various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @MarkDice )
Elon is already consulting with the ADL and black supremacists at the NAACP on how to moderate Twitter. A lot of conservatives are going to be very disappointed to learn who will not be allowed back on the platform and that "free speech" to Elon means not banning people for tweeting against wearing masks and mandatory vaccines. Big whoop. It doesn't mean the Proud Boys are going to be let back.

@MarkDice That is absolutlely disgusting, The ADL is one of the forces behind all the evil censorship. Has no one explained this to him??

( @elixirelixir )

( @JimmyLiberty1776 )
@MarkDice Hate speech is still allowed on Twitter, just as long as it's directed Whites, Conservatives and Christians.

( @FalloutGuy2k21 )

"Civil Society Leaders" = The Jewish Cabal

( @Dandakang )
@MarkDice lol people just went so soft while reading this.

Cuckservatives: "Elon is going to save us and bring back free speech! Yay! I got my twitter account reactivated"

Elon: "im cucking to the jews, blacks and cabal establishment. you may, however, express a daily disapproving thought regarding the mask mandates."

( @KoalaBlueGirl )
@MarkDice Why do people think Elon Musk is a "white hat?" His 'Neuralink' program is the embodiment of the Satanic "trans-humanist" agenda seeking to kill and enslave mankind.

( @Joyjoythedestroyer )
@MarkDice I saw this and find it very alarming. The ADL and never Trumpers basically running the show. Not one white person or Christian person on that list to help.



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