Goodspaceguy #wingnut

< Statement of perennial Washington State Space Libertarian candidate>

Elect Prosperous, Octogenarian Goodspaceguy King County Executive (SpaceGuy for short.) To prepare our minds for our amazing future, let us start referring to Planet Earth as Spaceship Earth. On Spaceship Earth, we travel through space around our Sun within our Milky Way Galaxy.

Ages ago, life from Earth’s oceans rose up and gradually colonized the land, a great achievement. Now life’s new destiny is to rise up again and gradually colonize orbital space. SpaceGuy imagines many of your descendants moving up to the greatness of the orbital space colonies.

On Spaceship Earth, SpaceGuy wants to raise the living standard by abolishing the job-destroying Minimum Wage of the Command Economy of stagnant Socialism. The Minimum Wage causes job loss and promotes homelessness and shoplifting. Declare the crime promoting Minimum Wage unconstitutional. Make King County safer.

Government moratoriums on rental evictions are harmful and will probably decrease the supply of rental housing, thereby increasing rents, harming the renters whom the government was trying to help. Move away from the Command Economics of stagnant Socialism. Socialism is always so out of balance and wasteful that it caused East Germans to risk their lives fleeing to West Germany after World War 2.

Starting in King County, let us see how high we can raise the living standard by returning to the economics of Capitalism, where Supply and Demand rapidly adjust wages and prices in search of Profits. Profits are the reward incentives that create employment under Capitalism. Greater profits, greater employment! SpaceGuy wants to make it easy for the homeless and others to get jobs. Starting with King County, let us reject the Command Economy of stagnant Socialism. Embrace the Free Market Economy of Capitalistic Consumerism. Let the Consumers and Taxpayers lead. Elect Goodspaceguy as King County Executive.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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