Scott N #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy

@M W
Fascism maybe to the right of socialism; but in the American political spectrum, fascism still falls to the left of center.  American traditionalists of today (conservatives) are for smaller, decentralized government.  Fascism requires a more centralized, large government that effectively controls industry - a lot more like Democrats dictating to corporations regulations to make them more "environmentally sound."
Hey congrats!  You just defined what leftists are now doing - anyone who disagrees with them are now nazis.
BTW, that is what fascism is as a political system.  It is a close cooperation of government with corporations.  Typically where government dictates production to corporations.  It is not a free-market system, which American conservatives typically are in favor of.  Fascism has much more in common with socialism than does the idea of American capitalism/free-market.  I am sure you google "fascism" and see where it states nationalism and racism; but that is not necessarily at the core of how fascism works - more of a biproduct.  If anything, the far-extreme-right would be anarchy; but that just easily slips into tribalism and then communism to make the circle complete back to socialism.
Now, notice I do keep throwing American in there; because I do believe that you can make an effective argument that fascism is on the right within European nations. 



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