
Passionstorm #fundie youtube.com

Atheism is so a religion, like communism, democracy, and any other cult you feel like belonging too. The cult of reason is not that special, and although it appeals to most today, it wasn't always and may not forever be the case.

Prettyshandra8 #racist youtube.com

I´m not racist but I believe black people are closer to gorillas than to white people... that´s why we shouldn´t get mixed with black people, we are different species and they should stay at Africa? or to the zoo, somewere far away from us, as I said I´m not racist and I don´t pretend to insult anybody, but black people is a threat to our race

NephilimFree #fundie youtube.com

I guess you think there are transitional forms in? the fossil record too? Guess what. There are none. Fossil hoaxes are still being produced to this day. I debated a prominant evo scientist about his fossil tinkering. He threatened to sue me if I wrote published the article about it I tiold him I was writting. I did, he didn't. 2 wks later the univ. He wordked for took his picture off their web site.

Tim James #fundie youtube.com

I'm Tim James. Why do our politicians make us give driver's license exams in twelve languages? This is Alabama; we speak English. If you want to live here, learn it. We're only giving that test in English if I'm Governor. Maybe it's the businessman in me, but we'll save money and it makes sense. Does it to you?

sv3rige #fundie youtube.com

We want to live, hospitals want the opposite. Once you land there it may be hard to get out. Most of us don't realize this because we haven't been in this situation, but the nurses and doctors will slowly poison you, drag you and even make you immobile. And for the most part they do this unconsciously, but that's how the system was created and it's there to slowly kill you. That's why you get hospitalized.


Let's start with depression. After a while of dealing with it you don't want to live anymore. So you try to commit suicide, but it doesn't work out. Somebody finds you and reports you to the authorities. And what they do is make it worse because with this medication they torture you and you will end up committing suicide anyways because it will make the symptoms way worse because all it is, is malnourishment. That's what psychology is about.


And we all know the things about how bad hospital food is. That reveals everything about the true purpose of hospitals. It should all be organic, pastured, raw, forget it. Another thing is AIDS. You take medication and after a decade approximately you die. Literally all symptoms of AIDS are effects of medication, not side effects because they either purposefully create it to kill you



Then there is coma's if you had a seizure, for example, they will bring you to the death trap and pump you full of drugs and because of that you won't be able to wake up. There are so many people in coma's that shouldn't even be there, especially if they got the right food which should be raw animal fat, but no, they will get "high-sugar meals" (if you can even call them "meals"). What about heart attacks? Same thing, you will lay there in the bed for a week and they will give you plant-based low-fat high-Sugar meals, which caused you to be there in the first place.

The last thing I want to talk about is anorexia or general emaciation. They will give you only enough so you can lay there in the bed and malnourish yourself even more. Around 600 calories. And then they very very slowly increase it, but it's high-sugar, low-fat and low-proteine anyways.


That way it would take many months to recover and a lot of people can't do it because they are already too malnourished. So they will die in the process and that's how the system wants it. They should be getting raw whole foods and not pasteurized and man-made liquids in plastic bags. They can't digest them if they can't create their own enzymes.

And they should eat as much as they want, the so-called calory should never be limited, but they are because of the supposed re-feeding syndrome. Bullshit. They starve you even more after starvation and that's their excuse (completely man-made).

Anorexia is caused by starvation and brainwashing also quite a lot of times, but the starvation is what gets them to the point of even considering it. And we are all living in mass starvation, even though nobody would like to believe it. Just look at what we eat. Raw meat is the essential key which would help all of these people because it's a raw building food, but it's not even allowed in hospitals.

Falcon X #homophobia youtube.com

If it is natural for animals to have homosexual relations as well as rape and Pedophillia then rape and Pedophillia should be legalised. And don't say that it is disgusting and wrong cause homosexuality is legalised so might as well also be rape and Pedophillia as well because all 3 exist in nature so you cannot refute it.?

RIA Novosti #god-complex #psycho #wingnut youtube.com

Russian state-owned propaganda outlet RIA published the new programmatic article with the title "What Russia must do with Ukraine". The article reveals a detailed plan for a genocide, starting from full elimination of Ukrainian state. Details below.

1) it calls almost every Ukrainian a Nazi who deserves death. "Nazis who took weapons, must be killed in numbers as much as possible... Not just the elites, the most of the people are guilty, they are passive Nazis, Nazi enablers. They supported these elites and must be punished"

2) It foresees tyrannic approach to culture. "Further denacification of the mass of the population is to be reached through ideological repression (oppression) of Nazi ideas and through harsh censorship: not only in politics, but in culture and education areas".

3) it foresees economic and political destruction of Ukraine: "Ukraine must pay for its guilt towards Russia. It must be treated as an enemy, and therefore may develop only in dependency to Russia. No "Marshall plan" may happen. No "neutrality" both ideological or practical".

4) A tyrannical future emerges: "Personnel providing denazification in new denazified republics (plural! - Sumlenny) cannot act on another way but only with direct military-police and management support from Russia. Denazification must be a Deukrainisation".

5) Ukraine is the enemy: "The history has proven: Ukraine may not exist as a national state. Any attempt to create it leads to Nazism. Ukrainism is an artificial anti-Russian construct... De-banderisation is not enough... Denazification of Ukraine must be De-Europeazation of it".

6) Deliberate targeting of civilians: "The Bandera-elites must be liquidated, they cannot be re-educated. The social "swamp" who supported them must experience terror of war and learn the lesson, and pay for its guilt"."

Various YouTube Commenters #transphobia youtube.com


The fact that the oldest was pretty much “jealous” that the younger was “trans” as well, tells you all you need to know. They like the attention, as kids usually do


The first words out of the kids mouth “I felt something was missing” yeah… puberty.


The boy doesn't look healthy, dark circles under his eyes, seems depressed... not really happy....


As a trans guy, this is not okay. These children show no signs of actual gender dysphoria. I came out at 11, and my mom sent me straight to therapy. It sucked, but I understand why she wouldn’t allow me to transition medically until I was 18. This isn’t okay.


They say they want their children to accept themselves, when they can’t teach them to accept the way they were born and that changing themselves drastically is ‘acceptance’

Solid and random dude #moonbat #conspiracy #pratt youtube.com

Solid: @devalapar When western backed rebels chased out the Ukrainian president? If Western countries can seperate Kosovo from Serbia so can Russia with Donbas.

random dude: @devalapar "That happened after 2014" "This conflict started 8 years ago."
yes, after the us led maidan coup that took discriminatory measures against ethnic russians (almost every crimean)

various commenters #moonbat youtube.com

“Never more disgusted than I am right now” -Kyle Kulinski. Me too Kyle. They treat us like we’re stupid thinking we’ll agree with anything they do and any line they sell, and if we do disagree, they don’t care!! I’m not American, so I can’t vote for your leaders, but we always all feel trapped b/c America affects us all so much!! We all get affected, but have no say! Very sad that America did not ACTUALLY de-escalate by this point. Sad that any of this started at all, but I was hoping they’d feel the heat and reel it in son!! This is the most disgusted, disappointed and angry I’ve ever been in my whole life, and it’s been a long life so far. Thank you, at least someone is speaking sense and a voice of reason. It’s practically all we’ve got now! #CEASEFIRE #FREEPALESTINE #IMPEACHBIDEN

Houthis are upholding their obligation under the 4th convention on genocide.
The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, is an international treaty that criminalizes genocide and obligates state parties to pursue the enforcement of its prohibition.

You’e complicit in genocide with this kind of thinking. Already 1000x the amount of civilian deaths of 9/11 and Dresden in just a few months. Yemen actually respecting the part of the Geneva code that requires signees to actively stop genocides they are aware of. They declared as much.

You think trying to stop a genocide is “piracy”?
Why are you defending genocide?
How ignorant are you?

You comparing financial problems to killing civilians in Yemen

Stupid comparison, disregard human life

cushrinada and akashbaruth1658 #moonbat #conspiracy youtube.com

Israelis are really making is hard to hate Nazi's at this point...

Yet Israel gets so much sympathy for beheading and burning babies that never excisted , think people. Hamas tied up hostages to take accross so they could negotiate yet they were found burned with weapons Hamas didn't have. IDF used the Hannibal doctrine and killed their own , those who survived said IDF didn't want to negotiate and tank fired and Apache fired rockets upon their own people to get to Hamas but some did survive. IDF fired at hostages on the back of a motorbike killing their own. Majority of hostages are IDF currently held but Israel doesn't care enough. Time will tell but gazans might be out of time by then. Ps! Hamas won't surrender, they will go down fighting as this is their last do or die for liberation

NephilimFree #fundie youtube.com

Claim made:
"humans do have blind spots."

No, they don't. You don't see a black dot because of your optical nerve. You have no blind spot.

AnotherBrotherMark #fundie #homophobia youtube.com

(In asking his opinion on gay marriage, excluding Biblical commandment)

You know I'm older and the language of description I was raised with that was acceptable is now considered hate speech. In the same breath I will not yield God's promise to us that he will never flood us again as a banner to the homosexual community. Just between you and me though...why are the faggots so unhappy? I mean generally speaking.
How could they try and bastardize a good word like gay and not have any of it in them?

(Someone asks him why he hates anything relating to homosexuality)

Are you representing sodomites only or queers in general with your interrogation of me?

Xelphepolis #fundie youtube.com

(in a video about the people on 9/11 who jumped off the WTC instead of facing the conditions inside)

It is said (for those of you like me who believe in god), that? if you killed yourself you will not go to heaven. If people would just succumb to the smoke, instead of jumping out the window....

Christopher Johnson #fundie youtube.com

Evolutionism or Darwinism is not a science, it is a religion. It is the religion of those that hate God and are incapable of seeing that they will have to give account for their actions one day. The average scientist starts from the perspective that there is no God, so all of their hypotheses start from the perspective that their is no God and therefore they create elaborate "theories" as to the origins of existence that fly in the face of the natural evidence of a creator. The fact is God was such a genius that he allowed creation to be vague enough for these people to have enough rope to hang themselves for the most part because theirs is not a science problem, it is a pride problem.?

Tom MacDonald feat. Ben Shapiro #wingnut youtube.com

(submitter’s note: lyrics have been abridged to meet the character limit)

They call me offensive, controversial
There's only two genders, boys and girls
They can't cancel my message
'Cause I'm the biggest independent rapper in the whole freaking world
Claim that I'm racist, yeah, right
I'm not ashamed 'cause I'm white
If every Caucasian's a bigot
I guess every Muslim's a terrorist
Every liberal is right

I don't wanna talk to folks who don't get it
Go woke, go broke, no hope, it's pathetic
Pro-choice, pronouns, pro-love, you're progressives
But you ain't pro-gun, no one to protect it
Where the American flags at?
Remember when people would hang those?
They've been taken down
They all been replaced with BLM flags or a rainbow

This ain't rap, this ain't money, cars, and clothes
We ain't sellin' drugs, we ain't gonna overdose
We ain't pushing guns, ain't promoting stripper poles
We won't turn your sons into thugs or your daughters into hoes

I don't care if I offend you, I was put here to upset you
You can cry and you can scream, you can riot in the streets
You defunded the police, now there's no one to protect you
I hope I offend you, I ask myself, "What would Ben do?"
Let's just keep it real facts, don't care how you feel, man
If you want my pronouns, I'm the man
I'm the man that don't respect you

Let's look at the stats, I've got the facts
My money like Lizzo, my pockets are fat
Homie, I'm epic, don't be a WAP
Dawg, it's a yarmulke, homie, no cap
Look at the graphs, look at my charts
You're blowing money on strippers and cars
You're going to prison, I'm on television
Dawg, no one knows who you are
Keep hating on me on the internet
My comment section all woke Karens
I make racks off compound interest
Y'all live with your parents
Nicki take some notes
I just did this for fun
All my people download this
Let's get a Billboard number one

Nuance Bro #transphobia youtube.com

The issue that I wanted to focus on is this narrative that trans people are dying. So I don't know if you guys have heard about this, but there's this big issue in the trans community or the LGBT community at large about transgenders being murdered. So when they talk about trans people are dying, do something, they are saying that trans people are being murdered in the streets and that this is a huge problem and that politicians need to do something. Now this issue always perplexed me because I always heard people talking about transgender murders but I never heard anybody use the stats. So, what are the stats behind transgender murders? Now, a great resource that I found is from the leftist publication Mic.... if we scroll down, we can see the number of documented trans homicides per year. So how many is it? We can see it. In the year 2010, there was a total of 9 homicides. Now I don't know about you, but 9 homicides in a year in a country of 330 million people, I don't know if I would consider that an epidemic. But the argument being made is that it is rising. As you can see here, we go from 9 homicides in 2010 to a peak of 24 homicides in 2015, and the most recent number they have is 2016 of 23 homicides. Now to be fair, 23 homicides might seem low, but we have to look at things per capita...….

(Nuance Bro goes on to claim that statistics show that there is no epidemic of trans people murdered specifically for being trans)

The Splitted God #sexist #conspiracy youtube.com

It's funny how most commercials are focused on female products nowadays. It makes me think about the relation between feminism and big capitalists. Are they really concerned about gender equality? Or did they find out that women are easier targets (they buy useless stuff more often than men) due to their need to always get more actractive?

RightWingRightMind #homophobia #wingnut youtube.com

It's a shame that homosexuality is no longer listen as a mental disorder,it's a shame and it disgusts me.
Homosexuals ruin America's image to the world.
Homosexuality was listed as a mental disorder in 1973 but because of Liberals we have these sodomite scumbags walking the streets molesting children.


Top 5s Finest #conspiracy youtube.com

5 Sewer Monsters Caught On Tape & Spotted In Real Life!


From four teenaged talking turtles, to a malevolent clown with a sinister agenda, sewer systems are something that pop up in movies and television shows from time to time, but something we rarely think about, despite our daily trips to the bathroom. Cities all around the world have underground sewer systems that channel excess water and human waste out to oceans and treatment plants for recycling. These underground infrastructures cover several thousand miles, and typically remain unexplored. Every once in a while, however, a curious adult or adolescent will find themselves poking cameras or even climbing into these underground tunnels, hoping to find something extraordinary. And every once in a while—.they do. Here are five sewer monsters that have been caught on camera.

5. The Sewer Blob of North Carolina

On April 27, 2009, a snakecam was used to explore a potential sewage problem in North Carolina. Snakecams are often used to dig deep into small narrow underground tunnels when customers report a clog or drainage issues. Nothing could have prepared this plumber for what he was about to find however. This pulsing, twitching blob seems to be made up of organic tissue and muscle, reminiscent of something one would find featured on an episode of the X Files. What this oddly looking creature really is we may never know, but suffice it to say we feel pretty bad for whoever’s drainage system we are currently looking at!


4. Creature in the Shadows

This video is from the YouTube channel CaughtonTape. The owner of that channel has made a few videos in which he explores sewers near his house, because he’s convinced that something unnatural has been calling it home. In this clip, we see him explore both at night and during the day. Unfortunately, he finds his dead cat shortly into his journey. Seeing his pet’s body in the sewer only further convinces him that something has been living and hunting within the tunnels. Little did the man know that he had already captured a glimpse of the sewer monster the night before. One can only hope that as he continues to explore, he will not become the sewer monster’s next victim.

(0:30 you can just barely see it)

3. Shrieks in the Sewer

This next clip is another video filmed by the man behind CaughtonTape. On the evening of July 28, 2011, he began heard noises coming from the sewer near his home, prompting his first investigation into the underground infrastructure. Hoping to make amicable contact, the man grabbed his video camera and headed into the sewer. The sounds the monster makes is truly chilling and would send most people heading for the hills. As the man shines his light all around, a rake-ish looking monster with glowing eyes was found staring right back at him. The man had to flee in order to save his own life.


2. The Grey Monster

This video was made by a young man maned Thurgood, who inadvertently caught sight of a gray skinned monster hanging out by the entranceway of a sewer. Thurgood was in the process of making a fishing video when he began to hear strange, eerie screams emanating from nearby. As Thurgood looked around, he saw the unidentified creature rush through the foliage and down into an open sanitary sewer. As he finished explaining what happened, the creature returned to visit once more. Thurgood barely caught a glimpse of it, before he hit the off button on the camera in a moment of sheer panic.


1. Running for their Lives

This startling video was recorded by a small group of friends who decided to explore an elaborate tunnel system somewhere overseas. It’s clear by their tense whispers that they are anxious about their journey—and rightfully so. Out of nowhere, a figure appears in the shadows of the tunnel, and begins to charge at the group. All of them scream and immediately turn to escape, including the camera operator. I don’t think any of them will be returning to the tunnel anytime soon.


FlowCell #fundie youtube.com

You truly are a mal-ignorant-poodle! The only thing going down in flames is your soul because you didn't accept Jeezus before you died. I hope you enjoy a thousand demons shoving pineapples up your ass. Maybe after you and Dawkins lock up all the peacful Christians, the Mulsems will move in and slowly saw your heads off.

God hates you for being an atheist because you are sending even more people to hell with your Devil's philosophy.

Various Commenters #wingnut #moonbat #dunning-kruger #transphobia youtube.com

Submitter’s Note: “Putin and the Little Johnny” is a YouTube Short where a Russian student named Johnny vanishes after asking Vladimir Putin why they are invading Ukraine?

Why didn't Johnny ask, WHY ARE WE SENDING TROOPS TO AFGHANISTAN, IRAQ, JAPAN, IRAN, GAZA, SYRIA, interrupting Pakistan, blah blah. 😂

Johnny and Timmy asked Putin, “why can’t we have freedom like America?”
Putin replied “because they lost count of their own genders.” 💀💀💀

Little Billy says, "when Russia & Ukraine had agreed a peace deal, why did UK Boris Johnson tell Zelensky not to sign & why has nobody in the west even mention peace?

Like Vietnam,Korea ,Afghanistan Iraq and Syria also Jeffrey Epstein.

who is the kid that ask Obama why is julian Assange telling the truth

The USA has Biden, Canada has Trudeau and Jagmeet, Russia has Putin! Who would you rather be Running our Country's? I'll go with a Leader. Putin. 😂😅

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger #transphobia youtube.com

Submitter’s Note: These comments are replies to another comment made on a video about electrofishing an invasive fish species. Since YouTube won’t let me link to comments directly, I’m linking to the video instead.

The mistake here is assuming the rest of the internet understands the Asian Carp problem you could of done this by simply adding "invasive" in the title so you don't get viewers misunderstanding the reason for electrocuting fish

I was thinking a simple "white" would have made most of the haters be ok with it. You know cause if your white it's ok to be hated..

A Biden supporter will soon say,,,,,, CLM 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Or assuming the carps gender.

Various comments #fundie youtube.com

(Comments from an “anti woke ad”)
5 days ago
Now that is a powerful ad! I’m so thankful to God that Trump is our new president is here to kill the woke virus.

5 days ago
From Paraguay, I am watching this. I wanted to make a comment to congratulate apple for this but its channel doesn't allow comments.

5 days ago
That would be wonderful. However, I suspect that it will just be in remission. It will still infect local and state governments. It will also continue to plague foreign hosts, some of which are already in the terminal stages. You need to look no further than Canada and the UK.

5 days ago
Yes me too it’s is such a blessing!

5 days ago
@TheYika1 AMEN!!

5 days ago
If you think Tump is for God you are deluded...

5 days ago
@thegiantcookie7614 and are you saying that the other candidate is ? She threw people out of a rally for taking God's name.

5 days ago
@thegiantcookie7614 keep crying kamala,

4 days ago
Before I read your comment I said Thsnk you God for letting Trump win. Its amazing how quickly things turned around.

4 days ago
That is why God put Trump in the position, because He follows God and he reads the Bible.

@MaryLynnJones-cl8cj #fundie #crackpot youtube.com

When covid vaccines were introduced. Everyone rushed off in fear to get their vaccination.
I prayed to God about what to do.
The answer came in 3 weeks.
I had 2 consecutive dreams over 2 nights. The first was about a spiritual elephant trying to catch me and squash the life out of me.
The second dream was about 3 very large rats with very long snouts. Two were running around the floor and a third was emerging from a hole in the wall. I caught one and it twisted around and bit me. Two neat holes on my wrist. The rat didnt feel like a rat but felt like a wooly lamb which to me speaks of deception.
I woke up and asked God what the dreams meant. After another 3 weeks i decided to get the vax. But immediately God brought to mind the meaning of the dreams.
The elephant was covid. The rats were the injections.
I never did get vaccinated as God was warning me not to.

matthewteichmann #fundie youtube.com

​@Jaisee14I grew up in a Christian household and we are told to fear the Lord. Why? Because the Lord loves us and wants us to do right. Guess what good parents do? They put fear into their children because they love them. I'm 31 now and I am happy to say that both my parents used physical discipline when they really needed to and because of that I learned quickly to listen and respect my parents. And so did my sister

sothrowedmex #fundie youtube.com

Idont want to go to hell and rather go to Heaven. Why else would anyone worship God if there was no Heaven promised? I think u need Jesus. U must have had a bad experience in life & now u turned against God.Course the law is 4 the lawless, thats why its been put into place thru the Bible,& the 1's that have the law, are already abiding by it.U wanna talk bout this more in depth email me espinosa_ramonhotmailcom

TRUECRISTIAN #fundie #homophobia youtube.com

[This is a classic case of "Exactly What It Says On The Tin". If you're so opposed to homosexuality, why watch the GAY POWERTHIRST video?!]

Based on my religions beliefs, homosexual BEHAVIOR is a sin just like
drinking booze or having sex outside of a marriage.I can not do anything to help sins against the teaching of the Bible
thus I can not, based on my religous beliefs, allow any of these
activities on my property, INCLUDING rental property I might own. The
civil rights laws that say I would have to rent to drinkers, unmarried
couples, or gays violate my right to live up to my religion thus such

rabidanimal42 #fundie youtube.com

Stupid atheists. Stop listening to deluded scientists and think for yourselves. The Bible is the only truth. Questioning the validity of the Bible is both delusional and narrow-minded. If something contradicts the Bible then it is wrong. Period.

White American Male #fundie youtube.com

Dear Jesus haters: fuck you niggers you hate Jesus and all Christians no human has ever witnessed dinosaurs evolve into birds because it's fake news like the Clinton News Network speak out against fake news like atheist?

TIKhistory #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #wingnut youtube.com

“Socialising the people” and “removing the Jews from society” are the same thing. Lenin and Stalin had [...] their Holocaust [...] Because to form Marx’s worker’s paradise, you must socialise the people, remove the bourgeoisie middle class from society. Hitler didn’t outcompete them in a free market. Aight? Hitler socialised the state and used that to remove the Jews from society. If Hitler’s not a socialist, and he didn’t socialise the people, then he doesn’t remove the Jews from society. Hitler’s socialism was his racism.

So those of you who deny that Hitler was a socialist...you’re actually denying the Holocaust. [...] Marxist Holocaust denialists refuse to accept Hitler’s socialism. [...] How did the free market result in the Holocaust? [W]hich private business owned and marketed the Holocaust? Marxist Holocaust denialists have no answer to these questions. [...] This is why Holocaust denialist laws exist, because Marxist Holocaust denialist historians cannot explain the ideological reasoning for the Holocaust.


National Socialist Holocaust denialists know it’s happened. [...] What they’re doing...is trolling the Marxist historians. They’re saying, “Look! Look! There's a huge flaw in your argument here!”. And the Marxists can’t plug the gap, because in order to plug the gap, they would need to admit that Hitler wanted to socialise the people, remove the Jews from society. And they can’t do that, because that would be an admission that National Socialism was “real” socialism. To admit that would undermine their entire ideology. It would place Hitler on the far left of the political spectrum. Or it would place Marxism and socialism on the far right of the political spectrum.

Wherever Hitler goes, Marx goes too. And this they will not allow, because if people realise the true nature of socialism (total state control of the economy and people, totalitarianism), how can these Marxists call for the Holocaust of the middle class, the bourgeoisie? They can’t.

Rod Pickens, Youtube #fundie youtube.com

1 Truth: What kind of 'loving god' sends u to hell?!, this is a deceiving & evil en+ity &it is farming human souls. What kind of creator sends u with no prior knowledge of self expect u 2b good in an evil world.? Archons farm humans same way we farm animals.

Rod Pickens; The bible says its not God intent that we perish and go to hell. What about the loving God wants us to spend eternity with him and not in hell. Hell isn’t the focus of the faith, love is. If hell is all you got from the faith then you might need to be taught the bible. God doesnt send us there our bad decisions do.

1 Truth: so in the Bible he demands worship... If you created something or some1 would you demand it to worship you? If you do make it to 'heavan' which I call advanced software. You get there, then what? Just be iin awe? You eventually get sent back with no prior memories of past lives. Reincarnated\recycled so the energy/light/love you tease they feed on. Like the movie sausage party humans are food.

Rod Pickens 1 Truth Its clear that you have your mind made up on what you believe. I respect you enough not to offend you with what I believe. Id rather build relationships and get to know people more than Try to convince someone that my belief is real. Its better to live my life and allow my life to prove thats its real. If I can’t do that then what I believe is meaningless.

Truth @Rod Pickens at the end of the day all beLIEfs are lies, what if u were born a different race, a different country ? Which religion is right? The one you're born in2?

Rod Pickens: The one that can be proven with power. Thats what make Jesus real. I have seen the heal sick, blinded people received sight, deaf able to hear. I have seen real miracles and I have 100% compelled.

NicholasPOGM #fundie youtube.com

Published on May 11, 2017
12 years ago I did a Newsletter on this centuries old lie that was posted at that time on World Net Daily. I actually came across this old lie on t he streets of Chicago over 30 years ago when I first started exposing the Antichrist in Rome. And just the other day World Net Daily AGAIN posted the exact same article word for word so as to keep the lie well fueled. Satan knows his time is short and so he is pulling out all stops!


2005 TPNL - Rome seeks to Re-Write the Bible? AGAIN?

Old Catholic Quote on 616 (TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Network)

VIDEO: 666 – the MARK of his NAME

VIDEO: Is Nero THE Antichrist?

Islamic Antichrist?

King of the North

Sir Netflix #fundie #wingnut #pratt #dunning-kruger youtube.com

A classic Athiest moment. Talk about their moral superiority, when really, they have no basis for their morality.

An athiest can’t say incest is wrong because they have no basis for that statement other than their own opinion which can be considered wrong. A Christian, Muslim, etc. can because those are the rules of the faith. They DO have a basis to say it’s wrong.

And if he wants to discuss deaths caused by religious fanatics, how about the deaths caused in athiestic countries like Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and North Korea along with China? Yeah, guess he forgot about those places that easily dwarf any numbers by Catholics.

Also, Catholics created universities and hospitals.

TheLogicJunkie #conspiracy youtube.com

An author on the supposed conspiracy of HIV:

It's the hallmark of religion to demand the "proof of a negative", and it's a trap... HIV is a religion, veiled as science.

Apparently, you cannot test negative for a disease. Wooo boy.

GeneNowok #fundie youtube.com

Atheists r people who do not love logic because 4 me it's not logical 2 think that something as complex as universe and life in it - that works precisely according 2 laws of mathematics, physics, etc. like in a clockwork - was created by itself and by chance in that. And scientists cannot create even the simplest living organism in their laboratories, like a bacterium 4 instance. so tell me, how did living matter originate from non-living one? Also by pure chance? Dont make me laugh!

roofrack502 #fundie youtube.com

You might be an unintentional victim of misinformation as was I until I took time to study in depth about Hitler and his twisted quest for power. Under Nazi rule, the state controlled everything. That is not conservative in any sense of the word as we know it today. A survey of Nazi prisoners of war in 1941 found that 50% gave 'nature' as their religion, 40% 'Hitler' and the rest, a hodgepodge of various non practicing Christians or simply 'atheist'. Don't fall for the NAZI's = conservative lie.

antigravity213 #fundie youtube.com

Genetics? What DNA disproves evolution.

Look bro, until you find the ape man, and the millions of transitional fossils, as a critical thinker,evolutionism is inclusive.

How many times has the theory been changed in the last 100 years?

Do you know way it's been changed so many times? To this day the theory of evolution is still trying to be understood.

So until science can prove it, and explain it,
It's technically not science.

Panther95 #fundie youtube.com

Any smart scientist would tell you carbon dating can only reach back 50,000 years or so, after that they are guessing. We really have no idea how long the Earth has existed or the universe. But ending it, like they say in this video, "A building must have a builder." Bye!

Mystics and Muons #crackpot #magick #fundie youtube.com

33: Spirituality, Science, Psychology, and Psychedelics: Integrating the Restoration

In this episode, I give an expanded version of my 2024 Sunstone Symposium presentation on integrating fields like spirituality, psychology, science, and psychedelics to produce an integrated framework of Mormonism's origins. I hope it brings you new insights on your journey.

Here for the esoteric origins of Mormonism? Check out Episode 2 or read it in on the Substack for the integrative narrative of Mormon origins:

Here for the science and spirituality? Check out my episodes with Donald Hoffman and Bernardo Kastrup:

Please rate, share, and get in touch at mysticsandmuons@gmail.com!

00:00 Introduction
03:14 The Framework of Dreams in Understanding Reality
09:13 Lucid Dreaming and Spiritual Awakening
12:55 Dissociative Identity Disorder, Tibetan Buddhism, Hinduism
18:57 Working Models and "Truth"
23:20 Parable of the Archeologists: Integrating Perspectives
25:50 Frameworks for Understanding Mormonism
29:33 Integrative Approach vs Dichotomous Thinking
31:19 Quantum Physics
38:20 Philosophical Implications of Quantum Physics
43:14 No Data Without Dogma
48:07 Exploring Psychedelics and Mystical Experiences
56:04 Psychology, Automatic Writing, and the Subconscious
59:56 Insights from the Book of Mormon as Automatic Writing
01:06:53 The Big Picture Perspective
01:10:19 More Breadcrumbs