Dr. Michael Salla/Elena Daanan #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot exopolitics.org
There has been much speculation over the destruction of 40 out of 49 Starlink microsatellites on February 8 that were shot down by the Deep State, according to information received by Elena Danaan, from her primary extraterrestrial contact Thor Han Eredyon. Elena has just followed up with an article that casts more light on Elon Musk and Starlink based on information received earlier from a female extraterrestrial from Alpha Centauri with whom she had a face-to-face encounter in a small town in Ireland just over a month previously.
A leaked Majestic document describes how human-looking extraterrestrials have in the past dropped off some of their babies to be raised as normal humans, but they would have advanced abilities that would facilitate technological advancements. It is therefore not unprecedented that a gifted inventor such as Musk turns out to have off-world origins.
Now four years later, Elon Musk’s Starlink was targeted by the Deep State using surface-based DEWs according to Thor Han’s communications. It’s unlikely that the loss of 40 microsatellites will stop the rollout of Starlink and its future global WiFi system, given that over 1700 satellites are currently in orbit.
If what the female Nordic told Elena Danaan is accurate, then Starlink is destined to unleash a future quantum-based Wi-Fi communication system that eliminates harmful EMFs. This explains why Musk and his companies are now being targeted by the Deep State using their remaining resources in the mainstream media, compromised assets in the alternative media, and exotic weapons developed by the aerospace industry. Thankfully, there is a growing Earth Alliance of spacefaring nations working with US Space Command and positive extraterrestrial groups that support Musk’s efforts and will act to protect his Starlink system, and the revolutionary quantum communications system these will establish for the benefit of all humanity.