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[From “Biblical Evil Versus The Modern Day”]

A lot of the times when people who are new-to-the-faith read the Bible, they read the stories about Biblical evil and just can’t believe it. They don’t see the same evil in the modern day as they read about it in places like the Old Testament

It is similar to when modern non-denomy-type Christians talk about persecution. They think someone calling them a bad name is “persecution”; Meanwhile, Christians in many parts of the world are literally still being martyred, rotting away in prisons, and so on. This is a perception error. Their perception is clouded by their lack of experience/knowledge on what others endure

In the same way, regarding Biblical evil versus modern evil, it is also clearly just a perception error. Biblical evil is not much different from modern day evil[…]
Instead of sacrificing their children to Moloch for better weather conditions, modern women sacrifice their children through abortion for convenience and their career[…]
Jews in the Old Testament used to be unfair with the weight scales, and coin clipping was a major problem back then. Now, the bankers do that through inflation[…]
Then you even have things like poisoned wells or wormwood-type water. Well, what is the difference between that and all the weird chemicals like fluoride in our water and the micro plastics being pumped everywhere?[…]
You even have the Bible mentioning the punishment of rogue nations being forced to be ruled by children and women[…]
People will complain about the Bible and say that it is painting a difficult picture because no one would bow down to a golden calf[…]A significant percentage of the population is literally addicted to technology and can’t set down their phone[…]Same concept applies to money, the government, celebrities/athletes, scientism, environmentalism, and everything else the modern soyjack idolizes[…]
I don’t see much of a difference between the Biblical evil and the modern-day evil