Lisa Renee #crackpot #fundie #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Guardian Host considers the anti-Christ gestalts as the accumulative results of the selfish choices (STS) and tragic events made over time in dark ignorance as the result of free will that was given, which has led to the utter destruction of their eternal forms to digress into permanent entropy and finite parasitical forms and AI forms. Thus, from defying the Cosmic Order and Natural Laws over many cycles of evolution in a time matrix, they are unable to remember, connect with or experience the God source. Many of the Anti-Christ entities lost their bodies as a result of tragic events and are unable to incarnate into forms in which they can evolve or ascend. Thus, they are stuck in time, unable to evolve and thus use technology to attempt to take shortcuts in gaining access into other dimensions of experience. They are attracted to living and ascending light beings with the krystal coding and thus hijack ascending creations like the planet earth, to gain enough energy to ride into another time matrix or higher dimensional state.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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