various commenters #transphobia

RE: Harris campaign advisor abandons Democrats: "I want to be a part of the team that says men are men and women are women"

( floral )
They really are chasing so many people away on a fringe issue that is losing popularity by the day. And they’ll cling to it and say things like they’d rather be with the people against Hitler than the majority supporting him like it’s the same thing. It’s not. I can never go right wing but god knows I am politically homeless now because I refuse to engage with that nonsense.

( DurableBook )

I can never go right wing but god knows I am politically homeless now because I refuse to engage with that nonsense.

I reject it because I can never go right wing. Transgenderism is right wing. It is conservative--it completely upholds the status quo and reflects existing sex roles and gender hierarchy--and demands completely free enterprise and a totally private ownership model in regards to anything trans related. FFS they literally refer to humans as "[body part] owners".

TRAs are socially conservative arch capitalists who openly advocate the suppression of free speech and the violent suppression of dissent, they are legit as far to the right as one can get.

( real_feminist )
Good for her for speaking up!

I don't appreciate that she is saying that she's being pushed 'right'. That feeds the false dichotomy. I really, really wish people would start acknowledging that the Democrats have lost their way and no longer represent the 'left'. That's the path that will peak people and make this end.

( pennygadget )
I get where you're coming from. But, for someone who wants to be politically active in American politics, I can understand why they would feel "pushed to the right" when all the mainstream left/democrat groups have told them to fuck off because they expressed a mildly offbeat opinion. Especially for someone like Lindy Li who's entire career is politics (so her only reliable career path is working for either the Democrats or Republicans)

And this is compounded by the fact that, as a general rule, conservative/republican spaces are far more tolerant and welcoming towards people who don't perfectly align with the popular conservative dogma. Whereas leftie spaces will call you a nazi if you put out a press release that says "transwoman" instead of "trans-woman".




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