Bradley Harris, Summer Betts-Ramsey, Camron Osei, Shiloh Hindes and unnamed 17-year-old boy #transphobia #psycho

Five London teenagers have admitted to causing “grievous bodily harm with intent” in a trial for the brutal stabbing of a young trans woman in February last year

Prosecutors called the incident a “brutal, unprovoked transphobic hate crime”[…]
Bradley Harris, 18; Summer Betts-Ramsey, 20; Camron Osei, 18; Shiloh Hindes, 18; and an unnamed 17-year-old boy face sentencing this week for the crime

Prosecutor Deanna Heer recounted in court proceedings that the unnamed victim was with Harris at his home in January last year when a mutual friend called to say she was “trans”

“Having been attacked in the past because of her transgender identity, she denied it,” Heer told the court

She and Harris then kissed, Heer said, and the young woman performed oral sex on him

While she was still with Harris, another friend confirmed by phone the woman was a “tranny,” the prosecutor said, repeating the transphobic slur

The victim again denied it, but Harris grabbed a knife and threatened, ‘I’ll stab you if you lie,” wielding the weapon at her genital area. She admitted she was transgender and Harris demanded she leave

When Harris recounted the incident for the group on Snapchat, they turned on her, Heer said, with Betts-Ramsey threatening to stab the woman

In an extended exchange on the app, the woman asked the group when they would be meeting next. Harris responded, “(I’m) not your mate… you tranny”

Other members of the group encouraged a fight between the victim and Betts-Ramsey, Heer said, but it was “all a ruse” to attack her

Prior to the stabbing, evidence revealed Betts-Ramsey told someone, “I have to go to Harrow to beat up some… a fukking tranny bro”[…]
At least one friend in the group’s wider circle called out the attackers

“Stabbing a girl cus she’s trans… its disgusting,” to which Betts-Ramsey replied, “IT deserved it”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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