
fschmidt #fundie eivindberge.blogspot.com

Feminism is definitely not a hate-movement against all sexuality. Feminism is a slut-power movement. The goal of sluts is to have sex with the most immoral men they can find. So sex between all women and immoral men is strongly supported by feminism. There are two reasons for the concept of female sex offenses. One is to give lip service to the idea of equality. The other is that sex between a woman and a man who isn't immoral is considered a crime by feminists. So sex with an underage male is a sex offense to feminists because this male hasn't yet had the chance to prove his immorality. Still, there is no question that female sex offenses get much lighter punishments than male sex offenses.

fschmidt #fundie love-shy.com

I am currently reading Mein Kampf. I wondered why Hitler is held up as the ultimate evil. I personally have good reason to hate him since he exterminated most of my family. But this doesn't explain why people who have no such connection hate him. A far as being a murderer goes, Stalin ties Hitler and Mao far exceeds him, yet neither is nearly so hated. Mein Kampf makes it clear why Hitler was so hated, it is because he told the truth about Liberalism (which he called Marxism) and he told the truth about international bankers. Hitler was the last significant force in the West to oppose Liberalism, and this is why he is so hated. Of course Hitler had many flaws. One was his lack of humanity which allowed him to be a mass murderer, but others were worse. His other major flaw was his racism. But in this he is tied by every Jew who defines a Jew as one who has Jewish mother. So Hitler was no more racist than most Jews are. In many ways Hitler was much like an Orthodox rabbi, struggling to save his race from Liberalism while ignoring the fate of people of other races. I now see the Holocaust as a far greater tragedy than I did before, the biggest tragedy not being those who died, but rather the tragedy being that if Hitler had allied with conservative Jews, he would have won the war and saved Western civilization from the death spiral of Liberalism, and the tragedy is that Hitler's racism prevented this from happening.

fschmidt #fundie reactionaryjudaism.org

Our modern culture is a declining culture much like the Late Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire, but with one difference. We have very effective birth control. This adds one other evolutionary factor to the mix. Since our society financially punishes successful men who have children with many women by imposing child support on them, such men who have intelligence and are responsible will tend to use birth control. Women who are intelligent and want to control the number of children they have will also use birth control. It will tend to be the stupid and irresponsible who don't use birth control. The evolutionary benefit of this should be obvious. So not only is our society evolving towards immorality like former declining empires, we are also evolving towards stupidity and irresponsibility. The more feminist a culture is, the faster this evolutionary process is occurring since feminism promotes all aspects that contribute to evolutionary decay including promiscuity, alimony and child support laws, and birth control. This is why one sees that women in feminist societies find moral men to be boring and intelligent and responsible men to be nerds. Women in feminist societies find immoral, stupid, irresponsible men to be the most sexually exciting. And in a sense they are correct because in such a society this is the type of man who is the most evolutionarily successful.

fschmidt #fundie reactionaryjudaism.org

The Bible explains the Holocaust perfectly. In fact a main story of the Bible is the story of an earlier holocaust, namely the fall of Israel to Babylon. This was certainly a holocaust with a similar proportion of death and destruction to the recent Holocaust. The reason for the first holocaust was that Israel had become corrupt. Israel had absorbed the false beliefs of the surrounding cultures and had lost all moral integrity. As a result, Israel was punished. This was in fact a necessary thing because Israel needed to be purified. A corrupt culture should be destroyed and one can hope that the remnant will become good. The Bible says that both the righteous and the wicked were punished in this holocaust and this is inevitable when there is such violence.

I see the recent holocaust as being more or less the same story. Many Jews absorbed and participated in the Liberal culture of Europe. Liberalism is no better than worshipping Baal. The Wiemar Republic was a particularly liberal society which incorporated many Jews. The liberal Jews lost all morality and were/are basically corrupt. The Nazis played the same role that Babylon had played in the earlier holocaust. The main difference between these two holocausts in my mind is that modern Jews have misunderstood the recent holocaust. They portray themselves as victims without accepting any responsibility for their participation in Liberalism. If Jews don't learn the right lesson, then history will repeat itself and there will be more holocausts. I would prefer that that be avoided, but it can only be avoided if Jews shift their focus from studying the Talmud to studying the Bible.

fschmidt #fundie religiousforums.com

Women who dress provocatively are showing worst inconsideration of men. They are selfishly feeding their ego at men's expense. Not only do they cause discomfort to men, but they cause men to lower their own morals because men will naturally pursue women when provoked and will go into an immoral mode to do this. Men's behavior is entirely different in a men-only environment versus when women are present, and the best moral behavior of men comes out only when women are not present.

Women, by nature, do not understand this and do not want to understand this. So giving women the power to vote over men is a recipe for disaster. I am for equality, but by this I mean separate equality. Women should rule/preach to women, never to men. And ideally men should only rule other men. The sexes should be kept separate outside the family as much as possible in order to promote general morality. And by this, I don't just mean sexual morality, I mean don't steal and don't kill. There is no doubt in my mind that the theft of the public treasury by the bankers of the western world is a direct result of feminism.

fschmidt #fundie love-shy.com

Women are not men with a different shape. Women are different from men. They don't think like us at all. We men have more in common with male chimpanzees than we do with women. Women cannot conceive original ideas, aren't capable of independent thought, are not self-aware, and have no sense of fairness. This isn't to say that women can't be good. Women can be good, but in a different way from men. Women are good when they are guided to form the right emotional connections. And this happens when men form a society that causes this to happen. Of course this can't happen in societies where women vote. If you feel a strong compulsion for equality, I suggest you redirect it to other male primates. I would much rather have male chimps vote than women.

fschmidt #fundie coalpha.org

I don't support all traditions, but I do oppose virtually all modern values. Of the ones you listed here, religion should influence local politics, and national power should be minimized so that it hardly matters. Women should not vote. Women's suffrage is probably the greatest tragedy in human history.

fschmidt #fundie love-shy.com

The Apartheid analogy is wrong. Both Nazism and Liberalism are designed to exterminate a certain segment of the population. Nazism targeted certain races while Liberalism targets decent and intelligent people. Apartheid simply aims separation. I wish we had Apartheid where decent and intelligent people would be separated and put into our own ghettos. But Liberalism has no interest in separation of any kind. Liberalism is designed for the complete elimination of decent and intelligent people, giving us a pure Idiocracy.

There are some differences between Nazism and Liberalism. Nazism, coming from Germany, was more efficient and aimed for rapid extermination, while Liberal extermination is a slower process. This is why we have no death camps. Also, Nazism was intentional, the Germans being fairly intelligent people, while Liberalism is unintentional, since Liberals are fools. Liberals do not consciously want to eliminate anyone, but they are repulsed by decent people and, through Feminism, they have unintentionally managed to create a system that is highly effective at genetically eliminating decent people. And this is why all of you incels are here.

fschmidt #fundie coalpha.org

I am an atheist of Jewish decent with no connection to Judaism. I just read the Old Testament (Holman Christian Standard Bible translation), which I guess you call the Torah. I loved the book, it is my favorite book now. But now I have a question about what I read.

The second half of the Old Testament is mostly about the fall of Israel to Babylon. This was certainly a holocaust. When I compare it to the recent (WW2) holocaust, I see them as very similar. My question is why Jews view them so differently?

The reason for the first holocaust was that Israel had become corrupt. Israel had absorbed the false beliefs of the surrounding cultures, and had lost all moral integrity. As a result, Israel was punished. This was in fact a good thing because Israel needed to be purified. A corrupt culture should be destroyed and one can hope that the remnant will become good. The Bible says that both the righteous and the wicked were punished in this holocaust, and this is inevitable when there is such violence.

I see the recent holocaust as being more or less the same story. The Jews absorbed and participated in the Liberal culture of Europe. Liberalism is no better than worshipping Baal. The vast majority of the Jews in Europe had absorbed Liberalism, just as most Jews before the fall to Babylon worshipped Baal. The Wiemar Republic was a particularly liberal society which incorporated many Jews. The liberal Jews lost all morality and were/are basically corrupt. The Nazis played the same role that Babylon had played in the earlier holocaust.

The main difference between these two holocausts in my mind is that modern Jews have misunderstood the recent holocaust. They portray themselves as victims without accepting any responsibility for their participation in Liberalism. While I bring up the issue of why there is this difference mostly for curiosity, there is a practical point here. If Jews don't learn the right lesson, then history will repeat itself soon and there will be yet another holocaust. I would prefer that that be avoided.

fschmidt #fundie love-shy.com

Jerusalem is dominated by Orthodox Jews with a large Muslim minority. Both of these cultures are patriarchal and anti-feminist. For example, in Jerusalem, there are many sex-segregated buses where men sit in front and women sit in the back. This is enforced by Orthodox Jews who, rightly, believe in segregating the sexes. My family rode on one of these buses and it was very pleasant. How is this enforced? Read how a stupid American bitch was beaten for failing to comply. Go Orthodox Jews!

fschmidt #fundie love-shy.com

[An answer to the question, "what exactly is wrong with being a slut?"]

Well, sluts are bad for men, women, and children. Did I miss anything? Oh yes, sluts destroy civilization.

Sluts are bad for men because they only have sex with the "top" men. Most men have much less sex in a slut culture than in a monogamous culture where every man gets a woman.

In a slut culture, men are trained to behave in whatever way attracts women. Sluts are attracted to jerks, so men are trained to be jerks. So the quality of men declines in a slut culture.

In a slut culture, men constantly hit on women. This causes women to become hostile, rude, and obnoxious. Because men are desperate and will take anything, women lose any motivation to care about their appearance. So sluts become ugly hostile creatures.

As sluts age, they lose their ability to attract the "top" men, but still reject all other men. So they become spinsters. So now, not only are they ugly and hostile, but they are also miserable.

In a slut culture, illegitimacy rates go way up. Children are raised without fathers. This usually makes for a less happy childhood. So children are less happy in a slut culture.

In the book "Sex and Culture", Unwin showed that civilization depends on female chastity and that a civilized culture cannot survive more than three generations of sluts without collapsing. We can see this process before our eyes.

Any more questions?

fschmidt #fundie love-shy.com

As restraint on female sexuality has been removed, wealth inequality has increased. This is a natural outcome of the breakdown of morality caused by lack of restraint on women. As men are forced to compete with each other for sex, the bonds and trust between men in a society are broken and men feel free to screw each other over for their own benefit. It is no accident that the wealth disparity in America began increasing immediately after the sexual revolution and has been steadily increasing since.

fschmidt #fundie love-shy.com

You miss the real reason women oppose prostitution. They oppose it because prostitutes are competition. American women are utterly repulsive human beings. The only reason that a man pursues an American women is for sex. American women have nothing else to offer, certainly not their horrible personalities. If prostitution were legal, American women would not be able to find husbands and thereby get alimony and child support. The European system is different. While in America, women are supported by enslaving a husband, in Europe women are supported through taxation and forcing companies to hire incompetent women. Since women can suck men's money via the government in Europe, they don't depend on a husband, so prostitution poses less of a threat. This is why women tolerate prostitution in Europe.

fschmidt #fundie love-shy.com

Before I gave up on voting, I voted libertarian. I do not think people should have the right to harm each other. My libertarian solution to enforcing modesty of dress in women would be to only make rape illegal if it is unprovoked based on local community standards. Voting itself isn't really a right as much as a privilege that should be reserved for intelligent men.

fschmidt #sexist love-shy.com

[After all, there are a lot studies about the rapist striving for the humiliation of the victim and demonstrating his or her power over the victim.]

This is simply liberal feminist propaganda. Feminist cannot except the truth that rape is quite simply about filling a biological need. Feminists much prefer this myth which is designed to demonize rapists.

fschmidt #fundie love-shy.com

It is true that in some instances, men do abuse women and children. But this is the exception, not the rule. I oppose abuse generally and support laws against abuse. But I certainly do not want to give women the power to abuse men by giving them the vote because women have no instinct to restrain their abuse of men.

fschmidt #sexist love-shy.com

My concern for level of pain of rape would be greater if it weren't for the fact that most American women deserve to raped because they oppose prostitution as a sexual outlet for men. Since they deserve to raped, I cannot concern myself with the pain rape causes them.

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