Margaret Sanger supported eugenics & forced sterilization for low IQ, handicapped & “undesirable” black people. Democrat Stephen Douglas was a notorious racist who compared blacks to animals. Democrat Robert Byrd was a notorious Ku Klux Klan leader who filibustered the Civil Rights Act.
So liberals, I must ask... why are you not trying to erase these names from history?
Nobody’s “erasing” the Confederacy from history, that would be forgetting what fucking backwards losers they were and how horrible slavery was. They’re tearing down the glorification of them and trying to erase the horrors of slavery is more your shtick, because if nobody remembers how bad it was it’s easier be dicks to black people. You’re however rather keen to protect statues of Confederate leaders like Nathan Bedford Forrest, the first Grand Wizard of the KKK. The other people you mentioned are long dead and even if they were still kicking the platforms of both of America’s political parties have changed since they had any say in the matter. And I find it difficult to believe you’ve actually forgotten who set the record for a filibuster to try and block the Civil Rights Act, Strom Thurmond. Democrat at the time… but then when the Democratic party dropped pandering to racists and he jumped ship Republicans welcomed him with open arms. Also who was it again that very recently made repealing the Civil Rights Act part of their official platform? And even now talks about what a mistake it was, compares blacks to animals, and calls anywhere they live shitholes?
Margaret Sanger was pro-life. Do a basic wiki search. Stephen Douglas was a democrat who lived fifteen decades ago. The Democratic Party has changed as much as Honest Abe’s Party. Screw Robert Byrd. Tear his statues down, too, see how much I care.
Because you’re conflating Democrats and liberals in order to be disingenuous. Yes, a lot of liberals identify more with the Democratic Party now, but these same people probably would’ve been Lincoln republicans or something else before the switch.
Because, D’chebag, not a single fucking one of those people were liberals. Democrats were the conservative party until some rogue elements began stumping for Civil Rights and won. Then the hardliner conservatives in the party (read: the real fucking racists) bailed ship and were scooped up by the desperate Republicans to shore up the Southern voting bloc. These partisan immigrants then swelled to become the majority, supplanting any traces of liberalism in the GOP with, you fucking guessed it you clever twit, their own brand of down-homey, backhanded white supremacy.
So remember, Prisoner Number 383017, at the end of the day, they may shake your hand, they may smile at you and pat you on the back, but as far as they’re concerned, you’re just another Paki n-word, and they’re only pretending to like you.
Are there statues to Margaret Sanger, Stephen Douglas or Robert Byrd? A statue honors the person being depicted. Why should we honor Confederate soldiers, who were traitors and losers? We might as well erect a statue of Benedict Arnold at West Point. Honoring the heritage? When the heritage is slavery, Jim Crow, lynching, the KKK, voter suppression, “separate but equal” segregation, what’s to honor?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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