GodBTrue@yahoo.com #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie jesussaidwhat.com

Global red communism is here :
But alas, history simply must repeat itself for this final round. There is only One Savior of man and He is Jesus Christ. Stop embracing satan's fake cultures in the world and seek Jesus now. Soon the door shuts and if you are not His by then, you will find yourselves in His Path.

By the time reality catches up to the masses it will come in the forms of economic collapse, nuclear devastation, civil chaos, fuel shortage and starvation. Making it impossible by design to then remove tyrannical government. Whichever national government that may be after the smoke clears.

The modern west will go down in history as making the exact same errors against communism that everyone else in the past made and suffered for it.

Yes, that is you and you are living through the final communist takeover.

As time goes on and more and more truth about what is happening to the world comes to light. It is easy now to see that all "prominent" people are not on the side of the common people of the world.

Consider please that Trump could have attempted to reverse Obama's 2012 unconstitutional "law" allowing propaganda to be aired as "news". He could have attempted to rescind many unconstitutional "laws" the first two years while he had congress. He also could have reinstated the Second Amendment as written (explained below). But alas he did not. Nor did he even attempt to secure the election system for four years.

He knew of all of this yet never once even mentioned any of it in any speech.

You must realize now while you still have time that Trump is just another bought player in the grand ruse called the end. He completed our national divide started by Obama and clearly identified the enemy for the WEF/Chinese global government now ruling the world.

They got you good and still the plebs don't get it. They had one chance way back on J6 to take back their republic but they followed the "hero" the communists gave them. Instead of leading a revolution against the communist overthrow he lead them into an ambush and set them up for red terror. Then abandoned them and still the hapless plebs follow him instead of rescuing themselves.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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