GodBTrue@yahoo.com #fundie #wingnut jesussaidwhat.com

The Seven Year Tribulation is not coming in some far off future, it has probably already started:

The whole world realizes in a very personal way the impact the events of early 2020 has had. The year 2020 should be considered the most impactful year in human history. Seems all of the activity being honestly reported on show quite clearly the types and sequences of events that mirror our Lord's Teaching on the Mount of Olives or the last seven years before the Return of our Lord in Glory. This article will give you evidence that this is true according to the numerous signs our Lord warned us of in order to see the Day of the Lord approaching.


Never has all the signs discussed on this page been prevalent worldwide like they are today but you must understand right now that Satan is working overtime to deceive you through the mass media you were raised from childhood to believe as fact. The main stream media, television programming and Hollywood have worked for decades to changes times, laws, customs and institutions away from any Bible based understanding. These are the propaganda arms of Satan's western governments and as long as you voluntarily remain under their "spell" of lies you will not see our Lord's Day approaching. Keep in mind however that propaganda always has two sides. One side is main stream for the gullible masses while the other side provides lying narratives for your government's opposition. For a thorough explanation of this please see our related page: Opposition Control Propaganda.

Please follow carefully the signs I lay out in this article. The first four major signs of the Day of the Lord approaching are tied together by timing. All four were brought to light at roughly the same time (2020):

1. COVID-19 and its subsequent vaccination/passport campaign worldwide.

2. The Abraham Accords (peace and cooperation/collaboration treaty with Israel).

3. The propelling of a new world order, three-way religion called Chrislam or Abrahamia.

4. The overthrow of the United States in 2020 plunged the entire world into global red communism when these same globalist rulers began the steal of the 2020 presidential election.




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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