
InSatanIsisServes #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

I have reason to believe ISIS is apersonal project of british Satanist David Myatt. Myatt is the man behind the Order of Nine Angles, one of the most notorious Satanic sects, who condone human sacrifice and "culling of the mundanes (non-Satanic persons)"

Myatt has at various times been an influencial member of the Neo-Nazi, Satanic and Islamic community.

From the 70s through the 90s he was a member of Neo-Nazi groups including Column 88 and Combat 18, a paramilitary organization. His book "A Practical Guide to Aryan Revolution" is belived to be the inspiration for the london nail bombings of 1999, carried out by his associate David Copeland.

After 3 decades of Neo Nazi, Nationalist and National Socialist involvement, Myatt suddenly converted to Islam shortly after the September 11th attacks.

His intelligence and devotion quickly made him a respected member of influential Islamist forums. Posting as Abdul Aziz, and later Abdul Aziz ibn Myatt, his posts advocated a return to a more strict adherence to Quaranic scripture. He also praised Osama bin Laden and his essay defending the use of suicide bombing in Jihad was featured of the website of the militant branch of Hamas for years. One of his ideas was that there is no way to practice true Islam without a Caliphate. This has since become the central idea to the organization now commonly referred to as ISIS.

LotToTell2 #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Army of shills have taken over French German UK and American sites. SAVE YOURSELF. Don't participate in these games, they will drive you insane,

You will not be able to win against waves and waves of MSM articles, shills, false flags,

They came up with theory that Putin has cancer, it didn't stick, then Autism, few days ago MSM was promoting a theory that Putin stole the missing Malaysian plane. They said Putin stole Super Bowl ring too.

Now they are saying opposition guy killed in Russia said a month ago he is afraid Putin will kill him. As if CIA wasn't aware of what he said in that interview

He gave them the idea by saying he fears Putin will kill him

They killed an innocent person to again smear Putin

Same people who gave us 9/11

Save yourself. Just start preparing for the war

It is coming

They won't let Russia and China go, this will keep escalating

Western bankers and their Pentagon NATO little soldiers want war because they honestly believe they can win it. So do their shills on the internet, just that shills don have ticket to underground bunkers, I don't know if the poor saps realize that

Grifter42 #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Jim Jones was framed, and the CIA caused the suicide at Jonestown

I've listened to the tapes that were kept VERY meticulously by the FBI.

Now, for one thing, the FBI doesn't keep records on normal people. It keeps them on revolutionaries, threats to the status quo.

I was curious about this man, this preacher who has been claimed to be the devil himself, a mass murderer.

The tapes were inspiring. Uplifting. Equalizing.

If anyone wants an example of what he said, what he told the truth on, here's a tape that changed my view on him.


It's from the alternative considerations on the Jonestown situation. And this is about things very relevant today. Corruption in religion, corruption in the government, sinister organizations designed to divide us, and it makes sense. It rings true.

Maybe I'm a kool-aid drinker. Maybe I'm not.

But it's common knowledge that J. Edgar Hoover sent letters to Martin King, one of the greatest liberators of our American land and country, telling a hero to commit suicide, because he was a COMMUNIST. A commie! Watch out for them Commies, folks!

Jones was a communist. That's a fact. His Philadelphia organization was based on principles of sharing, equality.

His Guyana organization was designed to get away from the fascist politics and Kent State-Richard Nixon-Corporate-Fascistic government that won out the battle. Jones is gone, but his message was not of evil.

If, and IF he killed himself, it was a Masada situation, where it was necessary. The Government set up Leo Ryan.

Leo Ryan was investigating the CIA, and then a little while later, a few members of a shill far-right organization sent a little letter to his desk calling Jones a madman, and Jonestown a fraud.

Ryan was a good man so he investigated.

He investigated, and was shot by one of the few survivors of Jonestown, a man named Larry Layton. Layton was the son of a man named Doc Laurence Layton, head of a biological and chemical research program. So they spared him. He was a plant. He served time in a cushy prison.

Coincidentally, another of ol' CIA army Papa Doc Layton's judas children survived as well. Deborah Layton. Heck, she even wrote a book on it, made a ton of money. Made all sorts of claims.

Liar. Liar, liar, liar.

This reeks to high heaven. Listen to the tapes, and you'll realize this isn't an evil man, but one who really truly cared.

You can listen to him for yourself, and you'll see. The gestap-... I mean FBI.. kept meticulous records as all KGB, FBI, CIA, and all other types of those sorts of organizations kept.


Don't listen to the death tape, it's not something that I can say to truly be authentic. Some folks believe they faked the moon landing? Well, a voice recording is much easier.

They were murdered, but not by Jones. He was a man who truly knew the climate of the U.S.A.

If he had been left alone, Jonestown would be a paradise by now.

jimnuggits #ufo #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

That's right, brothers and sisters, I am here on ATS to steer you to the awful truth about our feline 'friends.' They are biological transmitters working as spies for our Alien Overlords. Take these facts into account and reach your own conclusion... Beware, what you are about to read will forever change the way you see these minions of our extraterrestrial oppressors.

1. There is no documentation before Ancient Egypt that mentions the existence of Cats, and IN Ancient Egypt, they are worshipped as Gifts from The Gods.

2. Science is baffled by a cat's purr, and cannot determine how the sound is produced. (Feedback, much?)

3. If you hold a cat's ears back and describe what you see, it is a perfect match to the classic 'Grey'. Almond shaped eyes, small mouth, small nose.

Freaked out yet? How about these:

4. A cat can see exponentially better than you. Making it appear that it must be more advanced evolutionarily speaking. How?

5. Ever watch a cat wake from a deep sleep and run out of the room in an instant? Transmissions from the mothership coming in, and must be alone.

6. All things that come out of cats are totally unnatural. (Not of this earth.)

Still not convinced? I got a few more for the more skeptical among you:

7. Cats survive situations that any Earthbound animal would surely perish in. How can a cat fall out of a four story building backwards, and land on its feet? (Anti gravity properties)

8. If you die, your cats will eat you. Not really a link between cats and Aliens, but still pretty creepy.

9. Ever wake up and your cat was sitting on your chest, staring at you? Taking your will not to do their bidding and dreaming of the day their Alien handlers once again fit you for your yolk and chains.

You have been warned, intrepid ATS'ers...

Peeple #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

I appologise, this is going to be a lot of cross referencing throughout ATS. I got the idea from this thread:greys In it people are talking about the physiology of the greys like they are common knowledge and it made me think: How can these abductions and grey visits be almost entirely only happen in the USofA? Please follw me here:Roswell for Dummies
What if, there was a crashed craft and the militaries experimented on them, only to be contacted, by the creators/owners/grey-people. After that, they sold out the population to these beings, for free experimentation and breeding and what not. In exchange for technology. Not too much, after all they were already in depths, or that's how an advanced not so benevolent race would have putted it.

luxordelphi #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Looking up today I noticed that the sky is gray-blue. It also looks kind of flat, without depth, and opaque, hard to see through.

Initially it seems kind of bizarre that anyone would want to create a fake sky but there are fake plastic trees all over the world and that had to seem kind of strange in the beginning too. (And for a lot of us it still does seem strange.)

So if someone wanted a fake blue sky, could it be done? Well, yeah, I mean if we can create fake clouds from jet emissions, why not just fake the entire sky and do away with the chemtrails or continue with them behind the fake sky?

learnatic #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Young kids don't have 'imaginary' friends, they are real. Young kids can see what we cant because they still have the power to see into the astral world, the next world where we come from. They can see into the astral plane because they have not yet become tainted by us. We adults 'teach' kids to not believe in 'imaginary friends' and the astral plane which causes them to loose their belief and therefore their ability to see into the astral plane and talk to people they see.

smallpeeps #fundie abovetopsecret.com

mopusvindictus is right but people's minds are too soft for truth.

Gay males = gross when you get down to it. But also, women will get up to some sick stuff as well, as has been mentioned. Body fluids and ejecta will always fascinate people and yes, extremeism is a goal in itself for both men and women.

I am completely in love with the idea of a temple arrangement where men can go and observe a female orgy. Why not? Sounds delightful, and also it allows men to get aroused by female bodies and to gain a desire for what is right (as opposed to males who get preyed upon by other males and then have no ROUTE to learn about females!) ...There is a lot of sexual vampirism in gay male society, more than other dynamics I'd say. But this force which aligns males toward males is defused and rendered less powerful when female sexuality is openly displayed and available to such men. I think a lot of gay males wish women weren't such bitches, which society DOES encourage them toward being.

We are all hurting each other, in truth, but I believe more gay males would convert to the winning team if they could just have an environment where they could get close to the yumminess of the female. Since they get punked and played by this modern-day female, it's no shock that they hook up to feel emotionally loved. Women are not easy to understand sometimes and these men feel overwhlemed with emotions but have no outlet because the females are similarly emotionally stunted like everyone in today's world.

As for lipstick lesbians, I am all for it. Without lipstick: That's fine too.

CosmicCitizen #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

If you look at the Duchess of Cornwall (Kate Middleton) when she and Prince William presented their son to the media you will notice that a) she still appears to be fully pregnant (faux prego belly?), b) she did not appear to gain weight in her pregnancy and c) in the presentation of the baby Prince William implied (24 hrs post birth) that this was the first time that they really got to see the baby and that they had some "catching up" to do. IF this is true that they faked the pregnancy to cover for a surrogate mother then the question is WHY? First, one of the parents could be sterile, Second, since Kate was a commoner they may have wanted the mother to be of royal (and/or illuminati blood), Third, the birth date (7/22) was important and would have probably required a C Section to be exact (1:30 probability if it was +/- 2 weeks from the due date...assuming conception date at the correct time for a 7/22 birth date) and the Duchess of Cornwall may have not consented to that plan. The 7/22 date is important for several reasons and may have been requested by the Illuminati. A) Full Moon, B) Sun entering Leo, C) Mars-Jupiter Conjunction (war planet - king planet). In addition there is some numerology with the birth date (7/22) and the wedding date (4/29). Adding the months: 4 + 7 = 11, A Master Number (double 1). Adding the days: 2 + 9 = 11 and add that to 22 (a master number so no further reduction) = 33, the highest degree in Masonry.

If this is true then perhaps we should revisit the alleged suicide by the ob-gyn nurse last December (the one that was distraught after getting caught up in a hoax phone call to the ward). Could the nurse have known something and threatened to talk and thus was silenced?

OrionsGem #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

I have always had this inner gut feeling that aliens are secretly extracting and harvesting our blood on a regular basis. Sounds crazy right?? Well maybe not so crazy after all...

Lets take a look at some alien/ufo encounters in which the victims clearly felt that the aliens were extracting blood from them while they were paralyzed in their own homes...

Please pay special attention to what is said between the 9 and 10 minute mark on this video. Encounters with lights, that apparently were able to extract blood without taking their human victims aboard. The UFOs seemed to teleport the victims blood right out of their bodies!!

( I recommend watching the full video if you have not seen it, the south american ufo attacks presented are scary to say the least)

Now it has always been my suspicion that some health conditions may be related to this, especiually ones that researchers still havent been able to find causes for namely CFS and Fibromyalgia.

Think about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome....so many people have it lately.

Every single symptom of CFS is identical to symptoms of blood loss and low blood levels.

What a perfect species to harvest! Us humans constantly produce and replenish blood!

Which the aliens regularly extract at night while we sleep leaving us waking up feeling unrefreshed, tired, groggy...think about it people!

During many abduction reports and regression sessions, the abductees report the greys referring to humans as containers....but of what? BLOOD of course!!

This may all be done with humans not even noticing the abduction, even in broad daylight.

Like I said this has been a gut feeling of mine lately, that the ETs have advanced far enough to be able to harvest our bodily fluids, namely blood and other proteins or naturally occurring chemicals in our body without us even noticing.

One abduction researcher (i forget his name) stated that they are now advanced enough to abduct someone in their kitchen, in the middle of the day, and bring them back without the victim skipping a beat, never noticing the slightest thing..

mopusvindictus #homophobia abovetopsecret.com

1 Reason...

Male homosexuality leads to a disgusting deplorable society in time and women are instinctually aware of that, Female homosexuality leads to... nothing particularly tragic for everyone else.

Before you all bash my brains in just listen and really think about it.

A: Disease

Women barely ever spread STD's to each other... it's that damn garden hose of our spewing stuff all over...

okay, the only thing that keeps Men in check from a constant desire to
Mate is the sanity of women and their avoidance of the topic... (being particular about who they shag)

Left alone Men screw constantly and with far more partners


But go to a gay nightclub... combine Meth or even Booze with a male sex drive unrestrained it gets Raunchy... some guys keep Hundreds of partners... That's a recipe for Disease

If your wife has sex with a woman are you at risk... no, but your husband gets buggered by a man... are you at risk... hell Yeah you are...of DEATH

Not a turn on

Then there's ANAL... your going to draw Blood in small amounts every time 2 men do it...

Not good to avoid disease

Women tend to be clean and care for themselves more... the risks of Male gay behavior...disease, many partners, involving the Poop Hole... just not a turn on for women, risk, huge risks

Before you bash me...

I was going to the Empire State building with my class when I was 8

There I saw my First Homosexual Male...1978, Gay Orgy Club time pre Aids...

Man wore a shirt on line that said:

"500 Man Fisting party"

Okay NOT HOT to a Chick... guy took 500 fists up his rear end...

That is men left alone with unrestrained sex... NOT GOOD

B: Sexual Reality

Men... despite all bravado and desire... limited sex drive built in chemical process to make us pass out

Women need... more sex, men we burn out

Your man having a Man in his life means... exhaustion, you get nada from either guy, less not more

A woman...when they wear a Guy out... keep going together, it's good sex for HER

Unless 2 guys were focused on her, not each other, she's going to end up with 2 passed out chumps instead of one

Remember... guys sexual peak is 20 Women 35

By the time your that age... man have to work at it to keep up, especially if she has had a couple of babies, giving her the orgasm flow when she is peaked out at my age is not as easy as it is when a girl is 19 and it's all new and your at no 1 position...

There is no viable sex life for a guy exhausting himself with men...

so women are

at risk

and have nothing to gain sexually

So they don't like to think of their guys going Gay

Even more

Gay Men can get sex when ever they want just like women... The world exists on Men doing WORK to impress Women...

Men start Gaying out like Women can just play... they don't need Women so much do they?

Nor do they need to advance much from, waiting tables or painting...

Not much a Womans agenda to take risks with men leaving their position of Financial Bondage is there?

Lets also add cleanliness

Some women might find the thought or image of one Man dominating another Hot

But when 2 women have se it ends in a hot sexy orgasm

2 Men... the ending can be...urrr Grotesque

Not to be graphic but when the last sight you see when your husband or lover cums with a man... might be an explosive organic Enema of a result on your bed sheets

It probably goes from Hot to Not in an instant for most women...

Things like crying in pain from rectal taring, or a giant scat moment just... isn't the same as a beautiful woman orgasming in the Clean and non Bed sheet ruining manner they do...

Lets just bring it back to "The 500 Man Fisting party Guy"

Man..can be damn disgusting... period, it's almost a favor to us that women sleep with some of us at all... Gay sex isn't Hot to Women Mostly
Worst you get from Lesbianism is a Lady with a pack of Marlboro's and a Flannel

Gay guys bring us Drag Queens and Parades and Orgies and ...yeah Diseases and non productivity and allot of social ills

A woman is just at Extreme risk if her Man is Bi on allot of levels...

The same just doesn't apply in the opposite direction... it's FAR from a double standard, there are real reasons one is hot to one sex but not the other

ImDaMan #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

1. It seems kind of odd, that Foley was just kneeling there; in a "brave and ready" position. No fight, no struggle??? Yeah, sure!
2. Where was the blood? Saw more during the OJ psy-op.
3. What's with the prepared speech?
4. Why is the "terrorist" using a plastic knife? lmfao
5. Why can't i stop laughing at this Psy-op?

Also, what's with the grins, his family seems to be sporting; during this interview, where the picture falls off the wall, in the studio they filmed this in? Oops that wasn't supposed to happen. It reminded me, of when the 3rd building fell, during 9-11; and they were broadcasting it, before it actually collapsed. Remember that one? lol

I'm not sure if the PTB are purposefully making these errors; are getting sloppy with their work; or if i'm just so awake, i see right through the b.s. Either way, NOT BUYING IT. Anyone that does, is rather naive!!! We live in the days of deception, like never before. I hope you realize, understand, and NEVER forget that. EVERYONE, on TV, is part of the deception.

Heike #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

1) There are other dimensions/universes which are not so much separated from ours by conventional physical space as they are by something else. Think for example of the light spectrum. The visible light you can see is only one part of the spectrum; IR and UV light also exist at the same place and time, but are not visible to you.

2) It is possible for doorways, portals, or 'rips' to occur which allow passage of beings (and possibly even other things like rocks or plants) from one dimension to another. These may sometimes occur naturally, accidentally, or they may be created.

On to elves and other mythical beings, I see two possiblities:

1) There used to be (or possibly still is) a stable doorway between our universe and theirs, and periodically they come through into our world for reasons unknown. Sometimes humans see them, and perhaps sometimes they interact with humans deliberately. As we acquire technology and become more advanced, they become more afraid of us and conceal themselves. Or, the doorway closed at some point and that's why we don't see them any more. Said doorway could be natural or they could have created it.

2) At some time in the past, a group of elves passed into our world accidentally. Not able to find a way back, they settled and were a large enough group to reproduce and survive, for a while, after which the increasing human population probably caused their extinction.

Note that this same theory works equally well for dragons, dwarves, unicorns, goblins, faerie, brownies, Bigfoot, some 'alien' encounters, ghosts, and UFOs, and may even (in my opinion) explain some Fortean phenomena such as rains of blood, mysterious disappearances of people, and alien animals (think black panthers in England or chupacabras).

blocula #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Theres so much evidence that points to the fact that we never even went to the moon,i wont bother getting into all of those well known details...

If that really was a hoax and a lie and i think it was,to say we beat the russians at something major and significant during the cold war,for funneling mega-bucks towards other directions and into other hands and also for more nefarious reasons...

And so why would'nt our entire space program itself also be a hoax and a deception?

Intentionally designed and orchestrated to keep the vast majority of us,the mainstream masses, thinking and looking in the wrong direction,up there,instead of all around us.Because 95% of the earths mass is totally unknown to us and completely unexplored by us,far below underground and deep within the ocean...

The van allen belt that surrounds the earth has been described as being impenetrable by humans and man made machines because of very large amounts of very deadly radiation...

Try going up far beyond the earths atmosphere and you'll be within temperatures that are -455 degrees below zero and you'll be instantly turned into frozen dust and nearly all molecular motion ceases at those kinds of extreme temperatues.Absolute zero is -459.67 degrees below zero...

Remember seeing roses and other man made objects being momentarily placed within those very same deep freezing temperatures,taken out and then lightly tapped against something,or gently squeezed within someones gloved hand and how those deep frozen objects instantly disintegrated into frozen dust like breaking glass?

And so the molecules that make up their spacesuits and their spaceships should also cease to move and those spacesuits and spaceships should also be instantly turned into brittle frozen dust, but they dont and they are not...

Why dont they? Why are they not? Are they even really up there? Were all the moon landings and our entire space program itself nothing more than a huge hoax and a massive deception?

What percentage of the human race has claimed to have actually gone up into outer space? Not even 500 people and thats about 1 in 10 million...

And so all the astronauts who claim to have gone to the moon,walked upon its surface and went into outer space,could actually be lying,high paid actors and actresses,sworn to secrecy...

Because all we really see are the rockets going up and then we see the capsules splashing down...

We see the space shuttles going up and then we see the space shuttles landing...

We see the satellite carrying rockets going up and then we see nothing coming back down...

Thats all we really see,thats all we really know,because thats all we are shown...

And everything else they are showing us,are nothing more than visual displays of their power tripping psych-ops,their green/blue screen movies and their faked photographs...

This should'nt be ignored and dismissed,because like it or not,it isnt out of the question and its a very real possibility that i think and believe is true...

mark1167 #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

[re. Neil deGrasse Tyson]

Remember this man is a part of the system.Produced by the system.
He is a mainstream cosmologist, he makes a living believing in and perpetuating lies.When did
this man's every word all of a sudden become holy? Because I missed that train.

Monsanto is in the business of making toxic poison and killing people.They've been doing it since their beginning and now we are all supposed to trust them to supply us with food? Nice idea, food with the poison already
built in and advertised as such.

Any defense of companies creating GMO foods like Dow or Monsanto lose instant credibility with me regardless of who
is defending. With the sudden rebirth of the small urban organic gardens all over the world and more and more people
turning away from eating poison, Mr. Tyson's words ring hollow with me and millions more.There's a big difference between crossed fruits and crossed livestock and pesticides built into wheat! It's not even a valid argument. It just sounds more like talking points created in a meeting room by a bunch of Monsanto stiffs. That question could have been staged for all we know.I'm sure Mr Tyson gets paid from many different revenue streams....

SubTruth #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Just like in your personal life would you trust someone who is a proven liar time after time. I have no idea if [the 2014 Ebola epidemic] is planned,but they have done things in the past that will make me question them.

At what point do we not trust them anymore? In my opinion it does not make sense to do lab work in a insecure third world country with deadly viruses. Why when we have the facilities and scientists here? Maybe it was because they did not want people asking questions. Also this lab is under investigation that is kinda telling in itself.

soficrow #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Erm. I'm just reviewing the facts. From the OP: Of note, Guinea cancelled mining permits issued by the previous corrupt government earlier this year, and renegotiated for a whole lot more money with another corporate partnership, which not incidentally, included interests from China. As it happens, China is not real popular in Washington: Threatening China: Influential Washington Think Tank Pushes US War Drive in the South China Sea. So surprise, surprise - the Ebola epidemic started near the research facilities.

That's motive, ability, opportunity.

Revised objectives might include: Destabilize Guinea's popular government that cancelled previous mining contracts and brought in the Chinese; demoralize the increasingly socialized workers in the region, who were starting to make demands and go on strike, and decimate the leadership; and thereby,

orchestrate the opportunity to "rehabilitate" the region and fund it's post-epidemic "economic recovery" by building infrastructure for mining iron ore, bauxite, diamonds, gold, uranium and whatever else might be lying around, and mining same.

sled 735 #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Sightings of Nessie and Champ are the most famous and enduring cryptid mysteries, but other large water cryptics have been on the increase over the past few years with reports coming in from all over the planet.

The most famous photograph of Nessie, known as The Surgeon's Photo, has been debunked as a hoax.

However, in 1977, Sandra Mansi took a photo of the cryptid creature seen in Lake Champlain, Vermont, known as Champ. In 1981, this photo underwent tests for authenticity by the Optical Science Center at the University of Arizona. Their conclusion was that this photo is not a fake.

So, if these creatures are real, how do they manage to conceal themselves from the many expeditions of searchers, seeking proof of their existence?

This video of the new H2 show, In Search of Aliens, hosted by Ancient Astronaut theorist Giorgio Tsoukalos, offers compelling evidence from the interviews, to answer this question.

There is a deep basin in Lake Champlain called Split Rock. This basin narrows to only about 1/2 mile wide, and 500 ft. deep, and... it is filled with huge amounts of quartz.

As you may know, quartz can create huge amounts of Electromagnetic Fields when the conditions are right.

According to Dr. John Brandenburg in Southern California, huge amounts of EMF can be created from the quartz in the ground, caused by geologic stresses; this can generate enormous amounts of power.
He says there is an alternative hypothesis of how these sea monsters are being witnessed by people: TIME TRAVEL.

Dr. Brandenburg theorizes the areas in these lakes (Loch Ness and Lake Champlain), with their large concentration of quartz, could be a gateway for a portal of time travel through a worm hole. He suggests that what people are seeing is a creature from the past... in the present.

So...people who have seen one of these creatures are actually seeing the past appearing for only a brief moment in the present. This sounds like a very good explanation to me.

Monts #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

So my story concerns a friend that I have known for about a year now. I met her the summer of last year while I was working, and we spent a lot of time hanging out together this recent summer and fall.
I do have a reputation as being the infinite source of “mind-blowing” stories about UFOs, conspiracies and the like at work, and this girl was one of the ones who always loved hearing my stories... especially the ones concerning UFOs and ETS.

Sometime during this recent summer, she told me that she had a story to tell about being an alien or something. I kind of laughed and said we would talk about it someday. Then a few days ago, after spending a day hanging out, that comment she made seemed to randomly pop into my head, so I asked her to tell me about that “alien” story.

Then she told me she was an alien. I just kind of looked at her... hopefully not with an expression that was too weird or bizarre. She then went on to tell me that it was no big deal, and that she had told many people this before, including her family and a few of her friends.

So, unsure what to make of that, I started asking questions. She told me that there was a lot she couldn’t
answer; there was a rule against revealing pretty much anything about who her race was, why they here, and what they know.

According to her story, she is a part of an ET race that studies humans much like we would study other cultures; by living with them. In her case however, it involves living an entire life as a human on earth- right from birth to death.

She was born with a twin, and according to her, her race births genetically identical twins; twins that are exactly the same, right down to identical fingerprints.

She said that twins are usually given the opportunity to study other races; that way, if she should need a break or need to contact for any reason, her twin could hop in her place and take over for a while.
So after this little bit of background... I started asking obvious questions such as “why haven’t you revealed yourselves”, and “would you let us destroy ourselves without intervening?”.

At this point, I was still pretty confused as to what the conversation meant; she could be just playing some kind of play-along joke, or just trying to have some kind of interesting conversation with me- but either way, there was something about the way she could easily answer my questions with a certain tone that indicated to me that in the least that she was being sincere in some sort of way.

So according to her, her race has a harsh policy against interfering with human evolution or revealing themselves and their true nature and knowledge to people. However she says that there are many others who are just like her- seemingly average people living out full human lives- but in reality being not of this earth. She would be able to recognize who they were if she saw them. Some of them go against the rule of non-intervention. Some are trying to help us, but some are just trying to play tricks on us for their own amusement; she said this is one of reasons why there is so much contradicting stories and information in the realm of ET contact.

kloejen #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Iron Dome Fake - A Massive Hoax - Missiles Blowing Up in the Air?

So i found this video in another thread here on ATS, and was wondering why no one picked it up. Maybe i am wrong here and its already posted elsewhere? If so, sorry.
The search is broken for me, and i used google, all other stuff shows up.

Ok... so the theory is according to this video is that the Iron Dome is a hoax, cannot possible work. Because a Quassam rocket is too fast to be intercepted, fired upon and shoot down.. Watch the vid..

So the question is.. does anyone have a clip showing clearly how a Iron Dome missile intercepts a "Hamas" "rocket", in mid air, destroying it ?

Israeli expert says Iron Dome defence is a hoax

The main purpose of the "iron Dome" is to incinerate fear into the people living in Israel, giving them a sense of being protected by a "light show"

Many rocket attacks never happened, was merely a "drill", but was still portrayed in the media as a genuine attack...

CrimsonKapital #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Hey ATS, I was on doing some research on the Spainish-American war when I found a link to an article about America's Medal of Honor. The very first thing I noticed about the medal was that it is an inverted star. Pentagrams are notoriously used by satanists which are used to refer to the Sigil of Bahphomet.
Here is what it looks like.

And here is the Medal of "Honor", see how it is inverted?

Americans who think they are serving their country, might actually be serving satan?

Losonczy #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

I have spent the last week...I don't know...I got a wild hair up my *$%^...but I have been watching a ton of YouTube videos on Sandy Hook.

I frankly cannot believe that the amount of discrepancies in EVERY report have not been advanced have not been looked at at an investigative level more seriously. These include: crisis actors, discrepancies on supposedly dead children seen later, suggestions that Sandy Hook school was shut down in 2009 and inactive (see NO WEB TRAFFIC on the school site for 3 years), the suggestion that the still uncorrected property database shows a TON of houses in Newtown being "paid off" or mortgages transferred on December 25, 2009 when NO ONE would be recording or selling property, the fact that "arm chair investigators" (who I always regarded the ATS membership as being) have been arrested/disappeared (Scotty Walker) and threats to Wolfgang Harbig, the fact that all available photos of the school look like a staged vacant building, the absence of blood materially in the school, the media images of only a few children filing out (where are the other several hundred kids that would have been evacuated), the fact that Peter Lanza with a still photo never was interviewed on camera (only one press photo ever presented), the fact that there are NO Google records showing much activity on the "older brother" Ryan being archived past 2012.

I just have to stop here because I could go ON and ON. Even if the government bought an entire town and a crew of actors, HOW is it possible that none of them are talking? And IF it was a legitimate mass murder, where are all the other attention seekers talking about their experiences at the school (the other students, parents, administrators, community members)? I go back to the famous quote from Benjamin Franklin: ""Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead."

If all of this is SO off the mark...how is it possible that this many people have remained silent? Is money really enough to silence that many people? Wouldn't there be one child or one adult with a conscious, a life scare, an integrity check, that would come forward and report. And as unbelievable as this silence is...the "facts" are equally unbelievable. Anyone have thoughts on this so I can stop obsessively watching these videos and wondering why a real whistleblower narrative has not emerged?

thesmokingman #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

I think there would be easier ways to kill this ""whistle blower" without bringing down another plane. I heard the day after MH17 went down, there was a Malaysian Airlines MH17 still in service. The pilot I heard talking about this said it was VERY UNUSUAL for this plane number to still be in service just ONE day after such a tragedy. My belief is that the plane that was shot down WAS in fact MH370. Maybe whoever was involved in the MH370 disappearance, set this up to blame the Russians for the downing of a commercial airliner, and further enrage the rest of the world and cause outrage against Russia. Whoever had MH370, needed to get rid of it somehow, before it was found. In my opinion, the people responsible is either Ukraine OR Malaysia. I am still undecided, but am leaning toward Malaysia. They were under heavy scrutiny for the handling of the investigation into MH370, and were not very helpful from the very beginning of the investigation. Now the question is in my mind, why Malaysia? What do they have to gain from this? Were they simply doing the bidding of the US/NWO. Why were they one of the only airlines still operating over the war torn area? For Russia to have shot this plane down just does not make any sense. They are under enough heat and pressure from the worldwide community as of late, this was not in their best interest to shoot this plane down. I believe Ukraine is involved as well, they are the only ones to benefit from Russia being blamed for this. Just my 2cents

tanka418 #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

I am in constant contact with a group of ETs that are "visiting" near the Earth. Talk with them daily...

Back in 1951, at the age of about 4-1/2 A UFO visited the farm where I grew up. The overall event actually lasted the better part of a week, or so I've been told. The story go that a UFO, complete with a "door", hovered over my grand-parent's farm everyday.

On it's last day of "visiting" I apparently went missing for about 6 hours. When I returned I told a story about going to see the spaceship, and the people on it. Not really much interesting in the story, but the aliens; One Nordic, and one Gray...and apparently all we did was talk.

Today, the aliens are a different group, and somewhat more active in "world affairs", and of course, I have conversations frequently. Being a computer scientist / software engineer by education, and lifestyle I have had to attempt to devise a method of validating the reality of my "contacts". Not quite as simple as it might seem...So...from time to time, I request, and typically get, a short term "prediction" of an event happening in Earth's local space; a UFO sighting, solar flare, or something that can be detected by someone other than me...so I have a pretty good indication that they are real.

bluemetal #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

I've read some abduction research that says Grey implants are often crystalline and placed behind and below the left ear. That might explain the lumps under the skin of my friend and I, under our ears. We're both abductees. Also, it is interesting that we were in the kitchen one day (month or so ago) and we both suddenly felt a pulse, waves of this painful energy, this squeezing feeling in our faces. Behind the nose, almost behind the eyeball. Felt like if you had a bad bruise and someone kept pushing on it and holding down for 5 seconds at a time, then letting go, and redoing that. Now if it was just me, I'd say "That's weird, must be another random pain that occurs in the human body for no reason 'cept for random biological stuff", but we both got the sudden pulse at the same time, in the same place, so I think we both have implants there which were stimulated at that moment for unknown milab or alien reasons. And also, about a week ago, I noticed the exact same pulsing feeling, that painful squeeze occur where that subdermal bump is below my ear. It's about a millimetre in diameter, and the squeezing pain radiated about a 2cm radius around it. It wasn't blood pulsing. Not sure if this is alien stuff, or human milab stuff going on. But I believe there are also etheric implants that are more of an alien thing going on as well. Check out William Baldwin's Possession book for some great info' on that.

DEV1L79 #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

[Re. the Elliot Rodger killing spree]

Something about this whole thing stinks to high heaven. The video in which he states he will have his retribution is more staged than anything I have ever seen. Just like the Colorado Batman shootings and the Sandy Hook Shootings it is all so false even the father (who worked on movies) is so unconvincing.

As soon as I seen this in the newspaper I knew it is all just a mass hoax for gun control Victims father calls for gun control. at least half the victims were supposedly hurt by a knife and not a gun.

The father of Elliot the shooter worked on the film 'The Hunger Games' look up the author of The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins she actually lives in Sandy Hook around the corner from Nancy Lanzas house. And we all know that Sandy Hook is mentioned in the Batman film from which the Colorado shootings happened.

Elliot like all the other shooters went to psychologists and was prescribed Risperidal, an antipsychotic medication. It isn't gun control we need How about prescription medication control? How about psychotropic medicine control.

This victims fathers video seems really fake to me, all he goes on about is gun control but Elliot stabbed the first 3 victims (his roommates to death). The father isn't speaking about his grief, all he talks about is gun control. All so soon after it happened too, don't you think he would feel to emotional to get up on a soap box about Gun Control.

NJE777 #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Ok, I feel that Earth is a zoo. We originally were apes. When we look at the glaring holes and time discrepencies with 'evolution', logic tells us that 'someone' came along and genetically improved us. There is no way, we could have naturally evolved.

My question is why? Why would this anyone do this? The only logical explanation I can come up with is 'entertainment'?

Now, consider Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest..obviously, humans are surviving above all other species, well perhaps we shall exclude cockroaches and vermin? Perhaps Darwin had some insight?

I watched a DVD the other day, a comedian firstname ? lastname = Hicks - (really recommend it) He did a skit on monkeys and majik mushrooms, really funny but also left you thinking.

UFO sightings are becoming more and more frequent...well I see this as 'maintenance'. When you look at a zoo, you have staff that look after the zoo. Depending on what literature you read, (I read recently, a book by 'Peter') and in that ET's were constantly cleaning up after human error, polution, chemtrails etc. Then there is abduction testimonies; most of those who are abducted have lab tests carried out on them. More maintenance?

Autodidactic36 #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

The names, symbols and numbers that are attached to things, people, places, countries etc, only appear as though they can be anything, or are meaningless. They are in actuality a piece of what they represent, they can not lie, only hide what they represent via our ignorance.

When something changes from one thing to another, the name and symbols used to represent it haven't a choice but to change as well. When the Soviet Union was no more, it became Russia again, it began using the Symbol of St George slaying a dragon again.

The Ukraine has the Trident for it's symbol on it's flag, the Trident is the symbol of Shiva aka Satan aka Neptune, aka the snake aka the dragon. This doesn't mean all Ukrainians worship Satan or are bad or anything, it is just who is in charge there.

As Michael Tsarion is always pointing out America literally means "land of the Plumed Serpent."

People need to start looking at the symbols and names of things, they are the best way to find out what something really represents.

Pellevoisin #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

One day I woke up to a world in which Nelson Mandela was very much alive and walking out of the prison.

I remember vividly his execution in South Africa -- so was it simply a bad dream. I don't think so, because I have met two other people who have very similar recollections of events and were likewise startled to see Mandela alive and well and walking into freedom.

lowki2 #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

I was a Gray Alien in past life

I ascended when I was a pirate through negative love (acceptance) of my fellow pirates.

I've had three incarnations,
the first I was a male miner of sorts using a relatively unsuccessful hybrid,
I died early as a counsel decided that the host body was causing me too much pain.

Then I incarnated as a female genetic engineer,
I participated in some food lathering orgies in my spare time.

My first two life times I spent underground,
the mining one I was mainly in tunnels,
where as the genetic engineer female I spent mostly under ground buildings.

Then I incarnated as a space ship helper "android" gray alien,
I had Nordic Orion masters,
but I rarely looked much above their waist,
I was getting my orders from a higher ranking gray group leader.

I died in the soviet union in the early 80's from a rifle wound to the chest,
reincarnated as a homo-sapien.
To help we with you ascend.

I can still interact with the gray hive mind -- either directly or through memory.
So if you have any questions about Gray alien society feel free to ask.

TheThirdAdam #fundie abovetopsecret.com

The fundamental difference between Bill Gates and a broker or fund manager like George Soros is productivity. Bill Gates invented and produced a software that improved and changed technology for the better. Consequently, he receives billions for his contribution to society which has been exponentially more productive because of his work.

George Soros has contributed nothing. He is not wealthy because of any invention or anything that his company produces. Instead, he has made billions by collapsing national currencies, and making bets on wall street with other peoples money and using that money to manipulate the market for profit. Yes, he is very successful, but most his success has been built on the misfortune of others. Now tell me, which of these two types of men claims to be an objectivist and which one actually is?

Jesus helped those in need by healing the sick or disabled and by giving to the poor. I do not recall anywhere in the Bible where it was indicated that his ministry supported those who were saved by him indefinitely. In fact, it was the Bible that first said that if a man will not work, he shall not eat. If a person was unable to work or to be reasonably productive, he enabled them by healing, teaching, or giving to them. In essence, what he did and taught was the empowerment of the individual to live freely with the ability to provide for himself in a manner that is just and reasonable.

Justice in it’s purest form is balance, and the Golden Rule is social balance. Therefore, a reasonable man will live by the Golden Rule. Rand defined objectivism as, "the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute." This is the connection between Jesus, Galt, and Roark; the reverence of the human spirit and it’s natural right to carry on without domination or oppression by any man, government, or spiritual being.

Why isn't Ayn Rand ever considered to be a humanitarian?

TheThirdAdam #fundie abovetopsecret.com

I’ve been reading quite a few threads that talk about Ayn Rand and her philosophy of objectivism and it is quite evident that her work is almost universally misunderstood or misrepresented as a sociopath’s manifesto. Though I’m sure that it is the adopted creed of most sociopaths, I do not believe that it was ever intended as such. Much like Christianity and the Bible, Objectivism and Ayn Rand’s works have been dissected and have been quoted out of context to justify the unreasonable actions of those who would try to do harm for personal gain. I compare the two works because when you break them down to their fundamental principles, they are nearly identical by my own interpretation. They both teach the value of honest reasoning, and free will as a sacred human right.

How did I draw that conclusion? Jesus gave only two commandments, the first of them was to essentially live by the golden rule. In Rand’s work we see one theme that stands out far above any other and that is that the only true evil in this world is when one man takes by force the physical, intellectual, or spiritual property of another man for his own gain. In other words, Rand illustrates that free will is a sacred human right deserved by all. However, both books are widely quoted by those whose actions contradict the true principles taught. They are the basis of this bad behavior because of certain ideas within that are taken out of context.

Namaste #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

I live in the United States. I purposefully let my Driver's Lisence expire as I do not believe it is right to be forced to contract. In fact, we are protected from being forced into contracts. To be forced to contract is called entering a contract Under Duress and is in fact a feasible defense to void a contract entered into in such a manner. I recently got my Driving Without a Lisence ticket, truth be told; I was waiting for the day. Now it is time to go to court. I suppose I am making this post to hear other's opinions on the situation, and perhaps; for advice.

Now for some background on why I am choosing to fight this battle.

I think it is a gross injustice to force the Citizens of a State to Lisence themselves and their respective conveyance(s). In a sense, they are charging us extra to travel on our roadways. The road work in my State is funded by taxation of the fuel we use to propel our conveyances. That being said, simply by purchasing fuel we are paying for the Right to use the roadway. We should not be forced to do any sort of registering to use the roadways we fund. The Government, without regard to what body, has no right to know what conveyances I own, and therefore I am making the choice to stop registering my conveyances. I also am able to provide them with identification beyond that of a Driver's Lisence should they need it via a Passport or a State Issued ID.

I have court in early December. It is a Municipal Court as the Law I broke was in fact an Ordinance. An Ordinance is a Law enacted by a Municipal Corporation. Yes, a Corporation. A Municipal Corporation only has the power to conduct business within the private sector. They only have the right to contract with you, and if you know anything about Contractual Law, that means they must have your consent. A consent I refuse to give them.

So now for my defense.

When I am asked to plea, I will reply;

“I do not plead to courts of contracts. An Ordinance is a Law enacted by a Municipal Corporation. A Municipal Corporation only has the power to conduct business within the private sector, in which case I am not a Corporation but a natural born person and I am reserving all rights and benefits without prejudice provided for me under Uniform Commercial Code Book 1 Section 1-207, whereby I can reserve my Common Law Right to not be compelled to perform under any Contract or Agreement, that I have not entered into knowingly, voluntarily, or intentionally, and that reservation serves as notice to all Administrative Agencies of Government, Nationally, State, and Locally, that I do not, and will not, accept the liability associated with the "Compelled Benefit" of any unrevealed Commercial Agent. I am here today under protest and duress as I have only appeared under threat of imprisonment and refuse to allow you to create a joinder between myself, the natural born person, and ****** **** ****, the Corporation created for me at birth.”

I am thinking this alone should have the case dismissed, but should the "Judge" wish to carry on I will ask for the courts to provide an Injured Party with a Verified Complaint. Should the "Judge" fail to come forth with an injured party I will remind him/her of Uniform Commercial Code 1-103, "The Code is complimentary to the Common Law, which remains in force, except where displaced by the code. A statute should be construed in harmony with the Common Law, unless there is clear legislative intent to abrogate the Common Law." I will remind the "Judge" that the Code cannot be read to preclude a Common Law action, which I took by reserving my Rights under U.C.C. 1-207.

If the "Judge" tries to carry on with a charade I will state, "Sir, I can sue you under the Common Law, for violating my rights under the Uniform Commercial Code. I have a remedy, under the UCC, to restore my rights under the Common Law. I have exercised the remedy, and now you must construe this Ordinance in harmony with the Common Law. To be in harmony with the Common Law, you must come forth with the damaged party."

Bildo #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

I don't know if you are referring to me about "not wanting to pay taxes", but that wasn't the issue. If I am liable for a tax I'll pay the tax. If you enjoy paying taxes, that's fine with me. But I will not pay a tax if I am not liable for it. A friend told me to take my UCC-1 to my employer. I did it to prove him wrong. I proved myself wrong. If you are too scared to make your life better, then don't. I told everyone what I did, and what the results were. I found out I'm not the first to do this, many have.
And that brings up another issue --there is no lawful money to pay debts at law. You can not use a fiat currency to "pay" anything. FRN's are debt notes. Read "Modern Money Mechanics" by the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank.
Do you own your car? No, you don't. You have a "Certificate of Title". Sooo, who has the actual title?
Biiiiig rabbit hole!

EdwardKill #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com


I watched a great documentary on it called "The House of Numbers" and I thin kit proves as pretty much fact that theres no such thing as aids and that your more likely to not catch anything.

Aids is not even really a disease its just symptoms that u get like a cough or a runny nose. But the thing is that they say aids exists because they need to make a lot of money from selling anti virals and raising money you know?

You see aids is really big business now and many people make there complete living from aids. here is a list of people who make a lot of money from aids:

Robert Downy Junior
Whoopi Goldberg
Barack Obama
Mit Romney

Those are just 4 people who make a lot of money from aids. They make it from things like fundraisers and taxpayers money.

The truth of the matter is yes you can get disease from having sex but mostly just chlymedia and gonorrea and herpes. Aids is really just a bunch of symptoms that any1 can get.

the proof is by a dr named dr deusenberg and he has proven many times that aids is a fake illness that most people have hiv in them and that if you test them they will have hiv.

so really hiv does NOT equal aids. most people in africa have "aids" because by saying a lot of people have aids they can keep funding aids programs. do you understand what im saying?

I can explain this more if you guys need to and i would also link to the video I watched but I dont know if thats against the rules is it agianst the rules for me to link to the video i watched on this?

You can trust me when i can say its basically proofen that aids is just a myth and it was a myth created out of anti gayness because aids was originally called grid which stands for gay related immune dieases with then they called aids because it hurt peoples feelings because it was a mean thing to say that only gays get aids even though thats true because gays get aids because of the fact that many of the party lifstyles in urban areas cause aids symptoms but there really not exclusive to gays anyone gets the symtpoms of aids if they do too much partying like drugs and drinking and alcohol.

But a virus called aids no it doesnt exist its a conspiracy born out of greed and gluttony of the hearts of men. Sound familiar LOL!

I'll explain more if you people are intertested but i thought i'd just let you guys know that YES AIDS IS NOT REAL DONT WORRY BAOUT IT DONT BE TOO AFRAID LOL.

firebat #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

I'm well aware of the ol' "alien anal-probe" from movies to TV shows, cartoons etc.... I've read many reputable books on the subject of UFOs and Aliens and I have NEVER, that I can recall, come across any account of an anal-probing. Maybe those reports are out there but I haven't seen them.

I believe in aliens... and I'm not totally against the idea that humans have been 'abducted' by aliens before. But I think the majority of abduction-type events are government operations... and those guys are all about anal-probing!

Sly1one #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

I was discussing the flu-shot today with some friends and family and I had a sudden realization during the course of the conversation.

Now, traditional conspiracy theory is that the vaccines are to help reduce the population to a "more manageable" level for the "TPTB". It does this through a number of different methods in theory such as reducing the ability of the immune system to function correctly or INDEPENDENTLY, while simultaneously creating "super-viruses" thus increasing the necessity for recurring flu-shots and creating DEPENDENCE. Its almost a form of Münchausen syndrome by proxy

What I find interesting is that most of the people that are pro-flu-shot are also pro-establishment and pro-government...which if you are trying to create a world of mindless obedient workers to do your bidding...the last thing you want to do is target them for elimination and leave the anti-flu-shot and anti-establishment/government group to survive...and get in your "way"...

If you think of it in a form of eugenics...the flu-shot-virus being "deadly" will leave much of the future populated with people that are HARDER and less likely to be controlled...

this is counter-productive to the proposed TPTB goals/objectives...

so if the "agenda" of the "TPTB" is as its proposed, we need to re-think what the purpose and effect of the "flu-vaccine" is...because when referenced with depopulation and creating a controllable slave race...it makes NO sense...


XGodOfWar #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

I would love to live in this fairy tale world where nobody needs gun anymore, but they want us to do this while at the same time arming police officers the same as the military, DHS is buying 2.1 billion rounds of ammo, and 2,700 Armored APCs and not explaining why. No it is not time to put down our weapons yet by a long shot. I will not go gentle into that good night.

CookieMonster000 #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

[Topic: "Big Black Delta UFOs are actually government stealth blimps"]

any of you see kung pow they had the same airships except they were gold color and it was triangle....what i believe is that since the government controls what can be broadcasted and showed to the public they would put in top secret stuff in movies so that people would think it was alll in the movie and it wasnt really true...and so when we accuse them of not telling us about top secret stuff they would say LOOK WE SHOWED THE PUBLIC IN MOVIES,VIDEO GAMES, SHOWS, etc

just a thought

SLAYER69 #conspiracy #ufo abovetopsecret.com

You’re not going to find a straight line towards a specific examples of Back Engineered Alien Technology, in other words your not going to pop off the back of your computer and look for a chip that says made in Alpha Centuri.

We had our first wave of technology from this source explode onto the world consumer markets in the late 60s and early 70s and later during the 80s. A strange thing occurred during the Reagan Presidency, the SDI program was pushed forward in the hopes that the more advanced recovered technology that we had not been able to decipher up till now could be broken.

How could this be accomplished without letting anybody know what it is your trying to do? Compartmentalize! Break up the projects through out the US and World and do not let the other parties involved know what the others are doing and how it relates to each other. Divide and conquer.

Finally the meat and potatoes

Viewing Alien micro circuitry gave those in the electronics field the idea of miniaturizing components.

Chinese Academy of Social Science #fundie abovetopsecret.com

Former editor of the Sunday Telegraph, Dominic Lawson, in a review in the Sunday Times of Niall Ferguson's new book, ‘Civilisation: The West and the Rest’, carries a quote from a member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in which he tries to account for the success of the West, to date.

He said: “One of the things we were asked to look into was what accounted for the success, in fact, the pre-eminence of the West all over the world.

“We studied everything we could from the historical, political, economic, and cultural perspective. At first, we thought it was because you had more powerful guns than we had.

“Then we thought it was because you had the best political system. Next we focused on your economic system.

“But in the past twenty years, we have realised that the heart of your culture is your religion: Christianity. That is why the West is so powerful.

“The Christian moral foundation of social and cultural life was what made possible the emergence of capitalism and then the successful transition to democratic politics. We don’t have any doubt about this.”

Gseven #fundie abovetopsecret.com

I think people are failing to realize that it is not the government's responsibility to help ANYONE have "safe sex". Again, this is indicative of how skewed this generation's ideologies are, and their attempts at placing their own bodily responsibility on the government. "Oh I got pregnant, and it's the government's fault for not providing me with birth control"....please tell me I'm not the only one who sees how maddening this is!!

And the really sad part of this video is....polycystic fibrosis and endometriosis have BOTH been linked to birth control pills, as well as the higher increases of infertility in women who have been on birth control their whole lives. I have family members who have experienced this heartbreak first hand - due to the extended use of birth control pills. They can't have children, and a couple have had full blown hysterectomies. Talk about regret!! Sandra Fluke uses examples of women with these issues as an argument FOR the usage of these things.

No one NEEDS birth control pills, and until they came along, humans were doing just fine, with a LOT less instances of infertility. Even condoms are being linked to some serious issues and infections. People just need to understand that if they want an active and indiscriminate sex life, there WILL be consequences...period. Whether it is with or without birth control. Why doesn't anyone get this?

bri6844 #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

There are alot of simularities between the waco texas massacre and the dorner one.

Both were started to silence a witness.
Both were done with full fbi knowledge.
Both killed innocent people who were defending our freedoms

bo12au #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

False flag at super bowl, cain and abel, San Francisco vs. Baaltimore

Beginning of a new age (2012)
Genesis the Creation of the world (new world)
Genesis 4 Cain murders his brother Abel
Genesis 4:7 God interracts with Cain (warning sin is at the door) 4+7=11
Super bowl 47 (4+7=11) First super bowl in 'new age
Both head coaches are BROTHERS of the two teams. Jim and John Harbough
Baltimore Ravens-'baal' a pagan deity,(lots of catholic connections search the word Baltimore)
San Francisco 49ers-Saint Francisco (two catholic saints,one started the Jesuits,Saint Francisco Xavier)scarlet and gold colors, 9+4=13,
Saint Francisco has connections in France. And rome with all types of craziness.
New Orleans home of super bowl 47, french name, popular for Mardi gras a catholic party of all types of crude behavior, Martial law gun grab test run after Katrina,
Remember Batman. Rise of the dark knight?? Shootings involved,connected with a Got him city MAP,terrorist event
The big sink hole that is very close to the dome in new Orleans,

There are so many connections here its crazy. Keep digging people I have laid out the obvious but there is SO many more connections than I listed, research all the names I listed, places, Very possible disaster or satanic ritual is about to unfold.

Pope lines with Obama on gun control, look at the unique words the pope chose
Cain and able - first murder in the history of the world.
Ravens mentioned many times in KJV Bible, a bird that picks the bones,
beat the Patriots, the Broncos, a White Horse HELLO???look at the scores of the game??

So much more. There are no coincidences.

JewAgainstZionism #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

There are at least dozen ETs that visited our Planet in the last 100 years and at least 50 in the last 10 000 years

The Extra Terrestrial life in our Galaxy is grouped into alliances.

The ever famous PLEIADIANS are one such alliance group, only one problem, they actually call themselves Plejorans (or something to that effect) and live beyond the Pleiadian stars, not that it matters really.

The ET alliances have very large philosophical differences between them, The Pleiadians for example are what we would call more benevolent and believe in "service to others" way of life. They also happen to be very advanced.

Another group is the ORION Group, now this is important, please pay attention, these guys are the bad a$$es.

The Orions are believers in Fascism, the totalitarian way of life. We here on Earth have been very unlucky bunch of humans, The Orions got to us first, Orion group came to us in our ancient past, and they stayed with us, they infiltrated us, shaped our beliefs, our cultures, messed with our DNA, and so on.

The Greys, are part of the Orion group, it just so happens that different kinds of Reptilians are part of the Orions.

If you look at present day US/NATO/CHINA/RUSSIA/ISRAEL world war 1, world war 2, coming world war 3

These are all results of the Orions.

bekod #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

[re: The CIA's attempt to get Bin Laden's DNA]
thank you all for your thoughts but the real concern is not just DNA, but the fact they did this under false pretenses, and that could be construed as the first step towards a implant program, "come get your flu shot, you must receive your flu shot" ,at the same time get DNA/ RFID tagged this is what i was getting at. If they can do it with getting DNA from you why not put something in you with out you knowing it ? RFID has come a long way there is now a safe implantable chip /tag. some hospitals are using this to track your meds, condition, and billing. The mass public could be next, this means you.

nothingwrong #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Why would NASA dedicate a whole section of their web site to contrails. With technical explanations and photos etc.

Funny how so many of the photos look just like chemtrails.
Funny how these Persistent Spreading chemtrails were never seen in the sky when I was younger (20 to 30 years ago)
Funny that they feel it so important to educate the public on what a contrail is, so when we look up and see chemtrails in the sky, all anyone has to do is reference the NASA web site and !OH! seems that just a normal contrail after all. Riiiight! lol

PurpleVortex #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

I really don't like her, but that's just me. Convinient you say? A little TOO convinient considering the fact that [Hillary Clinton] got ill around the time for her to testify. I say Kerry gets nominated and Hilarry starts slowwwwly recovering.

ETA: I doubt she is even in the hospital, this is all part of the plan. The plan that if you cannot see, you need to open your eyes. She is probably sipping on a latte and planning her next move.

alienreality #fundie abovetopsecret.com

It is hard to rationalize, but I know hell is a real place because I have experienced it's keepers... I have seen them more than once, and they really hated me like they hate all humans..

Humankind was alread destined for total termination because of it's wickedness, and we all already deserve hell..

If you don't believe this, then perhaps the righteousness you are attributing to yourself will save your soul.. good luck with that one..

Only because of Christ can you be pardoned... believe or don't believe, no one is forcing anyone to believe it..

It's easy to jump on the bandwagon and not believe, it is much harder to believe.. It does begin with faith, but it isn't only limited to just blind faith, because many alive today have been visited by Christ himself in this current age..He had mercy on me, although I often wonder why.. I just hope I can fulfill my mission and do my part because I know hell exists and I definitely do not want to go there..

If any of you ever see hells minions you will know immediately who they are and you will be able to feel their hatred like a terminal disease.. because of what I know, I will never tell someone to go to hell, I wouldn't wish that place on the worst of the worst, it is that bad.

Knowing what I know:

1: Hell = very bad
2: I don't want to go there.
3: I'll do whatever it takes to not go there:
4: All I have to do is believe in Christ as a first step or just proudly live life and disregard all accountability...

Ill take the first option...
I fear God and I fear being sent to hell, and I apologize very often.. Humility is a virtue that the proud do not possess..pride is what happened to hells boss, didn't work out very well..

No, it doesn't seem rational, but neither does a whole lot of things..

Jeremiah65 #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

You are crossing so many lines and stepping on so many Liberties in your "good for the many" attitude it is astounding.

Santorum's beef with the plan is that it removes the parents from the equation based on it's wording. They are not the progressives children...they are not "The state's" children...keep your commie hands off...

I am so glad my children are grown and are not anticipating having kids themselves.

I don't suppose you recall another person back in the 30's and 40's that wanted to condition all the "good" children while simultaneously sterilizing the handicapped or sick. Yeah he was really concerned about the disabled...removing them that is.

The state...the UN...or whoever can get bent...the moment they think they can tell parents how they can take care of their sick and disabled children...or children in general is the day violence and riots will begin.

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