Gary D. Barnett #wingnut #conspiracy #quack
It is a sad state of affairs when one considers that the 21st century will most assuredly dwarf the 20th century in deaths at the hands of the governments and the ruling monsters who control those governments. <...> It will get much worse in my opinion in the future, although hiding deaths behind the cloak of lies concerning fake viruses, bioweapon injections, and other poisons, with the many other accompanying causes of state murders, will not likely be reported as democide.
No one knows the full risk of these bioweapon killer shots, nor does the ‘public’ understand any of the deadly long term ramifications possible. If this were not enough to eliminate much of the world population through murderous policies, economic collapse is still assured; or at least highly likely in the near term. Farms are being taken over and destroyed, all under the fake insanity called ‘manmade climate change,’ this guaranteeing even more food shortages.
There is also possible mass sterilization due to many factors, not the least of which is the poisonous ‘covid injection’ that has been taken by billions. Toxic chemicals, poisons, GMO foods, other genetic manipulation of humanity, heavy metal nanoparticle distribution thorough injections, fake and tainted food, weather manipulation, cloud seeding, poison spraying, deadly high frequency radio waves, and of course war on many domestic populations, are happening simultaneously.
Everything mentioned here is connected; everything is related in one way or many. This fact must be understood so that each new feigned state warning, menace, or risk is not seen as a new threat to fear. There is one agenda and one threat, and that is for the rulers to gain more money, power, and control of everything in life in order to bring about a technocratically controlled earth; a one world order controlled by the few. Everything else is but a smaller part of the whole, a sub-plot if you will, but this tyrannical plot is intimately intertwined.