image Vampire recoils from Sunlight.
Superman recoils from Kryptonite.
Atheists recoil from empirical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Ehm, actually, Vampires don’t “recoil” from Sunlight, they get outright incinerated by it. Unless they sparkle instead, but the less said about that, the better. Also, Supes has shown that he can power through most forms of Kryptonite exposure before it really starts to harm him if truly necessary.
But all joking aside, I volunteer as a test subject for this “hypothesis” of Eric the dumbass. I’m an Atheist, so please, do show me said “empirical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ”. Unless it’s radioactive or something, don’t expect me to actually recoil from it… Just as much as holding a mere bible wouldn’t burn my hands either as if I was a Fae handling Silver Iron…
EDIT: Factual correction
Sunlight to a vampire: physical damage up to and including possibility of death
Kryptonite to Superman: depends on the color really but if we’re going traditional green, that’s physical pain and weakness to the point of incapacitation.
Christian ‘proof’ to an atheist: somewhere on the spectrum between a good hearty chuckle and a facepalm.
Crosses. Vampires recoil from crosses. Un;ess the authorneeds them NOT to (“You’re a fool Jacinto, all my ancestors were Jewish.”). And they can do that because, you know, total fiction.
I’ve never recoiled from the Bible. Or communion. Or a church service. But those are real. Never seen empirical evidence for a supernatural event. Kind of not even possible to exist, what?
Nice try Eric, but, um, totally failed.
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