Pomidor Quixote #racist dailystormer.name

[From "Watch: Black Woman Tries to Pull a Harambe by Getting Into Zoo Enclosure and Taunting a Lion!"]

Some black female entered a lion enclosure and started taunting a lion, presumably flaunting the fact that she and her kind can freely walk in and out of zoos despite being zoo animals.

CBS New York

Police are still looking for the intruder who dared to taunt a lion inside its enclosure at the Bronx Zoo.



Why would anyone climb over there?

To pull a Harambe, of course.

Blacks are known to do this.


What the woman did looks very similar to what the boy from the Harambe incident did.

The reason why blacks are drawn to zoo enclosures and why they try to get the zoo animals killed may be some kind of territorial behavior manifesting. They appear to know, deep down, that their real place in cities isn’t out on the streets but locked up in zoos, and they view these zoo animals as intruders on what they perceive to be their rightful territory, so they subconsciously try to get them killed.

Very sick behavior.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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