Carpe Diem #wingnut #conspiracy

You should be beyond outraged that everything Joe Biden and this freak show of an administration touches turns to dog excrement.

Name one accomplishment that has come from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. You can’t. Name a single cabinet member who is competent at his job. You can’t.

From inflation, to combating crime, to maintaining law and order, to securing our border, to education, to foreign policy, this decrepit, senile old man and his radical woke handlers are a never ending dumpster fire of mass destruction to the United States.

The current occupant of the White House has the brains of a sloth, the charisma of Jabba the Hutt, the humor of Joy Behar, the creepiness of Jack Nicholson in “The Shining,” the integrity of Pinocchio, the gracefulness of a sumo wrestler, and the energy of a raccoon found on the side of Interstate 75.

Was that too harsh? Maybe, but I don’t care.
And while all of this is obvious to anyone with a room temperature IQ, the simple fact is, we cannot afford four more years of this Marxist, anti-American administration. Heck, we can barely afford another second, before our currency is worth nothing, gas is completely unaffordable, our oil reserve is completely depleted, and China, Russia and Iran continue to terrorize the world.

The last two years have served as a wake up call that we will not remain a republic if these people remain in charge.

Of course every election cycle is important, but there really is no election more consequential to the future of our country than the 2024 race.

Which Republican candidate, declared or undeclared, has the best chance to win the general election?

Which Republican candidate, declared or undeclared, has shown that he can consistently win on election day?
To which state has everyone been moving in order to escape dystopian leftist hellscapes, and to experience a taste of freedom?

The answers to these questions should be straightforward, but the time to start having these conversations is right now.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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