various commenters #transphobia

Colorado gay club shooter is NON-BINARY and uses they/ them pronouns, lawyer says - as it's revealed estranged father is MMA fighter and PORN STAR named 'Dick Delaware'

( overanddone )
Even if the they/them is faking non-binary to escape hate crime laws, we can use it. “You mean men might fake self-ID?” “You mean men might might fake it to get out of male wards/prisons?” “You mean men might fake it to win at women’s sports?”

Destroys the “this never happens”.

( pennygadget )
Now that self ID is finally hurting the TQs, maybe this shit will be curbed.

Then again, I wouldn't put it past them to take the L on this Club Q thing in order to stay the course on getting men like Dana Rivers into women's prisons. The TQs have no shame nor any sense of self reflection. They'll either do their best to bury this story or find a way to blame us TERFs for this guy faking NB status

( Hera )
I mean. This is literally what happens to our (LGB...and in this case, even the T) communities when we let delusional men run rampant without criticism. It's almost like incel hard right moid logic and delusional they/them I'm A Magic Gender D!e Terfs logic are the same thing painted in different colors hmmmmm...

( assignedpooratbirth )
Tempted to go back into LGBTQIACOLESLAW+ spaces and really push this one. Oh you HAVE to respect their gender and pronouns otherwise you are making your other nonbinary friends feel unsafe and disrespected! You don’t know their gender! You know all the TERFs are calling them a he, you’re a TERF if you don’t respect their gender — since having anything in common with GC women is the ultimate sin in TRA spaces.

( OneStarWolf )
Even if it is, it doesn’t matter. This highlights how stupid it is to integrate any form of self id or gender ideology into our laws. No one can prove whether he is lying or not, that’s the dogma, the essence of gender religion. “Believe who they say they are!”

It’s an ideological loophole and easily abused by men to the detriment of women and girls in particular. Males should never be put into female prisons, spaces, or sports because of exactly this problem.



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