Freemasonry is a Jewish Sex Cult
by David J. Stewart
Ooooh, it's Davey. That explains a lot.
Freemasonry, Judaism, Communism, Kaballah and Mormonism are all Demonic Sex Perverted Cults!
Way to group all your hated groups as one, you nooksniffer. You're just using these names as tags to stick on things you hate.
Freemasonry and Mormonism are rooted in Jewish Kaballah,
Bull. Freemasonry originates from the various mason guilds of the XIVth century, while Mormonism was founded by a man named Joseph Smith, who wrote a religious book called the Book of Mormon based on a vision he had. Whether or not the vision was true is up to interpretation of course.
Jewish Kaballah, an esoteric religion of black magic.
No. Bad.
Do you even know what you're talking about, you flaming cunt? The Kabbalah is a book you pretentious asshole. A Jewish religious BOOK, not a religion! I don't know much about it, but it apparently does deal with the occult somewhat. Still, the notion that Kabbalists (people who study the Kabbalah) practice black magic is laughable, because even if such a thing existed, the 613 Commandments found in the Old Testament explicitly forbid magic and necromancy in any and all forms.
"Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God." (LEVITICUS 19:31)
Again, you fail to read your own fucking Bible, not to mention this is almost as ridiculous as the one guy on RSTDT that accused Jews of drinking pig blood.
Judaism is based upon Kaballah and the Talmud (which permits Jewish priests to have sex with 3-year-old girls).
You just want to keep them all for yourself, eh, Kiddy-Diddler? Fuck you.
Also, guess what takes up the biggest part of the Talmud? Ding ding, the Torah! A.K.A the Old Testament. Where did you read the permission of pedophilic rape in it, Mr. Kidfucker? Are you trying to justify your own actions, you self-righteous asshole?
Freemasonry's primary symbol is the square and compass, representative of the male and female sex organs and shows the act of sexual intercourse.
If your dick looks like a compass, seek medical help immediately.
"Sexually repressed" is a term too tame for you. Did the letter G in the middle of the Masonic sigil remind you of the G spot?
Mormonism founder, Joseph Smith was a 33rd degree Freemasonry.
Bull. Wait, no. Buffalo.
Freaking everyone is a 33rd degree freemason in your bogus world. It'd make your so-called "facts" a little more credible if you cited other ranks, too.
Washington D.C. has been in the news repeatedly for sex-abuse at the White House. Presidents Reagan, Bush Sr., Bush Jr. .. all busted for bringing male escorts into the White House. Even worse were the tragic reports of pederasty, little boys from Nebraska's BOY'S TOWN being flown to Washington D.C. to be sexually molested by Presidents Reagan and Bush Sr. at the White House.
Um, Stewey? I think you mistook the Jesus is Savior post folder for the folder for wank fantasies.
Infamous satanist, Aleister Crowley is the father of First Lady Barbara Bush (wife of President George H. Bush). All of these presidents are also high level Freemasons.
Let me guess: 33rd degree, right?
Homosexuality is a common denominator amongst the world elite, as a means of total debasement of all moral consciousness.
So if all NWO members are homosexual, where those "elite Illuminati bloodlines" come from? I thought you could only become a Loomynarty member via your ancestry.
*DJS' head explodes*
No one is allowed into the inner group who does not perform acts of homosexuality as rite of initiation. To be born-again into the Order of Death (official name of Skull and Bones), initiates must lay naked in coffins and performs unspeakable sex acts, selling their souls to Satan.
Unspeakable sex acts? Such as the dreaded *GASP* lady-on-top position? Or anything not missionary position for procreation? The horror!
Also, you seem awfully concerned with other people's sex lives. I know I have some pretty freaky kinks, but at least I'm not a convicted pedophile, and therefore I'm morally superior to you. You have no right AT ALL to judge other people's sexual preferences.
Fuck you.
The American mainstream newsmedia is also owned and controlled by the Jewish elite. So are all of the social networking websites; including: Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo!, MySpace, eBay, and others.
Well, you listed 3 social networks among the 6 sites you mentioned. Still I'm proud of you. I didn't know you were aware of the existence of anything that happened after the '80s.
These are all Jewish owned, controlled, and censored. Search the internet for "The Jewish hand behind internet."
Wait, if we censor the internet, how can you still post your crap revealing all of our agenda?
*DJS' head explodes*
*His cockhead, since his head has already blown up*
Obama Rothschilds Choice - America's Jewish President.
Please make up your mind whether he's Jewish, Muslim or Atheist! It's contradictory as fuck!
Again, Thank you, Kiddy-Diddler. Your butthurt in this post was even tastier than it was in your rant against Katy Perry yesterday.
My work here is done.