Anyone who has participated in high school debate or speech........
Should be aware of the reality of relayed information.
It always gets distorted by the delivery system.
This is especially true with religions (for example)
What is contemptible is when they try to mold the listener by delibretly lying to them.
Polls, are very good at this. It is because of exactly such attempts that I stopped
trusting CNN NBC CBS etc etc
Even now for example, USA today simply cannot accept that people dont like
Obamacare. They keep claiming it is evil conservatives that have simply lied
to us all (or Republicans)
No it isnt. It is because it has re-created largesse. The Prez dispenses from on high
exceptions to the law, for people he likes. Gaining a political following for the favor.
That is contemptible. If the law were any good, Congress would use it.
Since they dont, it is obvious that it sux.
I dont need a news service blaming some sub-set of politics to realize that.
Ok Mr Grimes let us look at a specific example:
For the last TEN YEARS, every six months or so, someone trots out a 'poll'
that claims to show that the majority of US citizens favor universal amnesty for
illegal aliens.
This is invariably picked up and repeated by all the news media, sometimes even by
FoxNews. The assertion is a lie.
When asked if they favor an expansion of the labor pool by 60 million, they says
NO, by a wide margin.
This is where, so called news, loses my interest. I know for a fact that the people
here, where I live, want every illegal deported upon discovery. Odd how that isnt what the media here claims. They claim that the majority of my co-inhabitants
want the illegals to be granted citizenship. That is a lie.
They majority are VERY tired of being victimized by the illegals. It is getting so bad
that it is dangerous in certain parts of town to advertise you are illegal.
The reasons are many, and not pertinent to this thread. What is pertinent is that
the mass media is trying to persuade us that are personal feelings are not shared.
We know they are. That is why the paper media is almost bankrupt. No one is
willing to read their lies.
If you are claiming that FoxNews makes more money, then maybe the other media
should follow suit