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various commenters #transphobia

they / them who shall not be named

( KWNiteWyvern )
High suicide rate is due to drumroll mental illness! Being Black or Jewish isn’t a mental illness. Believing that cross sex hormones and surgically removing healthy body parts will make you the opposite sex, is. Thanks for playing, redditor

( cranberrysalad )
The Jews at auschwitz and the slaves wanted to live, because others tried to kill them and destroy them. They fought back by living.

Trans people are worshipped and they are powerful. They have become the badge of virtue signalling rich assholes, politicians, and corporations. You’re not oppressed when your movement took steam 5 years ago and you have presidential cabinet members and federal politicians from your group. I think of Deb Harland, for whom Natives had to wait 400+ years to see in office, and Rachel AGP LePeen who was promoted instantly. Please.

Oh and also the suicide stats for trans people are grossly inflated and misrepresented so there’s that.

( Spencer_Shayy )
Even if the suicide rates of oppressed groups were high, we'd never use it to force people into silence and compliance. Look at the former gay rights movement. Our slogan was "It Gets Better" despite our supposedly high suicide rates. Meanwhile, the "trans" slogan is "do what we say, or we'll kill ourselves". Abusers, all of them.

( pennygadget )
Also, for people who are actually oppressed, suicide threats don't do any good. Can you imagine Black people in the Jim Crowe south threatening suicide if they didn't get civil rights? The White bigots in charge would just laugh and hand them some rope

( unrealityenjoyer )
That’s a good thing to remember. Feminists have never pulled the suicide card and women overwhelmingly attempt it more than men, are more depressed than men. The suicide threats are so male-coded.

Edelgard, crispycherrypie & shewolfoffrance #transphobia

Museum reclassifies Roman emperor as trans woman - BBC News
( Edelgard )
I'm ready to use this in every online debate with TRAs now.

Whenever they tell you that TiMs were just as oppressed as actual women, never forget to remind them that trans women's male privilege even allowed them to be emperors in deeply misogynistic times. I hope they will trans more dudes with crossdressing fetishes, I'm looking forward to show how many "trans women" enjoyed rights and privileges "cis women" were deprived of.

( crispycherrypie )
I needed that laugh.

Thank you, museum, for deciding one of the most insane Roman emperors was trans. I am sure this will help people think trans identified men aren't insane.

And also a second laugh because a lot of their justification for his transness was probably contemporary smear campaigns they're taking as literal fact.

( shewolfoffrance )
I’ve put a lot of thought into it (about two seconds), and I’m actually ok with retroactively trans every evil, depraved man in history. Vickie the Impaler. Jackie the Ripper. Mimi Amin. Polly Pot.

IrissaIridium #transphobia

"Safeguarding is a dogwhistle???????"

It's not a dogwhistle because there's absolutely nothing covert or bigoted about the explicit and realistic argument for the need to safeguard women in vulnerable spaces.

Men are overwhelmingly responsible for violent and sexual crimes. Those crimes are overwhelmingly committed against women. "Transwomen" are men. For the purposes of safeguarding women, it doesn't matter that #notallmen or that men can also be victims of other men; that last is a separate problem and not one that should ever be resolved by compromising women's safety and giving men free access to our vulnerable spaces. Women can't tell which men are or are not imminent threats just by looking at them. A rapist wearing a dress and garish makeup is still a rapist. Women also shouldn't have to run that calculus every time we find ourselves in a vulnerable space just because we want to go to the gym, change in our school's locker room or access crisis shelters. That's how you create a society of hypervigilant, terrorized women. Any society that values women's free and active participation in social life concedes the necessity of casting a wide net and excluding all men, including "transwomen," from these vulnerable spaces. A society that values women's participation in social life makes it illicit for even the smallest slice of predatory men to have the opportunity to menace women.

There's nothing covert or bigoted about recognizing and spelling out that reality, so there is no dogwhistle. The fact that women's reality makes men in dresses uncomfortable doesn't make it a dogwhistle (or any other form of bigotry, covert or overt) either. There is definitely something covert and misogynist about trying to reframe protests against the devaluation of women's safety as malignant bigotry just because it interferes with your euphoria boner though.

Spencer_Shayy, Syndaballet & IrissaIridium #transphobia

Just steal some from a menopausal woman - it’s what you’ve been doing this entire time!

( Spencer_Shayy )
What do you do? You stop taking hormones you don't need, you selfish piece of shit.

( Syndaballet )
Women actually need HRT. These fetishists are so sick to take medication away from actual women.

( IrissaIridium )
"HRT"? It's not hormone replacement therapy for you, sir. Hormone replacement therapy is when you (wait for it) replace hormones that your body once naturally produced but no longer does for various developmental or medical reasons. You're cramming exogenous hormones into a body that isn't meant to receive them because the practice pops your euphoria boner. That's not HRT, that's just a hormone force-feeding fetish (HFFF). (Coincidentally, "HFFF" is exactly the sound I make when I see men, yet again, trying to snatch women's scarce resources for themselves).

MiMi2013 & phoenixia #transphobia

( MiMi2013 )
Trans woMEN are predatory heterosexual men, and they know it.

( phoenixia )
Your post is so right too. When I was less 'educated' on trans BS I was far more accommodating to the TiMs I knew irl and online because I was naive and didn't want to upset them. But I never for a second believed that they are actual women, every facet of their being screamed male. All the fawning I felt obliged to do felt violating in a way, trying to tell this tall man with a Peter Griffin chin that the spinny skirt is soooo cute on him. I do compliment my female friends that way, so it felt forced. He would notice if I compliment my other friends and not him. I felt bad for being unable to convince myself that they were women as they claim. Their creepy attempts to sound, appear and act like women made me SO uncomfortable, but I thought maybe I was just being mean and I needed to get over it.

The more you are around them the harder it gets to ignore the absolute madness of it all. Thanks to those TiMs in my life, I have been peaked by their actions and misogyny.

bunyip #transphobia

When it comes to definitions, property is protected more than women are
Imagine someone trying to sell the cheapest, lowest quality products by taking the name of something else. Public restroom quality paper towels and toilet paper being put on the shelves labeled as Trans Bounty and Trans Charmin. Old, outdated Android phones being sold as a Trans iPhone 15. They'd be sued and forced to stop immediately.

Sure, it's not a perfect comparison because those are brand names. So then imagine someone selling a pile of leaves as Trans Toilet Paper. Or selling a bottle of sugar pills as Trans Aspirin or plain water as Trans Eyedrops. Nope, can't get away with that either, it's dishonest marketing that would mislead customers.

But a man lying about being a woman? Not only is that accepted, it's promoted and celebrated by governments and corporations, and defended to the point where they'll fire you for disagreeing with the lie.

It just occurred to me, I wonder how the legal system would handle it in situations where women are sold as property. What happens if you open a legal brothel in Nevada, accept money from customers up front in exchange for them buying access to a woman's body, and then send in a big hairy man in a dress and insist that's their "woman"? Would the law agree that women must be female in a situation where men are the ones being cheated and misled?

DoomedSibyl, pennygadget & MiMi2013 #transphobia

Senate fails to overturn Biden's plan to withhold lunch aid from schools that don't let boys use girls' bathrooms | The Post Millennial |

( DoomedSibyl )
This is just a travesty. I have no idea how I’m going to vote in the next election. An Ovarit poster made an argument recently that reproductive freedom was of more immediate importance to women than the issues surrounding trans activism. I was pondering that because above all I want to do what is best for women as a class. But the TRAs are erasing women in language and in law too and that seems like a huge deal to me and one that affects our ability to fight for reproductive rights.

Now the supposed left is attacking children and their ability to eat. I can’t believe that this isn’t widely known. It’s demoralizing.

( pennygadget )
I believe the trans thing is a more immediate threat than reproductive rights. Like you said, if we cannot even legally define ourselves, how can we fight for abortion access and other female specific issues?

We're already seeing organizations like NARAL and Planned Parenthood change how they operate in order to serve TIPs. We saw Katanji Brown-Jackson (Biden's SCOTUS nominee) cower like a frightened animal when asked to define "woman" and to specify if abortion is a women's issue. I honestly believe that Biden would federally outlaw abortion tomorrow if a bunch of TIMs marched into his office and cried that abortion is transphobic because they can't have one.

If we don't nip this gender bullshit in the bud, abortion access will be the least of our problems

( MiMi2013 )
I saw that comment, and I one hundred percent disagree : How many times a day does a female need an abortion-? How many times a day does she need to piss or shit-? Putting predatory men in women's spaces puts women at perpetual, daily risk, to the point that I can imagine so many atrocities that eventually, women will feel they have no choice but decide to forego education and employment, which may be precisely why the One Percent is so eager to degrade the daughters of the 99 percent so viciously.

anxietyacct, Calidris & lilybriscoe #transphobia

RE: It’s funny how TRAs turn into transmedicalists when faced with any scrutiny

( anxietyacct )
They do the same thing with gender non-conformity. They claim to support in and even group in GNC people with trans people. But a closer look at their ideology shows that they actually don't believe in GNC people who aren't trans. Any real example of a GNC person (especially a bi one, in my experience) will instantly just be called trans or at least non-binary.

In their minds, being a masculine woman or a feminine man is aesthetically imperfect, so being trans would be the only way for them to be "complete".

( Calidris )
Some days I wake up and I just can't believe that this ever became anything. It's sooooooooo stupid. The whole idea is built on sand and just makes no fucking sense. Non binary is especially moronic, so much that it makes me angry actually.

And the so called transmedicalists are EVERY bit as stupid as their tucute nemesis. They talk about the same bullshit gender souls, they just want a tiny bit of gatekeeping but it's the same bullshit cult.

Oh a man is a woman if he says so? Then why need surgery at all??? A crippled, chemically castrated man is not a woman and you don't change sex by crippling a man BECAUSE WOMEN ARE NOT CRIPPLED MEN. If anything men are crippled, mutated women. Every species has females but not everyone has males, males are the aberration and female is the default.

And non braineries? You have the MALE FUCKING AUDACITY to tell me that you "have no sex" while you're standing there with cock and balls attached to your painfully obvious male body, are you trying to insult me?? Do you think IM BLIND???

Sorry but I ran out of fucks about a year ago, peaked for 5 years now and I AM FUCKING OVER THIS MALE BULLSHIT

( lilybriscoe )
trans cult do not make sense and will never make any sense. the thing with cults is that i usually feel bad for the people trapped in it. at worst they try to recruit me but the trans cult and the people in it are actively menacing to me and are destroying my mental health, my safety as a woman, and not to mention my relationships with people.

their language games and their logic make me sick.

NastasyaFillipovna & Persimmon64 #transphobia #pratt

( NastasyaFillipovna )
TIL : There is a guy in Japan who thinks he is a dog, and spent around $14K to look like one.
He failed some agility test ( for dogs ) today, so it was all over news.

But, no one is changing the definition of Homo-sapiens to include dogs, are they? Where is the inclusive language? Why do we have to change everything women to include TiMs, but not everything Human to include Dogs ?

Whats the difference?

( Persimmon64 )
Oh, just give it time.

Animals don't have "human rights." Men weren't banging on about how they were women before women had the right to vote, own property, or be seen as people in society. Parents weren't claiming their little boys were girls when girls weren't allowed to go to school or get a job or were being married off at 12 to be raped for the rest of their lives.

We don't have "magic hormones" or surgeries yet to make people look more like animals. Men weren't claiming they'd be suicidal without estrogen before synthetic hormones were developed. Men and women weren't claiming they'd die or couldn't exist in the world without cosmetic surgeries before medicine offered them that possibility.

With each new development in medicine and drugs, the narrative changes and people become more deranged. The moment medicine develops a way to make a functioning gill or wings, if that ever happens, I guarantee a portion of society will come out as "trans birds," claiming they've always felt different than other people, pointing to Native American tribes that believed people had "spirit animals" or reincarnation as animals in India to claim "trans animals" have always existed, and demanding they get these procedures done or they will "literally die."

Opals, Persimmon64 & crodish #transphobia

LGB Alliance says that trans people shouldn't be oppressed under Putin's regime and there are a lot of angry replies.

( Opals )
LGB A aren’t hardline enough for me


( Persimmon64 )
My issue is that they used the word "trans" instead of "trans-identified." Trans is an ideological term and something that doesn't exist in the material world. There are only people who call themselves "trans."

And even "trans-identified" people are not actually distinguishable to non "trans-identified" people. There could be plenty of trans-identified males in "boy-mode" who face no persecution whatsoever. The only people who would actually be persecuted are crossdressers.

( crodish )

We are horrified by this latest example of Putin weaponising homophobia and transphobia to try to distract from his own failings. We stand in solidarity with the LGB and trans people of Russia who deserve equality under the law., this is weird. On one hand I get that they don't want to say "we stand in solidarity with LGB people" and then get dogpiled on for agreeing to genocide The Twans by omission, but in the other hand, their entire fucking account has been specifically that - fighting for the rights of LGB people who have been drowned out by the T. To acknowlege "trans people" are a thing is to attack their own foundation. KJK's reply is an apt "what is transphobia?"

They also couldn't write "people" because that wouldn't address the issue that it is "LGBTQ" people being targeted. On the other hand Putin's policies "against twans people" was cutting them off from unneccessary surgery and hormones - something we've been advocating for all along.

They could have written "trans-identifying people", maybe? "Non-conforming people"? But even that doesn't make sense because to say that means you stand in solidarity with them and their rights to slice off their breasts and take titty skittles.

This is so weird coming from LGBA. I've unfollowed. Either they have a really woke ass new recruit, or they've fallen.

various commenters #transphobia

Biden Rule Takes Lunch Money From Schools That Reject Progressive Agenda On Gender & Sexuality

( pennygadget )
The TRA crowd whines that we need to castrate GNC children otherwise they'll kill themselves. But you know what made me feel depressed and suicidal as a child? Being homeless and hungry. Sometimes my school lunch was the only hot meal I got in a day during the time my parents lost our house. Child hunger is a FAR more wide reaching and impactful problem than trans kids flinging themselves into traffic because they can't shit in their preferred toilet. But the left suddenly doesn't care about childhood depression and suicide when it comes to kids in poverty

( HomeschooledGNC )
What the fuck?? Besides this being evil, are they insane? Do they really think people will be on board with this? They're writing their own attack ads!

( legopants )
let's starve children who don't believe in our make believe delusions. this is the right side of history, fellas

( Intuiterf )
It's not based on the beliefs of children, it's just any child that happens to go to those schools. I hope the TRAs cheering for this ruling are happy starving kids who identify as trans too. But of course we already know they're happy sacrificing children on the alter of trans rights.

( girl_undone )
I don't know how many poor kids are being shuffled into trans shit. It's a bit hard to be medicalized for fake shit when your parents avoid taking you to the doctor for actual problems, a bit hard to be brainwashed by a crazy therapist when you can't afford therapy for serious issues, and it's a bit hard to get your parents to prioritize your made up identity issues when your family has real problems.

Trans seems to largely be an affliction of the affluent. Having a trans child is a status symbol for some wealthier progressives who want to differentiate themselves and their children.

Novemberinthechair, Unicorn & RusticTroglodyte #transphobia

"Safeguarding is a dogwhistle???????"

( Novemberinthechair )
Did that person just admit children shouldn't be protected?

( Unicorn )
They do not care.

There's a post I've seen out there somewhere, of a TRA telling other TRAs to stop using the "no one is giving kids cross-sex hormones or surgeries" argument anymore, because they know GC people come back with articles of children actually having received cross-sex hormones and surgeries.

They instead suggested reframing it in some way to basically ignore the children who desist or detransition and focus only on the children who continue transitioning as if they are success stories.

They do not care about who they hurt to achieve their goals.

( RusticTroglodyte )
That's so sick. It's all a fucking PR game to these ppl. They don't care how many children and vulnerable ppl are harmed

( RusticTroglodyte )
I 💜 when these ppl tell on themselves

Anyone: mentions women

TPAs: hurr durrrr does this include transwomen???

Me: You'd only ask that if you yourself didn't believe that "transwomen are women"

Instant block

Anyone: women's single sex spaces need to be protected. Men commit nearly 100% of rapes


Fucking clowns. They know who they are and what they are. They know. They all know.

various commenters #transphobia

( EdithPeevish )
I don’t really care if transitioning cured their dysphoria or not. I just don’t want men in women’s hard-won spaces. If they weren’t trying to colonise womanhood I wouldn’t care what adults do, even if I think it’s a stupid solution to a largely manufactured problem. Just stop pretending it makes you a woman.

( Feministunderyrbed )
If I had a kid and the gender cult got him or her I’d be murderously pissed. I stand with other parents under the same threat. But most of all I agree: just stay out of women’s locker rooms, women’s sports teams, and women’s scholarships.

( shewolfoffrance )
Scratch the surface of "queer joy," and it all starts to fall apart. Many of these people are in unstable relationships, estranged from their families, financially insecure, and in chronic pain. They'll tell you themselves that offhand comments from strangers have the power to send them into a tailspin. Suicidal ideation is common. Romantic rejection is frequent.

Of course, in their worldview, the problem is everyone else's "transphobia." It's unthinkable to question the efficacy of transition as a treatment for gender dysphoria.

( littleowl12 )
PS- narcissists believe that their problems are worse than anyone else's. So of course they think there is nothing worse than gender dysphoria. Of course they think anyone else's problems would be preferable to what they are suffering.

That's because they can't really empathize or sympathize, and envision what someone else is going through.

jvsmine #sexist #transphobia

men are literally so awful and disgusting and depraved and honestly not even human that so many of them are pretending to women and tanking our fucking violent crime stats, making it look like women are getting more violent.

nah. just more freak degenerate males who are useless flesh bags calling themselves girls -eye roll-

various commenters #transphobia

( Sandybeach )
When someone who isn't trans has plenty of trans friends, what could be their motivation?
Hey GCs! Question time, because this woman is puzzled:

What do you think it means when someone who is fine with being female, seems like a smart, agreeable person with creative interests, works a job and seems to have healthy boundaries... goes out of her way to specifically befriend and center TiPs? Including some involvement in the alternative/creative scene and a bit of enby-fluff as well (no physical changes or need for special pronouns, basically just identifying as such and being somewhat same-sex attracted).

Why not just be a cool queer GNC woman, and why surround yourself with the T (TWAW, T-rights are human rights, etc) when you're obviously not one of them? It is a little strange. Constructive thoughts welcome.

( Novemberinthechair )
Basically, they're signaling. "I'm a virtuous person. Right side of history....blah, blah."

Ironically , it let's be a cool girl. On some level they know they're prioritizing men over women.....and it feeds their damaged egos.

( Hollyhock )
They are her charity cases. She gets an ego boost by being so accepting.

( being )
it's something I don't fully understand either, the whole "what drives someone to go out of their way to be an extreme TRA?"

but I'd guess that it's something like... these women partake in major handmaiden TRA behavior because it makes them feel like they're being a good person. to some people, it is very important to them that they think they're doing the "right thing".

( Sandybeach )
Or maybe because trans is cool and edgy, unlike boring cis people...

I am not trans. I do have trans friends.

The compromise I've made with them is that when we're out in public among other people, I use their fake pronouns. In private, I use their real pronouns.

I'm up front with the fact that I don't believe gender exists and that the entire concept of gender is a hoax. If they still want to be my friend, fine.

( snails )
I used to have several trans friends. I have one left and I’m hoping he desists soon. He doesn’t know I’m GC. We just talk about our interests and I try to avoid gender and sexuality discussions

NastasyaFillipovna & Lilith-Fair #transphobia #conspiracy

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Whats gonna happen to TiMs when they get older ?
Those who get surgery and create a hole that has to be cleaned every day, what are they gonna do when they won't be able to do it themselves? In the coming 30-40 years these dudes would be a much bigger burden on elder care infrastructure. Who's gonna dilate their neo-vagina? Would it close by itself as they age, just like a would heal over time?

They want to get surgeries on other's burden, and then others have to fund their care throughout their life. Look at what happened in France. They had to increase the retirement age because their healthcare and social security system won't be able to handle the pressure in the coming years. Something similar is gonna happen in every major economy in the coming years birth rate would decline and there would be a demographic shift. And yet, we as a society are just creating healthcare dependents(TiMs). Everything that's happening in TiM space doesn't make an iota of sense from a long-term perspective. It's all about me-me-me and now-now-now.

It only makes sense from a private Doctor's perspective though, as they have now got a customer for life for the product(healthcare) they are selling.

( Lilith-Fair )
It's not too hard to guess what all these hormones and surgeries are going to them and the toll they'll tkae on their bodies. We'll likely learn there'll be even more harms than we know now because this whole thing is giant science experiment on the population.

Mentally, when they get older into their late 30s, a lot of young Millennials and GenZs who transed are going to learn that "identity" is tiresome and not that interesting or important. The older you get, the less you care or give a shit because you stop needing to "find yourself". And more importantly, real life adult issues start taking over your life more and you stop having time for self-absorbed nonsense like "Who am I?"

They won't be convinced now, but "identity" will get very boring. And cosplaying the opposite sex will get very very tiresome in another 20 years, when all their friends have more important things to do (like raising their families and paying the mortgage) than to be around to validate them and fawn over their "identity". [...]

various commenters #transphobia

LGB Alliance says that trans people shouldn't be oppressed under Putin's regime and there are a lot of angry replies.

( HalfMentalAlchemist )
This feels like a huge mistake from both LGBA and the repliers - the latter providing plenty of ammo to TRAs who'd take it as GCs wanting them to die.

( crodish )
None of the comments are wishing trans people death, just angry that an account that supposedly champions SexNotGender and recognizes homosexuals and bisexuals suddenly doesn't. But I can see how the TRA could take it as such.

( VirginiaWolfberry )
In what way does this not acknowledge LGB people? It specifically does and also differentiates. Being gender critical =/= wishing persecution of trans-identified people.

( crodish )
Forced teaming, same issue as always. "LGB and trans people" and "LGBT people" is literally the same thing.

Trans people aren't being banned from "non traditional sexual relations" unless they're confused LGB who also identify as trans. In the meantime, Putin's ban on gender surgery, self ID and "gender affirming medicalization" ONLY affects those trans identified.

It's not oppression to make it illegal to irreparably modify yourself. It's oppression to stop people from being in a relationship just because they're homosexual or bisexual.

Also, again, LGBA saying they stand behind trans people being persecuted for not having access to "gender affirming care" comes off really weird.

The issue in question was due to raids being carried out on gay clubs under said anti-LGBT rules. GAY nightclubs. This has nothing to do with the T's "persecution" of being banned from gender affirming care, but it was very much a crackdown on "non traditional relationships".

( CruelEnnui )

unless they're confused LGB who also identify as trans.

In plenty of non-western countries, the majority, if not all, of trans people are LGB who transition to avoid homophobia and, you know, getting actually killed.

I'm not from Russia, but I am from a similarly homophobic Slavic Eastern European country, where pretty much every single trans person (TIFs especially) is same-sex attracted.

I really wish people would stop applying western standards to the rest of the world.

various commenters #transphobia

Hunter Schafer's AGP manifesto

( no- )
There’s nothing more disturbing than mentally unwell men’s pseudo intellectual, navel gazing drivels. I’m not watching the movie, but Hunter Schafer’s most recent role as a citizen of the capitol in the Hunger Games suits him very well. The trans subculture perfectly exemplifies the vapid, privileged, sociopathic and out of touch with reality nature of the people of that fictional city.

( Persimmon64 )
After seeing the video of him on Jimmy Fallon it's so difficult to connect this filth with what looked and sounded like a 10-year old boy.

It's a classic predator move in trying fool people's instincts by making oneself appear more helpless/harmless.

( Re-enacterf )
In 10 years they'll be arresting him for attempting cannibalism.

( Spencer_Shayy )
Stopped reading at "to be consumed". I've had enough. Society needs to move past "trans" people and set them back with leeches and lobotomies.

( no- )
Trans is the new leeches and lobotomies.

( notsofreshfeeling )
At first glance, this looks to me like someone trying to create a backdoor for when the trans shit is no longer trendy. The next step is to "queer" being "queer" and voila! he's normal again.

If these dingdongs do not abandon ship soon, they'll look those people who never changed the one fashion style they nailed back in 1986. While it's difficult for me to imagine how anyone actually "cool" could ever fall for this nonsense, I'm sure that the ones who transed out to be edgy and different are planning their exit strategy now, and I imagine they'll be spinning their past antics like this:

"It was an emergent, youth-driven political strategy rooted in a desire to liberate anyone that felt like an outsider. We didn't really believe in gender in the way the TERFs and conservatives thought we did. We knew exactly what we were doing and it was powerful! We got people thinking about all of their biases and assumptions and, sure, some parents allowed their children to be medicalized but that's not our fault! They should have known better not to trust Big Pharma.... blah blah blah"

( Megasaurus )
Another Buffalo Bill

various commenters #transphobia

RE: Peaking my mom - Need your help!!

( Calidris )
Like others say, it may just take time. It did for my mum, and I'm terminally impatient so you can imagine how much I tried to convince her.

Ive Had tremendous success peaking people with information on the following:

- gender fluids: lots of people will "be kind", so if they feel a man is genuinely distresses and actually trying, he should be allowed in the women's spaces. But often people don't know about gender fluids, men who want to be women today, then men, then women, then both. Lots of people find that flippant and disrespectful. Ive peaked two people with this knowledge

- autogynephilia: this is what peaked me so I keep trying it but not as successfully, sadly. Most people seem to plain not believe it.

- penises: this is how I peaked most people. Did you know that male transgenders are 85% straight, and 95% bepenised? A "be kind" will be open to penisfree men in their spaces, but a hetero penis man? Only the most delulu wokes are in favor of this

- children: they're chemically and physically castrating children and cutting healthy breasts off of 13 year old girls. Ive Been very successful with this one

- female sports: mostly peaks men ironically, extra bonus for males with daughters

Good luck!!!

( overanddone )
Men in women’s sports.

Most people peak because they have something happen in their life. Other than that, the most obvious to anyone except TRAs is “men in women’s sports”.

( Dee )
I'd suggest to send her something from a mainstream source she already knows and trusts that's short and highlights something simple such as — the Dutch protocol wasn't built on solid science; there was no control group.

Much of this stuff is so crazy that people simply don't believe it. If it comes from rad fem sources, they think it is propaganda and not true. Find whatever she already cares about, whether that is children, sports, or violent threats made at rallies where TRAs stage counter protests.

( Cubone )
The fact that most "transwomen" these days are ugly straight men with a fetish can get women paying attention. Most people still think TIMs are hyperfeminine gay men.

Even as a peaked GC woman, I still don't really care about most HSTS TIMs since they're generally not the ones who are a danger to women. All AGPs are psycho to women, especially lesbians.

various commenters #transphobia


( Chronicity )
Dude is acting like he just realized the public isn’t buying the idea that men can wish themselves into womanhood, kids are capable to making their own medical decisions, and that publicly subsidized cosmetic medicine and surgery is a good thing,

Will he take these survey results as a clue that TRAs are ineffective salespeople for their cause? Will he be humble enough to consider whether the public has concerns worth listening to? Of course not. This is his conclusion.

Your average cis person wants a big, authoritarian state to regulate and control the lives of trans people.

Treating trans people like every other person of their sex is “authoritarian”.

( Unicorn )
How do those statistics imply people want an "authoritarian state to regulate and control the lives of trans people"?

My guy, you are absolutely free to go get your cosmetic surgeries at your own expense. Taxpayers refusing to fund frivolous plastic surgeries is not "authoritarian."

I guess they could argue making transgender-identifying people use the bathroom aligned with their sex or a unisex bathroom "authoritarian," but "cis" people also are required to follow the same rule of using a bathroom aligned with their sex?

I really want to know what this "authoritarian state" entails. What do they think "authoritarian" means?

( TheKnitta )
We don’t want weirdos in our spaces, or causing trouble when they work for us.

Worried about support like refuges for TIPs? Make your own. That’s what women did.

And no, we shouldn’t pay for your pointless vanity surgeries and hormones you don’t need, especially not when literally millions of people in the UK are waiting for operations their local NHS can’t afford to do.

Selfish male privilege, what a beaut of an example!

( TwoXChromosomes )

Worried about support like refuges for TIPs? Make your own. That’s what women did.

They're not worried about having actual refuges, violating women's boundaries is the point, as we all know. After all, if they can't intrude into and violate women's spaces, how else are they supposed to get their euphoria boners?