There’s a Reason These School Shootings Keep Happening
Can evolutionists even claim that school shootings are evil if they believe we’re all just evolved pond scum? In this video, I discuss this topic and share my perspective on it as a Bible-believing Christian.
7:00 AM · Jan 18, 2025 · 4,002 Views
Can evolutionists even claim that school shootings are evil if they believe we’re all just evolved pond scum?
Yes. We do not believe rights and dignity to be a privilege contingent on being arbitrarily handed out or denied by a cosmic despot. And what is wrong with being evolved pond scum, anyways?
Can creationists even claim that school shootings are evil if they believe nothing happens without the approval of an omnibenevolent deity, that any tragedy is in truth working towards the Greater Good in Mysterious Ways, that our lives are just an earthly vale of tears, that our true nature is that of an immortal soul, that dying for a Good Christians means they will just gain their rewards of Heaven earlier and that non-Christians going to Hell are getting exactly what they deserve because everyone but God is worthless?
@Anon-e-moose #216187
Doesn’t happen in Belgium at all either, and we’re for the most part catholic, not protestant, (also a decent atheist and muslim population, but anyway) but we do have strickt gun laws. Funny, it’s almost like THAT’s the problem, not a lack of Ham’s douche of a god in schools…
@Bastethotep #216175
They usually chalk this up to free will, which apparently means that an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent entity could not, is unaware of, or refuses to prevent evil caused by it.
yeah it’s not like your fellow religious people haven’t wrought their hands and wrecked their brains asking themselves WHY DOES GOD PERMIT EVIL?
And haven’t found a satisfying answer, ever.
“Can evolutionists even claim that school shootings are evil if they believe we’re all just evolved pond scum?”
Yes. We evolved into gregarious beings. I don’t need any god’s permission to feel pain at unnecessary deaths.
Nothing in Evolutionary theory teaches that kids aren’t people or that people don’t have value.
"In this video, I discuss this topic and share my perspective on it as a Bible-believing Christian.”
Doubt it. YOu don’t discuss as much as you state, and you malign atheists while you do it.
And i really really doubt that you give any air time to the atheists who could answer the question you’re asking.
Although I don't like to claim you and Mel Gibson, there's only been one school shooting in our country's history, at Monash. After that, they tightened laws against handguns, as they did for assault rifles after Port Arthur.
Not bad for evolved pond scum.
Can evolutionists even claim that school shootings are evil if they believe we’re all just evolved pond scum?
It’s YOU lot who believe that, Hen Kam.
YOU all think people having compassion for others can only be the result of divine creation.
That if there is not now, nor has there ever been, a Creator, the Rule for human interaction is Might Makes Right, As Long As I’M The Mightiest.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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