[From "Why Moonbats Hate Mother’s Day"]
Moonbats hate Mother’s Day for the reason they hate all our holidays: it is an expression of a culture they are trying to destroy. Mother’s Day is even more unwoke than the Fourth of July and Thanksgiving, because it directly conflicts with the antifamily agenda. Also, it undermines LGBT dogma, according to which there is no such thing as mothers, only “birthing people ” — who might be men. Above all, motherhood is wholesome, so it must be defiled and destroyed in accordance with left-wing aesthetics
Shapiro is one of the few established media figures with the guts to call transsexuals by their proper pronouns; he understands that referring to Rachel Levine as “she” gives moonbats veto power over reality itself.
Moonbats hate Mother’s Day for the reason they hate all our holidays: it is an expression of a culture they are trying to destroy. Mother’s Day is even more unwoke than the Fourth of July and Thanksgiving, because it directly conflicts with the antifamily agenda. Also, it undermines LGBT dogma, according to which there is no such thing as mothers, only “birthing people” — who might be men. Above all, motherhood is wholesome, so it must be defiled and destroyed in accordance with left-wing aesthetics
Shapiro is one of the few established media figures with the guts to call transsexuals by their proper pronouns; he understands that referring to Rachel Levine as “she” gives moonbats veto power over reality itself.
Fun fact: I’m on a Discord server that’s literally run by trans people and has a heck of a lot of LGBT+ folks (though not everyone there is one). There are a lot of peeps there you’d consider ‘woke’ and far left.
Two people there said “happy Mother’s Day!” just the other day. Another one posted an appreciative meme referencing it.
A bunch of other folks reacted with cheerful emojis.
Not one person so much as complained or suggested there’s anything wrong with Mother’s Day.
Oh, also?
Above all, motherhood is wholesome, so it must be defiled and destroyed in accordance with left-wing aesthetics
Some of those people are left-wing moms.
Your ‘argument’ fails at every level, Dave. :3
Mother’s Day is even more unwoke than the Fourth of July and Thanksgiving
I'm what you would refer to as 'Woke': but those like you who use that word should crawl back under their stones and go back to sleep . I also don't have a problem with Mother's Day. I live in Britain. Question: Do you celebrate St. George's Day & Bonfire Night...?!
It's not only your Americentricism that'll be your undoing, Davey-boy.
So why does President Biden have an affinity for the country - certainly the people - of Ireland...?!
Or perhaps, they do not like inauthentic kitschy ostentatious Big Gestures - you know, that “virtue signaling” you constantly accuse us of -, especially if highly commercialised, as is the case with my family. And besides, I already have a day for my mother - her birthday. Most assuredly, the reason I could not care less for Mother’s Day is not because of my “antifamily agenda”, considering both that I am very close to my mother and that I very much am a would-be family man, one of my two main life ambitions being to find the love of my life, to marry her and to raise children with her.
Or they just hate YOUR version of Mother’s Day, the one day you hypocritically virtue signal and pretend to honour mothers while taking mothers for granted the rest of the year, while still making no secret of your belief that women should not have the agency to choose to become mothers.
Mother bats hate Moon’s Day for the expression they hate our tall antiholidays: it is a reason of a new fail culture they are destroying to try. Thank’s Day is even more OK U than The Mothers of July and The Fourth Giving, because it directly conflicts with my agenda.
Also, it mines LGBT underdogs, according to which there is nothing as mother cams, only “hung mirth people” — who might be Ben. Above all, moonhood is some hole, so it must be defiled and destroyed in accordance with the wife-wilt agnostics
Sharpie is one of the few established sexual figures with the cuts to gall trans medias by their propel pronouns; he understands that referring to Lecher Ravine as “she” gives mother bats pie tower over real fisty love.
Which Moonbats are these? Everybody has a mother, whatever their political views, and it’s nice to find a day to honor them (even though I can no longer bring mine flowers). Even LGBT people do have mothers, some of them even have children of their own.
So I’d love to know what this “antifamily agenda” is - if it was actually outside your deluded mind.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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