
Kim Goguen/PJZ #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #magick #god-complex #mammon #conspiracy justempowerme.com

Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”?

Kimberly Ann Goguen wears many hats. Her role is unknown by the majority of the people around the world. However, she is very well known by members of the Deep State. One of the reasons for this is because she replaced their malevolent predecessor, Marduk over a decade ago. Her predecessor was the Cabal’s leader, not the peoples’ leader by any stretch of the imagination. They too were his slaves, but they didn’t see it that way. In fact, many still don’t see it that way.

Kim is the first person to hold this seat who wants to end the human enslavement that has existed on our planet for over sixteen thousand years, not perpetuate it. This has gained her many enemies and few friends. But that surely is going to change as humanity finally starts to really wake up to the facts of how, when, why and by whom human enslavement was imposed on our planet.

The hats she wears and roles she fills are listed below.

Universal Protection Unit Command (Ground Command)
Ambassador to Earth for the Universal Council for this version of Humanity
Human Ambassador to the Earth Council, established in 2021, (which is for all Earth Races Human & Non Human)
Controller of the Alpha Quantum System – of which her DNA is a necessary component
Controller of Global Intelligence Agency (GIA), has highest Security Clearance on Planet Earth
Representative of Humanity for Disbursement of Planetary Assets, Trustee, Manna World Holding Trust
Note: After the agreements with the elites expired, because the assets/trust were named after the elites and their corporations, Kim renamed and registered as Manna World Holding Trust.
From the original Rus Bloodline or Tribe, which is the root of all true Europeans and one of the five original Human Tribes. This tribe is also called the White Sun. They utilized the upper astral and had relationships there. Their opposite would be the Black Sun, who accessed the lower astral.
Interim Head of State

Kim Goguen/Pamela J. Zeller #crackpot #wingnut #racist #ufo #magick #conspiracy justempowerme.com

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on December 15, 2023.
Kim told us on Wednesday about the Silent Circle, that they are figuring out they’ve been lied to and there are no bad aliens coming. Well in response to that, a small group of the inner circle of the Order of Dragon people, and not just those bearing the name Rothschild decided to knowingly lie to whoever is still listening to them. They told them they reached out and called the aliens and that it’s not going to happen the way they thought it was, meaning they aren’t coming in through the portal in Israel that they have been trying to open for over 2+months. Instead, it’s going to be a giant ship that is going to arrive here on earth and they are going to give their side help.
To further this craziness, you have some Trump operatives who are intertwined with SSP military groups and they are also trying to phone ETs in an alternative galaxy somewhere. They tried to reach out and asked them to assist them with Trump bucks. So, the conversation they want to have on first contact with said aliens is, can they assist them with Trump bucks? Now they really didn’t reach out to anybody because that line has been closed for a long time, but Kim picked up on the signal and checked into it. Since Kim is the Ambassador on behalf of this version of Humanity to the Universal Council, when these people pick up the phone and talk ridiculousness, Kim said it’s almost embarrassing to be a human at this point. But it didn’t go anywhere of course.
When you get to a high level in the world, you are aware of the fact that aliens used to come and go from the lower astral to this planet all the time. Earth is a gateway planet and they would walk amongst us looking like humans but they were not. These are the zombies in the zombie apocalypse movies, people that don’t act or look quite right and they don’t make actual decisions. They are AI driven and AI run and they existed amongst us.

Just Empower Me/Kim Goguen #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist justempowerme.com

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 11, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this situation report Kim breaks down the global taxes and addresses Congress’ bill to abolish the IRS and how they aren’t helping the people, rather they are helping the Black Sun switch the tax collection from the Department of Treasury to Treasury of USA. But the cocky operatives running this scam won’t succeed! Many agreements related to the FED and IRS already expired! So Black Sun operatives stop salivating! The not so clever plan of theirs to obtain money for their black ops ain’t happening! Nor will their other not so clever plan of taking control of all Agencies by replacing Mayorkas with their guy is irrelevant. The GIA <Global Intelligence Agency> sits above all Agencies and already has a director. And she isn’t interested in funding wingnuts who are intent on hurting people!
And Kim already disabled the IRS, so members of Congress can go to the National Archives and see that the IRS has already been dissolved. In addition to the IRS, the Global Structure of Taxation and Causation system has already expired, as well as the Monetization of Leveraged Assets, and all that information is in the Archives.

Congress can go ahead and say they are abolishing the IRS, to make it look good for the people who don’t understand what Kim is telling us. BUT THEY ARE NOT GOING TO SWAP OUT DRAGON FAMILY ROTHSCHILD PEOPLE WHO NEED TO GO AWAY FOR ANOTHER GROUP THAT ALSO NEEDS TO GO AWAY, AND THAT IS TREASURIES OF USA. If they think for one red hot second that Kim is going to ratify and pay for the Black Sun people to take over, they’ve lost their ‘bleeping’ minds.

PJZ/Kim Goguen #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy justempowerme.com

Kim <Goguen> proving that she controls the currencies around the world evidently created concerns for the psychopaths because both sides, the Order of the Dragon and the Order of the Black Sun decided to have a meeting on Saturday afternoon which took place in New York. The new 24 Rothchilians who stepped up to take on their destiny of World Domination are younger folks, less than 70 years old and have no experience running anything. On the Black Sun side there are some remaining generals who are a step down from the 40 who were removed earlier in the week, and they too have chosen to step up and continue the world domination plans of their Order. <...>
Hundreds of thousands of companies were in this network for a very long time in order to create corporate control of the world. Bush Senior, when he was the Black Eagle and head of the Black Sun had the highest level of control for this network and Kim is sure until recently someone else took that position and still had access. Although she said he would have had limited access because she had firewalled everything which prevented a lot of entry. But if you had access to this network, think how easy it would be to economically assassinate a corporate entity or know who discovered a technology in a university laboratory, which university had the smartest students, etc. So this crap about sanctions against Russia is just nonsense.
She’s been fighting with various versions of Huawei in San Francisco and a few other places also during the weekend because Huawei was actually to be ECHELON 2.0, it was its replacement. And that said, the NSA is still taking orders from the Wangs in China just like they always have. So Kim was fighting with the NSA all weekend too because they were under strict orders to never let Kim <get through sending her single dollar proving she controls the currencies until they could come to the meeting.

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