Kerry Cassidy #ufo #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy

At root this is an alien run thing...

Call it a satanic reptilian recruitment project.

As I have said many times courtesy of Captain Mark Richards… CERN has opened a wormhole to the DRACO galaxy where large Rep ships come in go to war zone and pick up scores of human refugees from war zones and take them off planet and sell for food, sex, slaves whatever to other buyers off planet.

Back in the days of Eisenhower our military did not have the tech to stand up to these aliens. They joined them in order to learn their technology. Well the time has now come. Our tech now equals theirs and they are ready to turn the tables. The trouble is that some of our military has fallen in love with the Reptilian agenda and can’t break away. War is coming a real war of worlds with the negative aliens and humans will have to choose sides. The military, the adrenochrome junkies and the vampires will have to take sides. It won’t be pretty….
From my pov it would appear that surface Earth is actually being run as a silo of the Secret Space Program made up of military with above top secret classifications and unelected officials who run the program.

Behind the walls of secrecy a great deal can be hidden. While humans on surface Earth get themselves into a state over the upcoming election the reality is the secret gov/secret space program operates with impunity and complete disregard of the chaos being orchestrated above ground.

This is not some side issue. This has everything to do with why the white hat military may be limited in what it can do or say regardless of “the plan”. Witnesses have shared with me that those that run surface Earth are actually controlled by this secret gov/secret space program. Why don’t they use blockchain for the vote? Because they want chaos.

Pay attention because these are the limitations faced by the incoming Trump administration. Wouldn’t you like to know who is really in charge?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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