest of the scene’s context is one thing, but why make yourself the villain? A villain who believes that if he just wipes out half the population of the universe, we can save on resources and stop—you know, that probably would be Trump’s climate change solution, if he believed in it. I get it now.

Besides that, it’s just baffling to me that anyone thought it was a good idea to make Trump Thanos. Like … can anyone on Trump’s team read?

Twitter, understandably, tore this to shreds. Truly, the next shot is Tony Stark. At first, many just began to explain the scene to them:


And then … came the jokes. The sweet, beautiful, nerdy jokes.


The best part? This makes Nancy Pelosi, technically, Iron Man. She gets to swoop in at the end and snap her fingers and win all because Trump thinks he’s untouchable and always going to win, and … you know, it’s not that they’re wrong with this comparison, but they probably shouldn’t be so proud of it?

Anyway, I don’t like that I have to watch Donald Trump’s face on a Marvel property, but I do like that this then makes the American people and the Democratic party the Tony Stark of this situation. Your first term might have been “inevitable,” but as Tony Stark says, I am Iron Man. Well … that doesn’t work, but you get the point. We’re going to win, Mr. Stark.


Richard Spencer, #racist themarysue.com

Richard Spencer has always been a Nazi. He worked hard to trick people and mainstream media outlets into thinking his brand of white nationalism could be palatable to regular people and even have a legitimate place in the modern political discourse. He wears fancy suits and speaks eloquently and he doesn’t keep his beliefs to 8chan or basement klan meetings, instead opting to create the sort of public presence that Twitter refuses to ban and that major outlets write near-fawning profiles of. He’s also responsible for coining the term “alt-right” in an ultimately successful attempt to mollify the image of actual Nazis.

But it was always a scam. That should have been clear to anyone paying attention, but instead, we’ve seen him continue to book cable news appearances (he was just on CNN less than four months ago) and ignite debates over how just how much of a Nazi does a person have to be to justify punching them without it somehow signifying a loss of political civility. Richard Spencer wanted to legitimize a violent movement by giving it a polite, clean-cut face and it’s absolutely shameful how well his grift worked on a national scale.

[Picture of Tweet by Aamer Rahman saying, “Is it really okay to punch Nazis?”]

Milo Yiannopoulos, another obnoxious face of the “alt-right” movement, posted a video to YouTube Sunday night that contains audio of a person Milo claims is Spencer, screaming a racist diatribe about enslaving and dominating groups of people.

Warning: The audio here is incredibly disturbing….

[SUBMITTER NOTE: Below I put in transcript of Audio….Imagine this guy ranting this while being dragged away by cops if you want a laugh….]

We are coming back here like a fucking hundred times! I am so mad! I am so fucking mad at these people! They don’t do this to fucking me! We’re going to fucking ritualistically humiliate them! I am coming back here every fucking weekend if I have to! Like, this is never over! I win! They fucking lose! That’s how the world fucking works! Little fucking kikes; They get ruled by people like me! Little fucking octaroons….I fucking….My fucking ancestors enslaved those fucking pieces of shit! I rule the fucking world! Those pieces of shit get ruled by people like me! They look up and see a face like mine, looking down at them! That's how the world fucking works! We are going to destroy this fucking town!

The audio, which includes use of slurs like “kikes” and “octaroons,” was allegedly taken shortly after the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville where counter-protester Heather Heyer was murdered.

“We are coming back here like a hundred fucking times,” Spencer can be heard saying, and the “here” he’s referring to is presumably Charlottesville. “I am so mad. I am so mad at these fucking people.”

“They don’t do this to fucking me,” he screamed. “We’re going to ritualistically humiliate them. I am coming back here every fucking weekend if I have to. Like this is never over! I win! They fucking lose!”

This is horrific but again, it doesn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know about Spencer, assuming you weren’t blinded by his “upstanding young man” charade.

[More pics of Tweets by a bunch of other people scolding the media for having Spencer as a guest and basically saying “We told you so!”]