NSACIARAPEVICTIM #conspiracy #ufo reddit.com

No dude, Masons.

They swear a blood oath to protect other masons no matter the laws of the country they are in. It's not hard to understand. They are internationalists that basically run our country through influence. There are 384,000 sheriffs in a fraternal order of sheriffs, which is a masonic offshoot, FBI recruits from police clearly. Do the math.

I donno why people think this shit is conspiracy after Kennedy anymore, they really did a number on society.

I can talk on the matter some, my grandfather was a 33rd scottish rite working with the former head of CIA in the 70s at ITT corp

Every major figure around the alien coverup from 1947 and on was a mason. It's a fucking alien cult.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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