Bro. Eric Kalinowski #fundie

Psalm 81:9 “There shall no strange god be in thee; neither shalt thou worship any strange god.”
My great grandparents immigrated to the city of Hamtramck. They built a community of faith, love, care, friendship and support of God and their fellow man. This was a wholesome, godly community that lasted for a long time until there was a movement towards other gods.
When God is exalted as He is and shall be, things are well and His people prosper. But when cultural relativism comes in, we get what happened to Hamtramck as of late.
I have nothing but love for the Christians from the Middle Eastern nations, who are persecuted in every country in the region including the so-called “friendly democracy” of Israel where they spit on Christians as a “custom.” These are our brothers in Christ. But it’s safe to say there was an insurgency of those who worship other gods.
Radical Muslims took over Hamtramck and nearby Dearborn and built the largest mosque in North America in the latter. The city where my ancestors lived now is occupied by the insurgents and the Islamic call to prayer is heard over the loud speakers every day five times a day. The entire city council is Muslim. The public schools have Islamic prayers and serve halal foods. This is in America, not Iran or Saudi Arabia! Christians need to look no further than London or Hamtramck to see what happens when you let false religions take over! The entire Hamtramck city council is Muslim! Renowned atheist Richard Dawkins even had to admit that Christianity is preferable to this insurgence of Islam! Look at the terrorist attack in Louisiana!
We need to do what the charlatan Donald Trump said he’d do in 2016 and ban ALL Muslims! Not just the poor ones or the ones we don’t like but ALL OF THEM, even Trump’s Saudi buddies! We will all look like Dearborn where there’s honor killings or Hamtramck where you can’t even go to the grocery store without hearing praises to a false god on the megaphone unless we all fight back to keep our country Christian! The Muslims hate us and our freedom in Christ so we need to show them the same righteous hatred!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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