When anti-vaccination & conservatism breed #conspiracy #wingnut youtube.com
Liberal snowflakes scared of the fuckin measles. š
No wonder Trump won. And no wonder you people get picked on.ļ»æ
Liberal snowflakes scared of the fuckin measles. š
No wonder Trump won. And no wonder you people get picked on.ļ»æ
(Transscript of video)
In the interval [?] the Pentagon just tested a gay bomb on Iraq, they considered it, they didnāt [?] consider using it, they used it on our troops, in Vietnam, they sprayed PCP on our troops - Jacobās Ladder - ha - you think PCP - some horse tranquilizers or something? They got some stuff thatāll whack your brain permanently.
Brain chips in the troops. They give the troops special vaccines that really [?] nanotech that auto[?]-re-engineers their brains.
Now there is the gay bomb.
Look it up for yourself, this is what do you think tap water is, itās a gay bomb, baby.
And Iām not saying people didnāt naturally have homosexual feelings, Iām not even getting into it, quite frankly, give me a break. You think Iā¦ Iām, like, shocked by it [?] [incomprehensible] bashing it because I donāt like gay people. I DONāT LIKE THEM PUTTING CHEMICALS IN THE WATER! THEY TURN THE FRICKING FROGS GAY!
Do you understand that?
Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! [bangs paper on table]
Iām sick of being socially engineered! Itās not funny!
+Javonne Leslie? you don't have to convince me just like I can careless to try to convince you. White people are hateful and always have been. It's never been about being the originals of anything it's about the lies and the bullshit y'all white people promoted and still do. Whats ignorant is a group of devils (white people) thinking their delusional ass theories were going to last forever. People are slowly seeing right through y'all demonic ass bullshit. So if you were offended that's a personal problem and I really don't give a fuck so go to hell and hunt cunt with the rest of your relatives ?
Modern humans??? Wow!!! Adam and Eve were first. Satan and the fallen angels were here before Adam and Eve. People never looked like apes. ?
Evolution will never be reclassified a scientific fact because it is invalid. We are not mutants. Africans are not primitive Europeans. Eastern Europeans claiming they are Semites are simply delusional.?
It's NOT acceptable to dehumanize Caucasoids by reducing us to a "social construct."
It's NOT acceptable to deny Whites the right to exclude non-Whites from their own communities.
It's NOT acceptable to justify White GeNocide via "melting pot" and then say it isn't happening.?
A video that states that the Earth is flat because the bible said so
nimat shaheed
Why would God's chosen people lack MELANIN? Melanin is a very essential and beneficial property to have on planet Earth. Wouldn't God want his CHOSEN PEOPLE to have DOMINANT traits? Having white (RED) skin, is a RECESSIVE trait. I mean, come on...?
nimat shaheed Plus white skin (recession) is a result of mixing two species. They are unclean. Unauthorized by AHYH. Having melanated skin and textured hair are the default traits of the completed man, Adam. Therefor AHYH said of Noah's 3 sons, they represented Noah perfectly. Meaning, Shem Khem and Yiphat were perfect copies of Noah.?
That Gator Bait story got me at work hot. But at least when the time come I won't be afraid to swing that sword at them Edomites. Cause they deserve it.?
[=A comment on a video claiming "23 Minutes in Hell" is a Hoax=]
I believe Bill Weis and his encounter with Jesus and Hell. I don't understand why you are against his encounter? There have been many people who have died, literally for a certain amount of time, and then came back to life, and talked about hell. If you don't believe there are demons in hell tormenting people, you are deceived. The biggest lie the devil wants us to think are things like that (there is no torment, etc).?
Earth is flat with a dome
There's a reason why black people don't like cold temperatures, we are from the desert! White people love the cold climate. Mountain climbing and be having their air conditioning on even in the winter. And they love to hunt and do all their white people madness. Smh?
im a segregationist. it would help blacks to be separated from the pink beasts. totally agree with the fat white guy?
this is shit that Destiny Lab warned us about in his song Unseen zones. You muddy the water with disinformation. And you offer satanic paradise instead of God's in the form of Shambala somewhere in North pole or should i say North Hole? That leads to hell! liars slaves of fallen angels you are!!!?
I have a great story for you peoples.
i was in my shower and i was talking to myself, as if i was on a talk show and I was telling someone what heaven was like. I didn't realize it before but I now realize that my heart was "reacting" in a way that lets me know now that i was seeing heaven in my mind and narrating what was going on out loud. It started with me standing along side the lord In a big, gold hallway, decorated with pillars of pure gold and a gate with a big pearl/dimond like gem in the middle (note* this was not the pearl/opal gates (I cant remember which)). and I ask god, who was resembling jesus with a bit of a wider head (no offense to him) and he says "those are the gates to heaven" and we walk toward them and months previously I had an encounter with St. micheal (in spirit form) so I see st. micheal on one Side of the gates and another on the other side. so when I see him he, no joke, flipped his head back and said "sup" (I now understand that if you have a personal relationship with god, his angles get to know you too, hence why that gesture fit my personality, being a bit unorthodox and having and archangel said "sup" to me) I then snap my fingers, post and then say "hey I know you!" and then he says "I know I met you!" and I go "I know!" and god snaps his fingers, points with both hands and says "and there's heaven" and I look and my law hits the floor (figuratively). i didnt see it but i know that all I can say is "more beautiful than we can imagine" is and understatement times literal infinity. IT. WAS. BEAUTIFUL. So im walking with the lord and while im doing this heaven is being portayed in my mind as i saw it in a video once. and because I do a lot of thinking and hypothosizing so I ask the lord what im right about. he gives me four theories and hints at what they are without telling me spesifically what they were. he tells me "this is incorrect, these two are correct, and this isn't" and im walking with the lord and talking at the Same time and when the lord gets to a reasonable ending of the conversation (example: not cutting me off) he points and tells me "AND THERE'S THE ANIME!!"
this is the big part of what I mean to do in this mesaage. the lord later tells me he showed me this to motivate people to seek heaven (GENIUS....... GO FIGURE!!) i look to see a small gold shed and 4x8 feet long (DONT BE FOOLED). he opens the door and for the third time, my jaw drops.
take a minute, right now, to invision all of the anime in heaven and all I Can say to you are these short four words "your wrong, there's more". I walked into a FULL ON DIMENSION OF NOTHING BUT ANIME!!! A FULL REALITY OF NOTHING BUT ANIME!!! IT. WAS. BEAUTIFUL!! YOU WOULD SEE A FIGHT FROM AN EPISODE (goku vs ginyu in my case) and look behind you and see it happening. all of the anime on earth was there except for all forms of blasphemous shows and/or hentai. AND THAT LEAVES A LOT OF ANIME. for example, if there were a scene or character like then the scene would be cut out and the character would not exist there. you would see action figures, movies, REAL LIVE ANIME CHARACTERS WALKING AROUND JUST CHILLING THERE!!! IT WAS AMAZING!! anyway I came to tell you about that because it was and is the will of the lord and I am his servant. god bless all of you and ill be the one eating ramen with naruto!?
The other delusion is the fact that the earth is not a globe, but flat as God stated in Genesis. we are at the center of creation, not the sun. above us is the firmament, which separates the waters. This destroys, the globe model, the planets, and the theory of evolution which, has led so many astray.?
[=A comment on a video educating on Christian Universalism and its intepretations in scripture; ancient languages, understandings and metaphors, etc=]
Research and discuss all your man made assumptions.. FACT is that hell is eternal fire and brimstone just as the bible says and many who had seen and been there will back up the scriptures. Only ONE version of hell and you do not want to go there. Jesus bless you all.?
Caucasian Monkey Killer
laurie topp I have been to most European countries, n definitely Germans r fucking UGLY. Germs women r rude, hairy, fat n utterly disgusting.. and swedish cunts r the smelliest n most vile! Among the Nordics n Scandinavians races, Germs r the ugliest by far. Slavs Russians Ukranians are okay. Mediterrenian Italians are too tanned for my tastes?
However, the other races were created from us, and obtained their individual racial phenotype - due to the interbreeding with the Neanderthals and Denisovians, which both aren't human, nor created by God, but by the demonic aliens. That's why you caucasians are so evil, think and act like neanderthals, with satanic intelligence. ??
Man has not been to the moon yet it's all a hoax!!!?
The white man (Edomite) WASN'T too concerned while he was "Raping, Robbing, Pillaging, Murdering, Lynching, Torturing, Mutilating, Burning, Bombing, Destroying and the list goes on" while he forced Hebrew Israelites to build his kingdom. Now, there is a sense of alarm and concern that judgment is "going" to come to the Edomite. For some reason, some ppl think that the Most High (Yah) is playing about the ill-treatment of His ppl. For these/those Edomites trolling, it's called "Sowing and Reaping"...with "Sowing and Reaping comes Reaping and Weeping" (e.g. "You Reap What You Sow" [Galatians 6:7]...it's called "YOUR HARVEST"). So, don't get mad and upset now (e.g. With your comments which read as follows: "You guys make me sick with your racist bs, and your arrogance" and the other one, "Why you have to bring this white man bs into it huh"...You weren't mad and upset when you were committing (and are still perpetrating) your "EVIL & WICKED DEEDS" upon the Most High's ppl while you perpetuate and benefit from/are the beneficiaries of the system of so-called "white supremacy" started by your forefathers). That's what wrong with Edomites, they are too arrogant to acknowledge their "EVIL & WICKED DEEDS" committed upon the Most High's Chosen ppl...they are too arrogant to "humble themselves", it's just their "Barbaric Murderous Destructive Neanderthal" nature. And, have the audacity to call someone else "arrogant". The innocent blood of the Most High's Chosen ppl (Hebrew Israelites) MUST AND WILL BE AVENGED, it's that simple. *Revelation 6:10?
When you read Isaiah 14:12-16, God ask "...how art thou fallen o'Lucifer..." in verse 12. By verse 16, God, through the prophet Isaiah says "...is this the MAN....". Lucifer on earth is man, more specifically, the white man. The White man is the devil on earth. God set up the order on the earth, God, then Jesus(Yahawashi), then Israelite man and the Israelite woman. The devil has the same order, if the devil wants to accomplish something on earth he gets his human agent, servant, the white man, to do it. God is not the author of confusion, the devil is not running around doing all the evil on the earth himself, he has a human servant to carry out his will, just as God has human servants to carry out his will.?
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Telegony is not a pseudo-science. It is real and one of the most grotesque black pills (a new realization that is depressing) imaginable. Essentially, telegony is the theory that a womanās previous sexual partners may affect her babyās genetics.
āIt has been shown that newborns may resemble a motherās previous sexual partner, after scientists at the University of South Wales observed an instance of telegony ā physical traits of previous sexual partners being passed down to future children.ā (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/oct/02/baby-looks-like-ex-research)
The solution is to stop being a degenerate. Zionist university professors have been telling people for decades to be sexually free and to experiment forever instead of choosing one male partner and settling down. This has had a horrific effect on human beings because it means that children born to hypergamous mothers have no real father.
A new system needs to be carved out where the institution of marriage is respected once again. Where hypergamous people are shunned off Tinder and other degenerate apps. In order to create the strongest, most genetically pure Italians we have to bring back the Roman patriarchal structure known as the paterfamilias.
You are wrong about eternal Hell. The length of a persons crime is not the measure of his punishment. It is, rather, the nature of the one against whom it was perpetrated. Eternal conscious torment is the only appropriate penalty for even one sin against an infinitely Holy, incomprehensibly Just, and indescribably Righteous God.
As you rightly admit, the Scriptures do teach of unending torment in a place call Hell. One has to distort the plain meaning of the Bible to come away with another doctrine. May God the Holy Spirit open your eyes to the Truth.?
We ought to make school like it was before the 20th century, available only to those who can afford it or score into it. That's how college is today. Elementary and high school was like that too. And what were kids doing then, before school became mandatory? Working at the same jobs their parents worked in. They didn't have a choice or future. They didn't think about what they wanted to be when they grew up. They knew what they were going to be because they didn't have any other skills but the ones taught by their parents. That's how "old money" stayed rich, while they poor stayed poor and uneducated. Americans are wondering why immigrants are taking our jobs. Because they are more educated and qualified for these jobs! They took their education seriously. Sure, you don't need a college degree to be important, but at least take advantage of every opportunity handed to you and strive to be the best you can be with whatever you find yourself in. By slacking off, being disrespectful, and making a fool of yourself, you're wasting your time, the teacher's time, and wasting resources and opportunities. You may not go to the best school, but that doesn't mean you can't learn ANYTHING from it.?
( Commenting on Video that's titled Egypt knew neither Pharaoh nor Moses)
I believe in God and His word! You fools can all go to hell with your eternal doubts. There is no end to your folly!?
ChiefJustice Middleton: Occam's razor apples to flat Earth?
bubbamashima: Occam's feckin' laser!?
scott merrow: Yes it does. it gives a simpler explanation than a spinning wobbly ball flying through space supported only by assumptions and theories based on assumptions?
ChiefJustice Middleton: besides, the possibility of this whole universe and Galactic spinning makes no sense whatsoever purely because if you added in how the planets, sun's and other ballsacks maintaining a perfect balance and continuity without much, if any, room for error. It's all a lie and man made and for man's pleasure to Marvel in his own egotistical, narsacisstic fake belief world and at the same time, man flips a bird to the true creator.?
Petter Gustafsson yes, we are the most envied and copied and disenfranchised people on the entire planet! Christ told Us that We are three salt of the earth. we give it flavor. go to any white neighborhood then go to a black or brown neighborhood, one us bland the other, full of flavor. I've been wholeheartedly seeking the truth since I was 4 or 5, and diligently since 16. I'm 37. I am a prophet and seer of the hebrews, I have known my fate and destiny for a long time now. I'm still figuring it out but it definitely has to do with being forthright for my national for the truth overall, no matter what it is. we didn't trip when we thought Christ was a white man with long hair (wicked Cesar Borgia ), but let's see how honks take it when it is revealed to the world that Christ is what the world calls a nigga! lol lol this shit is gonna get better as time passes. I'm excited abut the future cuz I'm sick of being able to experience in 3d, 4d 5d what the wicked devil bloodline has done not only to the hebrews, but to the entire world. I wish it wasn't like this. it's hard for me to be hard on whites like this cuz I really am a humanitarian. but the real a disease in the world worse than cancer, it the roots must cut off. I don't channel, I pray, I ask YHWH with humility to guide me, reveal to me, I wait, I study, I pray, I have epiphanies, shit, YHWH put something in me called the infinite spirit of truth, and I'll doe with and be resurrected with it. I am clairvoyant because I receive intuit information from the source of all.?
+Borna HorvaTh bitch I'm not from a sect. I Am a Hebrew Israelite from the tribe of YaHaWadaH, Gad and Simeon. I'm well traveled from Brazil to china, iam commissioned and anointed by YHWH to serve u demons the dish cold just like I'm serving it. YaHaWaH bahasham YaHaWasHi barak ahtha?
We got overthrown because OUR GOD who just happens to be the Creator of EVERYTHING allowed all these heathen, beast bloodline, dick sucking and condoner of other dick sucking nations, dog fucking, demon and demi demon worshipping- to over- take and submit US because we wanted to be like the heathens and did not follow the Commandments, Laws, and Statutes of YHWH, period! Dont Fret, its all part of a far sighted plan to save the Hebrew Israelites, the niggas, the nappy headed burnt brown people, hmmm the most talented loved yet envied people on the fucking planet... Question, whens the last you saw the world, yes the world, trying to copy and be like the fucking Sudanese? The Ethiopians,?The Somalis....NOPE! They and everyone else wants to like US, the Niggas, lol, cuz you know why? We REally ARe the HEbreW IsrAeliTes.... and its like that.... Its all prophecy and Guess what else, Christ Came Only for the lost sheep of the house of Israel! Paul was a negro, a modern day Jamaican or such..... YHWH and Christ who is a negro like the ones from the good ole cracker ass USA, HE chose US negros, not Hamites or sons of Ham, the ethiopian who is son of Cush, Egyptians or the modern Sudanese are Mizraim, and so on,,, Of course the West Africa colonies such as Camaroon, Nigeria, the Igbos/Heebos which means Hebrews, the Yorubas, The Falashas of Ethiopia, The Fulani which I am, the Lemba, are all Hebrew Israelites.................But ground fucking zero is America bottom line, starring Esau the white red man and his righteous brother Jacob aka Israel aka me and mine!, or still at war, and once the fallen ones are defeated, the negro (not the hamite, not the arab ishmaelite, not the china man) will be Forever rulers of this Earth under Christ!
AMEN!! Israel belongs to the Jewish people cause Almighty GOD says so, end of discussion!!!! GOD BLESS y'all in Israel brother Hananya, pray'in for y'all daily. Laurie Sue Larson stands with Israel and the Jewish people!!!!?
+Petter Gustafsson blacks are the hebrew israelites, the true descendants of Adam, noah, abraham, the prophets of the bible,the lineage of Christ. Christ was from the tribe of Judah and is 100% negro, I can show and prove everything to you over and over throughout the Bible, but u demon worshippers worship demons, lol... even Paul was a negro from tribe of Benjamin and he was speaking to the hebrews aka blacks that had been scattered into the Caucasian lands... Christ is 100% a negro and not a fucking Caucasian, and we ate the promised people of the bible and the only true GOD YHWH fights for us.... u lil dick white fevils, your tike yiur reign your heaven, is Over!?
octavia, you're lost in this Caucasian demon worshipping bullshit. black people are the original hebrew israelites, and Our GOD YHWH, AND YaHaWasHi is the creator of this entire universe and dionysus and Zeus are nothing more than either deity men or hybrid nefilim abominations to the true GOD, the GOD of Abraham Isaacs and Jacob. wake up negro, this world is for the hebrews, the true hebrews, not referring to the dick sucking homos the Ashkenazi wanna be jews that are nothing more than the bloodline of evil Cain via satan, on this earth in this present time. Christ only came for the lost sheep of the house of Isreal, aka the negros from the americas the true Native Americans in the Hispanic that are really of negro decent. we were Never Africans, that's another throw off in the Devils trickery that he manipulates thru the pale no melanin race. black bitch wake the fuck up!!!!!?
(This person is refering to Halloween)
It's pure evil and people are like cool SMH! And people wonder why Jehovah's witnesses don't celebrate holidays!?
Giants did exist but a pity it does not fit in with the evolution theory?
Alright man this is what's going on the Trump Administration is a coup it's going into the government and its aim is to destroy the corruption and all the pedophiles in the government Alex Jones stated at a lot of this a lot of people don't like Alex Jones but about 80% of what Alex Jones says does come true and he has and does talk to Donald Trump. the Donald Trump Administration is going in and arresting a lot of the pedophilia that's going on in America today just look how much pedophilia crimes have been going on and been arrested since he's been in power over 2000 Weinstein is being arrested and being blackmailed to cough up names of other pedophiles in Hollywood. Like you said they don't just have sex with children they sexually abused them torture them and a lot of times murder them they make snuff films out of them they make actors and actresses participate and wash in order to Blackmail them for times like this where they can use the power of the word of an actor to protest against Trump or anyone that goes against them it's happening right now but since Weinstein has been arrested look all of a sudden how many actors and actresses speak up all of a sudden. watch mark my words it will be other sexual abuse allegations that they arrest these people for and then it will turn to pedophilia they're just buttering people up for what's going on soon pedophiles in Hollywood will be rambling and actors and actresses won't be able to be silenced and a lot of actors and actresses will also say the truth they really want to tell the truth but they are also so we're really going to see some real s*** in this day and age!?
I'm on day 5 of NOFAP. An what have I learned? Forgive me if 5 days seem insignificant, it is not for me. I have discovered that we are living and breathing fire. A spiritual discovery, of which I've no idea how to prove scientifically. I'm a philosopher. The nihilist materialistic world we are born as slaves to, would have us believe that we are just dead molecules that happenchanced to form into life. No, either they lie or do not understand. Life is a force beyond the material. It pushes and expands, just as the universe does. It heats up and explodes. If we are a reflection of the universe, then in my summation we are a fire waiting to be lit, to burn up. Create and destroy. Within the solarplexes you can feel this fire most strongly, through meditation/contemplation and control of breath and body. If you have no fire, or desire to increase your fuel output and stay a deadened slave to th system, than you are one foot in the grave already. I am only 24 but am amazed at how I've releaquenshed so much of my fear of death. At one point I was egging it on to happen. When it didn't come, I went through depressive and manic stages of philosophical quandries of life and death. In the end it doesn't matter. You are here now. Live. Or die. Stop stagnating. A psychologist would probably put me in a mental hospital seeing this. It's too extreme compared to what's "normal". Sorry. My brain feels like it's on fire without the dopamine high from porn. Energy is just pouring forth. I look forward to over man.?
Whats the best part of being white? Looking in the mirror and seeing greatness!?
LEBANESE ARE CANAANITE AND PHOENICIAN, NOT ARABS!!!!! Arabs are unevolved barbarians from the desert, living proof of the damaging effects of UV radiation on the human brain. The silly religious people of the Levant will soon wake up, and maybe will reclaim their LANGUAGE too!?
Matthew Petranovich
Hate to say it, but Jack-O-Lanterns were originally used by pagans to scare off Christians from their Samhain rituals.?
With the luciferian indoctrination taking the Earth ! Is this not more of the same but with a different face ! You say aliens created us ? But one could ask who made them ! But you take a book that was hidden ! And now it's in the open ? Why ? Because the coming deception needs this to be out ! How else would man see beings from space ? There is no space. It does not exist. There is a firmament over the Earth ! A dome ! The earth is not a spinning ball ! You can try real hard to find a real picture of your ball ? But it does not exist ! There has never been a real picture of earth from space or from space to earth !
i can't understand why many people around the world was so possed against Christianity? ?
Most people actually don't know that their possessed until they die. But don't worry if you pray to god they cant touch you.
Ever since women have been allowed to vote, our world has steadily become a worse mess because of it. Most women simply ain't women any more, they have turned into greedy, hate-filled sociopaths, the likes of which Humanity has never witnessed. Sad but true. Great vid by the way.?
Brian Lunsford: You bettervelieve that they ar messing with our emotions. Nailed me yesterday. Bottom seems to be dropping out today. Sky is literally falling here. Call me Chicken Little!!! I don't care....?
Ann Pearson: Crystal blue skies in Tennessee today also. I am riding my emotions like a wave in cat 5 hurricane and it aināt funny for those of us awake. My surroundings our surreal as I walk along the walking dead. People in public never talk about the sky falling nor look up and question. The sun is a big blob of white and that alone should turn heads. I shop about trying to be normal and use it to ease my restless soul in this final hour. I even buy and take back just to be doing. Life will need the same under this dome. Only being released into kingdom of heaven will satisfy my thirst. My life has been far from a beautiful trip in land of dead. This earth plane has been one big mind f*ck from birth and itās not right. I want home. I severely think there are less real human souls around. God bless?
alanna alanna Stelzer
this biggest lie the devil tells people is that he is not real and you people believe his lies so going keep believing that piece of shit devil that hes not real.and see what. happens?
1 year agoā¢3
Lizard girl Emily
Yes..Amen!..he has done a good job of convincing so many people he's not real & blinding them..evident by reading some of these comments?
1 year agoā¢1
Spitfire Disco
this biggest lie the devil tells people is that he is not real and you people believe his lies so going keep believing that piece of shit devil that hes not real.and see what. happens?
Lizard girl Emily
Yes..Amen!..he has done a good job of convincing so many people he's not real & blinding them..evident by reading some of these comments?
Spitfire Disco
[kitty kitty]
Halloween is the best holiday ever you people. are just sick. Or maybe you are cheap and you don't want to give out candy. people like you make me sick.?
[Spiritual Science Research Foundation]
Dear Kitty, Please read more about it here - https://www.spiritualresearchfoundation.org/spiritual-living/trends-behaviour-influenced-negative-energies/meaning-of-halloween/ - to understand what it actually entails. To enjoy it as a holiday and receive candy is one aspect but it is important to know what exactly is happening at the subtle dimension on that day and also the negative trends that are influencing society. https://www.spiritualresearchfoundation.org/spiritual-living/trends-behaviour-influenced-negative-energies/ Warm regards SSRF team?
(A video description on why halloween is satanic. This person isn't even a christains)
Beyond the seeming fun and frolic, how does Halloween actually affect us at the spiritual level? In this video, we share with you our findings gained through spiritual research. We hope that this will help you gain an understanding of the spiritual effects of Halloween and reasons to stop celebrating it. Apart from staying away from activities that generate distressing vibrations, spiritual practice is the best way to protect ourselves from negative energies.