Various Commenters #transphobia

( HildegardVonBees )

We know that trans and non-binary people have existed for thousands of years.

eye roll

( hmimperialtortie )
They don’t fucking exist now, let alone for millennia. Neither condition is real.

Unless that’s a roundabout way of saying liars and fantasists have existed for millennia, in which case, sure.

( Eava )
And where are all the suicides? How were the morgues not full of teenagers who couldn't live as the opposite sex?

( Carthimundia )
Exactly. Why has this suddenly become a life threatening condition where children need treatment or they will kill themselves? The DSM in the late 80s reported that children with gender dysphoria grow out of it on their own as they mature. Why has this naturally terminating mental health condition suddenly become terminal in the last decade?

( pennygadget )

And where are all the suicides? How were the morgues not full of teenagers who couldn't live as the opposite sex?

Exactly! If trans kids have ALWAYS been a thing and not giving them hormones is a guaranteed suicide, than why isn't history full of child suicides?

On the contrary, child suicide was incredibly rare up until very recently even among kids with hard lives. We didn't see masses of Black kids killing themselves during slavery and Jim Crowe. But I'm supposed to believe that masses of trans eight year olds will leap into traffic like lemmings if Greg Abbott doesn't give them Lupron and let them shit in whatever bathroom they want?



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