5 Sewer Monsters Caught On Tape & Spotted In Real Life!
From four teenaged talking turtles, to a malevolent clown with a sinister agenda, sewer systems are something that pop up in movies and television shows from time to time, but something we rarely think about, despite our daily trips to the bathroom. Cities all around the world have underground sewer systems that channel excess water and human waste out to oceans and treatment plants for recycling. These underground infrastructures cover several thousand miles, and typically remain unexplored. Every once in a while, however, a curious adult or adolescent will find themselves poking cameras or even climbing into these underground tunnels, hoping to find something extraordinary. And every once in a while—.they do. Here are five sewer monsters that have been caught on camera.
5. The Sewer Blob of North Carolina
On April 27, 2009, a snakecam was used to explore a potential sewage problem in North Carolina. Snakecams are often used to dig deep into small narrow underground tunnels when customers report a clog or drainage issues. Nothing could have prepared this plumber for what he was about to find however. This pulsing, twitching blob seems to be made up of organic tissue and muscle, reminiscent of something one would find featured on an episode of the X Files. What this oddly looking creature really is we may never know, but suffice it to say we feel pretty bad for whoever’s drainage system we are currently looking at!
4. Creature in the Shadows
This video is from the YouTube channel CaughtonTape. The owner of that channel has made a few videos in which he explores sewers near his house, because he’s convinced that something unnatural has been calling it home. In this clip, we see him explore both at night and during the day. Unfortunately, he finds his dead cat shortly into his journey. Seeing his pet’s body in the sewer only further convinces him that something has been living and hunting within the tunnels. Little did the man know that he had already captured a glimpse of the sewer monster the night before. One can only hope that as he continues to explore, he will not become the sewer monster’s next victim.
(0:30 you can just barely see it)
3. Shrieks in the Sewer
This next clip is another video filmed by the man behind CaughtonTape. On the evening of July 28, 2011, he began heard noises coming from the sewer near his home, prompting his first investigation into the underground infrastructure. Hoping to make amicable contact, the man grabbed his video camera and headed into the sewer. The sounds the monster makes is truly chilling and would send most people heading for the hills. As the man shines his light all around, a rake-ish looking monster with glowing eyes was found staring right back at him. The man had to flee in order to save his own life.
2. The Grey Monster
This video was made by a young man maned Thurgood, who inadvertently caught sight of a gray skinned monster hanging out by the entranceway of a sewer. Thurgood was in the process of making a fishing video when he began to hear strange, eerie screams emanating from nearby. As Thurgood looked around, he saw the unidentified creature rush through the foliage and down into an open sanitary sewer. As he finished explaining what happened, the creature returned to visit once more. Thurgood barely caught a glimpse of it, before he hit the off button on the camera in a moment of sheer panic.
1. Running for their Lives
This startling video was recorded by a small group of friends who decided to explore an elaborate tunnel system somewhere overseas. It’s clear by their tense whispers that they are anxious about their journey—and rightfully so. Out of nowhere, a figure appears in the shadows of the tunnel, and begins to charge at the group. All of them scream and immediately turn to escape, including the camera operator. I don’t think any of them will be returning to the tunnel anytime soon.