mindlesscel #sexist incels.is

Brutal average number of sexual partners in countries

my country is ranked highest yet I still can't get a female to breathe in my direction. how tf is this even fair?

and this is data from 2005, which means that the numbers are even more ridiculous now because online dating only started becoming popular in the early 2010s


Holy fuck wtf is up with Turkey???

Muh Erdogan, Muh Islam, Muh based society.

Turkcels on the forum explain please.

ikr, its ridiculous. I wish I could explain it myself but this shit makes no sense when you really think about it.

It's the hoejabi phenomena, women in Islamic countries want to whore out even more because they are restricted.

Turkey has already reached French tier hypergamy.

Blonde Turkish Girl's Sexy Dance

Damn. Pretty sure in somewhere like Saudi Arabia or Iran that girl would've been tracked and publicly executed.

makes a lot of sense, ive come across lots of girls who idolize western musicians and movie actors just for being white. they want to be able to freely whore around with whoever they want and whenever they want.



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