
Kaisar #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie hiddendominion.com

[From “The Continual Degeneration Of The Human Species”]

One theory that has always been of major interest to me from a philosophical standpoint is the ‘theory of continual degeneration’

This theory posits that, rather than evolving or improving overtime, humanity is instead gradually declining in physical, intellectual, and spiritual capacities[…]
This theory spits in the face of evolution, which largely hypothesizes the exact opposite. Or at least evolution used to do so until they realized they were clearly wrong in many circumstances. Now they’ve taken a more ambiguous route with calling much of it “random”[…]
The competing theory of continual degeneration has stayed the course. This concept has been around a lot longer than evolution, and has been debated by the ancient historians, philosophers, biologists, anthropologists, and even enlightenment thinkers[…]
If you actually take time to read the Bible, you’ll also notice continual degeneration as a trend throughout it. Just look at the length of life for a clear example. The oldest patriarchs lived 10 times the length that we live now[…]
The same degeneration belief is found in other religious thought. The Hindu’s four cycles gradually decline until utter abomination. Look up the four epochs or yugas[…]
Even the ancient Greek and Romans used to believe in a “golden age of humanity”[…]
Max Nordau wrote in his book “Degeneration” in 1892 that modern society, particularly its culture, brought about degeneration. He strongly argued that things like the industrial revolution and culture were the driving force of continual degeneration

I think all of these guys are right in their own way[…]
Hell, we even have random diseases, affecting us now that never used to exist. Look at modern things like allergies, autism, obesity, and other such degenerative conditions[…]
Each supposed “advancement” that humans can name is actually just a correction for a prior degeneration. With very few exceptions

Kaisar #racist #crackpot hiddendominion.com

[From “American Births Vs. The Illegal Alien Invasion”]

Now here is a chart that is as enlightening as it is terrifying:

spoilerGraph representing the number of birth among US citizens (blue) and the net entrances of foreign immigrants (orange) to the USA from October 2019 to June 2024

If trends continue at this rate, we will have more invaders entering in than we have American births. And this includes expulsions! Incredible

This is an unbelievable chart, something that I cannot even fathom. Right here you have clear-as-day end of empire data

[If you have not, I encourage you to read my anacyclosis articles, which detail these cycle of collapse events. Find those articles here: Compilation: Historical Texts On Anacyclosis]

This is the data that historians look back on centuries from now with disbelief, due to the sheer insanity of it all

This is not a sustainable condition. A nation—Hell, not even an empire—can preserve under such conditions for long

I know few can believe it, but Rome fell with even fewer barbarians at the gate

Kaisar #fundie #racist #transphobia #conspiracy hiddendominion.com

[From “America Is Babylon”]

The United States has taken the mantle from the prior torchbearers of Babylon. We are now the legacy of Babylon[…]
The Tower of Babel tells the story of God’s desire for separate nations[…]
This desire for “unification” (dominance) continued in the same region (Babylon) and continues to today[…]
Babylon fell. But just like its relation to the Tower of Babel, it had a spiritual successor. The next would be the empires declared by Daniel, ending with the Roman Empire[…]
This then progressed to further spiritual successors of Babylon. There have been a lot of Babylons throughout history, with Rome to The Mohammedans to Mongolia to England, to us[…]
Just like how Babylon and Muhammed wanted to conquer the world, unite it under one faith and government, so too does the modern United States[…]
God states that Babylon will fall, so there must be a Babylon that exists to fall. Which means Babylon must have not just endured, but strengthened over time to reach its necessary position of influence in the End Times[…]
Babylon is simply the continuation of the empire trying to unite and control the whole world[…]
Babylon is, by its nature, globalist[…]
We are degenerate, decadent, evil, and immoral. We are trying to create a unipolar world order where everyone is “united” under our boot. We sacrifice our own children, have lived practically our entire existence at war, and are now even mutilating our children because of “transgender tolerance”. We are importing millions of culturally non-similar peoples and exporting our cultural subversion to every nation that is under our influence. We actively encourage one world government organizations[…]
This includes the open borders and “everything revolves around the merchant economy” libertarians. This also includes the “tolerate all evil” and race-integrationalism leftists. Without a doubt, it also includes the pro-war and pro-hegemony neocons. The true uniparty is the Babylonian party

Kaisar #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #fundie hiddendominion.com

[From “End Results From Winning World War 2”]

Sometimes it is useful to look at the ramifications—the actual, tangible end results—from any event to determine if it was actually a net positive

The West supposedly “won” World War 2. So what were the fruits of that victory?

spoiler"Winning" WW2
•country becomes borderless economic zone
•infinite debt slavery
•infinite immigration
•culture erased
•6 y/o son becomes your daughter
•15 y/o daughter becomes "s*x-worker"
•govt & media call you evil for existing
•you get thrown in jail for asking why

Don’t forget to add:
•Increasing hatred of the races/nations that actually “won” the war
•Complete loss of kin/community because of individualism
•Proliferation of soyboy and industrialized foods
•Widespread demoralization
•State-enforced laws against whites
•Complete loss of true religious faith in the mainstream
•And plenty of others

Sounds kind of like a bad tree bearing bad fruits, doesn’t it?

We sure acquired material abundance here in the States from that war. But given the spiritual decay and massive cultural degeneration that the abundance came wrapped in, I think I would have preferred poverty, truthfully. At least then we’d still have our national soul
@Matthew 16:26

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?[…]

Just replace “man” with “civilization”. The West[…]certainly won the whole world from that war

As Christ asked, what was the profit? Sixty-ish years of prosperity and abundance?

Maybe I’m radical, but the prosperity we had for those sixty-some years does not quite seem worth the above degeneration list[…]
We made that Faustian trade. Looking back, it sure does not seem worth it. These end results are worse than anyone that actually fought that war back then could have ever imagined

Kaiser #sexist #elitist #fundie #wingnut #homophobia hiddendominion.com

[From “Should Women Be Allowed To Vote?”]

I had two voting-related questions come up[…]
•What are your thoughts on women voting?
•What would voting look like in your ideal system, if at all?[…]

What are your thoughts on women voting? Should women be allowed to vote?

My answer is no
“Why Not?” is explained in answering #2

What would voting look like in your ideal system, if at all?

If we’re going to have voting at all in our future political system, the voting system itself needs to change to have these two new components:
The voting system must be oversight voting, not direct voting or representational voting. I.e., we should not vote directly for leaders or laws[…]
Voting must be done solely by families[…]
••To get a vote, one must be married with kids (in a traditional Biblical marriage)[…]
••Divorced? Lost the vote. Single parent? No vote[…]
••Families should only get one vote. A family should be in consensus or it shouldn’t be voting, anyway. Since the Bible says that the man is the head of the household, he should fulfill the family vote requirement. This renders women voting moot[…]
This process is similar, but more formal and voting-based, to how the average people “overseen” the monarchy in many nations during Christendom[…]They “overseen” through rioting, financial rebellion, or other pushback methods against the king. This kind of voting system is a simple way to get that same outcome without the old Middle Ages bloodshed[…]
With this, we could return to the last time our civilization was working well (Christendom). But we’d still be able to incorporate a hedge against totalitarianism[…]
We don’t have to have voting, but I’d prefer it if we structured it like this. Oversight voting by family is the way to go[…]
My sympathies in advance to all those who will be offended: Single men, women, sodomites, the divorced, and everyone else alike. This position may seem “extreme”

Kaisar #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #transphobia #psycho hiddendominion.com

[From "The Fall Of Christendom Leading To Enlightenment Lies"]

The problems that haunt us today are not modern[…]
In trying to answer these questions, the conservative often falls back on a modern answer to solve the modern problem. We’ll fight transgenders with free speech and activism, they yell! We’ll overcome rigged elections by getting an even greater vote margin that’s larger than the possible fraud, they proclaim![…]
The modern problem is not truly modern at all. It’s a centuries-old problem that has infested everything since then. Things like transgenderism and widespread voter fraud exist because of the foundational lies that have allowed them[…]
The average conservative’s framework is so totally removed from reality due to this disconnect that it should be no surprise that they continually fail to adequately “fix” or “conserve” literally anything of value[…]
That centuries-old problem is the Enlightenment itself. The very foundation of modernity

The obstacles we face today are a direct result from the civilizational outlook/mindset shift from Christendom to Modernity, which transpired because of the so-called “Enlightenment”[…]
Every political group in the modern age has a degeneration attached to it that was sowed from the Enlightenment Lie

Christendom was the last time we had something real[…]
What should we do? My belief is we must fully break free from the confines of the Enlightenment Lie

The mindset of Christendom is the only thing that can do that. We must return to the right road first[…]
I believe that if Voltaire, Denis Diderot, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau knew what they were creating—if only they could only see us now—they would have put down their pens and ran off to crusade-slaughter their own fellow Philosophes[…]
If we want Christ to remain in his position as the Left Hand[…]we must correct this lie. If we want our people to survive, as the nations that we are, we must correct this lie. There is no other option

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