
Brother Nathanael Kapner #racist realjewnews.com

As I’ve informed you all before, JEWtoob put a fellow monkey-Jew on my back EVERY TIME I upload a Video. JEWtoob has threatened to SHUT ME DOWN with TWO STRIKES against me and ‘three strikes’ you’re out.

This NEW Video is hopefully “Kosher for not being PASSOVER-ED.” But yew never know with a JEW monkey on your back.

Jew-censors may not eat Pigs and keep kosher but to NO avail. They ARE Pigs and full of all uncleaness! May their own wickedness fall back on their OWN Jew-accursed heads and quick.

AND, that Goyim Shill, Eric Schmidt, has to be one of the most CONTEMTPABLE shilsl that works for the Jews, who actually said that he will “de-rank” RT.com for “misinformation.” What is ‘misinformation’ Mr Jew-pleasing Schmidt? It’s TRUTH that is sorrowfully misplaced on a JEW venue, JEWgle and JEWtube.

bruce dimo #racist realjewnews.com

The Jews will play a huge role, in the destruction of the planet, for the sake of evil in the end days. They will eventually get their ovens, and drag us all in with them.

But, I know Jesus. Keep telling the truth, Brother.

Michael Mazur #racist realjewnews.com

I emailed the Simon Wiesenthal centre with this:

Rabbi Cooper, I saw a clip of you on C Span speaking about anti Semitism on campuses. Look, this is beyond stupid, there’s everything healthy in being opposed to Jews — let’s not be coy by calling it anti Semitism, for your guys are the biggest mass murderers of all time.

Solzhenitsyn wrote of the 66,000,000 Russian Christians your guys mass murdered between 1917 and 1957. You know the truth of this, but you still have the chutzpah to impose on our natural magnanimity just so you can spout your imagined, or otherwise fake grievances, as if you’re the eternal victim.

You can only continue to intimidate people like this only because too many still believe The Holcaust b/s, which you know is exactly that, as you would know that your very own renowned historian of his day, Jacob Marcus, wrote in the 1950 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica that ’several thousand Jews died in the war’.

I also well know that during the first 39 years of the last century the US mainstream media carried 15 stories about the alleged plight of Jews in Eastern Europe, already regaling the reader about the ‘extreme suffering’ — yes, the actual expression used, of 6,000,000 Jews, each of these 15 times.

All fakery, but you then had your chance to stick the 6,000,000 to the Germans, who were in no condition to refute your lies, having had 22,000,000 of their finest mass murdered in a war you had declared on them on 24/3/1933, but fought by duped others on your behalf. I’m heartily sick of the lot of you, just get your parasitical carcasses — including Weinstein, and hundreds like him in Hollywood, out of our lives. Go to Mars, terrorform that planet, as you’ve ruined ours already.

Ted Gorsline #racist realjewnews.com

Perhaps the ugliest aspect of Jewish culture is its persistent drive to not only control all media, in all countries (See Gordon Duff’s articles about Google jigsaw), but to deliberately shut down freedom of speech in every Country where they set up shop.

As a culture they invaiably wilt under the glare of public scrutiny and try their best to hide in the shadows. That is why they always strive shut down freedom of speech. They have already killed freedom of speech in Germany, Austria and Canada.

Controlling all media and killing freedom of speech is one thing they know how to do well. The Palestinians are true Semitic people and the Ashkenazi Jews that kill them and rob their land on a regular basis are half-Caucasian.

I don’t mind criticizing Caucasians because I am one of them. The issue has never been race and anti-Semitism. The issue has always been bad behaviour and nobody does bad behaviour better than the Jews. Just ask Barney Frank and Harvey Weinstein.

Allegedly these men had an ungodly liason and Mr. Frank is now said to be pregnant. Rumour has it that they will soon have a Caucasian Jewish baby and will name him Frankenstein.

If the world really wants to fight anti-Semitism the first thing it has to do is start fighting the Jews.

Ted Gorsline #racist realjewnews.com

There is a fantastic story on the Veterans Today website by Gordon Duff who as usual gloms on to other people’s videos. It’s must viewing and the first video of the three confirms everything Bro Nat has been saying about Trump and the Jews.

The story is called “Breakthrough Case For War with Israel over 9/11!” It’s a must watch.

The very first of the three videos proves that just as Bro Nat has said, Trump is mired deep in Jewish doo doo. The swamp of which he speaks is a lot cleaner.

Trump is truly mired and standing on his tip toes in a Jewish sewage lagoon with foul smelling liquid already up to his nose, and hoping Bibi or Sheldon or Bloomberg or Chuckie Schumer or Diane Feinstein or Harvey Slimestain or any of the many other Hebligans don’t come roaring up in a motor boat and make a wave.

VT has included diagrams showing just how Israel, the Jewish state, or in other words the Jews did 9/11, thus formerly declaring total war on the United States (almost 3,000 dead), Canada (160 dead), and Britain (60 dead) by attacking these thousands of their innocent citizens in the World Trade Center.

The attack on America was a cookie cutter repeat of Pearl Harbour in its intensity and death toll, but fortunately the Pearl Harbour attack did sprout a workable template that can now be used against Israel since it did work on Japan. Just do whatever works. No need to make a new plan.

The template is this.

1) Nuke Tel Aviv and Haifa instead of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

2) Bomb Israel into rubble until it resembles Hiroshima, Dresden or Syria.

3) Occupy Israel for 70 years and put all the Jewish leaders on trial accoring to standards set by the Rothschild family in their castle at the Nuremburg Trials.

4) Starve to death millions of Jewish soldiers as was done to German soldiers at the end of WW2.

5) Round up and put in concentration camps everyone in the Western world that has an obvious loyalty to the savage Jewish war machine, beginning with well known personalities such as Wolf Blitzer and Christina Anampour.

6) Make baseball Israel’s national sport (It became Japan’s National Sport following WW2) to keep the Jews busy while the land is returned to its rightful Palestinian owners.

7) Set up Indian reservation-type accommodations for the Jewish People on the melting Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica allowing them to live in tepees and come and go from the reserve on the same basis they now apply to Palestinians.

In other words treat Jews the same way they treat other people. Applying Jewish values to Jews ought to work.

AJ #racist realjewnews.com

Our leaders today clearly have no moral courage. It’s outrageous that Republicans and conservatives are not loudly defending Roy Moore against the almost certainly false accusations.

Even Trump is wishy-washy when he should be using his bully pulpit to shout down Moore’s accusers. Although I don’t agree with many of Moore’s political views it’s indefensible how the Zionist Jew press is trying to destroy his career and reputation.

In their arrogance the Jews will invent the most ridiculous lies and think the public will fall for it. The made up Trump story about him dumping a whole box of fish food into a koi pond while in Asia is the latest laughable example. Trump needs to fulfill his promise of opening up libel laws against the press when they knowingly publish false news articles. Lawsuits are a wonderful thing, and Trump should pursue massive legal action against the Jewish run press for libel.

Koen #racist realjewnews.com

Zionist Jews have total control over everything, money, oil, China, North Korea, America, England, Saudi Arabia, exact science, etc, etc —

WWIII is slowly starting up per design, just like WWI and WWII. NK will be invaded, then the Saudis start a war with Iran, together with Israel. Oil prices will sky rocket, all Western countries will face the worst economy ever. The power struggle in the Saud family is a bad omen; the anti-Israel family members who still hoped for peace are gone now. But the real control factor of importance here is the SCIENCE OF EINSTEINIAN PHYSICS, which prevented the development of superior energy technology, according to the research by Tesla and T.H. Moray (50KWatt of electric power from a small box, day and night, observed and declared as true by several patent office clerks and PhD in physics, who all signed affidavits).

Obviously we are too stupid to turn back a century of Jewish meddling in Western Christian exact sciences (aka Classical Physics). It is “modern physics” now, based on Einstein’s mesjogge relativity theory (which he stole from other bad physicists) that was promoted by the Jewish controlled press for obvious reasons. Jews work as a team on all levels.

According to the Jewish version of physics, the energetic cosmic waves Tesla and Moray talked about, don’t exist. So the solution to all our problems is all around us, but we are too blind to understand how to convert this cosmic energy into electricity.

B #racist realjewnews.com

The Jewish Zionist often repeated biblical claim that Jews have the eternal right to control today’s land of Israel because God promised it to them in the Bible (Torah), never mentions the likely possibility that it was God (and not really the Goyim) who actually caused the recently ending Jewish Diaspora to occur.

This Jewish Zionist claim of the eternal Jewish Zionist ownership of Israel never mentions the possibility at all that God has the right and ability to force all the Jews out of Israel. No evidence is ever given that it was not God who caused the recently ending Jewish Diaspora to occur.

Bad Mob Rising #racist realjewnews.com

Even in ancient times, 2000 years ago, the Jews worked up the mobs to scream: Crucify him! Crucify him! The Jews used chaos, madness, and mob action against Jesus, Stephen, Paul, and other leading Christians as documented in the Holy Bible.

As is often discussed on this site and is related in the Bible, the Jews aka Mystery Babylon are responsible for the blood of the saints, the wars, and those who have been murdered. Wars are large groups of mobs organized and incited by Zionists to destroy or murder. It’s no accident God refers to Jews as rebels in Scripture. Jews have thousands of years of experience and collective knowledge with inciting rebellion, mobs, wars, and government overthrows. The children of the devil, as Jesus called the Jews, are the false shepherds which the Bible warns would rip and tear the flock.

Now, Zionists are organizing people into opposing mobs all over the world in anticipation of ovethrows and rebellions against old order governments. Races, religions, political parties, have been organized and set up to fight or destroy each other. The Protocols say that one Zionist plan is to use global chaos, madness, perversion, riots to make goy governments look so bad that goys will gladly trade their government for peace, stability, law, order, to escape mobs, madness, murder, and mayhem.

This last desperate attempt by Satan and his children to establish their Jew World Order looks like the recipe for the Great Tribulation. The Protocols for Zionists to establish their JWO look horribly similar to prophecy about the Great Tribulation and the end time terrors.

Jews vs Jesus #racist realjewnews.com

NBC delayed broadcasting Jewish journalist Lisa Meyers’ interview with Juanita Broaddrick linked below, about Bill Clinton raping Broaddrick, until after the Senate voted not to remove Clinton from office. The Jews’ media hid this Clinton rape from the public as long as possible. People who knew about it kept asking why is the media so intent on hushing up the rape of JB.

After the Jews’ media cover-up and silence on this Clinton rape became a big scandal in itself, NBC finally aired the toned-down, damage-control interview with JB linked below. BUT the Jews delayed broadcasting Clinton’s rape until AFTER the Senate voted not to remove Clinton from office. Just as the Jews’ media strategically timed the JB rape broadcast for AFTER the Senate voted on Clinton’s removal from office, the Jews’ media has now waited until just BEFORE the vote for Roy Moore in his election.

The Zionist Jews hate Moore because he fought against removing the Ten Commandments from the courthouse and because Moore strongly opposed pro-queer laws. The Jews’ media covered for Clinton, did all they could to protect Clinton from his very serious charges on sex crimes. But the Jews’ media is now doing all they can to destroy Roy Moore for his far less serious allegations.

The Jews media attacks on Roy Moore have nothing to do with justice for women and everything to do with preventing a sincere Christian from being elected. It’s all about the Zionist destruction of Christianity and nothing else. Zionists don’t want Christians in power, in political office. FoxJews has jumped on the Jews media bandwagon to destroy Moore. Fox guarding the henhouse news occasionally shows their true colors like with this. FoxNews pretends to be pro Christian while they broadcast their subtle poison by helping the rest of the Jews’ media poison the election for Roy Moore.

The worst accusations to come out against Roy Moore so far is that he touched a woman over her clothing. But of course the Jews’ media reports it as sexual assault trying to make it seem like something Bill Clinton did. If Moore was accused by somebody besides Jews’ media stooges, it might be something to take serious. But the media has a wicked history of protecting evil doers like Clinton while smearing squeaky clean Chrisitians like Michele Bachman.

Whether Roy Moore even saw or knew the so-called victim 40 years ago is anybody’s guess. The mass media attacks on Moore imply that he really is a Christian. Otherwise the Jews media wouldn’t attack Moore so viciously. It goes without saying that the Jews media did all they could to limit the damage to Slick Willie in the rape interview with JB.

Frank PentangeliR #racist realjewnews.com

Jew-S-A. Jew-S-A. Jew-S-A. It’s all Jews all the time. This country is over. It’s too late.

Trump was Jewed in all the time from the start. It was a reverse psychology operation on the public. This had to be the biggest dupe of all time. However, wasn’t this brilliant? They had the press attack Trump and even the Congress only for it to fall right into their hands in the end. Ha.

It never deceived me and I’m sure others saw right through it. It’s a one party system masquerading as two — and Trump and his Jews just figured out a different plan!

Zebo #racist realjewnews.com

The Saudis has been installed with the help of the Anglo-Saxon (=ziopuppets) and the originally ruling family has been kicked out of Mekka.

That’s why we see Jews being best butt-buddies with them.

And these guys are masters in weaving webs of secret power structures-be it with freemasons, think tanks, NGO’s, the Federal Reserve, IMF, Bolshevik Revolution, disintagration of the Ottoman Empire(destroyed by the Jewish sponsored Young Turks and Donmeh + Lawrence of Arabia); or the Jew Philipp Goldberg who helped breaking up Yugoslawia (and later Yugoslawien president has been protested out of government by George Soros Spring protesters) and then went to Bolivia to do the same(but was kicked out soon enough).

And I wonder how many of those hippie leaders in the USA (in Europa it was the pedophile jew Cohn Bendit who led student protests in France & Germany and promoted Jewish Marxism, Jewish Frankfurt School and Jewish Polymorphic Perversion(S. Freud) were Jews, and wether a Jew had coined the term “flower power” which then was promoted by the gong show-run by a jew?

And I’m pretty sure that the next Jewish puppets (result of Spring protests) in the Orient will be the Kurds. Jews are helping them to become independent and in return turning them into zio buttkissers as the Saudis, Kuwaitis and most countries of Europe already are.

(One just need to find out who is buying most of the Kurdish oil in Syria & Iraq).

Smart guy #conspiracy realjewnews.com

Israel was behind ISIS a most in-human war machine which was also supported by the US CIA. The president is not in control of the CIA. Support for Saudi Arabia which was responsible for 911 is treason. The President’s support for Israel now makes him a traitor to the US. He made a campaign promise to sever ties to Saudi Arabia who are known to support terrorism.

We now have to engage in massive civil disobedience refusing to allow any weapons to be sent to Saudi Arabia. If Saudi Arabia goes to war on the side of Israel they will not get any support from the citizens. Neither will the president get any support from Americans to fight on the side of Israel which also carried out 911.

Lebanon and Armageddon #racist realjewnews.com

War and trouble between Lebanon and Israel during the end time seems likely based on prophecy about Armageddon. The town of Megiddo, near Israel’s border with Lebanon, is where the word Armageddon comes from. Megiddo is located in northern Israel about 35 miles south of Lebanon’s border with Israel. Armageddon is translated from the original greek scripture as hill of Megiddo, valley of Megiddo, or something similar.

Various books of the bible speak of this region around Megiddo in discussing end time prophecy. This region is also known as Esdraelon and Jezreel. It is said to be a strategic military location; that the army which controls this region has a big military advantage, that many battles have been fought there over the ages. In light of Zionist plans outlined in the Protocols of Zion and the end time horrors prophesied by Daniel and Revelation, it appears that Satan’s Jew World Order will be what causes the great tribulations; that one bitter fruit of the JWO will be the great tribulations.

Satan knows his time is short and it’s only getting shorter. After Satan subordinates the nations under his JWO government it won’t turn out any better than it did with the 90 million Russians who were murdered by the Bolshevik Jews after they slaughtered the Czar and his family and seized power. Stalin showed us what to expect from JWO rule. Prophecy says the power of the holy people (Christians) will be completely shattered at the time of the end. It sounds like Satan’s JWO will be in something like a fight to the death against Christianity, even though most Christians may remain blind to who is destroying them.

Man will become as scarce as fine gold. Seven women will pursue one man - which suggests most men will die in war. No flesh would survive unless Jesus returns and cuts the tribulations short.

Megiddo (Armageddon) being on the northern edge of Israel toward the Lebanon border hints at hostilities between Lebanon and Israel during fulfillment of propechy about Armageddon.

End time prophecy about the last ruler / king / kingdom to fall before Jesus returns: He will establish his royal headquarters on the holy temple mount between the Mediterranean sea and the Dead sea. Then he will be destroyed and no one will help him. Dan 11:45.

It sounds like the JWO head will fall partly because gentiles will learn the truth about Zionism so that they won’t HELP cut their own throat any more. You will know the truth and the truth will set you free - John 8:32. The net spreads info much better than anything previously. Newspapers and TV are one-way broadcasts transmitted from Jews to the masses. But the net lets goys transmit info to the masses, like with this post. Well, maybe not to the masses, but maybe to hundreds or to thousands.

Johann #racist realjewnews.com

Shame on the wicked Jews for trying to shut down your jewtube account. Why can they not stand to hear the truth like normal human beings can? Has it something to do with the fact that their father is the Devil, the father of all lies?

Why do they still refuse to listen to the words of truth coming to us all from 2000 years ago from Lord Jesus Christ? God Bless you Brother and your ministry.

Cavalier #racist realjewnews.com

I have heard that perhaps the main reason for the Balfour Declaration was International Jews had promised to put pressure on Woodrow Wilson to get America involved in the war.

Germany was winning and had offered generous peace terms, but the arrogant English had to maintain world dominance. Of course after 2 ruinous wars the British Empire is no more and even England itself may fall to Communist inspired Third World immigration.

Irene Bonney Faulkes #racist realjewnews.com

Yes, Jewry is a people, who have made themselves a seduction, a fictitious romance, particularly to the hundreds of millions of Christian Church attendees. They say they are entitled to a ‘Holy City’, Jerusalem, a revered people even god-like and without a doubt such are filled with pride and arrogance. One of their books suggests ‘God adores the Jews’. Such blasphemy. Instead of the True God being adored, He, the Holy One, adores them who are the very antithetical.

Their Pharisaic Judaism is a swindle, a hoax, of mammoth proportions. There is inbred within them a mentality that can be classed as that of the egomaniac and arrogant from demon gods. With certitude it can be said that there has been a bequest from centuries of Rabbis, with their internicine squabbles and infernally confused thinking surrounding every possible point of their supposedly based Scriptural beliefs. But of course, their beliefs are not based on the actual Pentateuch of the Old Testament is a falsity. Their Torah is not of the Old Testament.

It would be a grave error to wipe them off as harmless. They have masqueraded as the Jew of the Bible, and even that name ‘Jew’ is not found therein. Rather just as they have paraded themselves as ‘the Chosen People of God’, so have they formulated for themselves in English, a name that had not existed until it was done in the eighteenth century. Rothschilds alone would know the part played by then in this regard. These Jews have composed for themselves a mystique imposed upon Christendom and even on the world that as a result is afraid to even mention the Holocaust for fear of their vengeance.

Indeed, what is the world fearing at their hands? Whence this fear? It is the throttle-hold upon not only a multitude of churches but on mankind as a whole. Obeisance is performed to such because, unknowingly to the majority of both those in churches and outside, the occult rules our world. One may well laugh but think of the power of Yoga with which many Westerners consult. They remain, those Jews, of whom one of their eminent Statesmen said: ‘A Jew is whoever calls himself a Jew’, a mirage on the road, a will of the wisp, never appearing in the basic reality.

They themselves, relate their own story to those who find it, as a motley crowd, dispassionate, hoaxers, fakers, pretenders, collaborators, factional, deceivers, sexual deviates, with sex gods and a sex goddess blasphemously called Shekinah, or Lillith, with their androgynous Demiurge and his female part. So why, you millions of Christians, are you afraid to act in no other way than to bless today’s Israel or its Jews who are not Hebrews or Israelites? The blessing and curse was given, in any case, only to Abraham and not to the nation that would come out of his loins.

The Christians in particular, have been hexed and so also has the whole world. This is the reality of our earthy existence. Those who know India, as an example, confront on many occasions, the depth of demonic sway over a nation. Why were the Beatles so enamored of that Eastern world? The Mantras of Yoga are powerful. Like Brother Nathanael, we do not hate the people as people but the evil. Just as we do not make a friend of an ongoing robber and murderer, neither do we choose to have one of the present kind in Jewry, as a friend.

We would rather give them the gospel of peace in Christ Jesus. Possibly in the main, they will never know Christ except on the Judgment Day when they will all be resurrected to face Him and his wrath. But there are those who may. I have a friend from a Christian Church who follows Christ it would appear, but loves the Jews, and then she discovered she was a descendant of the Rothschild dynasty. She is still my friend but at a distance because ‘How can two walk together unless they are agreed?’

Recently a person contacted me, being of Jewish descent from his Russian grand-parents who escaped that land. He now loves the Lord Jesus and is in amazement at the present Christian adoration of Israel. Yes, there are others, and there is Brother Nathanael, whom we love in truth. To us he is one of those called ’saints’ by Paul, in ‘To the saints who are at Ephesus’, all the true believers. There is much hope that some of them even through this site, will come to be known of the Lord Jesus.

AJ #racist realjewnews.com

Jews have destroyed much that was once great about American society and culture. I don’t even watch TV or go to the movies anymore. Everywhere you look the quality of American culture has been debased and infused with secularism, liberalism, feminism, lewdness, etc. For many years I noticed the decline in American culture from when I grew up in the 80’s, when we still did not have as much pervasive Jewish influence, especially in television.

Then the Jews took over creation of nearly all the TV shows and their influence increased even more in American cinema. The antiChrist, anti-American agenda and mind-control was something I detected in our popular culture from an early age, but it wasn’t until later I discovered the source.

Eileen Kuch #racist realjewnews.com

I couldn’t say it any better, and I agree with you 100%. The US Supreme Court consisted of four Jews and five Gentiles when the issue of “gay marriage” crossed their desks. The Separation of Powers Clause in the Constitution assign certain powers to all three Branches. Passing legislation belongs only to the Legislative Branch; signing legislation into law and enforcing it belongs to the Executive Branch; interpreting the law belongs to the Judicial Branch.

In the case of “gay marriage,” Congress was deliberately bypassed and the issue handed to the Supreme Court, a violation of the Separation of Powers Clause of the US Constitution. The nation’s highest court legislated it into law, in a 5-4 decision–therefore, two of the five Gentiles had to have voted with the four Jews to enact “gay marriage” into law. Chief Justice John Roberts had some financial skeletons in his closet; thus, he voted with the Jews for the legislation; and Justice Kennedy’s a Liberal (there are rumors he may retire).

What’s happening here and in Europe is the evil work of Jewry. George Soros (Jew) and the Rothschild Clan (Jews) are responsible for the Black/Muslim invasion of Western Europe and for the rise of Antifa in the US. Most of the Federal Judges who’ve been blocking Donald Trump’s entry ban of Muslims from certain Islamic countries are Jews. Every pornographic movie, website and print matter are run by Jews.

TomatoBubble.com Editor Mike S. King wrote about the moral decline here in the US just this past month.

Just imagine, Br. Nat, a library where a class of kindergarteners are seated, listening to some creepy critter dressed in women’s attire, giving them a lecture about homosexuality, lesbianism and transgenderism. This is what Mr. King slammed in one of his latest articles. Weimar Germany in the 1920’s was just as decadent as the US is today. Transvestites, as well as scantily clad women, entertained audiences in theaters in the cities, and all they lacked back then was the technology to equal the decadence of the West in the 21st Century.

By 1933, all that came to an end, when Adolf Hitler became Chancellor. The Transgender Bathroom Executive Order signed by Barack Obama has recently been rescinded by Trump (thank God), but the decadent “Gay Pride” parades continue on, and a Federal Judge (cough, cough) recently blocked Trump’s ban on Transgenders in the military. It was Obama who opened the military to them. I’m sending you $20, as I’ve been doing for some time now. I hope this will be of some help to your mission.

Steven Rowlandson #racist realjewnews.com

”They’re children of Satan their Father, you know, the Lord told us so.” It is interesting how people tend to believe in a god, but when it come to believing what the real God has to say, most people prefer to believe lies myths and fairy tales told by Jews, apostate preachers and those who walk in darkness.

Chris #racist realjewnews.com

The Jews have a grip on all levers of power, control, and societal mass manipulation.

The only way to stop them really is to allow them to ruin themselves through their own greed and manipulations. They can scheme and scam, bribe, cheat, seduce, manipulate, extort, and intimidate all they want— but they can’t escape the laws of nature.

Their destruction will come soon enough; the wrath of God will fall upon their wretched, scheming, conniving satanic cult once again. The bigger they get, the harder they will fall. We can only hope it will be the end for them this time. Someday someone will rise up who will make Hitler look like a saint— it is an inevitability for satan’s oldest cult.

Henry Ford Was Right! #racist realjewnews.com

Yeah, I have read quite a bit of Henry Makow but have also looked at Dennis Wise/The Greatest Story Never Told regarding WW2 as well. That’s one reason why I won’t say one way or the other regarding Hitler and the Nazis true authenticity- because I don’t know. Were they fed up Europeans sick of Jewish Bankster fiat usury or were they duped into their own slaughter by backroom Masonic Lodge deals ran by the banksters puppets?

Makow names the Rothschilds while a Neocon cuck shyster like Savage never does and promotes all that perpural war PNAC/MIC nauseating Neocohen cuckservative bs. It’s a bit of an insult to compare Makow to cucks like Savage or Alex Jewnes who NEVER name the names. BN+, Jeff Rense, David Duke, Kevin MacDonald, Henry Makow, James Perloff, Texe Marrs, Dennis Wise, Ted Pike, Michael Hoffman, and Louis Farrakhan all sound reasonable in their JWO coverage.

But Savage is a total LIAR playing Faux News and Limbaugh programmed robots like a fiddle to the tune of Neocon Ziocuck bs that only a total idiot would buy into at this point in the decline of the American empire via JWO Bankster sabotage.

Seek The Truth #racist realjewnews.com

In order to have a military dictatorship it’s necessary to have total control of the press and media and to constantly spout lies about history and about White Christians. The rotten communist Jews in Hollywood and New York are constantly demonizing and denouncing White Christian males and females in order to destroy us and constantly making up lies about Vladimir Putin, a true and wise Christian hero of Russia.

The Oscar nominated movie “Hidden Figures,” for example, is based on huge lies that claim that dozens of Black women were behind the Space program in its early days. Yet the book “Rise of the Rocket Girls” by Nathalia Holt (MIT and Harvard) completely denies everything in the movie. The book says that very few Black women were human “computers” working for the Space program and NASA in the 1950s. There is a photo in the book taken in 1953 of 27 female human “computers” and every one of them is either White or Asian except one light skinned Black named Janez Lawson.

Yet the Hollywood communist Jews claim there were dozens of genius Negro women working in the space program and NASA as “computers” in its early days, and White Christians had nothing to do with it. Communist Jews in Holllywood also made up lies about the Black Tuskegee Airmen in the movie “Redtails” about a Black squadron and its achievements that has been disputed by many WW II veterans and scholars.

Zebo #racist realjewnews.com

Well, I don’t think that Hitlery mainly lost because whites got fed up with Jews, as I think most aren’t aware of the Jewish agenda, (as far as someone can tell without living in the USA). But it may be the thing that unites Whites, Hispanics and Blacks etc who voted for Trump.

Maybe a protest of the producing class against the parasitical tendencies against the corporation who are taking everything away the working class has build, by privatising water supplies, streets, buildings and taking over small companies and destroying or exporting jobs. Protests against people who pretend that they want to give everything to everyone, while never ever in their whole life working a single day in real a real manufacturing job to create the stuff that the people need.

Just going to school, high school, college, then become politician, social worker or professional good doer and just talk about tolerance while being 100% intolerant. Those very same working class voted in Britain for Brexit–to leave the EU. People are tired of socialist bullshit talk which in the end always make rich richer and poor poorer. Therefore they decided to vote against perversion and for sanity.

They are tired being treated like shit in their own country and being run by pervert Democrats and their militant army of LGBT-activist parasites who don’t work but get paid like kings by the Soros breed. But i’m pretty sure Zion is working hard to ’show’ people what happens when you do not vote what they want and you refuse to be indoctrinated by them and give your country away.

They will try to radicalise the right wing and commit crimes and terror attacks to show the world what happens when you vote for a party with national attitude and sense for sovereignity- to make people believe that the outcome is war, poverty, racism, fascism and hatred. Which is not true,as you’ll hardly get more war, poverty, racism and hatred than Obama has created in 8 years.

DaveE #racist realjewnews.com

I think Trump reminds the Jews of Hitler and it’s not entirely ridiculous. The similarities are plenty: strong nationalist, strong populist and seemingly madder than hell at the filthy-corrupt “banking” system. Not to mention that he’s a white Goy (maybe) and popular with the ladies.

Trump won for largely the same reasons Hitler won. This has not escaped the Jews’ notice. Funny how we’re still fighting the same enemy Hitler and the Germans were fighting 70+ years ago.

Kill Whitey #racist realjewnews.com

The end times portrayed by Revelation imply something like a brutal military dictatorship will be in power. That’s about what the US military has been subverted into by the Zionists. What do Trump, Harvey Weinstein, and Bill Cosby have in common? They are all being condemned by the Jews media for sexual harassment of women. Zionists select corrupt, badly flawed, goyim for public office, because they are easily controlled by blackmail, extortion, and threats of ruin.

Trump’s crude dealings with with women were well known long before he was the prez. The Zionist banksters are using Trump, the blonde-blue goy as a poster boy for how white men are crude, lewd, lecherous, dishonest. Using Trump as a strawman like this further undermines Christianity, white people, the previous world order values and traditions. The Rothschild banksters are trying to replace the old order with a Jew World order.

For the Zionists, it’s all about “Down with Whitey.” “Kill Whitey” was what Charles Manson told his followers to write on the walls in the murder victims’ own blood. That’s what was written in blood at the gruesome murder scene. “Kill Whitey” was written to make it appear that Black people committed the murders; in order to incite race wars. Manson stated that he was trying to start a race war; that he and his people would emerge from the chaos to rule the world.

For those who are Jew-wise, some of the statements Manson made showed that he was a puppet whose strings were pulled by the usual suspects. Such statements seem to be the real reason why the Jewdicial system banned Charlie from the courtroom for the rest of his trial. The Jews media have their ducks lined up in a row now — Cosby, Weinstein, Trump. Mass media can point to how Cosby went down in flames, likewise how Weinstein was thrown to the dogs, for sexual harrassment.

My guess is that the Jews media will push lots of propaganda on how racist it is that the Black star Cosby, the Hollyweird Jew Weinstein, both had to go down hard, yet the White man Trump gets off - if Trump gets off. Weinstein may be in on the scam, playing his role as directed. The Zionists have led the Demonrats and Repugs into a state of civil war against each other. It looks like the Zionists want to topple the US government just as they have done with so many others. Weak nations, weak leaders, can be forced into the Jew World Order easier than strong nations and strong leaders.

The stock market indexes are so high that it looks like a harder fall is coming than the crash which brought the Great Depression. Trump’s handlers seem to be advising him to take credit for the soaring stock market. But they are probably just setting up Trump for the big fall to blame it all on Whitey. Herod “the Great” had lots of small children and babies killed in his devilish quest to destroy the newborn Jesus. Herod seems like a forerunner illustrating how JWO government is.

Zebo #racist realjewnews.com

JFK directly attacked two main pillars of Zion with his EO 11110. He attacked the Federal reserve by trying to implement debt free money (the FED is privately owned just like the two previous US central banks).

And he attacked the CIA — you know, this so American secret service which still has not figured out that the own country is run by the Jews, jewish controlled politicians who cannot stop to cheer when warcriminal Satanyahou is speaking in front of them. That’s how he signed his own killing. And the Jews showed the Anglo-Saxon goyim who really runs the shows and that they can kill anyone, no matter how high and get away with it (result: 2 Kennedies shot, two crashed with airplanes, one survived).

And that’s why the Kike Kux Klan is so desperate to centralise everything all around the world, as such a small group can only rule when everything is centralised. That’s what Karl Marx’s (Jew) Manifesto was all about (+ inflaming peoples minds), that what centralised banks like the FED or BiS (created by Hitler and a Jew-strange, isn’t it?).

Tony2020 #racist realjewnews.com

Are you seriously saying that AFTA , Black Lives Matter and many other black organizations are not Jew controlled? Most of Blacks favor Jews, because they favor them. The same with any other minority.

Jews use them as shields and useful idiots this is well known fact. Cosby & Weinstein went into flame because they scandals keep piling up, and were degenerate idiots. As a fact that media covered both of them in long time until the victims started suing them in group and got out of hand.

Zebo #racist realjewnews.com

I”ve got good news for you. Millennials are not taking over. Since when can puppets take something over?

They can’t — a blackmailable and/or corrupt RC Judas is just a puppet.

And a Millennial is nothing new. Just a new label for another artificially Jew-created dumb prick.

Whether you call them Hippies, Bolshewiks, Progressives, Neocons or whatever-it does not matter. Just another group of stupid goyims who parrot Jewish created parols(=Marxistic rhetoric combined with sociophanty.)

Always slimey and always passive-militant, pro-NWO and totalitarian in nature while pretending tolerance and individuality etc).

The only difference between Millennials and previous generations is that Millennials are a little bit more dumbed down and corrupt than previous generations and that the term Millennial was probably created by the Jews to unite them, feel special (just like Flower Power, Hippies were created the same way) so that they feel like something special while just being empty shells without culture.

Whether the Jewish puppet is left or right, neo liberal or neocon, black or white-it does not matter. There will be always Jewish politics.

The only difference:

When a rightwing puppet is in power making world wide wars is much harder for the Jewish puppet, as Jews have indoctrinated white Goyim to protest against Republican wars, while they won’t say a word against wars of a Democrat.

That’s why Obama committed 1000x more crimes than Trump, while he got 1000x less opposition and protests in 8 years than Trump in his first 8 minutes of regency.

That’s why I prefer Trump because lefty slimey faggots like Trudeau, Obama, Macron (or whoever the Jews pull out of their butts to pose as president) have a free pass for everything.

Ted Gorsline #racist realjewnews.com

Hollywood was the main propaganda tool of the jews until television came along. For example Cecil B. DeMilles was the main propagandist bringing America into the war against Germany in WWII.

TV took over from Hollywood as a propaganda tool in the 1950s, and in America the Jews took immediate control of TV via the ABC, NBC and CBS Networks. But now the Internet, for example the Israeli dominated Google spy machine, is taking over from TV and once again the Jews have glommed on to almost complete control of the Internet as a propaganda tool.

At the same time Hollywood’s star is waning. Hillary Clinton put her faith in Hollywood and Hollywood did not deliver. All the Hollywood icons are being brought down by the Internet. Weinstein is dead in the water. Merle Streep is on tape giving a standing ovation to convicted child molester Roman Polanski. Robert Di Niro is tied up in a sex scandal in France.

The icons are dead in the water. I think Hollywood can no longer deliver the vote and so the Jews are dropping her like a hot potato. The one that bothers me is that it looks like the Mossad now owns the NRA. Ted Nugent, an NRA director pointed out all the anti gun people were Jews but he is now off the Radar. The current NRA commentators are all pro-Israel.

This is discouraging because the one thing the NRA can do is deliver the vote and the Jew boys know it. In the past the NRA constantly humiliated one billionaire Jew after another — so it Looks like a case of “if you can’t beat ‘em - get control of them by hook or by crook”.

All it ever takes is money and the rich Jewish bankers can print more whenever they need it. Costs them nothing. Free money lets you take control of everything. The Talmudic interest based slave state is already here.

Seek The Truth #racist realjewnews.com

There were probably a number of factors that brought down Harvey Weinstein. He has a very uncomplimentary mug on the current issue of Time magazine owned by Jews. That almost never happens to a Jew unless he’s done something very bad to the tribe.

The Weinstein brothers like to demonize Gentiles in their movies and make Blacks heroes for assaulting them, but most Black criminals don’t debate whether one is a Gentile or Jew before hitting them on the back of the head. Maybe, some influential Jews in Hollywood and Beverly Hills got hit on the head and tried to blame the Weinstein’s excessive cultural Marxism.

Or it could be that Harvey messed with women of his own tribe in a very derogatory way unbecoming to a chosen princess like Sarah Silverman etc. That would exact very nasty revenge.

Citizenfitz #racist realjewnews.com

Fake “opposition”? Where have we seen that before?

Still, its more evidence that Jewry has gone into something of a defensive mode with the rise of nationalist movements. Love how they were forced to get into bed with right wing “Nazis” in the Ukraine. You can’t make this stuff up!

But they’re serpentine people, if nothing else, and can easily glide from movement to movement without any concern for principles.

Today liberals— tomorrow Nazis. The Zionists of their day certainly had no problem dealing with the Third Reich when it came to Palestine — though much of the copious information you could once find about that on the Internet has gone MIA.

Hitler was right: you can’t kick over a rock and not find Jews scurrying around beneath it.

Weinstein #racist realjewnews.com

Like some other commentators here, I wonder why the Jews went after Weinstein so viciously. Normally, Jews in high places get away with much worse stuff than what Weinstein is accused of doing. It made sense why the anti-christs went after Bill Cosby. Bill was defending Tim Tebow in sports and defending Christianity in general, so it was easy to see why the Zionists went after Cosby.

With big money Jew Bernie Madoff it was clear why Jews turned against him. There were lots of Jews among Bernie’s victims. Bernie did the big no-no of preying on other Jews. Weinstein’s Miral movie came out about 7 years ago, too long ago for that to be the source of Weinstein’s fall that began only last month. Besides, I never heard of Miral until now.

Maybe some of the women Weinstein insulted were Jewish - Lauren Sivan? Mass media is attacking Weinstein exclusively for lecherous treatment of women. That suggests that Weinstein messed with wives, daughters, or girlfriends of Jews in high places. Madoff was attacked by the Jews for stealing their money, so maybe Weinstein is being attacked for stealing their women.

benzion kook #racist realjewnews.com

The only reason Weinstein was “outed” by the Jew-run mass media would be for producing the film “miral” portraying the “mistreatment” [genocide] of the Palestinians at the hands of the Jews.

That was the transgression that suddenly turned the “producer” into a pervert. No sympathy for the victims from the perpetrators.

Zionien #racist realjewnews.com

Glad to see you’re back safe and sound +BN. I’m looking forward to seeing if Trump will allow a 30+’ (Satan’s Pitchfork) Hanukkah Menorah to take up room on the White House lawn this CHRIST-mas.

Envy is one of the 7 deadly sins and it’s ALL too clear how Jews get when they aren’t in control! It’s simply amazing how they are able to be so paranoid and yet so arrogant at the same time.

Citizenfitz #racist realjewnews.com

Something all of us here can have fun with is when we’re at Wikipedia to change “CE” to AD; and “BCE” to BC.

It draws off resources they’d rather have occupied in broadcasting Jewish lies.

And “CE” must be pretty important to the Tribe as they expend considerable energy pushing it.

Also, when you come across some Jew at Wikipedia being ID’d as a “German” or “Russian” (a frequent trick) change it to “Jew”.

van helsing #racist realjewnews.com

What makes a Jew so different from everyone else? What is the top quality of Jewish identity that really separates them apart?

They really aren’t much different, they don’t have any special beliefs that are different from all of us other than that they think they are God’s chosen and they are better than Goyim. Seriously. Ask a Jew what is it about them that makes them so different? They promote equality and all that BS. Why aren’t they equal to us? Why does everything have to cater to Jews and kosher this kosher that? Kosher privilege.

Brother Nathanael Kapner #racist realjewnews.com

When it comes to hate, the Jews of the Anti Defamation League are ‘experts.’ Well, they invented hate speech, pushed the legislation, and threw a muzzle over everyone’s mouth. Yet there is no legal definition of hate-speech—only vague and subjective laws that gives Jewry the gavel. Now the ADL displays a “100%” Hate Symbol on their site signifying how those ‘racist’ White Supremacists boast of being lily white.

Yet the ADL has their own “100%.” Only blood-pure Jews can be full citizens of the ‘Jewish State’ that the ADL promotes, with Israeli national rights above and beyond civil rights. But Palestinians, whose land was stolen by the Jews, are shut out. The hypocrisy is shameless.

Jews voluntarily left Arab countries to repopulate the stolen Palestinian towns. And any expulsions were in retaliation for Israel’s mass murders of Palestinian villagers. They were the ones who were “brutally thrown out” of the country “they had lived in for centuries.”

Another ADL Hate Symbol: “The Alabama Aryan Brotherhood.” One fringe Aryan white group and the ADL screeches. C’mon. Aryan Brotherhood is a network of prison gangs, and the feds are all over them. Yet how many networked “brotherhoods” do the Jews have? A thousand, at least—with billions of dollars to fund their Fan Club on Capitol Hill. Why isn’t Antifa and its ‘hate’ flag on the ADL’s roster?

Because they vie against white conservative Americans which the ADL fears, branding them indiscriminately as “nazis” or “fascists.” I mean, who’s the hater here? That’s why the ADL displays a Confederate Battle Flag as a Hate Symbol, suggesting the South was a prison for African slaves. Yet the Israeli Flag sanctions the imprisonment of 660,000 Palestinians in just 17 square miles of the open-air-dungeon known as the Gaza Strip.

And last, the ADL shows a Hate Symbol of Klansmen in their hoods and robes. Yet Zionist Jews like Kushner and friends, Adelson and friends, Shmuley and friends, all work DC in their ‘hoods’ and ‘robes.’ But the greatest hate symbol for the Jew is the Cross of Christ. Jews whine and bleat that the Cross is the ’symbol of oppression’ especially seen in the public square.

Yet we’re subjected to the premiere ’symbol of oppression,’ the Chanukah menorah, thrown up everywhere, even on the White House lawn. I grew up as a Jew, and the Chanukah menorah signifies Jewry’s conquest of all its enemies, that is, any opposing their Zionist agenda: Muslims, Christians, nationalists, Confederate-preservationists, Constitutionalists, peaceniks, politicians, I mean, the whole world.

All are targets of Jewry’s One-World conquest. And that’s why hate symbols are for goys only.

Seek The Truth #racist realjewnews.com

I have to disagree with the “chosen people” idea.

There is a HUGE difference between the present day Jews and the ancient Hebrews. Jews are basically descended from anyone who converted to the cult of Judaism or is presently converted.

Some call them Shepardic, Ashkenazi, Khazarian etc. but Jews are mostly descended from the cretins that murdered the ancient Hebrew prophets, murdered Jesus, murdered and persecuted the early Christians, murdered and enslaved other Jews etc.

I do believe that many Jews are directly descended from the ancient Hebrews but are likely to be descended from the ones that got tempted into the cult of Judaism and the worship of pagan idols and the Devil much like King Solomon was tempted.

For Jews to try to pull themselves out of the mud of evil by claiming they are “chosen” and “holocaust victims” of Nazi persecution while rejecting the Holy Spirit and the true Hebrew Messiah Jesus and refusing to repent for their massive sins is like the Devil claiming he is a victim of a cruel God who just won’t leave the poor Devil alone when he promotes lies, violence, perversion etc.

So when Trump talks about Israel forever, I agree if he’s talking about the true Israel of God and not the present Israel of the Devil based on swindling, bribing, blackmailing, stealing, killing the innocent etc. and doing it proudly and very boastfully like the degenerate leaders of Israel and the U.S.

Koen #racist realjewnews.com

The Jewish lobby has a death grip on the planet, not just the USA.

Just one man (Trump) cannot defeat this lobby, many more people have to face the facts pointed out by Brother Nathanael and several other bloggers and authors about this lobby.

The Jewish elite has stolen technology from us all, beyond your wildest imagination. The satanists always intimidate us with false threats and dangers that do not exist, such as global warming and CO2, or invented by the satanists themselves, by means of the Jewish owned media and entertainment industry.

One man can be murdered, such as Kennedy, but it becomes impossible to kill the resistance against the Jewish lobby, if we all wake up and take back what was ours from the beginning.

If only we repaired our sciences (physics mainly), then we can develop the technology to heal our planet and to liberate humanity from the satanists.

Christ and his teachings about our natural status of equality, about our God given talents, about non violence and love, and about our Divine Father who is the Light and origin of all, will show a way for the 7 billion of people on the planet.

Irene Bonney Faulkes #racist realjewnews.com

Preston Jones thinks the Jews are ‘not omnipotent’.

It is who and what is in them, with them and behind them that so far is ‘not omnipotent’ because such evil forces have been with the world since before Noah’s flood and most decidedly since that time.

That is one side of the matter and the other is that the Jews are still here with almost total power.

Veterans Today could only defeat their Jews controlling the country with military force. That is missing and who would want another Civil War.

The Dragon or Serpent, has featured throughout the world’s history in all civilizations and cultures with their religions of the stars, planets, angels (aliens some call them) and they are demons and supernatural evil powers.

The Dragon was potent during the times of the Roman Empire with its evil Caesars. War was made continually on the Christians and their churches throughout that land.

This Dragon made war on the Woman, the Church of Jesus Christ, and had his success in persecutions and martyrdom with an innumerable people.

Nevertheless, she has been protected until this day, in some form or another. This is apparent in history for despite this Dragon’s successful forays, in making war against her Seed — Christ, and afterwards His seed of Christians, the Church remains.

She sits at the gates of hell but those gates will never prevail against her.

Therein lies the hope of the world.

Without a miracle from heaven in the political scene, it appears the nation could be finished and others with it.

That it is possible to rid the land of the Jews, the basic cause of the mess into which it has sunk, is debatable.

In the past scores of countries have ridden themselves of the Jews but only for a time. They always pop up again in some form or other within each country.

Christians must take a stand against this evil power, this evil force that motivates the Jews, that Dragon, the Old Serpent, the Devil (and his many evil angels). The battle is more than with flesh and blood but against the supernatural powers controlling the nation.

So Christians must also make a stand against the flesh and blood enemies within the midst of their churches and nation.

The blinkers of deceit that darken the vision of very many Christians must be removed. Then perhaps their prayers could save the nation as they act against the supernatural forces and against the flesh and blood Jews within their gates.

The walls must fall down somehow and victory come in some form. It happened at Jericho. Is there to be a Joshua for today?

Richard A Feibel #conspiracy realjewnews.com

What no one speaks about is the fact that Trump gets his facts on conspiracies from the Zionist agent, Alex Jones at Info Wars.

The Zionist Bronfman financed Info Wars has the ear of Trump. Trump is gullible and Jones knows this. Trump is lazy and relies on others for his info.

Jones uses this to feed the lies to Trump, who in turn barks this garbage out to the uneducated foolish American public, who lap it up like Felix the Cat does cream.

B #racist realjewnews.com

The “Wizard of Oz” movie was first released just a few days before WW II began in August of 1939.

Judy Garland may mean Jew’s God Land, of Israel. Dorothy the Jew was looking for a way ( a door ) to get back home and back into Israel after being kicked out beginning in 70 AD.

Without WW II and the Jewish Holocaust there would never have been today’s new country of Israel, because the Jewish population was too small in Israel before 1933 in order to ever take over the complete total control of and to successfully fight for keeping the land of Israel.

Populating Israel with Jews was tried many times before, and nothing else but the hidden manufacturing and behind the scenes making of WW II ever worked to bring about today’s new country of Israel.

The movie, Wizard of Oz, is about a dream, and the return to Israel for a homeland for the Jews, was only a dream of the Jews in 1939.

Near the beginning, Dorothy falls off the fence and into the pig pen and is rescued by the Lion person. Jews have a big fall in Nazi Germany, and then later the Jews are rescued by Zionism ( Lionism ) by the existence of the new country of Israel.

The twister is a tornado which relates to the number two, and thus to World War Two.

Following the Yellow ( Gold ) Brick road relates to how the US Great Depression was the major stimulus for the economic collapse in Germany and also to making WW II happen.

Many professional people think that the US Great Depression was intentionally brought about, and it was not something unexpected by those who ran the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve has admitted on it’s website that the Federal Reserve was the sole cause of the US Great Depression, but the website claims that the depression was unexpected.

Miss Gulch, the wicked witch, name relates to the letters G C H, which relates to the Goyim Christian Church, the supposed evil historical persecutors of the Jews.

NATHAN #racist realjewnews.com

I had an interesting incident with a Jewish Man lately.

When I publicly criticized Margo Kaplan of Rutgers U, who called for the legalization of pedophilia as a Communist Jew, I was threatened. I meant no ill will but it was as if because I am a Christian, I am not permitted to criticize anyone.

I have seen from my limited experience, Jews tend to close ranks around even the most heinous Jews. If a Jew, like Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg in New York dares go to the Goyim ie the NYPD and accuses various Rabbis of tolerating open pedophilia, he is threatened with death.

I know you have explained this situation multiple times.

Jon #racist realjewnews.com

According to my research the Bolshevik revolutionaries were 80% Jews and 100% freemasons (funny how that crops up again and again). Financed by Jew and freemason bankers in London and their lackeys.

Frankly I find it difficult to believe that those folks so easily lost the reigns of power in Russia, certainly not so quickly and it’s highly probable that they wouldn’t be removed without a serious and noticeable purging.

Whether or not Putin is an Orthodox Christian, I simply doubt that anybody would rise to that level in politics and NOT be connected with organized Jewry or secret societies.

Can someone please explain to me how these players wrested power from the old royalty, slaughtered all opposition, owned and controlled EVERYTHING then all of a sudden magically vanished? Gave up? Moved away?

Giving all the means of production to the same oligarchs who controlled everything before and calling it “free market” isn’t exactly a major power shift by my account.

According to Gorbachev, the “fall” of the Soviet Union was only a ruse (as I’m sure was the cold war). If I’m way off base here, someone please explain to me how these cockroaches were driven out so quickly and without any struggle or purging.

The revolutions of the 18th and 19th century and WW1 were orchestrated to topple to power of the monarchies.

The “enemy” practices the ancient mystery religion of Babylon. The conspiracy is as old as the tale of the tower of Babel.

All people speaking one language is symbolic of a world government (certainly the known world at that time), and the building of the tower symbolizes the belief of Luciferianism/Secular-humanism that through great works, man can become as God or over-top God.

Their goals are threefold. To abolish all nation states, to abolish all religion (save their own), and to shackle “the mob” (that’s us), in a “benevolent totalitarianism”— one world socialist “utopia”.

This has been called the “great work”, “new age”, “new Atlantis”, or “new world order”. America’s destiny is to be a major player in this. The great seal with the unfinished pyramid on one side and the phoenix on the other (look at the neck on that bird— it’s no eagle!).

Why is the pyramid not finished? What does the phoenix represent? This is a big tell that the plan is for America to burn and something to arise from the ashes. Perhaps then “our enterprise” will be completed?

In any event, by my estimation the “clash of civilizations” that is being pushed is that of the Christian world (plus the Jews) vs. the Muslims. Mind you, the Talmudic/Zionist Jews will come through unscathed, but true practitioners of the faith are scheduled to be eliminated if they won’t go along with the new order.

God bless you Brother Nathanael. You are one of the few who are brave enough to discuss these issues and allow such comments.

Brother Nathanael Kapner #racist realjewnews.com

The revolt opens in the first pages of Animal Farm.

Philosopher pig Old Major rouses the animals to fight human oppression in the person of Mr Jones, the owner of the farm.

Old Major is Karl Marx and Mr Jones is Czar Nicholas II. The revolt’s the Bolshevik Revolution.

When Jones is driven out, the monarchy ends, and the pigs rule the farm.

Orwell used Moses the raven to voice his hatred of the Russian Orthodox Church of which Czar Nicholas championed.

Moses told the animals of a far-away place called “Sugarcandy Mountain”—”heaven”—to lull the animals into submission to Mr Jones.

But the pigs convinced the animals that “Sugarcandy Mountain” was a lie and Moses the raven had to leave.

Orwell here indicates that the Church was the Czar’s tool to keep the working class hopeful and productive.

Orwell despaired that the Church would again pummel the people into submission when Moses returned when all ended in disillusionment.

The raven is back in Russia today with the revival of the Orthodox Church.

A spirit of optimism reigns and the Russians smile on the future.

For after all, a nation is not a “land” but a “people,” and the Russians are a very different kind of people than Americans.

Dostoevsky foresaw this in his Brother Karamazov when writing, “A star shall rise in the east,” with regard to the Russian Orthodox Church bringing Christ’s image to the world.

“Russian Messianism” in conflict with “Jewish Mammonism”—as it had overtaken Europe—framed Dostoevsky’s vision of Russians being a “God-bearing” people.

In Animal Farm, the revolution, in spite of Orwell’s socialist dreams, proved that the old regime worked better.

Not because it was “old” but because the monarchy was fueled by the image of Christ, which never grows old.

The image of Christ has been obliterated in America, now infested with the air of Jewish mammonism.

Americans have nothing to live for.

The “exceptional nation” lives on food stamps and Jews rule the farm.

Michael Koop #racist realjewnews.com

After having read The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and having read Henry Ford’s The International Jew, I realize that until we throw the Zionist Jews out of our country we will never have anything but corrupt candidates running for the Dem or Rep parties.

On Aug 2, 1492 the Jews were expelled from Spain & 1 day later Columbus set sail for the Americas with at least 6 Jews on board.

So the Jews were here from the get go and have never let their grip go on this country.

The American Indians may have had a better fate if no Jews had ever come to America. If we someday colonize another planet, the Jews will be there to ruin that too!

PS-My best money making job was working for a Jew, but he sure stole anything he could & I regularly walked in his office and called him a mother f***er and he just gave me more money & said shut up.

Now my daughter works for one and she has called him out for bad business practice and he gives her more money and tells her to shut up. On a larger scale, this is how our government works.

Citizenfitz #racist realjewnews.com

Great series of posts here!

Yep, it’s a bet I’d take that for Harvey Weinstein’s dark star to have fallen so far, so fast he po’d someone in the Tribe even bigger than him.

But it is gratifying to see a Jew get hoisted high on one of Jewry’s favorite petards: the organized smear campaign. Forget everything about proof, evidence and presumption of innocence. We’re talking *female victims* here!

When, years after the fact, women suddenly start pushing into the headlines sobbing about how they were abused by some big, powerful man then we can be confident that a plan is coming together. Women can look, dress, talk and act like sluts but as Weinstein has learned the hard way, don’t ever—EVER treat them so.

Weinstein does appear to be a perverted, bullying, manipulative Jew but his accuser’s lurid stories beg the question: “Why did it take you years to come forward with this?”

Some who are now claiming Weinstein raped them apparently went on to somewhat longer term relationships with him. Lucia Evans and Asia Argento being two. Somewhat to his credit Weinstein actually did deliver on his promise to find parts for them in his movies. Oh well—.

Ashley “I’m a nasty woman!” Judd is another one. Judd was happily getting naked for movie cameras before ever meeting Weinstein - but was so traumatized by her experience with him that it took her another year or two to begin getting naked again.

What makes the whole affair so wonderful is how for many years Jewry has been petting and abetting stupid, neurotic White wonen to feign the victim. Yet they turned this epic of weaponized neuroticism against one of their own.

So, who did Harvey piss off?

I think we’re seeing in miniature here the future of the Jews - in America at least. Finally, someone will come forward and say whats been obvious for decades: “It’s the Jews, stupid.” in a way that will resonate meaningfully with the dummies - and then the collapse of Jewry’s house of lies will commence in earnest.

It hasn’t happened yet but we’re in the early stages of it now.

Ted Gorsline #racist realjewnews.com

The NRA has a huge membership list of 5 million active voters and they almost certainly put it on the internet. The internet is now just a Jewish spy organiaztion. The owners are just about all Jews.

You can be sure the Mossad has access to everything on the Internet. They will have gotten their hands on the NRA mailing list long ago and will have been working on corrupting the NRA membership from within. It seems they have succeeded.

I suspect Hollywood and MSM TV just aren’t producing the votes anymore. The people who follow Holywood stars are lounge lizards. They don’t vote.

Maybe a propaganda shift has taken place and Hollywood has lost its value. If so the Harvey Slimestains and Merle Creeps of the world are now disposable.

Even Jews should read Von Ribbentrop to learn about the knife in the back.

Television replaced HollyWood as the world’s main propaganda tool in the 1950s. From the pertetual Fake News junk on TV these days, I’d say TV is dying fast too.

Looks like the Jew Boys are doubling down on internet control. They sure seized the reins of media control in a hurry.

But then it’s all spelled out in the Protocols. Uught to be mandatory reading in schools.

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