Socrates & various commentators #racist #crackpot #wingnut

White people invent & forget.
Yellow people copy & remember.
Black people do neither.

Even worse: Black people DESTROY.

Go look at the wonderful condition of that basketball hoop
Whitey gave the nigger for his playground in the ghetto.

[Tim McGreen]
White people invent & forget.
Yellow people copy & remember.
Black people do neither.
Jewish people make all the money yet they still whine.

[Franklin Ryckaert]
Right,but why do you call them Jewish PEOPLE?

Another old saying:
A White man finds a spring of water in a desert and builds an oasis; the Yellow man finds an oasis and carefully maintains it; the Black man finds an oasis and turns it back into a desert.

The jew cannot destroy by himself, he needs willing White traitors and Black/Brown foot soldiers.

Here’s a good one!

Give a White a hammer he will build a house and invent some new techniques.

Give a yellow a hammer and he will make millions of them and go on making them until a White tells him to make something else.

Give a brown a hammer and he will use it to beat his wife.

Give a black a hammer and he will use it to kill a White.

Give a jew a hammer and he will give it to a black.

Or… Give a white a hammer and hell hire a brown to use it.

Give a yellow a hammer and hell hire a brown to use it.

Give a brown a hammer and Hell use it to break into your car.

Give a black a hammer and hell try to rape it!

Give a jew a hammer and hell turn it into a multi million dollar scheme…

‘oy vey,dis vas da hammer dat vas used by the evil (insert current made up nazi here) who single handedly killed 666,666 jews with it. Oh g-d de atrocity,de humanity!!!

[Paul Kersey]
Black people??? Those two words are contradictory.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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