
fschmidt and finalformcel #sexist reddit.com

(comments on "Femoids do not even think or have brains at all."

Except the women who think about programming and investing.

Based on my experience as a programmer, women are about as good at programming as men are at breast feeding.

I guess you don't know any good women programmers.



I bet she spent most of military time getting passed around all the milichads

maybe so, but she was still an amazing programmer


how is it doubtful when theirs evidence right in front of you?

Normie propaganda

fschmidt and Berry9939 #fundie reddit.com

(OP by fschmidt)
Incels are dumber than octopuses


An octopus can learn from observing another successful octopus, but an incel is too stupid to learn from observing another successful former incel.

If you are an exception, and not stupid, then I invite you to /r/IncelDiscussions.


You lack critical thinking skills. A 5'4 guy sees a 6'3 guy reach a book on the top shelf. The 5'4 guys learns from observing this and grows to 6'3 through sheer force of will and grabs a book.

Looks matter you dumb fuck.

"Some people can do the exact same behavior as someone else and one person can be perceived as creepy while the other person is not" http://faculty.knox.edu/fmcandre/creepiness_results.html



You can't just ignore empirical truths.

muricunt, fschmidt and MarcLepinePBUH #fundie reddit.com

modernism and liberalism ruined us

if it wasnt for these stupid marxist ideals, we would be living in a society like it was 500-1000 year ago. Most of us wouldve been married by now arranged by our parents and we would not be alone. There would be no stacies. Every woman would be submissive and know her place.

i wish there was a way to go back in time

The ideal was 100-500 years ago. Before that was the Middle Ages which was almost as degenerate as current times (in Europe).

We will return to patriarchy or it'll be the end of humanity. This shit is not sustainable. Depressing part is we probably won't be around to see it.

Also people did not care about looks back in the day. Even the most ugliest inbred person was able to find a partner..

sentinel89 and fschmidt #racist happierabroad.com

Why Jews are not human

In my humble opinion, Jews do not qualify as human. The reason for this is simple. The Jewish race (including both Ashkenazi and Sephardic) does not make any sense from an evolutionary perspective. The Jewish race has never survived on its own. ALL other races are capable of providing themselves basic survival needs. Australian Aboriginals, who are considered the least intelligent race of men, are capable of passing their seed onto subsequent generations, continuing the genetic bloodline, and ultimately surviving indefinitely lest killed off by a dominant race, struck by an asteroid, or by plague or famine. They could never achieve anything close to a modern civilization on their own, but they could survive.

Jews, on the other hand, have never been hunters and gatherers, nor have they ever been farmers (with VERY FEW exceptions). They have always survived as clever deceivers by swindling the fruits of the labors of other races. Gentile races till the soil, Jews enjoy the spoil.

Not only have they never provided their own food, but they have always depended on other races for protection. Modern Israel would have nothing without western backing. Every time they get in a ground fight with Hezbollah they come back with their tails between their legs. They win wars by using superpowers as their vassals and by superior technology of the IDF forces over rival forces.

If all gentile races were to suddenly disappear from Earth one night, Jews would go extinct soon thereafter. They would have no other race to leech from any longer, and so they would individually turn against each other in attempt to leech from other members of their own race. In a matter of years, they would completely kill each other off and go extinct.

This is not something that can be said about any other race. Gentile races are human races that organically spawned from the Earth and evolved over millennia of migration, climate change, and other factors that contribute to natural selection. How is it possible that the Jewish race came to be, if it is not self sufficient, and is not subject to the same Darwinian tests that Mother Nature has placed on all gentile races?

(fschmidt replies:)
Thank you for the complement. I have always considered humans to be a rather repulsive species and I am embarrassed to be associated with them.

Fschmidt #fundie fstdt.com

I have some bad news for you all, I have reproduced. I have been happily married for 19 years to a former Levi's model from Mexico. I have never been divorced. We have two children, a girl age 11 and a boy age 14. Since I was financially successful in business, I no longer need to work for a living and now have the time to homeschool my kids. I currently divide my time between my current business, which I run from home, and homeschooling. I teach my kids to think for themselves and not accept any beliefs without skepticism.

I have been to Europe. I spent 6 months traveling around the world with my wife, about half of which was in Europe. My parents are from Hungary and they also have a European perspective. I have a good understanding of European history and culture, and the mistaken assumption of Horsefeathers is that prostitution is banned in America because of the puritanical and Victorian values that America got from England. But New Zealand has these same influences and has some of the world's most liberal prostitution laws.

I am not ugly and have never been out of shape. I was rejected by American women because I am a decent person. American women, being the scum of the earth, naturally reject decent men.

One of my frustrations with the internet is that people hide behind pseudonyms and are all talk and no action. My user name, fschmidt, is short for my real name, Franklin Schmidt. I live in El Paso, Texas. On the love-shy forum, I encourage men to stop complaining and to take action to improve their situation. Those of you here who would like to beat the shit out of me should come to El Paso and give it a shot. I would be more than happy to arrange a meeting in El Paso with anyone here. I can be reached at fschmidt@gmail.com .

fschmidt #fundie caamib.wordpress.com

Your mistaken assumption is that politics matters. It doesn’t. Politics is a lagging indicator of the state of a society. Muslim societies are currently corrupt and this corruption is what allowed women’s suffrage.

What matters is religion. By the time the West gave women the vote, its core religion, Protestantism, was already dead. So the West was already doomed and politics was just part of the process of the demise of the West. Islam today is similar to medieval Christianity which was a weak but sustainable religion. And more importantly, Islam has the potential for a Reformation.

You have to visit a mosque to fully appreciate how different Islam is from modern Western culture. This can’t be seen in politics. To me it is clear that Islam is the only viable option, and I fully support my local mosque. And I couldn’t care less about politics.

fschmidt #fundie mikraite.org

Modern culture is evil. If you don't agree with this, let me save you some time and suggest that you stop reading here. This post discusses alternatives to modern culture on the assumption that you reject modern culture because it is evil. What are the alternatives to modern culture? Before discussing alternatives that I think can work, I will discuss alternatives that don't work.

Politics doesn't work. Moral people are an insignificant minority in all nations today. And never in history has a nation been made moral through politics. Politics is useful in a society formed by moral people. In such a society, politics can help implement the will of these moral people. This is how America worked before it became evil. But in an evil society, politics is just a contest for power, nothing more.

Modern Christianity doesn't work. Modern Christianity is all faith and no works, which means no morality. The main practical difference between a modern Christian and an atheist is that the modern Christian violates the third commandment while the atheist doesn't, making the atheist slightly less sinful than the modern Christian. I discussed in detail what went wrong with modern Christianity in The Rise and Fall of Christian Culture.

Modern Catholicism doesn't work. To a large degree, what went wrong with Protestantism has infected Catholicism. The current Pope is a total disaster. But Catholicism was essentially doomed by the Second Vatican Council which fully gave in to modern culture.

White nationalism doesn't work. No racial movement in history has succeeded without religious backing. White nationalists who want success should copy the most successful racial movement, namely Judaism. This means that white nationalists need to pick a religion for their movement. Until they do so, they are a hopeless bunch.

That completes the important options that don't work. Now let's consider options that work. History shows that all good cultures are supported by a good religion. How can one judge if a religion is good and strong enough to resist modern culture? One superficial way to judge that I have found to be very effective is just to ask whether men and women sit separately during religious service. Religions that have maintained this separation have shown that they are strong enough to resist modern culture

Orthodox Judaism works well if you are a racist jew. I am jewish but not racist, so Judaism doesn't work for me. For non-jewish racists, Orthodox Judaism is a model well worth copying.

Orthodox Christianity may work in some conditions. Mainstream Orthodox Christianity does not work in the West because it is too weak of a religion to withstand modern culture. This can be seen by the fact that the sexes are mixed in service. Historically, Orthodox Christianity has always partnered with a government that supports it, so this seems to be the condition in which it works. Currently, the obvious candidate is Orthodox Christianity in Russia where it has government backing. I haven't been to Russia, so I can't say for sure how well this works, but I think this is an option well worth investigating for Christians.

True Orthodox Christianity is a variant of Orthodox Christianity that looks interesting and may actually work in the West. But it is small and its future is uncertain. Here is a very good set of videos explaining the idea.

Conservative Mennonism is an excellent alternative for Christians. All of traditional Anabaptism is sound, but the conservative Mennonites seem to have found the optimal balance. They don't reject all modern technology as Old Order Anabaptists do (like the Amish), but they still do a good job keeping modern culture out. They are serious Christians, serious about following Jesus's teachings. The book Brethren Thinking written by an unconventional Old Order Anabaptist provides a highly intelligent introduction to Anabaptist thinking. The book An Introduction to Old Order and Conservative Mennonite Groups provides a good overview of the Mennonite variants. I specifically recommend the Mennonite groups classified as "Ultra-Conservatives" on page 162 of this book. You can find a Mennonite church near you using this map. If you have any more questions about Mennonites, you can ask on this Mennonite forum.

Islam is an alternative worth investigating. While Islam has issues today, it has worked well in the past. And it still at least upholds basic moral traditions. I believe that Islam is the religion that is most likely to have a reformation and become the next successful culture. But to judge Islam for yourself, you should visit your local mosque and read the Quran.

Mikraite is the alternative that I have chosen. None of the above options work for me because I am not a jewish racist and not Christian. So I worked with some like-minded people to form a moral religion based on the Old Testament. You can read more in What is a Mikraite?.

fschmidt #fundie reddit.com

You are clearly a modern moron. There is no hatred of women in [a rant by caamib that the OP praises as "required reading". Excerpts here]. The hatred is of modern Western culture, and is well deserved since modern Western culture is pure evil.

Fschmidt #fundie christianforums.com

There is nothing wrong with women voting as long as they don't vote with men. In other words, separate but equal is fine where women vote on laws and government for women and men do the same for men. But when the sexes are combined, women will vote for unlimited license and to enslave men, and men who naturally suck up to women will support them, and this coalition destroys society.

As Thomas Jefferson said:

"Were our State a pure democracy, . . . there would yet be excluded from their deliberations, women, who, to prevent depravation of morals and ambiguity of issue, could not mix promiscuously in the public meetings of men."

fschmidt #psycho reddit.com

The walking brainstems who pass for people today certainly can't be blamed for anything. They are the product of modern culture, not the cause of it. We need to look back to people with brains for the cause.

Boomers were intelligent and well-intentioned but they were ignorant of religion and history and they had inherited a dysfunctional political system that included women's suffrage. Because their ignorance, it was inevitable that all their conclusions would be wrong. So they can't be blamed. Who caused the destruction of education and the political system?

The Third Great Awakening produced the first social justice warriors of western culture. These lunatics promoted women's suffrage and attacked prostitution and evolution. Prostitution is needed to protect female chastity and attacking evolution undermined the eugenics movement which was needed to prevent dysgenic decay. They were also complicit with the destruction of traditional western education as promoted by evil intellectuals. The full effect of this horrible movement can be seen in the 1920s. What caused all this? This was the result of modern Christianity which is an evil perversion of traditional Christianity. So I can't really blame these people, the blame lies with modern Christianity itself.

Where did modern Christianity come from? It came from the Second Great Awakening. A key player was Charles Finney as I described here. This movement killed the Enlightenment and made Christianity an enemy of science. It also destroyed the traditional historical understanding of Christianity and encouraged religious ignorance. So here is where the blame really lies. But there remains the question of what allowed such a horrible change to happen to Christianity in the first place.

So now I will extend the blame to Luther. The key good figures in the Reformation are Zwingli and Calvin. Luther was the bad guy and almost everything he said was bad. In particular his idea that we are all consecrated priests through Baptism meant that ignoramuses like Finney who lacked any serious religious education could be taken seriously. For more on the Reformation I recommend reading A Reformation Reader: Primary Texts With Introductions.

Cultures depend on their founding religion. Western culture depended on the Reformation which effectively died with the Second Great Awakening. At that point, it was only a matter of time before the culture would degenerate into the collection evil morons that it is today.

fschmidt #dunning-kruger #elitist undepraved.mikraite.org

In primitive societies, sick people go to a witch doctor who jumps up and down. Then when the person recovers (as usually happens) the witch doctor takes credit and so the respect and admiration for witch doctors is sustained among the moronic population.

Essentially the same process is now happening with the coronavirus at a national level. The national witch doctors advise the leaders to impose senseless restrictions on the population. Then when the coronavirus naturally passes, the witch doctors give credit to the senseless restrictions.

The one exception to this is China. I suspect that the original coronavirus was virulent and mutated fairly rapidly. The Chinese response was to focus quarantine on those with symptoms. This meant that those with the coronavirus but without symptoms were allowed to spread the less virulent variations of the coronavirus. By doing this, China bred the coronavirus to be about as virulent as the flu. So China effectively solved the problem of the virus, but not the problem of the collective insanity of modern culture.

Most numbers thrown around are meaningless because there is no accounting of people who had the coronavirus but had no symptoms. The only country that I know of that has real numbers is Iceland which reports a 0.3% death rate which is in the range of the flu. So the coronavirus should basically be thought of as a bad flu. Like any new virus, it starts with exponential growth in a new population but then levels off as herd immunity is reached. Extrapolating from the numbers during the initial exponential phase makes no sense.

I view the coronavirus as a gift from God, essentially God giving depraved modern culture the rope to hang itself. The collective insanity of modern culture should finally cause the long overdue financial collapse that modern culture deserves. And that is a very good thing because it will reduce the attractiveness of modern culture and allow alternatives to grow.

fschmidt #psycho reddit.com

Why I support abortion, LGBTQ rights, and prostitution

Abortion is the killing of fetuses who have a genetic predisposition to become liberals. What can be better than that? So abortion is eugenic because it selects against degenerate liberal genes, and conversely banning abortion is dysgenic because it saves liberal genes. Edward Dutton argued that this why Ireland became a liberal cesspool so quickly. So in a sense Christianity is partly responsible for the liberal plague because it banned abortion. On the other hand, the Old Testament says nothing against abortion and Exodus 21:22-25 can be interpreted to defend abortion.

The best way to get rid of the LGBTQ alphabet soup of sexual perverts is to simply give them the right to be perverts. Their own perversions will prevent them from reproducing, and so giving them the right to do this is eugenic because it selects them out of the gene pool. Conversely banning such perversions forces these perverts to pretend to be normal, and this causes them to reproduce and therefore banning such perversions is dysgenic. Once again Christianity is at fault here for banning these perversions. This caused pervert genes to increase until they reached critical mass, which we see today. In a healthy society, there will always be a small number of perverts, and allowing them to be perverts will keep pervert genes at a low level. Once again the Old Testament supports my position. The two Leviticus passages commonly used to punish homosexuality are actually just mistranslations from Hebrew. In the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, the big sin is abusing visitors. But the story makes clear that when sexual perversion is widespread, a society is doomed, which I agree with. This is why it is critical to allow natural selection to select against perverts by supporting LGBTQ rights.

Prostitution is required to protect the chastity of other women. The importance of general female chastity should be obvious to any sane person, but to repeat the point, sluts cause dysgenic Fisherian selection as I explained here. Therefore it is critical to prevent women from becoming sluts, and the way to do this is to provide prostitution as an outlet for excess male sexual desire. Without prostitution, men will pursue all women turning single women into sluts and married women into adulteresses. So banning prostitution promotes sluts and adultery, and so is horribly dysgenic. Christianity has always considered prostitution a sin but at least the early Christians were sensible on the subject. Saint Augustine said "Remove prostitutes from human affairs, and you will destroy everything with lust." And Thomas Aquinas repeated this quote, showing that the Catholic Church still had sense in the Middle Ages. But crazy modern Christianity supported banning prostitution which undermines Christian morality. The Old Testament takes the right position and supports prostitution for the right reason. Proverbs 6:26 says "For a prostitute’s fee is only a loaf of bread, but an adulteress goes after a precious life." This makes clear that prostitution is the way to prevent adultery.

I follow the Old Testament because it is the most eugenic book ever written. Praise Yehovah, god of the Old Testament.

fschmidt #fundie love-shy.com

Before I gave up on voting, I voted libertarian. I do not think people should have the right to harm each other. My libertarian solution to enforcing modesty of dress in women would be to only make rape illegal if it is unprovoked based on local community standards. Voting itself isn't really a right as much as a privilege that should be reserved for intelligent men.

fschmidt #wingnut #conspiracy #quack mikraite.org

The most shocking thing about this presidential election is how unprepared conservatives are for a Biden victory. Today's Democratic Party combines with worst aspects of communism and nazism. Democrats are as hostile to small business as communists and as racist as nazis. And they are as intolerant of individual freedom as both. If Democrats take over the government, America will soon resemble the USSR and Nazi Germany. So anyone who values freedom should be thinking about where to flee to if Biden wins.

I haven't done any actual research on where to move, but if Biden wins, the first thing I will do is to visit the Lake Chapala area in Mexico. It has a large expat community and is conveniently located an hour south of Guadalajara, so it seems like a place worth checking out. Mexico is one of the few countries that doesn't have any travel restrictions based on Covid lies.

Fschmidt #fundie christianforums.com

My concrete political suggestion is, of course, impractical fantasy at this point. But it is still concrete. It is that men and women should never vote in the same election. There should be a government of men elected by men. Women should have an option either to submit to the government of men or to run their own government to govern themselves. The main thing is that women should never be allowed to impose their political will on men. If women want equality, they can have it in their own government. I suspect that women would actually have no interest in this because women don't actually want equality, what they want is to impose their will on men. Women have no interest in passing laws that only restrict their own behavior.

Now for the practical. Religion is the practical solution. A sound religion does not allow women to impose their will on men. Examples include the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, and Orthodox Judaism. Those who are repulsed by the abuses of feminism should be a member of such a religion. In my group in El Paso, if it ever grows in size, I will put my suggestion above into practice. Women in the group who want equality can organize their own subgroup for women.

fschmidt #fundie reddit.com

The solution is simple. Modern culture should be completely destroyed as were the Moabites in the Bible. All men and all non-virgin women of modern culture should be exterminated.

fschmidt #fundie reactionaryjudaism.org

Our modern culture is a declining culture much like the Late Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire, but with one difference. We have very effective birth control. This adds one other evolutionary factor to the mix. Since our society financially punishes successful men who have children with many women by imposing child support on them, such men who have intelligence and are responsible will tend to use birth control. Women who are intelligent and want to control the number of children they have will also use birth control. It will tend to be the stupid and irresponsible who don't use birth control. The evolutionary benefit of this should be obvious. So not only is our society evolving towards immorality like former declining empires, we are also evolving towards stupidity and irresponsibility. The more feminist a culture is, the faster this evolutionary process is occurring since feminism promotes all aspects that contribute to evolutionary decay including promiscuity, alimony and child support laws, and birth control. This is why one sees that women in feminist societies find moral men to be boring and intelligent and responsible men to be nerds. Women in feminist societies find immoral, stupid, irresponsible men to be the most sexually exciting. And in a sense they are correct because in such a society this is the type of man who is the most evolutionarily successful.

fschmidt #fundie reactionaryjudaism.org

The Bible explains the Holocaust perfectly. In fact a main story of the Bible is the story of an earlier holocaust, namely the fall of Israel to Babylon. This was certainly a holocaust with a similar proportion of death and destruction to the recent Holocaust. The reason for the first holocaust was that Israel had become corrupt. Israel had absorbed the false beliefs of the surrounding cultures and had lost all moral integrity. As a result, Israel was punished. This was in fact a necessary thing because Israel needed to be purified. A corrupt culture should be destroyed and one can hope that the remnant will become good. The Bible says that both the righteous and the wicked were punished in this holocaust and this is inevitable when there is such violence.

I see the recent holocaust as being more or less the same story. Many Jews absorbed and participated in the Liberal culture of Europe. Liberalism is no better than worshipping Baal. The Wiemar Republic was a particularly liberal society which incorporated many Jews. The liberal Jews lost all morality and were/are basically corrupt. The Nazis played the same role that Babylon had played in the earlier holocaust. The main difference between these two holocausts in my mind is that modern Jews have misunderstood the recent holocaust. They portray themselves as victims without accepting any responsibility for their participation in Liberalism. If Jews don't learn the right lesson, then history will repeat itself and there will be more holocausts. I would prefer that that be avoided, but it can only be avoided if Jews shift their focus from studying the Talmud to studying the Bible.

fschmidt #fundie reddit.com

The idea that religion depends on belief comes from Christianity. Many religions don't focus on belief.

Wars are actually a positive force. Wars are what allows good cultures to replace bad cultures. Without war, humanity would have never progressed.

fschmidt #fundie #conspiracy reddit.com

Why I hate Judaism

I hate Judaism because Judaism caused the Holocaust in which most of my family died. To be fair, I assign about 90% of the blame to Judaism and about 10% of the blame to the Nazis.

Judaism is based on the Talmud which basically teaches Jews to screw over the goyim for the benefit of Jews. This is a short-sighted strategy because occasionally the goyim rise up and attack Jews as a result. This is what happened in Germany.

Germany was the most tolerant nation in Europe of Jews. So how did Judaism respond. By promoting moral degeneracy and financial corruption in the Weimar Republic. Jews controlled the central bank and the ministry of finance in the Weimar Republic. They supported corrupt jewish bankers and the general financial rape of the German economy. All financial problems were handled by printing more money. (Sound familiar?) This resulted in hyperinflation and extreme poverty for the German people. This is what led to the rise of the Nazis to power.

But the Nazis made a serious mistake in blaming the jewish race for the problems. The blame should have been placed Judaism, not all Jews. Judaism is the cause of all this evil. My family was secular and had nothing to do with the evils of Judaism. Not only were innocent Jews harmed by the Holocaust, but the Nazis lost the war as a result. It was mainly secular Jews who invented the atomic bomb. If the Nazis had banned Judaism and welcomed Jews who reject Judaism, then they would have had the atomic bomb and would have won the war, and could have saved the West from liberal degeneracy.

Of course Judaism learned the wrong lesson from the Holocaust. Instead of learning to stop screwing over the goyim, their strategy is just to oppress the opposition even more harshly. They hate free speech and spread corruption. This will only work until the next hyperinflation which could well lead to another Holocaust, following the same pattern as in the past.

Here are some resources:




fschmidt #fundie coalpha.org

Murder? Killing is only murder when one kills a member of one's own culture. Modern Western culture is not my culture, so I do not consider killing its members to be murder. The Bible makes this point very clearly in the story about the Midianites in Numbers 25 and Numbers 31:1-18.

fschmidt #fundie blogger.com

Hi Eivind, I hope you liked "Sex and Culture". I scanned it and made it available on the internet.

Regarding the "Emancipation of Women", it is important to realize that this is only fully possible with government intervention or in a state of pure anarchy. The reason is simple. Women generally do not want to be responsible for supporting themselves and their children. They want men to help them with this. Most men are willing to do this in exchange for the woman's sexual fidelity. So in a libertarian society, female chastity and stable marriage would be the norm. An oppressive government frees (emancipates) women from having to make such a commitment by having absurd labor laws and divorce laws that favor women and effectively force men to provide for women. A state of pure anarchy is basically governance by thugs. In this case, the biggest bullies rob from other men and then women exchange sexual favors with these bullies in exchange for support. This is basically the state of nature in primitive tribes.

fschmidt #fundie reddit.com

[Commenting on "How do Christians, Jews, Muslims, & Mormons worship a God that has committed the worst atrocities in history"]

Most people are scum. I love a god who wipes out scum.

(Gods perception of scum, is that a bit like Pol pot, Stalin, Hitler, Mao Tse Tung.)

No. Hitler perceived scum based on race. The rest, communists, perceived scum based on economic class. These are wrong. God perceived scum based on based on culture. This is right.

fschmidt #fundie love-shy.com

Women are not men with a different shape. Women are different from men. They don't think like us at all. We men have more in common with male chimpanzees than we do with women. Women cannot conceive original ideas, aren't capable of independent thought, are not self-aware, and have no sense of fairness. This isn't to say that women can't be good. Women can be good, but in a different way from men. Women are good when they are guided to form the right emotional connections. And this happens when men form a society that causes this to happen. Of course this can't happen in societies where women vote. If you feel a strong compulsion for equality, I suggest you redirect it to other male primates. I would much rather have male chimps vote than women.

fschmidt #fundie reddit.com

The idea that human evolution has stopped is nonsense. When survival isn't a factor, evolution is driven by reproduction rates. And since culture actually shapes the most important aspects of our environment, it is culture that drives evolution with different cultures driving human evolution in different directions. Modern liberal feminist culture causes people to evolve towards being evil morons. Monogamous cultures with enough scarcity of resources to make survival an issue tend to evolve towards intelligence and morality. I wrote in detail about these topics here:


The way to implement natural eugenics is through religion where the religious requirements select for positive evolution.

fschmidt #sexist love-shy.com

My concern for level of pain of rape would be greater if it weren't for the fact that most American women deserve to raped because they oppose prostitution as a sexual outlet for men. Since they deserve to raped, I cannot concern myself with the pain rape causes them.

fschmidt #fundie whygodwhy.org

If only female humans were as productive as female bees.

[Most female bees are sterile workers, though.]

Though? That's far preferable to Western females who do little useful work and reproduce with the worst men. I wish most Western females were sterile.

fschmidt #dunning-kruger reddit.com

For many years I had a fantasy about forming a sane community. The fantasy was to gather the sane remnant from this insane world and form a community for reasonable people. This was partly inspired by the concept of the remnant of the Israelites in the Old Testament after the fall of Israel and Judah. But this idea has a fatal flaw. There is no remnant. Humanity has become pure trash, there are no reasonable people left.

The Old Testament talks about such a time in the story of Noah. Clearly most of humanity needs to be wiped out. We have another example of this in the fall of Rome. If you read original source material from decaying Rome, you will see that these people were complete morons at a similar level to the morons of today. In The Antony Option I described the "good" people as those covered in Early Christian Lives who left Roman society to live in the desert. But from this book it is clear that these people were also complete morons. They had no interest in intelligence or quality or anything of real value. They just wanted to get close to God and hoped that this would give them supernatural powers. Eventually monasteries formed and some people moved near them. This had a slight beneficial effect in removing these people from dysgenic Roman culture. But the reality is that it took 1000 years and huge population drops before these people could escape the idiocracy caused by the decay of Rome.

I see no significant difference between the decay of Rome and the decay of modern culture other than that modern culture is almost universal. When Rome fell and Europe became a pure idiocracy, at least the Arabs, guided by Islam, were able to produce a civilized culture. But the fall of modern culture is producing a worldwide idiocracy that would take at least another 1000 years to escape from, if ever.

I view the traditional Anabaptists as the best group today. But they are not good enough. Besides the obvious problem of their pacifism, they are not eugenic enough to produce real intelligence. But even with these faults, it would impossible to form anything like traditional Anabaptist communities from any other population today. The conservative Mennonite groups were fully formed by the end of the 1950s, a time before today's idiocracy. Today people are just too stupid and undisciplined to form any kind of real community. This applies to all people of all races and all religions, all are just worthless.

Even trying to form any kind of informal group around some sense of quality is hopeless. My /r/GoodSoftware was an attempt to do this for good software, and it clearly failed. No one cares about quality in today's decayed idiocracy.

Having described the current bleak situation, I will propose a solution. The solution must be intrinsically eugenic since the best that one can hope for is to produce reasonable people in another 200 years. The current population must essentially be viewed as subhuman mammals with the potential to once again evolve into full humans. So the question is how can one breed such mammals in a positive way.

While humans have lost all intelligence and all sense of quality, there still remains a range in human reproductive strategy based on r/K selection. So what needs to be done is to form an informal community of human K-strategists where people can cooperate in raising their children. Such a community would naturally select strongly for K-strategy genes. When modern culture inevitably collapses and strong survival pressure reasserts itself, this survival pressure applied to a K-selected community would produce rapid evolutionary advancement.

Now I will describe how to do this. I would have an informal organization called something like "raising good children". It is critical that this organization have no rules and membership. This prevents it from being hijacked and taken in another direction. Anyone who wants to participate can, but the nature of such a group would only appeal to K-strategists. We would focus on things like improving education and health of children in the group, and in passing the religion of the parents to the children.

Who would I target for such a group. The obvious choice is Muslims. While Muslims are generally stupid (like everyone else) and undisciplined, at least they understand that modern culture is a threat to their children. And they understand that the modern world is a mess. They are too lazy to do much to fix this, but they would support in principle something that could improve the situation for their children. What I am describing here is based on my experience at my local mosque.

But there still remains a problem of motivation. The group should be willing to take real action of at least a basic kind to actually produce better children. The goal is to first improve the culture by actually raising better children, and then wait for selection pressure to improve the genetics. This should mean that each generation should be better than the one that came before it, reversing the current trend. So for example, parents should get rid of their televisions. But Muslims are extremely unmotivated to take action of any kind.

My solution to this is to get Muslims to visit conservative Mennonite churches. Most Muslims view things as basically hopeless, and a visit to a Mennonite church should cure this. Again I know this from experience, from taking the leader of my local mosque a Mennonite church. He was very impressed and was motivated for a while to try to follow the Mennonite example. But the problem is that the closest Mennonite church is too far away for easy trips. So I want to move where Muslims and Mennonites live close together, and I am looking into Harrisburg, PA for this. My hope is that when Muslims see how Mennonites successfully raise children outside of modern culture, and how Mennonites keep their religion across generations, Muslims will be motivated to follow this example.

But unlike Mennonites, I don't want to form a religious community. Islam has a lot of baggage that Muslims won't be able to fix until their IQ goes up by 20 points. So the solution is to make the "raising good children" organization clearly not religious and open to people of any religion. But I can't see anyone other than Muslims actually being interested in such an organization because no other religion recognizes the problems of modern culture.

If such an organization can be formed, I would hope that children raised in the organization would remain as adults. Naturally many wouldn't, many would leave. And this is good because this process would purify the K-strategy genes in the community.

For me personally, the next steps are visiting Harrisburg, PA often so I can judge it, and developing at least something of value for children to serve as a starting point. For this, I plan to add a 2D game API to Luan and use that to offer a programming class for children.

I have discussed this idea with my main contact at my local mosque, and he is supportive of this idea. I will visit Harrisburg, PA for a week later this month and hopefully learn enough to decide if this works as a location.

fschmidt #fundie love-shy.com

As restraint on female sexuality has been removed, wealth inequality has increased. This is a natural outcome of the breakdown of morality caused by lack of restraint on women. As men are forced to compete with each other for sex, the bonds and trust between men in a society are broken and men feel free to screw each other over for their own benefit. It is no accident that the wealth disparity in America began increasing immediately after the sexual revolution and has been steadily increasing since.

fschmidt #psycho reddit.com

As much as I hate Trump, I think a Trump dictatorship would be the best possible outcome for the elections. This would put Trump in a position to mercilessly crush the Left. And this could pave the way for a peaceful splitting up of America when Trump steps down.

fschmidt #fundie reddit.com

[Comment under "Why not suicide?"]

If we are going to discuss abstract, open-ended questions, then I will give an abstract, open-ended answer. And that is, far better to take many normie scum with you than to just die alone. Of course I am just speaking abstractly and theoretically. But somehow I don't think reddit is really interested in the difference between the abstract and the concrete, so I suggest that this entire thread simply be deleted.

fschmidt #fundie coalpha.org

[Hyperlinks in original]

The big news this week is that two Islamist gunmen killed twelve people at the French "satirical" weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo. The world is almost universally outraged by this attack. But not me.

What exactly is Charlie Hebdo? It's in French and I don't read French, but I think a google image search conveys the basic idea.


From this, we see that "satire" is really just a polite way of saying ridicule. This is a liberal newspaper that ridicules religion and whatever else liberals don't approve of. We can see a similar style of cartoon by googling "nazi jewish cartoons".


There isn't much difference except that the Nazis had somewhat better taste than Liberals do. Of course the targets are different, but that doesn't matter, the concept is the same.

Should this kind of thing be tolerated? Whatever the answer, the answer should be consistent. If you are going to tolerate Charlie Hebdo then you should also tolerate Nazi anti-Jewish cartoons. Is France consistent? Please read about Hate speech laws in France. According to these laws, this kind of thing is "hate speech" and should not be tolerated. And in fact Muslims took Charlie Hebdo to court based on this law and lost. This is liberal hypocrisy at its finest. For a liberal, hate speech is only speech against something liberals like. Hate speech against what liberals hate isn't hate speech at all, according to liberals, it is free speech.

So let us summarize what a liberal is. A liberal is a hypocrite who ridicules opposing viewpoints, who is intolerant and legally censors opposing viewpoints, who is totally closed-minded and is unwilling to even listen to opposing viewpoints, and who come out in mass protest when their hypocrisy is threatened. In short, liberals are scum. But does this justify killing them?

On an intellectual level, this is a difficult question. But on an emotional, it is easy. I am filled with joy whenever I hear that liberals have been killed. How could I possibly feel any other way? I have an opposing view to liberals, just as these Muslims do, so the liberals have relentlessly ridiculed and censored me. They are totally incapable of respecting or tolerating opposing viewpoints like mine. Every interaction I have with liberals causes me to hate them more. How could I wish for anything other than their death?

On an intellectual level, I believe in free speech and live and let live. So in theory, liberals should be allowed to be scum and should be left in peace. But this only applies as long as liberals follow the same rules. When the liberal West interferes in the internal affairs of Muslim countries, Muslims have every right to attack back. The argument that these are innocent citizens of the West is absurd. It is precisely propaganda like Charlie Hebdo that causes the public to choose governments that attack Islam. So Charlie Hebdo is a justified target. My only criticism is that while France is quite intolerant internally to Muslims, it is not particularly active against Muslim countries. So Muslims who don't like France should just leave. The same cannot be said for America which relentlessly sticks its nose into the affairs of other nations. So attacks against America are entirely justified.

I am not Muslim, so this is not my problem. So while violence against liberals appeals to me emotionally, I have no intellectual reason to do this and I won't. I will just live my life in peace, and take pleasure in any news of violence against the liberals who I hate.

fschmidt #fundie reddit.com

I hope you all starve

I have given up hiring in the West. Westerners are just vile moronic scum. They won't work with me because I am not politically correct enough for them. I hate modern culture and its narrow mindedness. I post job ads and they just attack me. So now I am going to hire Chinese. I hope all the Western scum starve to death.

fschmidt #fundie eivindberge.blogspot.com

Feminism is definitely not a hate-movement against all sexuality. Feminism is a slut-power movement. The goal of sluts is to have sex with the most immoral men they can find. So sex between all women and immoral men is strongly supported by feminism. There are two reasons for the concept of female sex offenses. One is to give lip service to the idea of equality. The other is that sex between a woman and a man who isn't immoral is considered a crime by feminists. So sex with an underage male is a sex offense to feminists because this male hasn't yet had the chance to prove his immorality. Still, there is no question that female sex offenses get much lighter punishments than male sex offenses.

fschmidt #fundie reddit.com

This generation of traditional Anabaptists and Orthodox Jews don't suck. Modern culture is spiraling the drain, and the mental atrophy caused by smartphones doesn't help. Just reject modern culture.

fschmidt #fundie reddit.com

Please convert to Islam

I have been thinking about what most here should do (with the help of a few glasses of wine). Here was my previous advice:

[link removed]

I recommended Orthodox Judaism, Orthodox Christianity, Conservative Mennonism, or Mikraite. But Orthodox Judaism doesn't work if you aren't jewish, Orthodox Christianity and Conservative Mennonism don't work if you don't actually understand Christian theology and history, and Mikraite doesn't work if you don't have brains. So none of these options really work for most people here. The real question is, what is the best option for ignorant morons, which is what modern culture is now mostly composed of. And I think the answer is Islam.

Islam truly is the ideal religion for ignorant morons, which is what most of you are, so please convert. It's true that I have my doubts about whether Islam can ever really work well again (since Ash'arism became dominant). But I am quite sure that it can never be as bad as modern culture. Your chance of finding a wife is certainly better in Islam than in modern culture. And there is always a chance that you could become a jihadist and kill a few modern scum, which isn't bad in my view.

fschmidt #fundie mikraite.org

Secularism doesn't work. You call your site "Voice of Reason" but in fact most people don't have the intelligence to reason, so they shouldn't even try. Instead, they should respect tradition and religion. If they do try to reason, the result will be nothing more than rationalization of their instincts, because this is all that they are intellectually capable of doing. So then the question becomes how to make such people respect religion over their own dysfunctional minds. The first answer is to have a powerful alpha-male god since humans (and most primates) are wired to respect an alpha-male leader. I would say that the god of Islam is the most alpha of all gods. And the second answer is to provide religious exercises for people to remember their religion. The Old Testament provides the sabbath which is useful for intelligent people who can use this time to think, but is less useful for those of low intelligence. Again, Islam is optimal here with its 5 daily prayers which consist of repeatedly bowing before God, the act of bowing being the primary expression of submission for humans (and most primates). So I would say that Islam today isn't far from ideal, it just needs a few tweaks to make it less fatalistic.

fschmidt #fundie happierabroad.com

How to cull humans

R-selected animals such as rats and modern people will just keep breeding as long as you give them food. For the last century or two, libtards have been feeding degenerates, causing their numbers to explode with predictably disastrous consequences. Clearly this needs to stop before they consume all the world's resources, but they also need to be culled back.

I must give credit where credit is due. The above is modified from Cornfed's post:


The way Cornfed views blacks is how I view members of modern culture. I am just taking Cornfed's view and expanding it appropriately.

Of course there was a time when European-based culture was civilized and intelligent. But that was long ago. That culture has died and been replaced by degeneracy. This degeneracy causes rapid genetic decay as Cornfed himself explained:


While today's descendants of Europeans are clearly genetically inferior to their ancestors, the incredibly rapid decay of intelligence and morality cannot fully be explained by genetics. There must also be a social aspect to this. Possibilities include being raised without a father, smartphone addiction, and the general decline of education. Whatever the explanation, these people currently behave like beasts, no better than a primitive tribe from black Africa.

I don't want to pick on whites. All members of modern culture are degenerate and act like r-selected animals. They must be culled. I see these possibilities:

1. Nuclear war.
2. Economic breakdown and mass starvation.
3. Some environmental disaster.
4. Political breakdowns leading to civil wars and starvation.

I don't have much preference between the choices. I look forward to anything that would cull the human scum that is currently infesting my world.

fschmidt #dunning-kruger #wingnut slug.com

In the election between President Tweet and Kamala Stalin, I will vote for President Tweet. I hadn't planned on voting, but the selection of Kamala Stalin changed my mind. The main interest of Zionist President Tweet is supporting Israel, while the main interest of Kamala Stalin would be sending her opponents to the gulags. Given this choice, I will reluctantly vote for President Tweet.

fschmidt #fundie reddit.com

Do you hate modern software?

I hate all aspects of modern culture including modern software. Since I am a programmer, I wrote my own tools as I expained here:


I am wondering whether there would be any interest in Luan. Unlike TempleOS, it is not a toy. I use it for commercial projects. But the philosophy behind Luan is like that of TempleOS. The problem is that as far as I can tell, all programmers are members of modern culture and are therefore scum who hate everything that is good and would therefore hate Luan in which case there is no reason for me to work on making it usable for others. But if some programmers are not scum, then of course they would hate modern software and then I would have a reason to develop Luan for them. So please let me know if you hate modern software.

Fschmidt #fundie christianforums.com

Thank you for reminding me of why I gave up on modern Christianity. For you, as with all modern women, not allowing women to subjugate men through the vote is considered subjugation of women. This logic is so twisted that a response is pointless. What I would like to point out to any reasonable Christians reading this is that Christian countries currently are the most immoral countries in the world with the highest illegitimacy rates and least stable families. It is hard to blame Christianity itself since, in former times, Christian society was highly moral. So I ask Christians to consider what went wrong with Christianity? How did Christianity go from creating the most moral societies to now creating the most immoral societies? Certainly women's suffrage, in its current form, played a large role in this. So did abandoning other biblical principles like keeping the sabbath. For those Christians who believe that faith, by itself, is not enough, that one must also adhere to biblical morality, I ask you to please look at my website in my original post and give me feedback.

fschmidt #fundie coalpha.org

Nazi Germany serves as a benchmark of evil, but I think American women are worse. In Nazi Germany, the Nazis had to pick particularly sadistic members of society to operate the concentration camps. The only crime of the average German was to look the other way. If the average German had been forced to see the suffering of the Jews in the concentration camps, they probably would have had second thoughts. Compare this to American women. The average American woman not only tolerates the suffering of single men, but actively contributes to it with their provocative dress. If confronted by the suffering of single men caused by sexual deprivation, the likely reaction of American women would be to giggle. In Nazi Germany, most Germans were not active in torturing people, but in Feminazi America, most women are active in torturing men. I do not think such women deserve any sympathy if they are raped, any more than Nazis convicted of war crimes deserve sympathy if they were punished.

The rape of most American women is justified because there is no other legal means for many men to get sex in America. This is similar to the reason that I feel Robin Hood was justified in stealing from the rich. In England at the time, there was no social mobility, and the poor had no other way of getting enough money other than to steal. What is normally a crime becomes justified when alternative means of meeting a person's basic needs are denied.

But saying rape is justified is a weaker statement than saying American women deserve to be raped, so let me explain this. Is a starving person justified in stealing from a rich person? I think so. Does the rich person deserve to be stolen from? Not if the starving person's condition isn't the rich person's fault. In fact, in this case, the rich person would be justified in defending his property from the starving person. Here we have two people in conflict, each of whom is justified in his actions, and neither of whom deserves this conflict. But now let's look at the case where the starving person is starving because of actions by the rich person. In this case, not only is the starving person justified in stealing from the rich person, but the rich person deserves to be stolen from. This is why Robin Hood is remembered as a hero, because not only did he provide for the poor who were in need, but he also stole from the rich who were the cause of the poor people's poverty, and therefore who deserved to be stolen from.

My argument regarding rape is the same, just applied to sex as opposed to wealth. An American woman who dresses provocatively and opposes legal prostitution is a cause of sexual starvation among single men in America, and therefore, not only is her rape justified, but she deserves to be raped.

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