
tiffanybw #fundie rr-bb.com

Doesn't surprise me. Not at all.

It's on the news all of the time. The media, they love Trump because he brings them ratings. But they speak of Trump like he is a piece of trash. They take ANY statement, and they turn it into something it is not. Trump is saying something hateful. Trump is saying something racist.

I was listening yesterday to CNN, and some Hispanic woman was on and after a few minutes I had to press mute because I couldn't take the sound of her voice, nor what it was she was saying. Was just complete HATE and LIES. Evidently, Trump said something about a Mexican judge (not even sure exactly what he said, not been up on the news/current events the past week of so because I had a sick kitty cat who has now gone to be with Jesus ).

This lady just made me want to (vomit emoji). She was yelling and going on and on about how racist Trump is and how dare he call a person a Mexican, like it is the most horrible thing in the world to call a person Mexican.

My thoughts: OK lady. So... let me get this straight. You are Mexican? Yet you find it offensive when someone calls you Mexican? So what does that mean? You hate who you are? You find it disgusting that you are a Mexican? It's you who sees something bad in it, not me. And me, I don't think there is anything bad about the fact that you are a Mexican. But I guess you do find it very distasteful that you are a Mexican. So, you hate yourself and you don't want to be called what you are. If you are called what you are, a Mexican, then you feel that is racist? Whatever. All right then.

A person IS what a person IS. If you are from Mexico, you are a Mexican. There is nothing bad about that, nothing good about that. It is who you are. I am an American because I am from America. Someone from Brazil is Brazilian. Someone from China is Chinese. A white person is white, a black person is black, a hispanic person is hispanic. So what?????

At the beach last year, we were out on the balcony and were talking about fishing. My sister pointed and said... "That guy down there, he just caught one." My husband said, "Who?" My sister said, "That guy there, the black guy." Well, my (at the time 9 years old) daughter Angelina, because she has been indoctrinated with this FAKE RACISM, she says, "Aunt Tammy, don't say that! That is very racist!"

Had a conversation with Ang after that about what racism is/is not.

So I guess Trump called some judge a Mexican. And the hispanic woman on the news was having a conniption! And the news anchor too. They go on, on, on. They say the most horrible things. There are no hateful or racist people except for THEM. They need to take a long look at themselves in the mirror, because they themselves are the definition of hate and racism.

Them not protecting Trump, them not protecting Trump supporters from the violent, completely hateful, completely CRIMINAL protestors.... par for the course. And yes, I look for it to get even worse. I can't turn on the news without hearing the new 24/7 programming which might as well be called "Bashing Trump".

And then they talk about Hillary like she is some innocent. UGH! It makes me sick. Haven't been listening regularly for about a week and so maybe this is normal and I just forgot they always do this. But seems like to me, it's gotten worse, the media hating on Trump/Trump supporters. The media stirs up the ignorant masses and welfare recipients who have nothing better to do than stare at their free cable tv. Riles them up with their lies, spins the low information stupid people into a frenzy of hate, offers them $10 to go protest and behave like violent criminal fools, and there you have it.

It's completely fine and ok. And those poor, poor protestors. And look at the violence that Trump and his supporters bring!

Well, from where I sit, and looking at the pictures in that article, looks to me like the protestors are anything BUT poor and trodden upon. They are throwing eggs, violently stomping on Trump supporters (literally), and all kinds of other violence. They should be arrested and jailed. They are the racist ones. They are the hateful ones. And we who are Trump supporters... well... can't even defend ourselves because if we try it will be broadcast and on loop 24/7 how horrible we are that we punched some never Trump protestor.

I agree though, with whomever said they only expect it to get worse. It's what TPTB want to happen, and they will spin it and lie like their father satan has taught them, and will paint us like the criminals instead of who the TRUE criminals are.

Momma D. #fundie rr-bb.com

(In response to mdulk's story about satanic palm scanners)

It sounds like you had an option to do the scan...what if you are under anesthesia...wonder if they could do it without your knowledge? It may very well come to that...
'They' want to be able to identify you by every means possible...as posted earlier, they can't identify you if you are not on this earth!!

tiffanybw #fundie rr-bb.com

Amen brother, I feel the exact same way. I truly don't understand people anymore. Not at all.

I think satan knows his time is short, and boy is he unleashing the evil. Satan, his angels and demons, I believe they are everywhere covering the face of this planet. I don't know how else to explain people and their behaviors. If one doesn't have Jesus, it leaves them susceptible to the spiritual evil that is so prevalent in this world right now. It's like I FEEL it, in my bones I feel it, can sense the tension in the air, and there is no way to get away from it. The only way out is Jesus. I don't know what people do who don't have Him, how hopeless they must feel.

mdulk and In Christ #fundie rr-bb.com


I recently had to go to the hospital to get some testing done. As im sitting there in registration, the lady behind the desk asks me if i want to register my palm print. I asked her what that was for and she told me that it will speed up the process of registration for me in the future and if i ever come into the hospital unconscious they would be able to identify me. Immediately my brain went to "MOB" technology and my automated response was , no thank you. As i walked away thinking about this, i began to see that the global initiative for real time identification is truly here. Its being presented on all fronts as a "good and positive" thing to do. Although i understand the mob will become a mandatory mark during the tribulation, i also see where they are conditioning the masses with stuff like the palm print, chips in your pets, etc. This world is on the fast track to the end of the age, and i believe whole heartedly that we are the generation that will see this all take place. This world seems to change on a daily basis, sometimes it almost seems to change by the hour.

In Christ:

I am in agreement with you 100%. One thing to consider is "data collection", think of it this way: When the MOB becomes reality there will surely be millions (likely) who are aware of the scriptures and (barring deception) they will recognize the system, and will opt-out. However, through the use of data collection such as palm prints, finger prints, retina scans etc.. the powers to be including the AC will have access to this data and could use it to try to track those who reject the MOB down. It would be pretty easy to take all those who registered for the MOB and their print data and compare it to databases around the globe, and in parsing the data they could determine who is unaccounted for and begin tracking. The system to do those searches would have to be on the magnitude of a "cray", but it could be done. Could be a reality coming near you... Accept Christ today and avoid the mess to come...

tiffanybw #fundie #homophobia #transphobia rr-bb.com

It is like we live in a world where homosexuality and every single deviation from what God created to be (deviations such as trans-gender, multiple wives or husbands, bi sexual, pan sexual... which basically means anything goes as long as those involved in it are consenting adults; don't know if this means animals too; don't care and just , gay/lesbian/multi multi partnered homes being portrayed constantly on tv in a positive light where as traditional family, if portrayed at all, is delivered to us in a negative way). It goes on and on.

The absolute worst part about it, how it is celebrated by most everyone. If a word of disapproval spoken at all... the person voicing this disapproval of such acts is called every name in the book and deemed a hateful racist. If a person tries to celebrate their own traditional values they are immediately condemned and labeled as hateful and racist. Anything moral and as God intended = hateful and racist.

Yes, it is worse when same people doing these things, celebrating these things, claim to be Christian. Like you, I pray for them. I don't understand how they can reconcile that they live such an openly sinful lifestyle and at the same time call themselves children of Christ.

I do understand Christians who struggle with sin. I am one of them. The difference, we don't call it "right". So, if a true Christian struggles with alcoholism, with anger issues, with selfishness, with homosexuality; all those things we recognize as what they are.... WRONG. We mess up and we do wrong things. But we try not to. When we have done wrong, we repent; verses calling our sin good and celebrating it. We are certainly not proud of the wrong we do.

As time moves on, everything that is anti-God, celebrated more and more. Anything traditional, moral, stated as 'good' in the Bible, anything having to do with Christ, with God.... immediately condemned by society. Currently, Christians are openly discriminated against (not so much our basic rights, but with negative words such as hateful and racist). God, and Christ, still factor into society enough so that there are people out there who, I guess they care enough to lie to themselves. Maybe they really do believe in God but haven't truly accepted Jesus into their heart, or maybe they are simply afraid of death and so it comforts them to "say" they are Christian as they run around committing every sin they can possibly fathom. Or maybe these people know exactly what they are doing and are trying to destroy the last vestiges of what is left of Christianity in this nation.

It'll eventually get to the point to where Christianity is illegal, and considered akin to the word 'terrorist'. That is where we are headed. The farther this nation gets from God, the more depravity we see, the more violence we see. This nation is barely recognizable to me anymore. It's sad when the average 2 year old already knows the definition of the words 'gay' and 'straight'. I had no clue at that age. But they put this stuff in movies for children, in toddler learning programs, in cartoons. And if the little ones don't hear about it that way, they hear about it at day care and at preschool when the teacher reads them books everyday about Janie having 2 mommies and when it comes time to go to the bathroom the toddlers are even more confused because suddenly they are told they are no longer a 'boy' or a 'girl' and what bathroom would they like to use today/would they like to be a boy or a girl today?

Sodom and Gomorrah was so bad off that groups of homosexual men were banging on Lot's door demanding to rape an angel. I don't know what else went on in that place, but truly I can't imagine it being much worse than it currently is here in the USA. There's not much more 'taboo' left to declassify from the category called WRONG. There is not a lot left in that category. Even murdering babies is permissible. (Personally, that is the thing that gets to me MOST.)

Today's generation, those that are currently babies, I don't see them getting to be my age. I think for sure God will come before then. Because with each successive generation, due to society teaching people within it to celebrate and aspire to what is... no disputing it... SIN; each successive generation gets worse and worse. I pray for them as it is so much more difficult for them than it was for us. At least we were taught these things were wrong when we were babies. For them, they are not taught basic morals and values. I would imagine that God will consider this when they stand before Him and He judges them.

TimeWarpWife #fundie rr-bb.com

(In response to the US Senate confirming the first openly gay soldier)

My first thought (vomit emoji) my second thought ("shaking head no" emoji) and my final thought (xed-out eyes emoji). This country is finished.

Homesick777 #fundie rr-bb.com

[On the Senate confirming the first openly gay Army secretary.]

Please be assured that whatever service this openly gay man performs, he must do it darn well in order to obtain the unanimous approval of EVERY single U.S. Senator. The soldiers in the trenches will be comforted to know that Fanning has their back sides, too. Someone may have to tell him that “rainbow” is not a form of camo.

Scilent #fundie rr-bb.com

I read an article today on the Rapture Ready website entitled "The State of Things" by Darinda Sherbert.

After reading it, I'm more convinced now more than ever, that all the vitriol, hatred for Christ and Christians, the national (and international) nose-dive into homosexuality and transgender issues (all of which seem to be getting the nod of approval through most of the population) is God letting the sin and depravity to flower in this country and in others, to be both a sign to those with eyes to see and ears to hear, that Christ returning for His church is extremely near and also to make the country/world truly RIPE for judgement.

This short article is also worth taking a look at: http://www.prophecydepotministries.n...nt-of-america/

I absolutely cannot see how the current state of things can go on much longer. I know you can't judge the whole world on what America is doing, but we're a very prominent country on this planet, and we set an awful example to the world with our current policies and practices. Then throw in the percarious nature of the situation Israel is in, with Iran working towards the bomb, and surrounded by enemies. It's got to be very close. We all here on Rapture Ready forums know that we're in the season for His return... but I just feel it in my bones that we're so close it's almost palpable.

Keep looking up!

And I've prayed to God that even though I don't know your real names on this website, I still want to meet each and every one of you when we reach our ultimate destination!

Stacey #fundie rr-bb.com

I agree scilent. I just read the headlines and shivers go up my spine. I been saying for a long time now that I feel like things are going to just get worse and every day when I open the headlines it proves me right.
I even have talked to my dd about persecution and things to come and what to do in case something happens and I can't get home to her.

Last night I had a conversation with my ex husband about how great he is doing with our other 2 only thing I wish he would do differently is take them to church (he's an atheist) tho not so totally closed off to the idea he still won't really go. He told me mostly bc the worst people he ever knew was sitting in the pew on Sunday. I didn't really know how to reply to that.

It is getting bad. The hate for news and Christian's is growing every day. In fact I started to watch a movie last night it was put in 2050 and it was about how they made Christianity illegal. No bibles no churches no prostelyzing nothing that would give anyone any indication of any religion at all. I didn't get to finish it but it reminded me of how if we as a nation are not careful we are headed down that very realistic path.

tiffanybw #fundie rr-bb.com

We have a rather large mosque, right here in Hagerstown. Hagerstown is also a very suburban area, lots of people who live here that work in DC and commute as cost of living is cheaper here than in DC. In my day to day, I guess I see many Muslim's, with men can't really tell. I've never had any issue, have even had a few Muslim acquaintances.

If anything, I pray for them. They are so deceived, and need Jesus so badly. I don't hate them, don't even dislike them. They are no different than me, only that I know Jesus and they do not. I pray they will come to know Him, the one true God, and that is not allah.

Haven't watched the clip yet, but I will. I have no doubt that the USA is soon to become just as Europe has. Thing is, it's just not possible to live with people who have been taught from infancy on to hate you, who can't possibly "assimilate", because their religion is first in their lives, and their religion teaches to kill all infidels, especially Christians. It's simply not feasible, and not ever going to happen where we all live peacefully together, as they can't stop themselves from blowing us up (even if it means killing some of their own), they can't stop killing each other (the different sects of Islam).

Acts5:41 #fundie rr-bb.com

When I do street evangelism, I get a pretty low response rate.

People outright laugh at my husband when he warns them about the mark of the beast. It's sad.

But we keep on because you never know what seed will pop up, years later.

DragonTiger #fundie rr-bb.com

(On the San Andreas Fault)

These news will always an assume earthquake will strike as big threat on San Andreas Fault locked and loaded.....to me full of comedy Why??????

Here is an answer the science are not a perfect answer period understanding. Who is control in an everything That is answer God!!! He asked us in thousand years ago in His message Trust in Him and He know what is a best time.


There are so many the news reports and the science reports will always point a debate on more than two major an issues....about in the USA

1) Earthquake

2) Yellowstone

3) Weather are chaos and beyond impossible controls

4) Running a Moron/Idiot Presidents (back stabs each other)

5) Dishonest with debt 25 Trillion (they are always an ignored problem)


7) Economics went too far and near to be crash down

8) Blahhhhhh you know the ANSWERS...... depend on Him and Spread His gospels......

Peace and Love and Hugs all of you are precious my brothers and sisters.

BigMoose #fundie rr-bb.com

TT knocked the biblical response out of the park! Great collection of passages.

Let me add the wisdom of my 27 year old daughter... I was lamenting some of the same core issues as the OP. My daughter simply replied to me: "Dad why do you expect nonbelievers to behave as believers?" She knocked it out of the park too. As we are the salt. We are a minority. I have shared with my bread baking buddies that the typical salt percentage in many breads, rolls and pizzas is right at 2% by weight of the flour, yet it controls the rise of the yeast and the flavor. Although a very small percentage of the dough, the salt is very important in its development and stability.

Bottom line: We are a minority in a foreign land. Soon, and very soon, the Lord will display to all His ways, and His people. Our goal is to be sure we are listening to and following His voice. Then the salt will be gone, and the yeast will rise with little inherent control.

Scilent #fundie rr-bb.com

Ok, well... I'm just about to the end of my rope. Patience with speaking with people is causing my head to hurt. Seriously, it feels like I'm banging my head on a wall.

I use facebook to keep up with friends, etc, but whenever I see posts that are just in your face offensive and derogatory towards Christianity, I can't help but speak up.

Right now, what seems to be coming across as the smart alec meme's of flavor this year, is about the baking of cakes for gay weddings and the North Carolina bathroom debate.

So, I'll typically say, "It's not the people that these businesses are not willing to serve. It's the event."


I even give little analogies (because these folks claim they're Christian, some of them anyhow) which goes as follows. Should a Christian baker be forced to bake a cake celebrating a Satanic black mass? Should a Christian deli be forced to provide communion bread and wine to be used at a dinner party as appetizers, for nonbelievers who think it'd be a grand joke? Should a jewish baker be forced to make a cake for a KKK rally, celebrating their whatever?


All they claim is happening is discrimmination vs. the person.

I tell them (and this is 100% true), that I'm a nurse, I will help anyone. I don't care who they are, what the color of their skin is, what they do in their bedroom, and they can even curse me to my face and I'll still help them.

I'll cook them dinner, visit with them, be friends with them (I have gay friends).

But I won't (if it were my profession to do so) be forced to participate, provide goods for, promote, validate or confirm something that I think is morally WRONG! That being gay relationships and so called weddings.

So, for my troubles... what do I get..... I get called a bigot. Hate Monger. Intolerant.

It's the event that I won't support or affirm... not the people. And even with all of the above written out, they still act as if there's a huge disconnect between what I'm saying and what they're supporting.

Towards the end of a night in these types of discussions, I shake my head, and my thoughts immediately go to Romans 1:32, "... and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them." Bold emphasis is mine.

In these last days, I guess I'm fighting a losing battle. But in my own way, Christ may be using me as a little bit of cultural pushback to the majority opinion of these days. The restrainer in me, doing a little restraining, if you will. But I don't see it doing any good. Like they're set in their ways.

So.... last night after being called a bigot for the 50th time, I wonder, should I keep doing this? It's almost a compulsion for me to speak up when I see these things. My wife thinks it's all stupid and I should just ignore it (she's a bit of a baby Christian that doesn't like to think on these things much). I tell her you have to take a stand at some point, but she doesn't see it as being now.

I can see how in the near future (VERY NEAR FUTURE), that anything we say in regards to morals will be labled hate speech. Physical persecution may not happen here in the U.S. until after the rapture, but I think Christian freedom to believe and speak our minds is going to be SEVERLY CURTAILED, which of course is it's own kind of persecution.

Just feeling down, because I just want to give a different point of view and stick up for my faith. But people for the most part seem rabidly anti-christian. Even those that claim that they themselves are Christian (these folks butcher the bible completely and don't know how to discern what they're reading, or even do the simplest things like reading in context).

Maybe I just need to step back and take a break.... but if I do that, am I backing out of a fight that needs to be fought?

Rant off.


Indyted #fundie rr-bb.com

The other shoe is going to drop....and soon. It may be the rapture or it could be some other pre-trib judgement that comes to the world. Remember, Hitler proclaimed that The Third Reich was to last 1,000 years. It only lasted 12.

With liberalism, humanism and apostasy now getting in everyone's face as well as flipping the bird to God including using the F-word, I think that God will move and soon. If the rapture happens now, then the lost will have 7-years to themselves. If they can survive God's judgements and well as man's wrath on himself. If they are alive at the end of the tribulation, they will see the One they were fighting against all these years; he will make them into his footstool.

Drailon and Koalie #fundie rr-bb.com

We have a climate change nut running the Alberta Legislature. Within 1 year of her being in office, the once mighty Alberta economy is now in turmoil. Unemployment is very high now. Coal plants are on the verge of closing. Oil/gas companies are too afraid to invest in Alberta and are going elsewhere.

I heard that the fires in Alberta were possibly caused by arson, and we know that Fort McMurry is an oil boomtown. I wonder if someone purposely set the fires to hinder the flow of oil? ?


Steve53 and AWillow #fundie rr-bb.com


Stephen Hawking should be more worried about his salvation than anything that may or may not happen with CERN. Such a brilliant man, it would be nice to hear of him coming around to Christ and then proclaiming it for the world to hear.


well he has lived longer than anyone could ever imagine with his condition so God must be giving him more time to come to him.

BarbT #fundie rr-bb.com

Look how many things once considered evil {not that long ago} are now celebrated as good:

Sexual promiscuity {living together without marriage, children out of wedlock},

The homosexual agenda

Experimenting with drugs

Climate change as "settled science"


Animal worship vs human preservation

Satan has managed to link these and other major deceptions into one big, interdependent "truth". People under 30 know nothing else. This is their religion and anyone who challenges it will be punished

madcat #fundie rr-bb.com

(In response to PaigeWhitley' post about her son being attacked by demonic lizards every night)

I has been 33 years ago, but when I was saved at the age of 32, ALL HELL broke loose within 36 hours. I prayed to receive Jesus on a Sat. night, and was at the church door the next morning, and made it public. The next day when I got up, I literally saw black, transparent human-like figures coming down the stairs to where I was in the living room, TRYING to read my bible. I was about as scared as I have ever been in my life, since I innately knew these were EVIL. I had no idea what to do, and ran out of my house. After several days, and thinking I was going crazy, my brother-in-law who was a new Christian, told me what was happening. He said Satan was SO mad because I didn't belong to him anymore, that he was having a demonic SNIT, and trying to get me to believe it wasn't real. He also told me to confront him and tell him NOTHING he could do could take my salvation away, and for him to HIT THE ROAD "in Jesus' name". I had to do that a ga-zillion times for the next week or so, but things finally stopped. But that fear did cause my baptism to be somewhat anti-climactic , as I was still in the throws of utter fear that night.
I will pray HARD for your son right now, and that Jesus will send him angelic protection to guard him from Satan and his "posse". Tell your son to command the demons (lizards, etc.) to leave in Jesus' name, and that he knows they MUST obey Jesus. I promise to pray for your son for the next week before bedtime for Jesus' protection.
Please re-post and let us know how he is doing. I SO feel for him - just the most scary thing in the world.

Scilent #fundie rr-bb.com

I don't know if what I'm seeing is truely what I'm thinking that I'm seeing.

I don't spend a ton of time on forums and that sort of thing. I post here more than anywhere else. The moderators know how long I've been around, and my small number of post show's just how much of an active poster I am.

But I do "lurk" a lot on all sorts of comment threads. Especially on many different news sites.

Consistantly, everywhere I go, when our faith is brought up, Christians, Christianity, our Lord Jesus, the Bible are all mocked and put down in some of the most shocking and vile ways.

It seems to me like it's EVERYWHERE!

I mean, in my day to day life I don't run into it a lot.

But online, you can't go anyplace without us being verbally ripped to pieces.

So your opinions.... what do you think. Am I getting an accurate picture about how our culture feels about us and our faith? Are we at the cusp of actual literal physical persecution here?

Or.... am I just stumbling on the reactions of a bunch of sad individuals that simply prowl the comment lines of all news outlets in the world to talk down and insult believers? All from the comfort of their mother's basements.

I'm of the opinion that this is really how the public at large is feeling, it's just that the computer lets them vocalize it more. People in day to day interactions are at this point, still too polite to act like this in person... just yet.

It's just so thick out there. The way people are speaking, they all think we're no better than ISIS and should be destroyed. Really, I see it over and over again.... these people are saying that we "christians" are no better than ISIS.

I think these lost souls are looking (though they'd denie it) for a reason to cut loose on believers and really start harming us..... it's just under the surface.

Jo-NZ #fundie rr-bb.com

Representatives of 195 nations reached a landmark accord that will, for the first time, commit nearly every country to lowering C02 emissions, leading to a "low carbon future."
NZ's "carbon footprint" is negligible, we're only a nation of 4 million - but we've already heard on the news tonight how it's going to hit us in the pocket.
I want to know why is carbon being treated as a pollutant?
Here's a two minute science video, showing the effects of carbon on plants; with two plants, two C02 concentrations, over 42 days —
It came from http://www.co2science.org/index.php, an organization dedicated to doing proper science.
Seeing is believing. Carbon is good for the planet.

Hitler said if you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.
I guess all we can do is keep presenting the facts.

Another organisation was at the Paris talks, trying to combat the climate lies. They presented four inconvenient facts about global warming:

PaigeWhitley #fundie rr-bb.com

We are experiencing it even in our home. My youngest son has heard frightening noises almost every night for 10 days, and this out of no where and soon after he was baptized. We told him that he is under attack, and that if he refuses to be scared then that makes satan angry at his demons/fallen angels and that he needs to focus on NOT being scared. He comes into our room in tears, telling us of the lizard like sounds he is hearing, bare feet walking on waxy floors, lizards with slime on their tales walking around, and sometimes people talking. He knows he's hearing things that aren't there, but he is just too young to not be scared.
I've seen spiritual warfare in my home before when i was a child as the evil ones would torment my younger brother. It's harder now to see it in my own home and with my own kids.
Come Lord Jesus!!

Andy C. #fundie rr-bb.com

(On a CNN article about a Catholic who became an atheist and raised atheist kids with his wife)

That has to be one of the saddest articles I have ever read. This family is going way out of their way trying to prove to themselves that there is no God. Only the God they claim not to believe knows if they will ever have a softening of the heart, and truly chose to accept His offer of Free Grace, or continue down the path of building their own false Idol.

I (weep emoticon) hard for this family.

Juniper & pianoknight #fundie rr-bb.com

(On an event in which a church janitor angrily tossed Buddha and Mary Poppins statues out of the church)


I quite agree BigBunny. After all he was just doing his job, cleaning the garbage (a flying witch) out of the belfries. In Mathew 21: 12 & 13, Jesus chased out the money changers selling in the temple area. One cannot always sit on the sidelines. There comes a time when Jesus says we cannot be lukewarm, we have to make a decision, and Mr. Kenney did that. Pray for him, Jesus loves him.


I personally have zero objection to Mary Poppins. Fantastic film. Julie Andrews at her height. Plus, good lessons for children about manners, cleanliness and a reminder to parents that they shouldn't be forsaking their responsibility by dumping everything onto a nanny. I went to a Christian elementary school and I'm pretty sure we watched Mary Poppins a few times over the years on rainy days when recess wasn't an option outside. I object to it no more than Aesop's fables or other literature that provides children a good sense of right and wrong.

But Mary Poppins has no place in church.

The Buddha is another matter entirely, but also has zero place in a church. Burn it.

Accepted, onehappymeg, and moosejive #fundie rr-bb.com

(In response to an article that reveals that Iceland will build a Viking temple as a tribute to its Viking past)

Accepted: It's a sick, sick world.

onehappymeg: I saw this article a few days ago and they don't even "believe" in these "gods" but are doing it more just to do something. Pointless serving a stupid shrine.

No shrine ever conquered death for me...

moosejive: Man has always built "altars" to his "gods" from The tower at Babel, the golden calf, the pyramids and on and on...... The effort that goes into the construction and then the so called worship at these sites is found in the human race's desire to pay tribute to something beyond themselves. Unfortunately, the majority have missed the boat and worship nature, demons or nothing. The one,true God has called, but out of stubbornness, pride or foolishness man finds ways to ignore and deny Him...

lancelim #fundie rr-bb.com

(Some guy starting to hate Buddhism)
i want to share this to you. though i was a born again christian my struggle with buddhism still continues. after my high school i continously wanted to know the true meaning of nirvana. i assumed that nirvana is a peaceful afterlife just like a passive version of our colorful heaven. i also interchanged the interpretation that once a person experienced nirvana peace of mind. however, it is not the buddhists who introduced me the real meaning of terminology of nirvana. it is christian apologists through their brief but almost accurate knowledge of buddhism sent my mind rotating 360 degree.
first, it is j isamu yamamoto's articles and books, who is also a japanese buddhist turned christian told me it is a state of nothingness but when buddhists are forced to debate with this they say experience it first and circular reasoning that it isnt nothingness.
second, various christian apologists pertained that it is nothingness. one from letusreason.org's scott noble's articles gave some light. he quoted on one article that there is a peace of mind nirvana before final extinction like dinosaurs nirvana.
lastly, i studied buddhists books that they are into circular reasoning and WORD PLAYS logically speaking it verified the frank and simple interpretation of nirvana of apologists into reality.
nirvana is not nothingness because there is nothing to start in the first place all is illusion. if you subscribe to buddhist context of no soul, illusion and no substance to a human being. for us who value personal identity so much it is nothingness. circular reasoning you see.

no wonder its vanity to see buddhists monarchs of thailand, samurais of japan and others talk about the transiency of life.

the more i looked upon the short comings of buddhism the ache of human psyche of immortality it made me instead a stronger christian than a feeble one.

gooseberry #fundie rr-bb.com

[New Santilli telescope discovered "terrestrial entities" in our own world!]
A telescope designed to detect antimatter in space ended up discovering "entities" hovering in our own atmosphere. It reads, "Mr Santilli is convinced it has been able to pick up a life form which cannot be seen by the naked eye."

"Reality consists not only of things we can see...but also things we can't see," a man says on the video. "The Santilli telescope allows us to see things we've never seen before."

Fascinatingly, some are light, and some are dark, as they explain in the video inside this article:


You can probably guess what I'm thinking. Light & dark "entities"...angels and demons? I often don't know what to believe when it comes to New World Order and conspiracy stuff, but if there is any truth to the "Great Disclosure" rumor I'm hearing about (in which the world governments admit/lie/deceive the world to believe they've found extraterrestrial life), this seems well-timed discovery for them. I remember reading recently that Hillary Clinton has promised to investigate UFOs and Area 51. Crazy times we're living in here!

To back up my news source:
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February 19th, 2016, 04:44 PM #2

RaptureReady_7 #fundie rr-bb.com

I can remember reading Chick tracts when I was just a young girl in the 60s.

I still remember to this day, the first one I ever read. It was the "This Was Your Life"

That one puts the fear of God into you, it scared the dickens out of me. You cannot read that tract and not believe in Hell.

There was another one where a young lady tried witnessing to her Dad. It went something like, "I'll wait till later, I have all the time in the world to get saved, I have my life to live". And the Dad has a heart attack that night and dies. He dies and goes to Hell. It was so creepy and tragically sad.

I think of those tracts when I start to witness to people. It gives me a boost to be bold. I am so terrified I would not speak to someone and they die.

It reminds me of an account Charles Stanley told during one sermon.

He was preaching, obviously, and he was talking about life being so short, so fleeting. He told of being at his church one afternoon and as he walked past one of the church members, he was talking to a guy he knew was a Cop. Charles Stanley said that God told him to talk to the cop and Charles Stanley said he told God he was too busy, he would later.

Charles Stanley said that Cop went to work later that night and was killed in a shootout. His voice broke when he recounted how he had told God he was too busy, it would wait till late. You could tell it still haunts him to this day. It brought tears to my eyes when he mentioned that in his sermon.

The thought that I was too lazy or busy to even mention Jesus makes me crazy. I think of that Chick tract and Charles Stanley and I go out of my way to say something, anything to explain who Jesus is.

I do wonder if I come across as a lunatic sometimes though. I think I sometimes just start talking about Jesus without any kind of lead up and just jump right in. You know, start a conversation something like, "speaking of cabbage, did you know that Jesus is the son of God?"

I hope I do not come across that way, but I am sure sometimes I must. But maybe I don't sound too crazy, since I have had people come back to me and ask me questions about Jesus or the Bible or events that happen that make them think we might be in Biblical end times.

Wishing4 #fundie rr-bb.com

[yoga at my kid's school]

...My daughter just started kindergarten. She brought home information about what they will be doing this year. One of the things the teacher listed is some of the "different physical activities" the children will be doing in gym class. Two listed are yoga and Tai Chi. I would prefer that my children do not do these. What would the best way to go about this? Should I contact both their teachers? the gym teacher? the principal?

...I've explained to my kids why I don't want them doing yoga. We've been learning the ten commandments, so I was able to fit it into that also. Knowing the teachers and school (my oldest attended there 4 1/2 years) I'm sure they are just doing it as exercise. I know they want kids to be active and interested in exercise, so they are probably trying to provide an assortment of different ways to exercise.

I will certainly be praying about it.

I am homeschooling my oldest who would be in middle school this year. We both really enjoy it. For reasons beyond my control I can't do all three right now. I'm considering it as they each get to middle school age (unless we are called home first ).

Andy C. #fundie rr-bb.com

Evangelism in RV parks

We have a fifth wheel RV that we often take long trips in. The people at most RV parks are very friendly. I've always had a hard time engaging conversation with strangers, or to even approach them. In 2013, we spent 4 months on the road, and I felt God was asking me to step out of my comfort zone, and talk to folks around me. This worked well through most of our trip, and even my wife was shocked to see me talking with our different neighbors at the numerous parks we spent the night at. For our trip this year, I have been inspired by reading the thread from Acts 5:41 free bible handouts, and will take it a step further. I plan on bringing lots of Bibles with me and handing them out, and hopefully engaging some folks in Christian conversation. I will try my best to let go of my efforts to engage in this, and let the Holy Spirit lead me.

I'm asking for any advice, or how I should prepare for this journey. I have not felt in the past that I had the gift to evangelize, but over the last year I have felt the Holy Spirit calling me to step farther out of my comfort zone, and plant or water some seeds.

afchief #fundie rr-bb.com

Listen people. The SCOTUS ruling last year in favor of Gay marriage means NOTHING!!! The SCOTUS cannot make, change or remove laws. Courts only offer opinions. Opinions can change when judges change. The law cannot be changed by a “judge.” If that were the case, our “laws” would be as constantly changing as the “judges” are. If “judges” ruled that sodomy was illegal in 1986, how did sodomy become “legal” today? Did the law change, or did the “opinions” of the “judges” change? There is NO gay marriage law on the books. Laws can only be made by one of two ways in America: by an act of the Legislative Branch, or by a citizen’s initiative through a direct vote of the people. Courts can never make laws. They just tell us that they can, and we believe it, and teach it to others until the lie eventually becomes accepted as “truth.”

Here is my point: All the hubbub over homosexual marriage is a cleverly designed smoke screen. Who cares what the Supreme Court says? They are merely rendering their “opinion”. The people of 30 states have already spoken on this issue. No court “opinion” can nullify the vote of the people. Did anyone vote to give Kagan, Sotomayor, and Ginsburg the power to change the institution of marriage?

We have to begin to push back. We must attack the lies head on. They have distracted us and they have us focusing on “religious liberty” or “conscience” or “deeply held religious beliefs.”, but those are the wrong arguments. We must stand and fight on the Truth. Courts do not make laws. A court decision does not carry the force of law, and it most certainly does not “change” the law. Abortion is illegal, homo marriage is a fraud, and religious values cannot be separated from government.

It's time to make one simple request of the judges: Show me the law! Show me the law that legalizes abortion. Show me the law that legalizes homo-marriage. Show me the law that separates church and state.

jb777 #fundie rr-bb.com

I tend to believe the same thing because once it is narrowed down to just the two in the general election, Trump's focus will be on Hillary alone. She can't use the "women card" on him because we've seen how he turns the tables on her.

Whenever democrats tell you that Hillary would LOVE to run against Trump, it's because they are trying to get us to believe he can't win and cause us to back someone else instead. But in reality, that's because he is the very one they are really afraid of.

tiffanybw #fundie rr-bb.com

[On the militia occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge]

Another thing that gets me about this, is the way this group of people who are supporting and standing for the Hammond's, is being treated. This group of people has a right to protest just like any other group of people. To the best of my knowledge, these people have done nothing violent at all (as opposed to a certain Black Lives Matter group who have done many violent things).

So, how is it, that these protestors are being termed 'militants', and 'domestic terrorists'??? But the Black Lives Matter people the media paints to be oh so good and great people taking a stand against the many injustices they have lived with for... well... forever. What these injustices and inequalities even are, I don't know, and I don't think those involved in the movement themselves know what they want, what they are protesting, or what they are asking for.

Point is though, that if this group supporting the Hammond's are militants and terrorists, then so are all who are in Black Lives Matter. The media paints in a very negative light, this group in Oregon that looks like mostly white people and who in my opinion, actually have a valid grievance (both concerning the Hammonds and concerning the federal government taking advantage of these land owners, these farmers who provide us with crops and animals.... just that they are being treated very unfairly and being taken advantage of and IMO the feds are just trying to take over all the land by charging outrageous leasing fees on the federal parts of the land so the ranchers and farmers will go bankrupt). Anyways, these people the media paints as evil, calls them names with very negative connotations associated to them. But for BLM, no name calling by the media, the media validates all they are doing and the chaos they are causing, and terms these people as "poor and mistreated and finally standing up for their rights". These people, whose rights have not even been violated in any way, shape, or form in the first place get away with shutting down malls, highways, and airports, they disrupt political speeches being made by Bernie Sanders and two of them go right up to the podium where he is standing and yell and scream like crazy people right in his face (not that I'm a Bernie Sanders fan). Pretty much though, whenever I see footage of them, they are screaming, hateful, and behaving violently. They get away with all of this, and not only that, but are encouraged to do even more, called nice names like activists, poor innocents fighting for their rights, etc.

This group in Oregon though, militants. Terrorists. Mind you, not that I've seen them shutting down highways and airports. Haven't seen them starting riots and looting. Neither have I seen them screaming in Hillary Clinton's face two inches away from her at a podium while she is trying to make a speech. Don't see them acting like crazy, violent, fools. Not at all. But they, and not BLM, are evil.

Just a bit hypocritical???

antitox #fundie rr-bb.com

[On Pope Francis issuing a statement that you don't need to believe in Jesus to go to Heaven.]

I had a bad vibe about this guy early on. I think he's just finally showing his true colors. When he started preaching global warming I knew he was going to be a leftist pagan. I don't expect him to hold back on anything from here on.

TimeWarpWife #fundie rr-bb.com

[The background; a British great-grandmother has been sentenced to a hundred hours Community Service after being found guilty of '...sending an indecent or grossly offensive letter' claiming 'Muslims worship Satan in the guise of Allah' to Manchester Islamic High School for Girls along with an accompanying twenty-three page Chick Tract entitled 'Is Allah like You?' She admitted sending over fifty similar letters on previous occasions and said she intended sending more]

So according to this British judge it is "crossing the line" and "harming others" to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with them. Get ready America, this ideology has infected the liberals in this country and they are chomping at the bit to start fining and jailing Christians for their faith. The name of Jesus Christ is an offense to these evil Satanic minions and they want His name and all traces of Him wiped off the earth. Sadly, they actually believe they can silence Jesus when the bible says that if man didn't do it, then the very rocks would cry out and declare His glory. Lunatic liberal judges, radical Islam, nothing will stop the gospel of Jesus Christ from being preached to the entire world! Glory to God Almighty!!!

kmendel #conspiracy rr-bb.com

Have you all seen the recent ads on t.v. for AncestorsDNA.com? They are urging people to give them as Christmas gifts!!! They do a study of your DNA.......and, I'm sure they keep a copy of the records. To me, it's a set-up for the government or someone to know just where to go for specific parts. They could not heal a person that fits the required DNA, and let them die to use there parts. It's evil, and can lead to nothing good.

SavedWretch #fundie rr-bb.com

[Talking about the San Bernadino shooting, one said that something about it doesn't feel "right"]

I've had that feeling for a long time, since Sandy Hook. IMO, these are all planned, not random at all, with a specific intent - martial law. My DH thinks I'm nuts when I say this but I believe that's what's coming. These shootings are more frequent and more deadly each time. [praying smiley] down the evil in this country!

tiffanybw #fundie rr-bb.com

No, I don't think that every single Muslim is a terrorist. I don't think that every Muslim (or those who identify as Muslim) is cheering at what has happened in Paris. But.... this is the way it is.... every single terrorist is a Muslim. I see no Buddist terrorists, no Hindu terrorists, no Jewish terrorists, no Christian terrorists. None of those religions are out there with bombs, guns, and machetes saying convert to (pick either Buddism, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity) or die, to try and take over the world for their own religious beliefs to force all of the world to live under the same religion

XMaryX #fundie rr-bb.com

.....we were in DQ last night when DH mentioned the attacks as I'd gotten home late from work & hadn't gone to any news websites or heard of the attacks on the news. First thought was: religion of pieces perpetrated this & secondly, doesn't surprise me in godless Paris, France, just like the Marathon Bombing didn't shock me in godless Boston. There's no doubt a correlation between godless areas & terrorist attacks; it just makes sense; these areas are inundated w/ godlessness, false gods, hatred of Christianity, love of Socialism, etc., that they must be swarming w/ demons.

Sounds harsh, but it's too obvious to squelch or dismiss

My husband recently unfriended on FB a guy he went to high school w/ who now travels all over the world 'because he can' (has $, no marriage, kids, commitments, etc.) b/c he posted this really crass & blasphemous cartoon about France not needing nor wanting Christian prayers, God's Blessing & Protection, or anything to do w/ the Gospel, etc. We both find it painfully ironic how their hard-hearted wishes are coming true; God has clearly lifted His Hand from Paris. They got what they asked for. Still praying for them obviously, but can't say I'm surprised.

How much longer Lord?

AWillow #fundie rr-bb.com

i see people putting the french colors over their FB profiles and while I am saddened about all of this I refuse to follow suit on my profile pic because it reminds me too much of the gay victory and the rainbow colors.

BarbT #fundie rr-bb.com

I agree ...... demons can mimic the likeness of a deceased person for all sorts of reasons. They have fun scaring people in old houses but the #1 reason they "haunt", imho, is to discredit the Bible on its teaching about Heaven and Hell.

My dear parents were unbelievers as far as I know {there's always hope a person may have quietly called out to Jesus at the end}. After my Mom died, my grieving Dad swore emphatically that she would sometimes be standing in the living room, smiling, surrounded by a beautiful glowing light. He told everyone who'd listen that it was no illusion .... that her spirit was really there. He was certain she had come back to comfort him. As an unbeliever at the time I was skeptical but kept an open mind.

A few months later I was saved and learned what paranormal apparitions really are. I had a talk with my Dad -- gently telling him it wasn't my Mother he had seen but a cruel deception by Satan meant to confuse him. I explained that God does not allow the dead to visit the living, and that their eternal destiny is in God's hands depending on if they had faith in Christ or not.

With tears streaming down his face, my sweet Dad heard the Gospel.....all because a demon decided to mess with him. I can't say for sure if he eventually gave his life to Christ at some point but a couple of times when I popped by his house I "caught" him listening to preaching on Christian TV or radio.

Stacey #fundie rr-bb.com

[On Destination America airing a "live exorcism" on Halloween Eve.]

I can't believe people play with this stuff. I just can't wrap my head around it. I don't even understand what is so entertaining or even intriguing about any of it.
We had a family friend who is a christian and a wonderful woman...she was raised in the stanic occult. I won't get into details to still protect her but she told me things that really blew my mind.
The things are real and demonic and scary and nothing I would ever want to be a part of.

Big Moose #conspiracy rr-bb.com

(On the Refugee Crisis)

What amazes me is that no intelligence agency will admit that this is an orchestrated "invasion." It is hard, if not impossible, for me to believe that "we" didn't pick up signals of this organization and mobilization for invasion. This many military aged males just don't decide to simultaneously move across the globe on their own.... with tidy shirts, pants, jackets, backpacks and cell phones in hand.

Patreesha #fundie rr-bb.com

I've been going back and forth over an important issue of our time and would like to know your thoughts. If the Muslims start to take over America, and are about to rape my daughter and cut my grandson in half, can we kill them? I'm torn between "turning the other cheek" and "love our enemies" with Luke 22:36: Then He said to them (the disciples), "But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one."

I know many Christians who are arming themselves but not sure how God really feels about this. Comments please?

tiffanybw #fundie rr-bb.com

[On a thread about CERN and the Large Hadron Collider. Another fundie has expressed concern about the LHC exploding due to heat.]

The entire thing reminds me of Marvin the Martian from the Looney Tunes. Except instead of Marvin trying to blow up earth, he would be trying to blow up his own planet. Marvin was never very smart. But I guess he is smarter than all the mini-Marvin's working for CERN who have been working on this Hadron Collider and don't know what their plan is but for supposedly intelligent people to be messing with stuff like this... sticking some metal tube into the earth to try and release demons or let the aliens come or who knows what but will most likely end up blowing up our own planet with it instead....

Haeddre #fundie rr-bb.com

[Another fundie has mentioned the conspiracy theorists who claim oddly shaped rocks on Mars are really aliens.]

As someone who believes that demons masquerade as "aliens", and are allowed by God to deceive humans, I find it plausible that they could have messed around with the surfaces of planets and laid strange objects out in order to further the alien lie (of course, some of them are just funny looking rocks [goofy smiley] ) That may sound crazy, but it's actually less crazy than denying there is a Creator God, and believing that matter spontaneously came from nothing and then organized itself into complex life without Someone giving it instructions to do so.

I_Am_Ready #fundie rr-bb.com

Has this ever happened to you?

You walked into a restaurant and a whole bunch of people looked at you and feeling uneasy in your presence? Or if you said outloud "in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ" within the listening ears of a group of people and one person or a few persons glared at you with intense anger?

Would you say that some unbelievers are possessed by demons and when a Christian indwelt by the Holy Spirit is very close by that the demons can sense that and thus they manifest an overt hatred for the Triune God?

TimeWarpWife #fundie #homophobia rr-bb.com

So this is obviously the next step in the homosexual and liberal lunatic agenda to force Christians to submit to accepting as "normal" their evil perversion and completely remove God from the public arena by prohibiting Christians from holding any kind of public office, including POTUS, Congress, and the Senate. I wonder how long it'll be until the homosexual/liberal lunatics decide to use ISIS' tactics and rather than it being "submit or go to jail" it's going to be "submit or die?" Because it looks like this is where they're headed next. The differences between the two are becoming blurrier every day until I'm no longer sure which is which. Actually, now that I think about it, most likely before the "submit or die" they're first going to go after the churches to close down the real ones preaching the true gospel, i.e. that things like homosexuality, adultery, murder (abortion), etc. are sin. Then it'll be "submit or die."

Drailon #fundie rr-bb.com

On a crane collapsing onto the Grand Mosque in Mecca recently.

Yep, where was allah on this one??? Only The Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the Lord Jesus is the real deal!

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