Thierry Baudet #conspiracy #crackpot #psycho #wingnut

(Note: This guy is a Dutch Politician, leader of the Forum for Democracy Party)

I'm a conspiracy theorist. I believe we are being governed by a global conspiracy of evil reptiles. My view is that the only global player who is opposing them is Vladimir Putin. So, I'm a fan of Vladimir Putin. I think he is our dark knight. He is the hero we need. He is the man who is exposing the globalists, that's what he's already doing. So, basically the special military operation is already a success because he is exposing the beast. And I think he's going to win. And if he wins, that will mean the defeat of the globalist's movement, of the American empire. And that's why I think it's so important for me to speak out, because I think I'm the only one speaking out like this in the world. I'm the only one saying “Putin is a hero, and he must win, and we must do whatever we can to support him, because he is fighting our fight.” And it's weird that I'm always the only one who says these things.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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