[From "Ted Cruz Attacks Nathan Bedford Forrest"]
Ted Cruz has posted cringe:
This is WRONG. Nathan Bedford Forrest was a Confederate general & a delegate to the 1868 Democratic Convention. He was also a slave trader & the 1st Grand Wizard of the KKK. Tennessee should not have an official day (tomorrow) honoring him. Change the law. https://t.co/XBgoRCBoI0
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) July 12, 2019
Why on earth do people equate the South with the GOP?
Most Republican politicians these days like Nikki Haley, Ted Cruz and Ron DeSantis are creatures of Conservatism, Inc and its hideous ideology and are fully owned puppets of Jewish billionaire donors . How many times has Mike Pence worn that yarmulke?
Note: Just yesterday, Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida set in motion the process of removing a Confederate monument in DC to replace it with one of Mary McLeod Bethune . National Review celebrates Abraham Lincoln and has called for the removal of all Confederate monuments .
When you're such a slug you fail to slither over a bar Ted Cruz clears it's time to re-evaluate your life choices.
I'd like to take a moment to point out how sick it is that a prominent leader of the oldest terrorist organization in the US and an all around terrible person has an official State holiday honouring him but Colin Kaepernick for the high crime of kneeling is considered too controversial to be featured in Black History Month by the same political body that said history, no matter how controversial, should be remembered in defense of Confederate statues which don't just mark history but glorify it.
Most Republican politicians these days like Nikki Haley, Ted Cruz and Ron DeSantis are creatures of Conservatism, Inc
Holy Devil this guy gets it! No idea why this is even…
and its hideous ideology and are fully owned puppets of Jewish billionaire donors
… uhh. Of course, they’re successful, then they must be Joos!
Question: Would you remove a statue of a Christian outside a secular educational establishment run by a council that is controlled by the Labour Party: Socialist ? Well, if your answer is 'No' Cunter...:
...guess who you're allowing to be the centre of hero worship.
Enjoy your paradox.
Interesting. When the President tweets blatantly racist crap that makes Lyndon B. Johnson look like the honorary president of the NAACP, the oh so righteous Christian rightwingers either applaud loudly or are silent. But when a conservative disciple of hate and intolerance says something halfway decent, they jump on him like hungry wild dingos.
I think that deserves an AMEN. Come on brothers, give me an AMEN. Praise the Lord.
Ted Cruz managed to be right for once.
You know what I'd like? If the South could be known for something other than the fucking Civil War. They honor a bunch of immoral rich assholes who killed 4 million Americans then turn around and preach to us about how they're "more patriotic than thou".
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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