
Truthscrambler #ufo #magick #conspiracy #dunning-kruger truthscrambler.com

In esoteric or occult science, the solar system is not a string of material planets orbiting the sun like a string of pearls, or billiard balls bouncing around aimlessly in the cosmos. The idea of infinite galaxies that we can fly to in ships is science fiction, fantasy and delusion, wrought from the hyper-materialism phase of our development. We must instead think multi-dimensionally about our cosmos, and in order to begin to do so, we must view our string of planets as different phases, densities or dimensions of our one Earth and Sun.
There are always some humans in each planetary round that fail to keep pace with evolution and fall into the abyss, the dreaded Eighth sphere that I’ve covered in other writings. On the Mars plane, this seems to have been a major occurrence, there was a sharp split in the population where many took the fallen path, the path of extreme technocracy and transhumanism, the rejection of the divine feminine, and ended with the nuclear destruction of their planet. These fallen Martian beings, in order to escape the Eighth sphere where they knew they would eventually rot and be recycled, they summoned something truly alien, dark gods that exist behind a black veil, who are not of this universe, and there seems to be an A.I. black goo element to them, and who gave the Martians a way out, a loophole; a portal was opened to our Earth, through this nuclear blast, where they were able to land in what today would be called Antarctica.

Housed on this wasteland, however, were all the beings of our Earth’s Lemurian epoch who failed to evolve and keep pace. They devolved into what eventually would become the ape kingdom, a degenerated offshoot of the human tree. When the Martian humans arrived here, they found, not the mainstream population of Earth humans, who were with the higher Earth in the astral plane, but these devolved ape-men from the now finished Lemurian epoch.

Truthscrambler #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy truthscrambler.com

I think that she gives a very coherent and logical explanation for all the high weirdness that we are seeing in terms of the so-called shape-shifting reptilian/alien phenomenon so prevalent in UFOlogy and conspiracy culture. To those not familiar with these ideas but behind it I am suggesting there is a modicum of truth.
One cannot get a solid grasp on this bizarre phenomenon without a proper view of the cosmos, which is geocentric, fixed, and enclosed in a firmament. We must toss out the idea, then, of vast interstellar space, this is a NASA psyop. And along with that is the idea of aliens from another material planet flying here in ships. Toss this out as well.
But the reason we don’t really see reptilians, Greys and mantids walking around here in 3-D, and close encounters always seem to be in a dream state, or trance state, is because these forms cannot not linger here, they cannot hold their form here for very long without certain aids of technology, or being summoned through black magic ritual; really their home is in the Eighth sphere which is in a different dimension and density. When a being fails their initiation by losing their humanity and turning to wickedness and psychopathy and degradation, at the end of the epoch they are swept into the 8th sphere, or the lower astral realm, (also called Hell, Hades, Sheol, maybe even an aspect of inner Earth, Hollow Earth etc.) to join the hordes of Luciferic and Ahrimanic beings, this legion of demonic, criminal parasites.
So the main takeaway from her lecture is that these celebrities and politicians, these dark elite Illuminati types that seem to flash this reptile form, it’s not that they are reptilians themselves, rather they are humans that are possessed by a reptilian being that itself lives in the eighth sphere. The reptilian’s astral body is attached to the astral body of the human that they are possessing, as a kind of ghostly shell that hovers around or weaves through someone’s aura.

Truthscrambler #crackpot #magick #fundie #conspiracy truthscrambler.com

How are we, as seekers of truth from a spiritual perspective, to understand an event such as the one above? The link below is to a <Rudolf> Steiner lecture where he gives his view on the origin of earthquakes
Points discussed —
How Lucifer’s intervention in human affairs allowed for personal freedom, but at the cost of creating the possibility for evil.
Individual versus collective karma
How when the Christ in the body of Jesus bled from the hands on the cross at Golgotha, it changed the sorry state of affairs that had been existing for those human souls in Spiritland between death and a new birth. Ahriman had been gaining power there and had turned it into the Realm of the Shades. But the Christ event banished him and confined his power to Earth, to the land of the living. But the battle against Ahriman continues here.
The different strata below the Earth: Mineral Earth, Water Earth, Vapor Earth, Form Stratum, Fertile Earth, Fire Earth. It is from Fire Earth where Ahriman has his base of operations and where earthquakes have their origin.
Earthquakes and other great natural catastrophes are remnants or reminders of the great Atlantean catastrophe, the flood that sank that continent, which happened as a result of collective human karma. Thus we mustn’t think that, for example the people of Syria and Turkey, are suffering as a result of their nationalistic karma (even though such karmic divisions do exist), but rather they happen to be in the place where a karmic event that began on Atlantis. This event involves the entire human race, we all share in this guilt.
Why adepts or psychics versed in spiritual science who can foresee events like this coming and don’t warn people. The reason being that as terrible as these natural disasters are, they relieve karmic pressure, and if for example they had warned everyone to flee and the disaster had been averted, it would be forced to happen again elsewhere; it would really only be postponing it.

UponTheFaceOfTheWaters #crackpot #conspiracy truthscrambler.com

Is it an MK Ultra Glitch or a Clone Glitch?

There is a phase in the research of conspiracies and truthing that one inevitably comes across MK Ultra Mind Control Programming. We know they employ it with celebrities, media talking heads, politicians, all star athletes, etc. But recently another layer to the conspiracy has revealed the even more secretive Human Cloning crisis we have on our hands. Now there are (according to Donald Marshall) three types of clones to distinguish here.
Replication clones are grown from birth using a single cell taken from the original body. Replication clones, while identical to the donor cell’s body, are their own soul with their own personality that develops independently as they grow. This is being done but is not the main way the Illuminati employ cloning.

Duplication clones are grown in about 5 months in a tank, as fully formed adults, or grown to whatever age the donor was who gave their cell sample (willingly or unwillingly). However, do not be fooled by the psyop movie “the Island;” these clones are in a perpetual coma unless activated by a real person through REM phase consciousness transfer, or else purely mechanically by an A.I. brain (Robotoid clones).
The third and apparently most common way the Illuminati use clones these days is REM driven, duplication clones . The easiest way to visualize this is two bodies, but one soul or consciousness driving both. REM driven Duplication clones can only be conscious and moving around when a normal human is asleep in REM phase and transferred via mind hack technology into that body. This is the type of cloning the Illuminati prefers to use because they don’t glitch out as often as robotoids.
Now that you know about the different weapons the Illuminati employs on the populace, form your own conclusion about the cause of these glitches. Of course some could be real people suffering from trauma based programming, but I am leaning towards these being cloning glitches.