Truthscrambler #ufo #magick #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

In esoteric or occult science, the solar system is not a string of material planets orbiting the sun like a string of pearls, or billiard balls bouncing around aimlessly in the cosmos. The idea of infinite galaxies that we can fly to in ships is science fiction, fantasy and delusion, wrought from the hyper-materialism phase of our development. We must instead think multi-dimensionally about our cosmos, and in order to begin to do so, we must view our string of planets as different phases, densities or dimensions of our one Earth and Sun.
There are always some humans in each planetary round that fail to keep pace with evolution and fall into the abyss, the dreaded Eighth sphere that I’ve covered in other writings. On the Mars plane, this seems to have been a major occurrence, there was a sharp split in the population where many took the fallen path, the path of extreme technocracy and transhumanism, the rejection of the divine feminine, and ended with the nuclear destruction of their planet. These fallen Martian beings, in order to escape the Eighth sphere where they knew they would eventually rot and be recycled, they summoned something truly alien, dark gods that exist behind a black veil, who are not of this universe, and there seems to be an A.I. black goo element to them, and who gave the Martians a way out, a loophole; a portal was opened to our Earth, through this nuclear blast, where they were able to land in what today would be called Antarctica.

Housed on this wasteland, however, were all the beings of our Earth’s Lemurian epoch who failed to evolve and keep pace. They devolved into what eventually would become the ape kingdom, a degenerated offshoot of the human tree. When the Martian humans arrived here, they found, not the mainstream population of Earth humans, who were with the higher Earth in the astral plane, but these devolved ape-men from the now finished Lemurian epoch.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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