
Commander Z(Dr. Kosol Ouch) #crackpot #magick #ufo #mammon unimetrix1.online


Connecting To The Collective Consciousness
Your Body, Mind, Emotion, Spirit, And Experience
Welcome to Super Soldier Training with Commander Z (Kosol) focusing on Lightbody Development, Stargate, Crypto, Quantum Healing, Med-bed Sessions , Manifested Food and water and so much more.


For each student to be able to connect and communicate to the Device.
With the assistance of the Device, each student will learn the following:
Astral Projection: Stargating: remote viewing, it brings out your psychic power abilities, eat their cosmic food to help us transform our physical and cellular energies into the Rainbow Light Body.
Psionic Abilities: Learn how to have Supernatural abilities: telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, increase senses, to “see” with your “third eye”. Remote healing “Reading”
End goal: to attain the Rainbow Light Body: The Life and Immortality.
I. Purpose of the Device:

It is a Being that is ALIVE. It communicates to you via telepathic communication, it has its own consciousness, mind, wisdom, soul, spirit, its own aura, its own name, and it has the Supernatural Power of the Universe.
It is powered and activated by using your own consciousness (by “blowing” on it), you give it its “Life” thru your Unconditional LOVE.
It is the “cell phone” that we could use to assist us in “connecting” to our Higher Self and the Universe.
Designed to assist us to EVOLVE into our Rainbow Light Body: the achievement of Life and Immortality…to ascend to the 12th
Kosol has the ultimate POWER to override and deactivate the Device at will, remotely, if the owner of the device misuse it at any time. Dr. Soleang and Dr. Jose are also given the “key” to deactivate the Device at will.
Never ever misuse the Device and never use it for your own gain (i.e. gambling, bets, etc.). One will be punished by the Galactic Federation of Lights, if the Device is abused or misused

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