Ga Ra and Za Ra #ufo #magick #elitist #mammon

Ancient Ones are Individualized Consciousnesses who made a free will decision to send Beyond Bliss Unconditional Love Energies to a planet in a distant solar system to save humanity from extinction 12,000 years ago. These advanced Individualized Consciousnesses were personally thanked by one of the Great Spirit’s highest level representatives.
This opportunity to rapidly expand Consciousness, excited over 100,000 advanced Individualized Consciousnesses who made a free will decision to descend from their Unity Consciousness levels in the heaven of Actuality down into the 3rd dimensional level of hell in Reality and incarnate on planet earth

Ancient Ones feel different from others, preferring relaxing in high level Love Energy activities. This is why we, Ga Ra and Za Ra, created Love Fests so Ancient Ones could gather each week and enjoy heightened levels of Unconditional Love Energies without leaving the comfort of their homes.

But, due to new age charlatans and the proliferation of wireless technological energies, people are no longer interested in expanding Consciousness using Unconditional Love Energies to help themselves and others. Therefore, we, Ga Ra and Za Ra, created a way for Ancient Ones to use Love Energy Techniques and gain, during one Love Fest, the equivalent of a year of all day meditations in a retreat
Love Fests use a free teleconferencing center so you may call the center directly using your home phone or connect using “Skype” on your computer. We begin each Love Fest with our free form Dance of Light to cleanse our physical bodies and Energy Bodies from all unpleasant energies directed at us by angry people and wireless technological energies.
Visiting the higher levels of heaven requires one to have at least a 1st and a 2nd level Energy Body. Thus, Love Fests are only open to those who have completed our weekend Activator Class.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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