Jennifer Bilek #transphobia
"Transgender people should be treated kindly and charitably. But...."
This is the crux of the problem right here:
You cannot hold fast to the corporately generated concept of "tran$gender people," while attempting to fight gender ideology and its harms.
There are no "gender people." No one is "tran$itioning" from their humanity rooted in sex (so far). They are attempting to disown their sex.
Dylan Mulvaney is a man.
We are functioning within the linguistic prison they have built for us and adding more bricks to the edifice, every time we support the idea that the word "tran$gender" means anything coherent.
We can attack the premise or not but we can't expect to have any lasting impact if we don't. It's like mopping the floor with a dirty mop. We just wind up pushing the dirt around.
There are no "gender people." It is a coporately constructed absurdity, used to groom the public for industrial body dissociation.